A Queen

Chapter 1,276 Bet on 1 battle, 1 person, Tianshu puppet!

Chapter 1276

It is she who causes the abnormality and weirdness, but it is she who breaks the weirdness.

"Looks like something unexpected happened"

The woman's words made the other three people's hearts skip a beat. Daili reflexively realized that the other person was talking about him...

"I think so too," Dai Li responded lightly, then looked at Yin Shang: "Your goal?"

Dai Li didn't know much about what kind of person Yin Shang was. He just knew that the other person was by no means a simple person, but... he was also extremely conceited.

"Huangfu Yuqing" Yin Shang smiled, "Do you know him?"

There wasn't even a test, he went straight in!

"If it's Yu Qing whose blue clouds are gloomy and the water and trees are clear, then we know each other."

Dai Li stared at the person standing at the door.

I know...it's very strange. Don't you know me? You can't recognize me even if you meet me face to face, so you still have to rely on your name?

The man looked at Dai Li. The color of his eyes was very different. It was a slightly darker but clean green. He looked at her quietly and said, "But I don't recognize you."

Dai Li: "Really...then I saw it wrong"

It’s really this guy, I didn’t expect to be here~~ No wonder she felt familiar after seeing it several times before, and she didn’t know what method this guy used to hide his appearance~~

But it seems that there is a secret behind it, and I have to hide it. Now here... Is I finally cornered?

Dai Li sighed with emotion and smiled bitterly in her heart. She never thought that she would reunite with her first subordinate and friend in this way.

Daxia back then, Sifang Tiandi today...


Yin Shang's eyes were dark, and his gaze moved back and forth slowly and calmly across the two of them.

Even the woman's thoughtful yet half-smiling gaze became an unsettling element in the silence.


"I wonder if Mr. Jun can have lunch?"

What broke the silence was this sentence.

Dai Li was shocked, and so were the others!

They all looked at Yin Shang.

This person clearly behaves in a non-evil manner, but why does his behavior always give people a sense of incomprehension?

Dai Li secretly nodded, and couldn't help but pursed his lips, was he feeling like a demon again?

Is this guy trying to figure everything out, or is he just making fun of the world?

His attitude towards her was too...

But Dai Li smiled slightly: "Not yet, it seems that Young Master Yin wants to treat me to dinner?"

This guy's style of painting also changes quickly.

Yin Shang gently held the handle and smiled elegantly: "It's an honor."

Another agreement reached.

A dinner date, a missed opportunity.



The man in front of the door suddenly said: "Yin Shang, would you like to have a bet?"


It seems that Yin Shang, Dai Li and that woman, including the Jie family brothers and sisters who have been watching the show for a long time, are still from Longrui Temple...

Everyone was surprised by this.

Tan Feng and others were in the distance, and an eminent monk frowned: "Yu Qing, he..."

Tan Feng shook his head and sighed softly: "If you can't let go of some things, you will inevitably lose something. If you are not willing to settle down, you will definitely not be settled. This is the path he chose, and it is also the path His Highness asked him to choose... We cannot interfere. "

Several eminent monks could only sigh.

As for this bet~~

What kind of person is Yin Shang? Although he is of the younger generation, many of the older generation have been chewed to pieces by him. His ruthlessness and cruel methods are too numerous to describe.

How can Yu Qing defeat this man!

Attacking by force will not work, you can only outwit them.

"Bet... you seem to be sure that I won't refuse" Yin Shang smiled, "Okay"

He didn't even ask what the bet was.

Ridiculously confident.

This Yu Qing... has a bad temper.

Dai Li can only be helpless,

Stand there and watch.

"What are you betting on?" Yin Shang asked.

"Let's make a bet. I'll come and you choose someone," Yu Qing said slowly.

"One person?" Yin Shang raised his eyebrows.

"what ever"

Yin Shang smiled, "Then just one person, win, give me what I want, lose, I won't embarrass you today."

One person versus another person, but it is absolutely impossible to be Yin Shang himself. He is proud and arrogant... Huangfu Yu Qing is not among his worries.


He glanced at the middle-aged man, and the man walked out.

The ultimate king.

Dai Li saw through the opponent's strength at a glance.

And Yu Qing flew up...and the middle-aged man also flew up.

Hundreds of meters in the air, the middle-aged man directly sacrificed his energy...

When everyone thought he was going to die, Yu Qing waved his hand and buzzed~!

A ball of light was thrown out.

Before everyone could see clearly what the light group was, they saw them fighting with the middle-aged man.

Dai Li swept it with his eyes of reincarnation.

The so-called fighting is not between people and people, but between people and weird-looking puppets, like a giant puppet beast with abnormal strength.

Jie has always been silent, but at this moment he whispered: "... very strong, the ultimate emperor"

"It's very powerful, but what is that? Are puppets so powerful?" Li Qing stretched his neck and couldn't see clearly what the puppets looked like, because they moved too fast. They fought with the middle-aged man, and the aftermath of the battle was very serious. Strong, the surrounding open space was destroyed to a state of disgrace.

But Li Qing immediately added: "The boss seems to know that person. When did they hook up?"

Looks like an old friend.

"Didn't I tell you, my real name is Huangfu Yuqing?" Fan Li said softly, then sighed.

Daxia is like this, how many heroes have it produced.

The guard who was closest to Dai Li back then seemed to have grown up in adversity just like Dai Li. In comparison, he and Fatty were the most stable.

Most of the people in Longrui Temple were watching this battle.

"The Tianshu puppet of the Huangfu family... I didn't expect this person to still have so many puppets~~" Xie Lianhuan smiled softly, "Huangfu Yuqing, it is said that the illegitimate son who was not favored by the Huangfu family turned out to be the most favored one. It’s no wonder that a person whom I value so much can escape the disaster and is now becoming more and more mature.”

The fight in the sky became intense, and Dai Li suddenly calmed down. He secretly thought that she was not the only one who had made progress in these years. No matter who the people in Daxia were, weren't they all making progress?



The Tianshu puppet collided with the middle-aged man. Each of them retreated a hundred meters, causing a burst of energy in the space. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a stream of light and killed...

At the middle point, the middle-aged man’s clone appears!

Join forces to kill!

At that moment, Yu Qing's hand also grasped the long sword behind his back, pulled it out, and casually slashed it in the air...

The claws of the giant puppet beast also reached behind it... and they brazenly pulled out a bone sword from its back!

The sword comes out and cuts! ! !

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of overlapping waves of swords swept over each other, like the waves of an angry sea, layer by layer.

It flows across the sky like a giant wavy light umbrella!

After a while, the middle-aged man covered his wrist.

The meridians above have been severed.


The people in Longrui Temple were surprised, but also silently overjoyed.

Dai Li also raised the corner of his mouth slightly, he won, that's awesome...

People are great, and so are the puppets.

Yin Shang didn't seem to care about Huangfu Yuqing's unexpected victory, and just turned to look at the woman under the tree.

Huangfu's secret technique - Tianshu Puppet, it seems that we have the same plan.

The middle-aged man fell back without saying anything, but returned behind him under Yin Shang's calm gaze.

If you lose, everything will fall apart.

The besieged dead soldiers dispersed and were free~~ On this day, Huangfu Yuqing was free - at least Yin Shang would not take action again.

As for that woman...

The woman suddenly stood up, and her wide sleeves that were originally placed on the table fell down. Her eyebrows were slender and heroic. As soon as she stood up, her tall and beautiful frame was very graceful, and her appearance was magnificent, divine, and honorable. Without losing the charm and elegance.

It's light and shallow, like running water for no reason and hard to grasp, and like the white snow on the mountains. It's hard to describe with words, the mountains are split apart, and the pen and ink are hard to draw.

Hardness and softness are all in her mind.

Dai Li felt that this man's slender body contained astonishing destructive power.

From her eyes.

Cold, quiet, but deep.

Lock the soul.

She only glanced at Yu Qing and said, "I'll give you three days."

Leave the Demon Realm.

Yu Qing was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, how could this person...

"Your Highness is rarely tolerant." Yin Shang's smile was very shallow.

The woman glanced evilly: "You, Yin Shang, are allowed to be so heroic just to make someone smile, but you are not allowed to tolerate me even once?"

Um...that's it~~

Dai Li suddenly felt like he had been shot. Could this man's words mean that Yin Shang...

In the midst of doubt, the woman took a step forward and jumped into the air.

Got to go?

Come low-key, stay calm, and leave casually.

At this moment...suddenly, she turned her head...


Reflexivity raises its head.

"Your things... are well kept. I'm just giving them a face."

The woman held a piece of autograph between her fingertips, flicked it, and it flew away in front of her...

After Dai Li caught it, the woman was nowhere to be seen, not even the three devil-faced men.

It was the blank signature. Daili frowned as he looked at the signature. This thing... was inexplicable.

However, the woman's intention was obvious. She was letting Yu Qing go now, but in three days, her troops would kill him without mercy.

It comes from this woman's transcendent self-confidence and murderous intent.

Tolerant on the one hand, chilling on the other, unpredictable, this is the feeling she gave Dai Li.

The second feeling...should be that the other person is as beautiful as myself.

The third feeling... is extremely proud. Three days is two days longer than one day for Yu Qing. She is confident, proud, and competitive...


An hour is not enough time for everything to settle, especially gossip.

It was getting worse and worse, the triangles and corners were intertwined, and the relationship was confusing. Based on the identity of the woman and the existence of Yin Shang, those people did not dare to talk about it, but secretly they wanted to hold a symposium~~

Regarding this situation, Longrui Temple was a little dissatisfied and directly launched a big move - come on, come on, the jade lotus to ward off evil spirits was unleashed.

Wow, all the gossip was wiped out in an instant.

Almost everyone is speculating whether they can get the Jade Lotus to ward off evil spirits...

It was finally quiet.

At this moment, Daili was with Yu Qing, Li Qing and others.

"Di Lin Mansion" Yu Qing said this word.

"I heard Yin Shang say before...what's the meaning?" Li Qing said,

"Meaning?" Yu Qing shook his head, "She is a symbol in her own right."

In fact, when the word Dilin Mansion fell into Dai Li's ears, the identity of His Highness was already revealed. R1152

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