A Queen

Chapter 1,277 The most willful treat in history

Chapter 1277

In the Demon Realm, Dilin Mansion is a very special area. It is a large territory located behind the Demon City. It is said to be the context of the Demon Realm. The owner of Dilin Mansion is named Fifth Qingsha, and is known as Disha Mansion. Lord, her last name is fifth.

"Fifth? What a strange last name... Is it ranked fifth?" Li Qing joked.

Dai Li and others all looked at him coldly.

"The ruling family of the Demon Realm is called the Royal Family. It can also be called the first family, and its surname is also the fifth." Fan Li said quietly.

"Fifth, first...can you tell the difference?"

Then Li Qing became Spartan.


Isn't that the boss of the Demon Realm!

I go!

No wonder that woman’s aura is so terrifying~~

"The master of a dignified palace is still the most core palace after the Demon City. He holds the power alone, and his background is really big," Dai Li said with emotion.

"If she comes from the royal family...then she is the Emperor Ji?" Li Qing was afraid to look at the woman because the aura of the invisible presence was too strong.

"Not the Emperor Ji. Only the daughter of the Demon Emperor can be called the Emperor Ji. She is not..." Fan Li shook his head.

Dai Li was already leaning against the pillar, squinting his eyes, and smiled softly: "The only sister of the same mother as the Demon Emperor is also the youngest daughter of the Demon Ancestor. She has a son when she is old. It is said that she has been favored by the Demon Ancestor and the Demon Emperor since she was born. ...If others are born with silver spoons in their mouths, she is the one who holds the most precious golden spoons in the Demon Realm...or several of them."

The two golden spoons of Demon Emperor and Demon Ancestor alone are enough for this pearl to eat all the wealth in the world.

No wonder that his overall awe-inspiring demeanor is the kind of confidence that can only be cultivated by the first family and the most noble status.

No wonder Yin Shang was a little polite to her.

"Hey, these people are really not comparable to others..." Li Qing and others were very emotional, but Yu Qing said: "Her birth is indeed the best in the Demon Realm, but regardless of her strong background, the most terrifying thing is that she inherited She is the ultimate bloodline of the Demon Realm, which is the same as the Demon Emperor. Legend has it that she reached the integration stage at the age of 20. At the age of 30, she sat on the throne of the Lord of the God Lin Palace, sitting on the second capital city under the Demon City, and holding tens of billions of soldiers in the Demon Realm. ..Such a person...never thought that I could escape with my life.” (In reality, we talk about the importance of face. In the world of Xianxia, ​​bloodline is the most important, dear friends~~)

Yu Qing had been able to maintain his composure when facing Yin Shang before, but when he thought of the horror of Fifth Qingsha, it was impossible to feel guilty.

She almost means the most powerful and majestic force in the Demon Realm.

But when he said this, everyone looked at Dai Li.

——What is your relationship with her?

Dai Li lightly flipped up his short hair: "Maybe it's because I'm as beautiful as her."


After all, Fifth Qingsha was a taboo topic, so everyone quickly diverted their attention. Li Qing and Fan Li left tacitly, leaving behind Dai Li and Yu Qing.

Dai Li sat sideways on the railing with a very casual posture. She looked at Yu Qing and smiled: "How many years have we not seen each other?"

"Almost 14 years." Yu Qing didn't want to reveal that he was particularly concerned about this time of separation and remembered it very clearly, so as not to let the other party know... how much he missed those days in these years.

Even though he was so humble at that time, without any radiance, he lived like an ordinary person under her wings, watching her step by step to expand the sea and the sky...

If he was asked to choose again, would he still accept the fate he had escaped from, or would he be like Li Qing and others... always by her side?

"Fourteen years...it's so long." Dai Lixinxing, a free and easy-going person, felt a little sad at this moment.

"For most people who are cultivating immortals, they are not that long...For you, it seems to be a little longer." Yu Qing looked at Dai Li with a deep look. She didn't even know how much she had changed? The appearance alone makes people unable to take their eyes away.

He saw her for the first time in Fenchuan. Although he recognized her at first sight, his mood at that time...

Not for outsiders.

"Heh, are you praising me for being young?"


All the admiration in Yu Qing's heart disappeared instantly, and he said with a straight face: "As your subordinate, can I say no?"

"Subordinate?" Dai Li asked back, then laughed: "You are aware of it, but not anymore..."

"Being a human being has a beginning and an end, but that's not the case now," Yu Qing said calmly.


Dai Li stared at him and saw Yu Qing lowering his eyes, "I have to wait until my matter is settled..."

If he wasn't afraid of implicating her, why wouldn't he recognize her when he met her?


She took out two bottles of wine and handed one to him: "If you don't tell me about your business, I won't ask. But it's just about your beginning and end. If you have anything to do, just tell me~~ "

The two clinked their wine bottles together and smiled at each other.

It was a tacit understanding that needed no explanation, and it was also a tacit cooperation.

Wine is refreshing and refreshing. It enters the body comfortably and purely, stimulating the heart. After cooling, it warms and makes people feel intoxicated.

Yu Qing felt like this at this moment. He drank slowly and remained silent until he said, "It's time for me to leave... Otherwise, after Yin Shang and Fifth Qingsha's deployment is completed, I won't be able to leave." "

"Well..go ahead".

Yu Qing did not say where he was going, but the reputation of the Huangfu family was not small, Dai Li would definitely know about it in the future, and he was always a smart person.

It makes no difference if you say it or not.


Yu Qing turned around, and as he flew up, he shook the wine bottle towards Dai Li on the railing, "Your wine is delicious..."

I don’t know when I can drink again...

"Then we can drink together next time we meet..." Dai Li got down from the railing, flicked his sleeves, and smiled: "But you have to bring the wine yourself."

I really didn’t suffer any loss at all.

"Okay." Yu Qing smiled, put away the bottle of wine he just got, and left.

After 14 years of drinking, this was the most comfortable drinking experience he had had in his life.

Also, if he were asked to choose again...he would still choose to leave.

Maybe he is a little dissatisfied. As for what he is dissatisfied about, only he knows.

Yu Qing's departure cannot be hidden from anyone. How many people in the attic watched his departure, how many spies passed on the news, how many people were thoughtful...

As soon as Yu Qing left, Dai Li saw Yin Shang.

She didn't wait for the other party to speak, but put her hands behind her back and smiled: "I, a gentleman, keep my word and say, do you want to drink porridge or porridge?"


There was no one in the Zhaitang at the moment. Due to the special status of the two Dai Li, the master in the Zhaitang was bored anyway, so he just fried four or five simple vegetarian dishes for the two of them...

Of course, there are also two bowls of porridge.

Porridge~~ Or two bowls of white porridge! ! ! Not a single mung bean! ! !

Several of Yin Shang's subordinates stationed at the gate had strange expressions, similar to the feeling of being frightened and having to forcefully calm down.

On the contrary, the two parties involved were very calm.

"Sure enough, there is only porridge in the dining hall."

Dai Li sighed quietly, which made Yin Shang on the opposite side smile: "Limited by the environment."

"Don't you think I'm too perfunctory with you?" Daili's tone was a little light.

"I don't mind" Yin Shang's tone was more casual.

"Actually, I just want to eat it."

The implication is that I don’t care if you like it or not, and I certainly don’t care if you mind or not.


It's hard to find someone else with such a domineering and willful treat, even with a lantern.

Yin Shang pursed his lips slightly and glanced at Dai Li, who was already busy drinking porridge and eating vegetables. His movements were slow and calm, and he was obviously not formal at all.

Naturally, it also meant that...she was extremely uninterested in him.

In fact, it's just perfunctory.

Yin Shang lowered his eyes, tapped his fingers on the table, laughed silently, and took a bite with the spoon. It was fragrant and moist, and he added a bite of crisp and sweet side dishes...

Seems pretty good.


The news that Dai Li had a meal together was just as fast as the news of Yu Qing's departure, and after this news, there was another news.

Master Tanlong from Longrui Temple had just gone to the Zhaitang, which was originally nothing.

But the problem is...

Master Tanlong is the manager who controls the Jade Lotus to ward off evil spirits. Nowadays, many people have been assigned the Jade Lotus to ward off evil spirits. Among them are the brothers and sisters of the Jie family who are of high status or who contributed to the previous war against evil spirits. There are also those who used to follow the Jade Lotus to ward off evil spirits. Long Rui Temple has made friends with masters in the integration stage, as well as those who unfortunately were injured in this disaster...

More or less, they all got some Jade Lotus to ward off evil spirits, but only four of them did not get the Jade Lotus to ward off evil spirits.

One is Yu Qing who left, and the other is Wu Qingsha. The former believes that life is more important than anything else, while the latter doesn't care about this at all. As for the other two...

They were the two people eating in the dining hall.

Moreover, Tanlong took the initiative to come to the door instead of sending someone to deliver it. Obviously, the jade lotus to ward off evil was not an ordinary thing.

At this moment, in the dining hall.

Dai Li and the two saw Master Tan Long, who was tall but with a shiny bald head. They heard that this master was much stronger than Tan Feng, and he was considered the top one in the integration period.

It's just that at first glance, Dai Li always felt that the other person was the kind of man who went up the mountain to eat meat and drink wine, and then went down the mountain to kill pigs and pick up girls. Well, he was the kind of man like Lu Zhishen.

Tanlong didn't care about the look in their eyes, but said to himself: "Pindao is here this time to present the third-grade jade lotus to ward off evil."

Dai Li just heard about this from Li Qing and the others, and raised his eyebrows...

"Master Jun, I think you also know where the Jade Lotus to ward off evil comes from, and you must also know that your own contribution is not small. You deserve this Jade Lotus to ward off evil."

Tanlong stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand was a third-grade jade lotus to ward off evil spirits. It exuded the aura of justice, freshness and grace, with a strong meaning of Buddhism.

It makes people's soul shake when they see it, and when they smell it... it seems that the world is much better.

This is the Jade Lotus to ward off evil spirits. The third grade alone is so powerful~~

"Thank you very much." Dai Li was not ashamed at all. He took the evil-warming jade lotus generously, played with it in his hand, and looked at Yin Shang. Before he could ask, Yin Shang calmly said: "Third-grade jade lotus." If Lian gives it to you, Jie Jia Lian Lian will be in a hurry."

Dai Li raised his eyebrows, "Unlock the chain?" R1152

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