A Queen

Chapter 1,279 Champs in the Water, 2 Women (I’ll give you some beauty benefits)

Chapter 1279

"Boss, what do you think of this guy?" Li Qing and others were also a little curious about the first top-level, rich and handsome CEO who had such a fierce and rough attack, and was rich, powerful, handsome and thoughtful.

Dai Li turned his face away: "He's a nice guy, but he's not suitable for me."

"Why? Because of his scheming? Or his ruthlessness? Or because of Yu Qing?" Li Qing always spoke to Dai Li in a carefree and direct manner.

Dai Li did not answer this question because she had already closed her eyes to practice.

And when Li Qing asked this question, it was a Champs on the Water in Siam.

A woman was sitting on the jade platform on the water in front of the Champs Elysees, with her hands on the frozen sword and her legs crossed, her eyes closed, and she was meditating.

There is only a faint sound of wind, the white embankments on both sides of the bank are splendid bamboo seas, the sky is clear and the air is clear, and thousands of flying flowers fall under the white clouds.

The rain of flowers comes from afar, because Siam is so beautiful. There are seas of flowers everywhere, which are so beautiful. This beauty comes from afar and exaggerates the tranquility of the blue waves of the bamboo forest, making it more and more elegant and hidden.

It's just that the woman sitting on the jade platform on the water is too cold.

She was unmoved by everything in front of her, as if she was isolated from the world and she was the only one.

When a piece of peach blossom fell on the tip of the sword blade, it condensed and turned into a glass ice flower. She opened her eyes and drew with her fingers again and again...

Phew, the frozen sword flew out...


Wherever the sword energy passed, the mirror-calm water surface was cut open... The hundred-meter-high water curtain was completely frozen, and the rest...

The water surface was motionless.

Not powerful?

A light ray of frost sword energy penetrated ten thousand meters!

And it’s perfectly controlled, leaving no trace of ice or snow.

What a skill and realm this is!

When it comes to diving, who is more powerful is the person who jumps and splashes a lot of water, or the person who jumps and makes only a few splashes?

This is the gap.

The woman seemed dissatisfied with the sword strike just now, and frowned slightly...

"Are you not satisfied, or are you feeling uneasy? I rarely see you so restless." The voice from behind made He Jieyu turn his head, with a pale expression on his face: "Why do you have time to come here today?"

The person who came was so beautiful that all the beautiful flowers and rain in front of him lost their color, but He Jieyu turned a blind eye.

Maybe it's because her own appearance is also amazing.

——As for beauties, only beauties are the most calm (of course, except for those lecherous beauties)

"Let me tell you something." Si Qinglei lifted up the hem of his clothes Anran, revealing his flawless white skin and slender calves with perfect curves. He stepped barefoot into the clear water under the jade platform and sat down. It was so ordinary or not very suitable for some people. Her ladylike movements were made very chic and pleasing to the eye, with a certain graceful and graceful calmness.

He Jieyu looked at her: "It doesn't seem like a good thing to say."

Si Qing smiled through tears: "So in your eyes, this is who I am?"

He Jie was speechless.

"She has arrived in the devil's realm"

"..."Not surprisingly.

"Being pursued..."

"..." Not surprising either.

"The person who chased her was a wolf from Siam... The demon gave him a gift... and she also suffered~~~"

After Si Qinglei finished speaking, she turned her head to look at He Jieyu's still cold face, but the sparkle that flashed in his eyes just now did not escape her eyes.

So, Si Qing laughed with tears: "It seems that you don't care much about this old friend."

"She just doesn't know," He Jieyu said calmly with no expression on his face.

Dai Li must not know... The Siamese demon has always had a hidden meaning in Siam.

——The demon Luo Sha is in chaos, you know you are already in love with her.

This is the highest praise and the most direct confession a man can give to a woman. Love at first sight is the most beautiful encounter in the world.

But no one could have imagined... it would be Yin Shang, a whim, or ~~~

"Who knows... Yin Shang... he never gives up until he gets something~~ and he has always been dismissive of women in the past. This time it is so unusual, which is actually interesting..."

"That's his business"

"Yeah, it's his business~~" Si Qinglei's smile is as playful as it is funny, but she has a face that makes people breathe uncontrollably and a special charm that makes her whole body intoxicating. If she smiles, I don't know. How many people shed tears for her.

This is the origin of its name.

He Jieyu was one of the few people who could perfectly resist this person's charm. Perhaps because of this... the other person was especially interested in teasing her.

"You came here just to tease me?" He Jieyu glanced at her.

"Yeah, so have you been teased by me?"


Si Qinglei's legs slid down the water, and the *light was looming~~ With that appearance, no matter how you look at it, there is a bad feeling of teasing.

He Jieyu silently shifted his gaze, overlooking the figures in the nearby floating loft in the distance...

"I think those people must be discussing. I didn't expect that Miss Si, who is usually dignified and elegant and can be called a model of Siamese ladies, would have such a side~~~"

He Jieyu's words made Si Qing cry and raise his eyebrows, and cast a lazy glance towards the attic...


The entire attic was shrouded in light, and then those people were forcibly pulled out, and then~~~


Drag deep into the water.

There was no time to even shout for help.


Si Qinglei had already stood up, without putting down her calves. She just stood on the jade platform and looked into the distance, saying calmly: "I am so humble, you are not qualified to comment on me."

That side, that side.

There is also the low-key and peaceful side of Nanlin, which is all filled with tears.

If Yin Shang is an indifferent wolf in Siam that can kill the older generation, then Si Qinglei is the most perfect model statue among the aristocratic group who stands in the upper city building of Siam.

"It's a bit boring on weekdays, so it's more interesting to come here..."

"I am also a boring person. I can't help you feeling this way." He Jieyu has had a distant relationship with this person over the years, and he can be regarded as an ordinary friend.

She thought so, but she didn't know that in the eyes of outsiders, Si Qinglei, who had always been unapproachable and almost ruthless, was far from being friends with her.

"You are really boring, but those people are pretending to be interesting... But the person you are thinking of is really interesting. I am kind of looking forward to her coming to you soon... Also, you really don't want to know her What’s the real situation now?”

"In no mood"

"Ha~~" Si Qinglei bent down and put down the hem of her clothes, her hair fell down, and with a flick of her sleeves, she left.

Easily come, easy go.

This place has always been like home to her.

He Jieyu frowned tightly after she left, thinking of some of her previous words...

Yin Shang... Yao Luo...

Peng, the hundred-foot-high ice curtain shattered.

Not far away, those who came because of the movement of some people who were dragged into the water were startled by the ice curtain.

"Let me go, her strength has improved again! One small step in three days, one big step in ten days!... Abnormal!"

"He is indeed a genius who makes Master and others feel like they are treasures!"

"This is the kind of person who can allow a high-minded person like Si Qinglei to bring her back... By the way, don't you think the two of them are so... they have never had anything to do with men, but they They are especially special to each other~~Are they really..."

"Shh, you don't want your life! How dare you say such things~~"

Although I don’t talk about it, how many people know this rumor~~

Legend has it that He Jieyu, a peerless genius with mysterious origins and a top-class cold beauty, belongs to Si Qinglei...

If Daili knew that his senior sister had been "tampered with", he would definitely rush to kill him~~~

Let go of Senior Sister! let me!


Another outrageously extravagant teleportation, and in less than two days, Dai Li arrived in the Demon City.

The Demonic City is where the Demonic Realm thrives.

As expected, the sight was full of prosperity and powerful people, but Dai Li also had a high vision, and he treated all the king-level and emperor-level combined-stage people who were walking on the street in front of him equally.

After all, those who see too many masters will get tired of them.

She cares more about local architecture.

"what is that?"

Like many people, the first place she noticed was the most conspicuous place in the sight of the huge magic city.

A Tongtian Bridge spans the Tianmo River, the only river in the magic city, and separates an island in the center of the Tianmo River. The island is not small. After all, it is the land of immortals. It is strange to be small, but it is definitely not big. Anyway, it is bigger than The huge Demon City can only be regarded as one ten thousandth of its area.

There are many strange buildings on the island, most of them are huge, but there are also independent attics...

The most eye-catching one should be the Nine-Sky Black Tower towering into the clouds.

There is also the huge black mountain that is a perfect triangle and resembles a pyramid.

"That's the Demon Suppressing Tower and the Demonic Mountain?"

Li Qing understood Dai Li's thoughts and immediately started chatting with the person next to him who was responsible for guarding the teleportation array.

The man's eyes lit up when he saw the Demon Palace Deputy Palace badge hanging on Dai Li's waist. Instead of talking to Li Qing, he took the initiative to salute Dai Li and said, "Your Excellency, you are right, the Demon Suppressing Tower is there. Tianmo Mountain is the holy land of the Demonic Alliance in our Demonic Domain."

"Holy Land? I thought it was located in the Demon City..." Dai Li was surprised and looked at the island. It turns out that this island also has an origin?

"It can be considered as being in the Demon City, but the island is called Tianmo Island, which is where the headquarters of our Demon Alliance is located. Most of the demon elites have to go inside to report, and if they want to plunder points and practice, Tianmo Island is also the first choice, but they have to enter Demon Island also requires certain conditions, not everyone can enter..."

After saying this, the man flattered him and said: "Of course, outstanding elites like your Excellency must be included among them."

The look in his eyes was really good. Dai Li smiled and left.


Since she is from the Demon Palace, she naturally has to go to the Demon Palace branch to report first. Dai Li's identity has already been registered. When she arrived, the Demon Palace branch in the Demon City became a little restless.

Because it is a branch of the Demon City, its scale is also very large. It is located in the prosperous place of the Demon City, and there are naturally many people from the Demon City coming and going. As soon as I heard that the genius who made an exception for the Master of the Immortal Palace has arrived, Many people are eager to return and plan to take a look at the stunning appearance of this super new legend. R1152

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