A Queen

Chapter 1,284 Helping others, looking for trouble~~

Chapter 1284

Upon hearing this, Duan Ze's expression changed.

And at this time

Dang Dang Dang!

The bells are ringing.

There was a sound from the top of the tower.

"Today the Demon Suppression Tower will be closed. There are still ten minutes left. Those who have not left should leave quickly."

Reminded three times.

“It’s time, why haven’t you seen anyone yet?”

At this time, the men from the macho suicide squad were also suspicious of Dai Li's whereabouts after leaving the Demon Suppression Tower.

Where are people? It seems like he didn't even see her leave the tower.

"I would have asked her name earlier so I could check her grades."

"Yeah, it's not easy to meet a young man who seems to be good. Now the boss is going crazy."

At this moment, on the seventeenth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, there were nine light crystals next to each other. One of them glowed, and then a figure appeared.

He had short hair and a very outstanding appearance, which made the few people present and ready to leave couldn't help but take a second look, especially the female nuns, who were a little unable to walk.


Such a stunningly handsome man could actually reach the seventeenth level of the elite!

Talented and beautiful, the best in the world!

Over there on the sofa, there is a female cultivator who is surrounded by many male cultivators. She has a solid face, choppy eyes, slender thighs, and every curve of her body is tempting others to touch her.

If Chun Shisanniang wins with her enchanting temperament, which is both mental and physical seduction, then this one is the ultimate.

Such a lively beauty's eyes lit up when she saw Dai Li. She left the group of men around her and walked toward Dai Li, becoming more and more fragrant every step of the way.

And before Daili noticed her~~


The crystal next to her flashed with light,

A figure appeared. He was very slender, with dark hair hanging down his shoulders. He was extremely weak at this moment, and suddenly his body shook slightly.

It was obviously a period of weakness when he failed and was killed, and he was very weak!

Dai Li just glanced at it casually, was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to pull.

The woman who was shaking and about to fall was pulled closer by her, but Dai Li never thought that the other woman would be so weak. She was like a piece of paper, so he came over as soon as she pulled him, and threw himself directly into her arms. Fortunately, the other party was alert. He put his hands on her shoulders. His long hair was swaying. He was a little lower than Dai Li, so she could only see Dai Li's face when she raised her head.

Then he was startled.

"It's you?"

She didn't know whether she was surprised that Daili helped her, or that Daili appeared here.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Miss Li, can't you think that I climbed up to the seventeenth floor to express my love for you?"

The tone of a typical second-rate guy teasing a girl.

And this girl is really good-looking, especially her temperament during her weak period, which is quite touching. Even the female nuns with unknown sexual orientation here can't help but lick their tongues.

Li Shang's face was slightly embarrassed, or weird. He glanced at Dai Li, supported her shoulders to stand further away, and said calmly: "It seems that I don't underestimate your strength alone."

And you are obviously a woman, and your appearance is much better than mine, but you actually like to tease others.

What kind of character is this? No wonder people say that a gentleman, Li Yinqing, is perverse and not easy to mess with.

It’s also the first time I came to the Demon Suppression Tower and rushed to the seventeenth floor. I’m 29 years old and no one would believe me~~

However, Li Shang's tone was calm, but his body could not be controlled. He failed to stand up, but leaned again.

Dai Li directly grabbed her arm, input his energy, and smiled lazily: "Thank you for your compliment, but I always like to help others. Since we are all members of my family, it doesn't matter if I help you. Who made you look good?"

These words are undoubtedly the fusion of Lei Feng and Tian Boguang.

It was full of teasing, which made the female cultivators nearby who were originally very excited were stunned, but men are not bad and women don't love them!

The beautiful woman secretly said that such a lustful man is easy to get started with~~

So she moved over.

Li Chang was speechless for a moment, but she was indeed in a serious condition this time. Let alone going downstairs, she would suffer internal injuries and break her bones.

You could call someone for help, but here are some men with dirty eyes or women who don’t seem to be serious. They seem to be no better than the person in front of you~~~

at this time


Another crystal stone next to Dai Li also flashed, and another person appeared.

But before everyone could see who it was, they heard a bang and the other person fell to the ground.

The body was so muscular that the floor seemed to vibrate.

As soon as Dai Li turned around, he saw this tall man with strong muscles standing up quickly. He didn't look at anyone, but glared at her fiercely.

"What are you looking at? Will you die if you pull me?"

Then, I seemed to see Li Shang, who was supported by Dai Li. Her frail and slender body made people feel intoxicated.

"I'll go! Men are indeed creatures that only think with their lower body and three legs. Beauty, be careful of being eaten by others~ Look at her frivolous eyes, obscene beard, and palms with evil intentions~"

Damn it! Where did I get my beard from? How frivolous!

Dai Li was speechless for this tall man.

Having said that, Li Shang was too embarrassed to ask Dai Li to help him, so he just twitched the corner of his mouth and wanted to move away a little.

As a result, Dai Li pulled his hand and carried it directly to his back and carried it on his back. When Li Chang was stunned and even frightened, he said, "Stop moving. If it weren't for your good looks, you are still a beautiful woman like Thirteenth Mother." I don’t care about the people here.”

Then Dai Li grinned at the big man and hummed: "Uncle, men are indeed creatures that think with their lower bodies, but there are also good-looking ones and ugly ones."

After saying that, he directly stepped down and turned into an afterimage floating down the stairs.

The big man was stunned. In fact, all the people present were stunned, with strange expressions, as if some thoughts were stuck and it was difficult to turn around. Knowing that the big man was so angry that he roared: "Fuck! I am a woman." , female, female!!! Get out of here, uncle!"

"Meng Jiangnu! Stop howling, otherwise there will be another piece of news in the Demon City, saying that Meng Jiangnu cried to suppress the demons and howled down the Demon Suppression Island."

Meng Jiangnv glared at the beautiful woman and hummed: "Hu Lijing, you can play the zither. I have passed the seventeenth level. Hum, I must be ranked above you!"

Hu Lijing's eyes flashed when she heard this, and her slender manicured fingers touched her long hair in a charming way. She raised her eyebrows and said, "You are only stronger than me because your hands are thicker than my waist. What's wrong~~"

Vomiting blood!

Meng Jiangnv curled her lips, turned around and went downstairs.

But I didn't see Hu Lijing frowning behind her. The handsome man just now seemed to be in good shape. Moreover, he was carrying a person on his back, and he was still walking as fast as he could, even turning into an afterimage.

It is enough to prove that this person either perfectly broke through the sixteenth floor and did not enter the seventeenth floor, or she passed the seventeenth floor but did not enter the eighteenth floor.

"Interesting, I haven't seen such a handsome man for a long time." Hu Lijing walked downstairs swaying with her slender waist.

At that time, Duan Ze and others finally saw Jun Zili's figure, but the problem was

Why is she carrying Li Shang?

Suddenly everyone’s minds were ablaze!

Yin Nianzhao frowned and his expression was not good-looking. As for why, you can make up your mind.

Duan Ze stepped forward with a smile and asked: "What are you two doing?"

Just when Li Shang was about to explain, he heard someone opening his eyes and telling lies: "I counted with my fingers and knew that there was a beautiful, kind and generous girl up there who was very weak, so I ran up non-stop and carried her down."

Beautiful, kind and generous haha~~ Li Shang, who was just about to say something, was speechless. Was this blocking her future opportunity to complain about this guy for teasing her?

Otherwise, is it not beautiful, kind or generous?

Do you still want me to be grateful to you?

Is there anyone as rogue as you?

Everyone probably knew that Dai Li was a super beauty, and some of this person's reputation hadn't spread to the headquarters yet, so they didn't think much of it. Everyone just subconsciously - oh, so that's it~~

No, I always feel that something is not quite right, especially Ximen Yun and the two of them. What were they just about to say?

"Hey, isn't this a person from the Demon Palace? Why, he is injured!! It seems that he failed and was killed."

This tone of voice was even flatter than mine. Dai Li turned around and saw a group of people coming.

The meaning of finding trouble is obvious.

Dai Li glanced at Duan Ze - who are these people! It's like 2,500,000 yuan.

"The Demon Sect is a demon sect in the Demon Realm. It is ranked among the top three. It has always been on the same level as our Demon Palace."

I have known for a long time that although the Demon Palace is huge in strength in the Demon Realm, it is not unique. There are still people who can rival it, and the Demon Sect is one of them.

And he was the one with the most ferocious firefight!

No, here comes trouble.

"It turns out that the beauty Li Shang is injured. Oh, this poor thing, do you want me to come and comfort you?"

This man has a slutty look on his face, he has seven or eight sachets all over his body, and his eyebrows have a dirty look. He is obviously a man who has experienced sex between men and women for a long time.

Li Chang frowned, but there was no need for her to fight back. The people in the Demon Palace were directly tied into a line at this moment.

Ximen Yun: "Oh, who am I talking about? It turns out to be the playboy from the Demon Palace who spends too little money. Why, which woman just got off the belly? Look at your face, you look so weak."

Too few flowers? What kind of reputation is this?

Hua Taishao: "Ximen Yun, you only use your words to coax women, but I have never seen you coax any women into your hands, otherwise you wouldn't let such a famous beauty from your Demon Palace go to waste." But there are indeed few beauties in your Demon Palace, and all of them are so beautiful that it’s hard to swallow, so the great beauties in the history are very jealous~~”

How insulting!

Yin Nianzhao's hand has already grasped the sword on his waist, but he has not yet drawn it out.

A faint sentence came from a certain direction: "Too few flowers? Your father used to be lazy and fertilize you less. His brain is empty and has bubbles, his body is weak and lacks kidneys, his eyes are blind and he is looking for death. He can't move when he sees a woman." You are talking so much, this is all a disease, it needs to be cured!" r1152

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