A Queen

Chapter 1,283 Trial Ranking!

Chapter 1283

Ximen Yun: "What's the matter? Li Shang is praised so much and yet he's still ranked sixth like us."

Yin Nianzhao: "But you can look at the fifth list"

Ximen Yun was suspicious and turned around to look.

Numbers 3001 to 5000 on the fifth list all fell into his eyes. Soon, his eyes were fixed on one name.

Li Shang! No. 4821!

"She's in fifth place!" Ximen Yun took a deep breath. He was in sixth place, ranked 5888th, almost a thousand places behind her opponent.

Obviously, Li Shang made a breakthrough, and it was a big breakthrough!

You must know that almost everyone on the fifth list is a strong person who has entered the fifteenth level of the Demon Suppression Tower. Unless you have passed the fifteenth level, you can’t even think about entering!

And these strong men are all high-level masters in the third level of the imperial level! The kind of person whose strength can surpass 70,000 to 80,000 counties...

Li Shang's ability to enter the fifth list also means that her strength is no longer slightly ahead of them, but has directly crossed a stage and entered the high level!

And to break through before the start of the one-month calculation, directly surpassing hundreds or even a thousand, and entering the fifth list among the top emperor-level experts, this is undoubtedly great news, and will be rewarded within the Demon Palace.

The strong get stronger!

The two of them walked into the Demon Suppressing Tower in silence.

People who are in high positions like them actually have to fight hard, otherwise they will be pushed further and further away...like Gongsun Zhi in the future!

In the Demon Suppression Tower, this is the first floor. There are 99 floors in the Demon Suppression Tower. Each floor is not a direct trial point, but a reception area. There is also a rest area for the trialists, which is similar to a coffee shop booth. In such a place, many trialists are sitting comfortably or distressed at the moment. Either alone or in groups, chatting and laughing...

Dai Li felt a little weird in his heart, but he was relieved. After all, everything remains the same. Whether it is the world of science and technology or the world of immortals, isn't it all to make himself comfortable?

In the fairy world, it is easier to live the most wonderful life.

Dai Li walked to the reception point and asked the beautiful stewardess how to enter the first level of trial.


You can press the magic crystal. Then you can enter the first floor.”

Dai Li nodded, walked over, and pressed the huge diamond-shaped light crystal with his hand.

The body shook. It was teleported to a blank central area, and sounds came from all directions.

"This is the first floor of the Demon Suppression Tower. Check the identity of the soul. It belongs to the newcomer. Record your information for your records."

A stone floated down for no apparent reason. Dai Li knew that this was the soul stone, so he quickly entered the soul breath and some information about himself. Then the soul stone was taken away, and then the empty voice continued: "Junzili. The number is Zi Chou 9999999999. Congratulations, you have now become A new trialist in the Demon Suppression Tower. After entering the Demon Suppression Tower, if you fail, you will be killed. Every time you kill, you will enter a period of weakness. You can choose to continue or leave the Demon Suppression Tower. Go to the Demon Suppressing Medical Clinic outside for treatment and recovery, but if your condition is critical and you have to forcefully enter the second trial, you may die directly. For this, I, the Demon Suppressing Tower, will not be responsible at all."

Dai Li paid attention to his own number at the beginning. Good guy, the number is already in the billions. Moreover, there are two number groups of Zichou in front of it. It is conceivable that the number of people who have participated in the Demon Suppression Tower must be more than one billion or ten billion. It's so simple. After years of precipitation, how many people are there?

As for what the other party said later, although Daili didn't know what the specific situation would be, he still responded and said he knew.

"Now do you want to enter the first level of the Demon Suppression Tower for trial?"

The other party's voice was cold, and Dai Li's voice also turned cold unconsciously.


Then the blank space in front of him began to change, and Dai Li felt as if his body had been moved to other places...

"The first level of the Demon Suppression Trial begins!"

The sound came again, and as soon as the voice fell, clatter, the scene in front of him changed, and a medium-sized grassland appeared. When he raised his eyes, Daili saw a group of hundreds of first-level king-level elephant lions flying towards them ferociously. ...The speed is too fast, and it pounces at the beginning. Unless it is a more powerful king level, it is really difficult to resist.

But as for generation and separation...

In the blink of an eye, seconds!

"The first floor is over, do you want to start the second floor?"


The second level is a thousand first-level king-level demonic cloud leopards, speed-shaped!


The third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor!

From the first-level king-level beasts to the third-level peak beasts, they are all challenging the ultimate power of the king-level beasts. However, in Dai Li's eyes, they are all the same. Just one pupil technique can kill them all in one second. Second.

The realm is different.

"I passed the fifth level, and now I'm going to start the sixth level. Do you want to start?"


The sixth to tenth levels are similar. Although the level of enhancement is almost ten times ten times, it is still within the second level of the emperor level.

Got it!

"Trialist, the eleventh level starts with a special level. The intensity will be much higher than before. Do you want to start?"

eleventh? Since it was specially reminded, it must not be simple. Dai Li estimated that the next stage should be the peak of the second level of the emperor~~



When the eleventh level begins, three emperor-level triple swordsmen, swordsmen, and mages suddenly attack from three directions!

Dai Li finally realized, Damn it, this is not at the peak level of the second level, why not jump directly to the middle of the third level of the emperor!

The Sorrow of Reincarnation~~


The joint attack of the swordsman, swordsman and mage was instantly annihilated, and their bodies dissipated.

"Fortunately, I have the Eye of Reincarnation..." Dai Li pursed his lips.

From the beginning, she was able to solve everything with the Eye of Samsara, but at the eleventh level, she started to jump a lot, and then her pupil technique alone might not be enough.

Level 12!

Thirty triple-level emperors...one emperor-level team! They even sacrificed their clones!

They are all continuous clones!

I go!

Daili immediately used the Eye of Reincarnation, buzz~~~

The soul is weakened!

But he only killed these clones instantly!

Because the clones are used by these bodies to resist soul attacks!

"Damn, computer intelligent control is so fast!"

Dai Li complained, his fingers finally hooked the sword, and Qian Ji came out... It was the vicious soldier approaching the semi-immortal weapon!

As soon as the sword comes out, it sweeps away.


Thirty heads flew up.

"The twelfth level has been passed, shall we start the thirteenth level?"



Outside the Demon Suppressing Tower, it was already afternoon. There was a faint twilight on the river. The sky was not as hot and clear as before, but showed a lazy and warm halo. At this time, it was probably the trial of the Demon Suppressing Tower. This is the time when people are at their laziest, most tired or most idle.

Because as soon as the evening arrives, many people have to leave Tianmo Island and return to the Demon City to spend the night, and the Demon Suppression Tower will also be closed in time and will not be opened until the early morning of the next day.

So at this time, there must be many people who actively or passively leave the trial and walk out of the Demon Suppression Tower...

There is probably only a short buffering time now. There are already many monks in the square in front of the Demon Suppression Tower eating, drinking, and chatting...

But the most densely populated place is another place.

It was an attic building standing next to the Demon Suppression Tower. There were a lot of people coming and going, and I didn’t know what it was for...

Ximen Yun walked out of the Demon Suppressing Tower with a faint smile on his face, and walked directly to the sixth list of Demon Suppressing. His ranking has changed from the original 5888th to 5500th, directly advancing more than 300 places. Because he succeeded from the 12th level and entered the 13th level. Although he finally failed at the 13th level, he persisted for a while, so his score improved and he is now in the 5500th place.

As long as he works harder... he will eventually enter the fifth list, just like Na Lishang!

Just when Ximen Yun was feeling full of ambition, he suddenly saw a flash of light on the fifth list, and the person at the top of his list was suddenly replaced.

Yin Nianzhao, ranked 5549th.

"I think you must be so angry that you want to kill me now..." Yin Nianzhao walked up lazily, with a dull face: "What a coincidence, I'm in front of you."

Ximen Yun's expression froze for a moment, then he suddenly laughed and said with a bright smile: "How could it be possible? Things are changing, and I will be back tomorrow."

Yin Ninzhao shrugged, "We'll see!"

After a pause, he suddenly asked: "Have you found Jun Zili's name?"

Ximen Yun smiled and tapped the sixth list with his finger: "Unfortunately, no."

At this moment, the appearance of the two of them caused the deputy palace masters of several demon palaces not far away to come over. Duan Ze asked, and Ximen Yun replied as always: "If she performs well, according to her strength, she should be in the sixth list." Single, but not”

"It's very strange. There isn't even a seventh-level list. Could it be that she hasn't passed the eleventh level?"

"Maybe she can't pass. It seems that she also performed abnormally when she entered the Demon Suppression Tower for the first time. This is not surprising. Most of the monsters in the Demon Suppression Tower are ferocious and abnormal, and they don't give them any time to react. She is not used to it. It is very possible to be killed directly.”

Duan Ze and others were confused but did not give up. They looked through the sixth and seventh lists and found no results. They could only shake their heads and sigh. Although this is normal, Junzi Li Rui was too powerful before and they were used to it. I had high expectations, but now I am naturally disappointed.

"Okay, just wait until she comes out and ask again..."

Even so, no one thought Junzili was weak, it was just because he was too young and it was his first time.

"Why do I feel that you are giving special preferential treatment to Jun Zili, but she hasn't? Look at how tolerant you all are..." Ximen Yun had a good relationship with these deputy palace masters, so he was just joking.

Duan Ze laughed as if he had offended him: "Don't talk about her. Didn't you guys get ranked seventh when you first came here? Your ranking would be worth hundreds of thousands!"

I go! I was only a king when I came here, okay?

Ximen Yun rolled his eyes and suddenly narrowed his eyes: "That's different. Isn't her talent second only to Ruan? If she doesn't even enter the seventh list this time, think about being suppressed by Ruan for so many years. How will they deal with this newcomer~~~" (To be continued)


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