A Queen

Chapter 1,278 The third-grade jade lotus to ward off evil spirits has returned!

Chapter 1278

As if he knew that Dai Li was interested, Yin Shang raised his eyes and looked at her; "I will always do whatever it takes to solve Liancheng's needs."

Hearing this, Dai Li glanced at him and smiled: "Really... That's a coincidence."

Tan Long was not interested in the affairs of the two of them at all. When he saw Dai Li picking up the third-grade Yulian, he said, "If Mr. Jun still has time, please meet with us to host..."

The host... Dai Li was moved in his heart and agreed: "Okay"

Then he said goodbye to Yin Shang and left with Tan Long.

As soon as she leaves.

Yin Shang, who originally had a slight smile on his face, glanced at the other party's half-bowl of porridge and barely touched side dishes.

The faint smile faded away in a moment, the ancient well had no waves, and the eyes were bottomless.

She was so perfunctory, but she still came to have such a meal with him, obviously because of Yu Qing.

But the resistance to him runs deep.

"Huangfu Yuqing..." Thinking of the two people drinking and laughing in the corridor just now...

Yin Shang slowly finished the porridge in his bowl, stood up slowly, picked up his cane, and walked out of the dining hall step by step.

From a distance, several eminent monks from Longrui Temple shook their heads when they saw it.

Such deep anger and murderous intent.


Dai Li met the abbot of Longrui Temple, who was making tea. She couldn't do this kind of thing for Liba people under the white snow in the mountains, but she didn't have such a pretentious appreciation. She just sat and watched...

——Waiting for tea.

"Master Taichi is very satisfied with the donor," the abbot put down the teapot and said with a smile.


When Dai Li thought of the so-called tsundere Qilin in his childhood transformer, he smiled: "I thought he would say bad things about me."

After all, she was so angry, wasn't she?

The abbot also smiled: "He said you are very special...I think so"

"If you're not special, you're mediocre. I think I'm not mediocre." Dai Li doesn't know what modesty is at all. She thinks that's how it should be, so that's it.

Say whatever you want.

The abbot seemed to have known what kind of person Daili was, and he just smiled lightly at her confidence: "It is true that she is not mediocre, but it is easy to break if she is too strong. I hope the donor can be careful."

There was something in the old man's words. Dai Li narrowed her eyes, thought for a moment, and asked, "Master Dilin?"

The abbot nodded: "In front of you is the empress of the Dark Bamboo Domain who is the only one in the world. She is a woman, and no one in the world dares to look down upon her. Among them is the Palace Master of Dilin from the Demon Domain. Her methods... probably only the dead can appreciate. One or two...Although you, the benefactor, are talented and intelligent, you are still young. As for the Huangfu family, just let nature take its course. If you intervene forcefully and ruin what she wants...she will not show mercy."

Dai Li knew this from the beginning, but the secretive old man reminded her so seriously, as if he knew something. Suddenly, Dai Li remembered that Li Qing had said before that the old man had predicted that she could successfully help Tai Chi solve those evil spirits. Ghost...seems to have the power of great prophecy. Could it be that he also predicted that she would be in crisis this time?

And this crisis still comes from the fifth light sand.

When I think of the meaningful look in that woman's eyes before she left...

Dai Li thought for a while and said: "Although I don't think that man can conquer heaven, I also know that there are things to do and things not to do. Whether life or death is not determined by heaven, nor by others. It is based on my thoughts. In this way, life and death are not determined. Pity"

Meaning...if she knew Yu Qing was in trouble, would she still take action?

The abbot shook his head and sighed: "That's all, you two are somewhat destined, maybe she will show mercy when the time comes."

This old man seemed to think that she would be killed by Wu Qingsha.

However, after Dai Li drank a cup of tea and chatted with the abbot for a few words, she stood up and left, because she was actually in a hurry.

When she went out, she saw Tan Feng,

Just walked over.


Daili left, and many people also left. The Jie family brothers and sisters were a step slower than Daili, because Jie Liancheng liked some scented tea from Longrui Temple, so they went to find some. When she came back, Jie Liancheng was waiting for her, but in Looking at a box on the table...

"Brother, you can look at me like this. I guess it was sent by someone else, and it should not be a gift." Xie Liancheng was very intelligent and could see through the strangeness of Lian Lian at a glance.

Xie Lianhuan smiled softly and stood up: "Just smile, this thing is not for me."

"Huh?" Jie Liancheng was surprised, walked over and gently opened the lid of the box.

When he saw it, he was stunned.

"The third-grade jade lotus to ward off evil is a treasure that is extremely useful to you... but that person was sent to you by someone from Longrui Temple~~~"

Jie Lianhuan stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back: "If it is because of your kindness in helping her to save her, then he is a kind and righteous person. If not... then he is intentional. Unfortunately, she is a woman."

Jie Liancheng was speechless for a moment, but his face was filled with laughter and tears.

After a while, she suddenly chuckled: "It's not that she has intentions, it's that Young Master Yin Shang has intentions~~"

Of course, this doesn't mean she has anything to do with Yin Shang, but...

On a huge flying boat leaving Longrui Temple, Yin Shang stood in front of the railing, looking at an ancient road below...

Many of them left Longrui Temple and headed to the Demon City.

There must be her.

"Sir, Miss Jun gave you the jade lotus, why didn't you accept it?" a handsome man asked softly.

Your Excellency, isn't it that you are attracted to that charming woman?

"I accept it, and everything will be settled in the future... and the Jie family brothers and sisters helped her. With her temperament, she will definitely keep it in mind, visit her home, and then go to the magic city together... Jie Lianlian is always able to win people's hearts, so for her She...~~" Yin Shang stopped talking, just narrowed his eyes, the cold light in his eyes was broken, but he was playing with a jade lotus in his hand as nonchalantly as a child. He did those things, including deliberately mentioning the Jie family brothers and sisters. , with her intelligence it is impossible not to see what he is asking for, but she still ignores it, as if it is unintentional, but it can also be cruel.

If it were anyone else, he would have become angry or given up long ago~~

What a pity~~

Jun Zili, when will you discover that we are the same person?

Never give up what you want.


A large part of the people who left Longrui Temple must go to the Magic City, and the place where the Magic City is in turmoil is not something that ordinary people can control. There are surging undercurrents and heroes standing side by side. What is waiting for them to leave? What kind of situation?

But before the storm, rumors about her stay at Longrui Temple had already spread.

Including the matter of the third-grade evil-proofing jade lotus, there were originally many masters in the integration stage who were a little confused and dissatisfied with her getting the third-grade jade lotus. Until Longrui Temple publicly issued a statement saying that Junzili Yong had seized the evil blood beads of all spirits. He also helped Taichi Qilin purify many evil ghosts in the Thousand Buddha Cave. His merits are not small. It is natural to get the first or third grade Jade Lotus, and he will be a friend of Longrui Temple in the future...

As soon as such an official statement came out, many people were awestruck and wondered why they were treated so well by Longrui Temple. No wonder the Taichi Qilin would deliberately take this guy away. It must be that there is something special about him...

However, it is inevitable that some people are jealous, secretly saying that Daili is just a matter of luck, he happened to be chosen, and this is how he got great benefits. If it were them, how would he get it... Anyway, it is all kinds of assumptions.

As everyone knows, although what Daili Gang Taichi Qilin did was simple, no one in the entire Longrui Temple could do it.

1. Are you brave enough to get the All Souls Evil Blood Bead? And use it?

Second, in a short period of time, who else can eliminate the evil nature of the evil blood beads of all spirits, except this great prince of the blood clan? It doesn’t matter if you don’t see the red unicorn!

No one can do these two simple things, and Daili who can do this easily can think that he is just lucky this time, inspiring a hidden mission with huge rewards, but he doesn't know that others are far away I'm not qualified to see it that way.

Strength is strength, and ability is ability. Otherwise, how could Longrui Temple and Taichi Qilin be so generous?

Of course, after this incident, many people are also curious about Dai Li's identity.

People from the Demon Palace... Are there people like this in the Demon Palace?

From the Immortal Palace?

Of course, Daili was not the only one who was famous. As soon as the name Huangfu Yuqing came out, many people in the Demon Realm became very excited.

Huangfu of Siam is a family with quite a reputation. It was swallowed up by Yin Shang before, taking advantage of the Yin family's power. However, since there are remnants, it is obvious that they have left behind treasures, and some forces also know that the Huangfu family has other secrets...

Although Yin Shang and the Yin family are very scary, many people still have greedy hearts. Undercurrents began to stir for a while. Many departure places in the Demon Realm were closely guarded and monitored. Masters and apprentices captured Yu Qing alive...

The Demon Realm is so restless, so what about Siam, the hometown of the Yin family and the Huangfu family?

Siam is a large group domain that ranks at the absolute forefront among large group domains. Not to mention its strength, its situation and environment are unparalleled.

I don’t know how much more beautiful it is than the Demon Realm, otherwise it would not be possible for even the only demon born in the Blood Prison to be cultivated in Siam...

Speaking of Yaoluo, Daili still can't find a way to raise it realistically. Can he only keep it in his dantian?

This food also gives me much better energy...

"That person Yin Shang is... very scary." When Fan Li and others followed Dai Li to the Demon City, they were also talking about some of the things that had happened before, including Yin Shang.

"When he gave the demon Luo as a gift, he must have guessed that the young master likes it very much and couldn't bear to let it wither, so he had to collect it. This is a debt of gratitude, and after collecting it, he must raise it, but this place in the Demon Realm seems to There is no place to cultivate it, and then, the only choice is to go to Siam...Siam is his base camp, and his intentions can be imagined...So I feel that no matter what this person does, he is very calculating. , the plan is so thorough that people can only follow his path..."

He is indeed a terrible person. He had already felt it from the beginning of Daili. The gift from Yao Luo was something that people could not refuse and felt indebted to.

However, there is no mention of the flourishing painting flames of Mo Glacier, which is a silent romance.

He was deliberately lax in his treatment of Yu Qing...

The third-grade Yulian was deliberately transferred...

So scheming.

Most girls have already been picked up. R1152

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