A Queen

Chapter 1282: Demon Suppression Tower

Chapter 1282

The rest of the people were too weak to speak when they heard the words, their hearts were shaken, and thousands of heat waves were ignited, calling for wind and rain, the ultimate emperor, under the name of the Demon Suppressing Tower! He is also a top figure in the circle of powerful people in the Demon Realm. What an honor it is!

The only one who was calm and collected left. She crossed her legs and asked the old man: "How many extreme emperors are there on the island?"

"One Thousand and One"

so much!

Just when Dai Li frowned, the other party said meaningfully: "I mean, there are 1008 people with permanent residence rights on the island, and there are more than 100 others..."

Everyone else has fainted from fright, let me go! There are so many powerful people on the island!

The first-level Little Emperor who was making noise just now didn't want to jump off the ship just like that.

Dai Li lowered his eyes and suddenly smiled under the old man's surprised gaze.

"The Demon Realm is so vast, so the Demon Dao Headquarters should be like this..."

What is the heart of a strong person?

The old man no longer dared to look at Jun Zili in a playful manner, and could only sigh in his heart that another tiger was about to come to the island.

Look at the Demon Palace brand on his waist...it seems to be the deputy palace master level.

With such a fresh and young appearance, he seems to be a super cutting-edge person.


The island soon arrived, and people were coming and going at the beach pier. However, when Li and others stepped onto the black crystal tiles on the stairs, they noticed a flash of light in front of their eyes, and their bodies were pulled directly into a world that seemed completely complete. Different world.

The rich spiritual power and the prosperity of the avenue made Daili suddenly feel like he was in the special environment when the 1008 Buddha statues appeared in Qianfo Mountain.

With her strong understanding and sensitivity, this environment is a state of continuous enlightenment!

It is a hundred times more effective for her!

ha! If I had known there was such a place, not to mention three trillion spiritual crystals, even three quadrillion Daili would have been willing to get it and spend it!

Of course, for other people, it is almost several times more effective. This is already very scary. After all, it takes a long time to practice at the king level and above. It takes two years for others, but one year is enough for you. The gap is there. , not to mention that this kind of epiphany effect cannot be described in terms of time.

"Oh my god! I finally know why those people were willing to spend so much spiritual crystal to come in..."

"This place... is terrible!"

However, some people reported that they only had one day and could not waste time!


A group of people immediately dispersed in all directions, even the bald emperor was impatient, so he took a rest.

While looking at the scenery on the island, she walked towards the densely built area.

Each building occupies a large area, some are far apart, and some are very dense, like apartments. There are also pubs, teahouses, and inns on the island...

Of course, there are more weird attics with different names.

Dai Li saw a sign hanging on the door of a residence.

This is what it says.

——The Macho Suicide Squad is recruiting. Recruitment conditions: No restrictions on identity or strength. As long as you reach the tenth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, you can become a member of our Macho Suicide Squad. You can stay on the island by paying three magic crystals every day. Stay overnight, by the way, don’t be scared by the name, beauties are welcome to join~~.

Dai Li smiled as he looked at it. It turned out to be a group similar to a club. It seemed that the island was not scattered, but each grouped together...

I guess there was some power dispute.

But this name is really~~

Dai Li crossed his arms across his chest and smiled when he looked at it. Suddenly, the door opened, and a strong, shirtless man came out. He shouted in a rough voice: "Hey, brother, you want to join us." of?"

"I just came, let's take a look first"

Dai Li smiled and left,

The big man stared when he heard this. He just came.

That means there is no result yet!

Several men shouted from behind, and he complained to them: "I just said that we chose this place poorly. It's remote, small, and not domineering at all. Even the rookies who just came to the island are not good at it." Here we are..."

"Don't shout like a rookie." A tall and thin young man wearing a vest came out. He looked at Dai Li's leaving figure and said deeply: "I can't see through this guy. He must be very powerful~~ and he seems to know a lot about the things on the island." I don’t know anything about this kind of person. It’s best to recruit this kind of person. Let’s go and have a look. If her grades are good, we will recruit her...otherwise, the group leader will chop us up alive.”

It seemed that the leader's reputation was very scary, so these people shuddered one after another, and then followed Dai Li.

Dai Li naturally knew that these people were following her, but she didn't care. When she came to the bottom of the Demon Suppression Tower, she saw the ninety-nine-story tower. This tower looked very strange, not as big as an ordinary ancient tower. Similarly, its first floor has seventeen angular planes, which are divided into seventeen cornices. It looks very strange, but it towers into the sky and is domineering.

Turning his eyes again, he could see seven floating stone walls with a black background next to the tower, with rows of red letters as red as blood on them.

The brushwork is domineering and precise, as if a dragon is flying before your eyes.

If you look closely, you will see that it is the Demon Suppressing List.

From back to front, the seventh to first charts are separated.

Dai Li started looking at the seventh list and found that the names recorded on it were the names from the 7,000th to the 10,000th place on the Demon Suppression List.

Sixth list: 5001-7000.

Fifth list: 3001-5000.

Fourth list: 1001-3000.

Third list: 101-1000.

Second list: 11-100.

First list: 1-10.

I still remember that the old man who was rowing the boat said before that there are so many powerful people on the island. There are at least hundreds of thousands of emperors. If the population is denser, there will be millions. There will be more in special periods. However, there are only 10,000 demon-suppressing seven lists. People can be elected.

And besides the emperor on the island, how many kings are there?

Dai Li has just come along the way. There are countless kings, and the streets are full of extreme kings.

Just when Daili was calculating this data, he discovered that the rankings from seventh to third were changing almost every minute.

Suddenly, several men came over from the side and were eating delicious food. One of them pointed at the seventh list with his chopsticks and shouted angrily: "Damn it! Why don't I just come out and have some noodles! I've been squeezed down again!"

"You're lucky, I was pushed from 9941st to 9942nd. I was pushed out of the seventh list yesterday. Seeing that this month's quarterly ranking calculation is only three days away from starting. If I still can't make it to the seventh list, I will I missed the reward on the seventh list... That’s a guaranteed 1,000 magic crystals and 1,000 points! My heart bleeds just thinking about it!"

"Yeah...one point is worth a lot, let alone a thousand points...I know a master who is on the sixth list. As a result, he was stuck in the realm. He went out to travel and was in danger. It took him a while to come back. As a result, when I came back and found that I fell out of the sixth ranking, I'm going to stop it. Three thousand magic crystals and three thousand points were just wasted. He was crying and wanted to hit the wall and die!"

Dai Li was amused when he heard these people talking about noodles and fried rice, but he couldn't help but sigh at the fierce competition in the Demon Suppression Tower.

After thinking for a moment, she looked at the bottom of the fifth list. Sure enough, there was a reminder below that the rewards for the list of the Demon Suppression List are calculated once a month, based on the results with a fixed final time limit. You will get what you are in wherever you are. There are position-specific rewards, and the guaranteed points and magic crystals for the fifth list are both 10,000.

"The rewards for the fourth list immediately jumped to 20,000, 350,000, 200,000, and the first list is guaranteed to be 300,000! Hiss! Abnormal!"

Dai Li felt excited, but when he thought about the fact that there were no less than 1,008 extreme emperors permanently residing on the island, and how many there were in the fusion period, he guessed that the top three lists were probably contracted by the extreme emperors and the fusion period~ ~

"With my ability, it would be best if I could break into the third list and earn 50,000 points in one month, which would last for six months..."

Dai Li had made good plans and felt motivated. Although the third list was definitely reserved for the Ultimate Emperor or above, she didn't have no chance.


Daili had a certain thought and walked directly into the Demon Suppression Tower.

"I'll go, she's so cool, she doesn't even ask anyone to ask about what's going on inside."

Many of the macho suicide squad men who followed behind were surprised, but some rookies were indeed like this, like Leng Touqing, who thought they could easily pass the Demon Suppression Tower...

"The first five floors of the Demon Suppression Tower are king-level. If this person is emperor-level, it will be easy to pass the fifth floor. But starting from the fifth floor, the pressure will be greater. I don't know which floor she can reach."

"Tch, it's not that easy. Anyone who doesn't have the Emperor level can pass the sixth level. From the fifth to the tenth level, most of those who can pass are the first and second levels of the Emperor level, but some of the second level can't pass the seventh level. But some of the first levels are just passed! It involves mysteries, clones, physique, speed, etc. Simply having high Yuan Li is of no use!"

Although they say this, these people also know that basically the higher the strength, the better they can pass. The strong are the stronger. There are really very few people who can counterattack in the Demon Suppression Tower, unless they are heaven-defying figures.

While they were discussing, someone turned around and saw that Ximen Yun and Yin Nianzhao were behind them.

Obviously many people recognize these two Nine Sons of the Demon Palace, because they are both the best among the triple emperors, and they have the title of the strongest elite of the Demon Palace, so they are naturally eye-catching. At this moment, the two of them heard that these people When discussing generational separation, the expression is weird.

Ximen Yun: "What level do you think she can pass?"

Yin Nianzhao: "Gongsun Zhi was on the eleventh floor before, you are on the twelfth, and I am also on the eleventh. According to her...at least on the twelfth, maybe on the thirteenth."

Ximen Yun: "Oh, are you so sure that she will be stronger than me?"

Yin Nianzhao: "Those were your previous results. How do I know what your results will be after your breakthrough? As for her, I just made an estimate..."

Ximen Yun: "So I really have to go for it. I can't let her surpass me. Of course, you..."

Yin Nianzhao: "No matter how you and I get through, we can't escape this sixth list this month" R1152

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