A Queen

Chapter 1,280: I'll kill you with a knife! (Xuyurousi and Shibi+)

Chapter 1280


What he saw was a young man who made all men ashamed to meet others.

He walked in with his hands behind his back and lazily stepping on wooden clogs.

As rumored, he likes to show off in men's clothing, and his temperament is also very different from others...

When reporting, Dai Li asked the Demon Palace deacon: "What are the requirements for entering the Demonic Island?"

The deacon of the Demon Palace was not surprised at all about the issue of substitution, and said respectfully: "The conditions are relatively simple. Anyone who is an extreme king or above in terms of strength can enter. If you have a special status, you can also enter with the entry card of Tianmo Island. There is another one: Paying ten magic crystals counts as one day's entry time."

All in all, either you have strength or you have identity!

Or you have money!

"Magic crystal?"

"It's another currency. Tens of billions of spiritual crystals can be exchanged for one magic crystal. It's especially popular among those above the imperial level, but the only place to exchange it is here in the Magic City."

Oh, no wonder, although Dai Li had already guessed that there would be another currency, he never thought that tens of billions of spiritual crystals would be comparable to a single magic crystal.

Her wealth now includes more than three trillion spiritual crystals, so does that count as more than three hundred magic crystals?

This unit of wealth has shrunk dramatically.

"Then can you exchange it here?"


Daili directly exchanged more than 300 magic crystals, and the rest were just a few fractions of spiritual crystals. She was very ashamed that more than 3 trillion yuan was reduced to more than 300 yuan, and she secretly felt that she had been beaten back to before liberation this time. , but I didn’t expect that when the deacon redeemed it, he said with great admiration: "Master Jun, you have only entered the Demon Realm for such a short time, and it is your first time in the Demon City, but you have more than 300 magic crystals. It is really disappointing. I admire you a lot~~"

It turned out that Dai Li thought that the other party was a habitual flatterer, but seeing that the other party didn't look like he was being fake, he was curious and asked: "Why, there aren't many other people who exchange magic crystals?"

"Your Excellency, you still don't know that magic crystals are a relatively high-value currency in the Demon City. Even those children of aristocratic families only have dozens or hundreds of magic crystals with them, and most of them don't dare to use them indiscriminately. They all keep them and prepare to use them on Tianmo Island. After all, the consumption on Tianmo Island is based on magic crystals... To be precise, magic crystals should be called black crystals. This is a common usage in the four directions, but we people in the magic world generally prefer black, and black crystals It also happens to be black, so they are all called magic crystal."

"I see...can the magic crystal be used in other places? I mean...Siam, Penglai and other places."

"Yes, the essence of the magic crystal is the same as the material they use. It's just that they are sometimes called by different names in different places."

The currencies are unified, but the names of the currencies are not unified.

Dai Li smiled, but she understood the high value of magic crystals. After all, only ten magic crystals can be entered into Tianmo Island at one time... Well, it seems that it can't be described in terms of magic crystals. She herself only has more than 300 magic crystals. Oh~~

Can you only stay on Demon Island for a month?


The deacon has prepared the magic crystal and put it in a small bag. This thing is similar to the Xumi bag, but the material is higher and it is very comfortable to touch.

"If your master's magic crystal wealth reaches one hundred thousand in the future, you can go to Wanbaozhai or other financial groups on Tianmo Island to apply for a magic card and store the magic crystals in it... Magic cards are also a symbol of status. Masters in the entire magic city such as Yun, with a population of hundreds of billions, has a very high base of strong people, at least over a million, but the number of people with magic cards will never exceed 10,000."

"By master, you don't mean king-level, right?"

Millionaire? That's really scary.

"It's the royal level"


After Dai Li got the magic crystal, he also had a strong desire to explore the Demonic Island that people here mentioned many times. He just said a few words to Li Qing and others and asked them to wander around the magic city. As for the Vatican now It's better not to let it out.

After all, the territory of the Demonic City is too large. Although the areas surrounding the capital are secret realms and other places for adventure and experience, the possibility of meeting a strong person is too high. If you are accidentally destroyed, the gain will outweigh the loss, so now I am still being replaced. Jie is tucked away in the sleeves of Qiankun...

"I'm going to Tianmo Island. You guys can go for a stroll by yourselves. Pay attention to your safety." After Dai Li was about to leave, he found that the road in front of him was blocked.

The reason why I use the word "wei" is because there is more than one opponent.

When there are many people, they are surrounded.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and looked at the people at the front of the surrounding group.

She was no stranger to this man, Gongsun Zhi...

Is this sweet potato trying to counterattack?

The breath seems to have broken through a little bit, no wonder~~

"Junzili, long time no see." Gongsun Zhi usually would not consider ten days and a half as a long time no see. The main reason is that he hates this person so much that one day without seeing him is like three autumns apart.

It’s just that the ones I saw in competitions before were stunning beauties, but this one in front of me really made men’s hearts ablaze!

At first, some of the singles in the Demon Palace, who were swaying in their hearts because they heard that Jun Zili was a super stunning beauty and did not want to be enemies, quickly suppressed their pity.

You dress up as a man and look cool and handsome, but you are actually a man!

They think so...

However, thinking about it, the title of the Nine Sons of the Demon Palace not only means a good sound, but also hidden prestige. Dai Li found that most of the dozens of people following him were elite members of the Demon Palace, and all of them had Shaohou hanging on their waists. The brands are obviously of high status.

For such a group to vassal the weakest Gongsun Zhi, one can only imagine the benefits that the Nine Sons of the Demon Palace brought to him.

Dai Li looked at the group of people and found that more and more people were gathering around the huge hall, or watching from a distance, obviously waiting to watch the show...

Let's see if this super newcomer who came from afar can persevere in Gongsun Zhi's counterattack after enduring the humiliation.

Going to the theater? Haha~ Then let you see enough!

Dai Li suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, his brows were like a cold and arrogant flying eagle, and said: "Gongsun Zhi, so now you want to repay Dabi for his defeat?"

Speaking of the competition, it was definitely the most humiliating time in Gongsun Zhi's life.

Because of my shame and the reputation of Zhuzi, the so-called resentment is nothing more than this!

So Gongsun Zhi, who was still a little deep in the city, immediately became furious and snorted: "So what?"


Dai Li lazily leaned against the counter in front of the butler, stretched out his right hand and hooked his index finger.

"Then you come~"

This is unreasonable, it is simply arrogant and has no limit!

Gongsun Zhi gritted his teeth, sneered, and waved his fan with determination~~~

He is going to move, attack, and kill...

Peng! ! ! !


Before a series of crisp sounds.

In the first second, Gongsun Zhi flew to Dai Li in the blink of an eye with a speed that broke through the extraordinary second level speed.

The next second, the quenched poison on his fan had burned into a deep red, red fire poison! The fan dynasty is far away from the neck~~The strength has reached 40,000 counties! This person has indeed made a huge breakthrough, no wonder he is so eager to come and avenge his shame!

In the third second, the right hand that was originally seductive... formed a hand knife! A fierce chop! Like Gu Hong’s sword!

In fact, in that third second, everything was coherent, which can be described like this.

Before the spectators could even blink, Gongsun Zhi, who had been aggressive in sniping, was chopped down with a knife!


His neck was crooked, and his body hit the ground hard, making a dull cracking sound. His energy was suppressed and scattered on the ground. The ground was unobstructed, but the dozens or hundreds of people who followed Gongsun Zhi were all killed one by one. He was swept to the ground, and the crowd collapsed!

Quiet, very quiet.

Someone twisted his wrist and said in a lazy voice: "A good bird chooses a tree to roost in. Please be careful. By the way, I am 29 years old and have only been practicing for 15 years. If you want to change jobs, find some of them." ..I have something else to do, so I’m leaving first.”

Then she left.



The deacon still maintained his previous posture, his mouth wide open, looking at Gongsun Zhi who was motionless on the ground in disbelief. After a while, he exclaimed: "Call someone quickly, Gongsun Zhi was seriously injured and is about to die!!!" "

A knife in one hand almost killed Gongsun Zhi...

This scene left everyone in a state of shock, and in a resting place not far away, Ximen Yun took a deep breath: "It was only during the competition that she was better than Gongsun Zhi, but now, she is I can already kill directly without using any hand gestures~~"

"I thought of Ruan"

These words made Yin Ninzhao, who was sitting next to him, move his brows slightly and his eyes darkly.

Nguyen, that's a myth.

Ximen Yun suddenly drank all the wine in his hand and stood up: "Yin Nianzhao, I think we have to move, otherwise we will be the next ones to be chopped down!"

He could no longer see through this person's strength.

The great sense of crisis made him feel uneasy, restless, or even have a fighting spirit.

If they don't defeat the opponent now and give them another year, they will be able to catch up with them in just one year and kill them with a knife like they are doing now!

Yin Ninzhao nodded, stood up, suddenly paused, and said, "It seems those people are here too..."

"Those few? Humph, they are only interested in the people above them. They will never give away their attention until we are cut off..." Ximen Yun thought of those in the top five. Several people's expressions were slightly gloomy, but there was also deep helplessness in their eyes.

The gap is too big.

Ximen Yun and the two left, but the group of people who fell to the ground thought of something in a daze.

Jun Zili, 29 years old, has only been practicing for 15 years, 15 years! ? real or fake!

"Gongsun Zhi is 163 years old and has been practicing for at least 150 years. Yet he was killed by a sword~~This gap~~"

"Her talent is definitely among the top three among the nine sons of our Demon Palace!"

"It's just that Ruan..."


Li Qing and the others were still in the position of being the boss of our family who was so domineering and invincible that they were overwhelmed by the swarming elites from the Demon Palace in the blink of an eye.

Take your name, take your name, I want to follow your boss!

There were too many people, so Li Qing was quick to think: "Wait a minute, I'll help the boss with something first, you guys wait a moment" R1152

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