A Queen

Chapter 1,287 Team, the Macho Suicide Squad!

Chapter 1287

Ximen Yun looked at Li Shang and smiled bitterly. No wonder she was able to reach the fifth list. It turned out that she had thoroughly studied the ten consecutive blunderbuss, which was extremely difficult to practice. She was able to kill with ten consecutive beads, but Li Shang's background was there. Counterattacking with too few flowers is not considered a comeback, but it is Jun Zili.

Most of the people in the Demon Palace, Demon Sect and others were overjoyed and saddened by the result and were still surprised and undecided.

Many eyes wandered to Zuo Wei's sword.

"That's a top-notch mortal sword, right?"

"What a terrifying sword, it actually has the power of a real dragon"

"Already comparable to a semi-immortal weapon"

"A semi-immortal weapon"

In the integration stage, few people can use a semi-immortal weapon, but the man in front of him actually holds a weapon that is almost comparable to a semi-immortal weapon!

Many people were jealous, but when they thought about her sharpness and ruthlessness in defeating Jia Shuifeng just now, it was more than a little bit scarier than Lishang Box.

"I can't even see her movements."

"This person is so scary, who is she?"

"It was her body and clone that defeated Jia Shuifeng in an instant before? Why doesn't it look like a clone to me?"

After all, someone was sensitive, and he quickly realized that the key point was not the sword, but hers.

"It's not a clone, it's a sword shadow! The double sword style is actually comparable to a clone combo! What kind of speed is this? Even the speed of the Extreme Emperor is only like this!"

Degree, sword flow.

This word is shocking.

The defeated Hua Shaoshao couldn't believe it. His defeated expression was full of resentment: "How is it possible? My strength has improved so much between you two. How could you, Li Shang, defeat me!"

Jia Shuifeng was still calm, just staring at Dai Li with thoughtful eyes.

"You are Junzili. Junzili of the Demon Palace?" His words made Daili look at her and narrowed his eyes: "It seems that you don't know anything about me."

Her words were somewhat profound, but the other party pretended not to hear them and was just thinking to himself.


Spend too little time and get hysterical,

Fox Lijing, who was watching the battle not far away, crossed her chest and said something rudely.

When Hua Taishao was irritated, she smiled charmingly; "Hua Shaosha. When you pick someone to bully, you don't even look at their ranking on the list. So it's not someone else's fault that you kicked the iron plate and hurt your head. .You are too blind."

As soon as she reminded them, the others quickly went to look at the demon-suppressing list.

Naturally, it is impossible for Ximen Yun and others to look at the sixth and seventh lists, but directly look at the fifth list!

The first thing they reflexively looked at was No. 4821, where Li Shang was. It turned out that the name above was no longer Li Shang, but another person.

Subconsciously, they did not look back, but forward.

Finally, Li Shang's name was found in the 4521st place.

"Another three hundred people have advanced." Ximen Yun swallowed. It is not easy for them to advance by one place every day. As a result, Li Shang surpassed 800 places in one day.

It can only mean that she passed the fifteenth. Sixteen or seventeen?

"You passed the seventeenth floor?!!" Not only Duan Ze, but also Hua Taishao couldn't help but ask.

"No, almost" Li Shang shook his head.


Dai Li thought to himself that no wonder this man was so seriously injured. He probably stayed on the seventeenth floor for too long. The result was still a failure.

What a pity, Duan Ze and others secretly sighed, but they were also very happy. No. 4512!


However, just as everyone was cheering for Li Shang's great leap, a bold and rough voice suddenly came.

"Holy crap! You pervert. You're actually in front of me!"

Meng Jiangnu's voice was really special and had a sense of presence. Everyone looked at her finger poking at the list.

Above it is her name, Meng Jiangnu, No. 1!

One place up.

That is to say, the person ranked in front of her is naturally No. 3999, Jun Zili.

The atmosphere was completely quiet, extremely quiet.

Demon Palace, Junzili, No. 3999.

Everyone in the Demon Palace fell into silence, but after all, she had defeated Jia Shuifeng before, and they accepted it relatively quickly, but Dai Li had already walked in front of Hua Taishao and the other two.

It’s a very rude and powerful sentence to say,

“Give me money and points!”

With a bloodless face and gritted teeth, Hua Taishao wanted to leave here now, but he still said to Dai Li: "Although you defeated us, my Demon Sect has many other elites, gentleman." Li, be careful, huh!"

The implication is that someone from the Demon Sect will come to seek revenge.

Dai Li lowered his eyes, handed the magic crystal to Li Shang, and transferred the other party's points to Li Shang, a typical one-stop service for debt collection, and smiled: "I said why are you so weak? It turns out that you can't be ranked in the Demon Sect. Take the number”

He couldn't fight with too little force, and he couldn't stand it verbally, so he had to leave in anger, and Jia Shuifeng

It was much simpler. He gave her money and points in one go, then took a deep look at her and left.

The people, birds and beasts of the Demon Sect dispersed.

But many people flocked to Daili.

"Master Jun, our group is a strong team. If you want to stay on the island tonight, you can."

"Join us, join us, all you need is one magic crystal every night!"

“Come to our place, we have an unlimited supply of beauties~~”

However, Dai Li came to the man who was arrogantly sitting in front of him. He smiled: "Ten thousand points have been transferred. You can check it."

Dai Li checked and found that there were three transfers in her account. One was relatively early and came from the Demon Palace, worth 30,000 points. It was marked as a mission reward.

The second transfer was from an unknown account, and the signature below was the God of Gamblers.

God of Gamblers? A good name for a bunker.

It was obviously the one in front of her, but the transfer time seemed to be before she defeated Jia Shuifeng.

Ha, that's interesting.

If Jia Shuifeng's transfer is included, she earned a total of 50,000 points today. Adding the original ones, it would be 60,000 points!

One-fifth of the goal achieved!

"Hey, it would be great if this kind of good thing happened every day," Dai Li said with emotion, making the people next to him couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Haha, Zi Li. Just be content. After this time, no one dares to challenge you easily! After all, you are the master who has passed the 3999th place on the fifth list of suppressing demons. By the way, you have passed the seventeenth level. Bar"

Duan Ze's tone of questioning later was a little nervous.

"Yeah" Dai Li nodded.

All the people in the Demon Palace have changed their faces.

Ximen Yun was silent, the seventeenth floor? It turned out that he wanted to break through to the thirteenth floor to completely suppress her.

Yin Nianzhao was also silent. No wonder she couldn't find her name before because the other party directly entered the fifth list!

The people from the Demon Palace didn't talk much anymore, or even made any noise. Just thinking deeply. Among them, Duan Zechaodaili said: "Then do you want to follow us back to the Demon Palace now?"

"If you don't go back, I'll spend the night on the island." Daili's response was very definite, and his expression was a little strange.

Do you want her to tell these people that she has only broken through to the seventeenth level? Just because it's time?

Forget it, what should I do if I'm afraid that I'll irritate people too much and be dragged into a group beating in the alley at night?

Not far away, Meng Jiangnu, who had been punished once again by Doctor Meng's acupuncture points, was in great pain. However, Dr. Meng glanced at Dai Li from a distance, then turned around and left.

Dusk falls. Daili was separated from the others, but Miss Li obviously changed her mind greatly and even gave her her own method of communication.

"So I say your body is indeed more honest than your heart."

Miss Li turned around and left.


It was dusk, and Daili didn't expect it to rain. Every house lit up lights. She held up a random oil-paper umbrella she bought on the roadside and stepped on the bluestone with her clogs. Clatter.

Well, she's looking for an inn.

Originally, you could stay in the hotel if you joined the team. However, she didn't like being restrained by others and was still comfortable alone, so she refused those team invitations and got away quickly.

But soon it was not a simple matter for her to spend the night on the island.

There is an inn!

Basically one hundred magic crystals per night.

Get out of here, you hundred magic crystals!

It’s so expensive!

She can use these hundred magic crystals to expand the Vatican several times!

Although he easily earned 10,000 magic crystals, Dai Li also knew that this opportunity was rare. Magic crystals would not be so easy to earn in the future. Magic crystals were needed for everything on the island, and the Vatican was too weak. It did nothing, so money went away~ ~

Save what you can!

So she couldn't bear it and wandered on the road, thinking about what to do at night.

It seems that the curfew will be in another hour, and the Demon Guards of Demon Island will come out to patrol. Once they are found wandering outside their residence, they will be in trouble.

“Eh~~Poor people are so miserable~~”

When can I get such a real estate on the island?

Dai Li turned to look at a residence she happened to be passing by at the moment.

This residence is very large, more luxurious than many nearby shops and team residences, with a combination of Chinese and Western architectural styles. The outer courtyard of the house is large, with tall beech trees planted, and many grapevines and wisteria flowers hanging on it. The green grass is lush and there is a pavilion and a fish pond.

The villa is not small, with thousands of rooms at least.

Dai Li sighed quietly, then paused and turned to look behind him: "I said you tough guys, if you don't go home to collect your clothes and eat, why are you always following me?"

The men were embarrassed, but they still ran up. One of the men, whom she saw when she first arrived on the island, was scratching his head and said: "Mr. Jun, we want to invite you to join our group, but you We were embarrassed after rejecting so many people before.”

"The Suicide Squad?"

"That's right, I didn't expect you to still remember it."

Daili is undoubtedly a master who comes to them from afar, so they are very polite. In fact, they don't expect to successfully recruit her, they just give it a try.

"Okay" As soon as Daili agreed, these people were stunned.

Answer, agreed?

However, Dai Li turned around and walked away towards their group.

These people quickly followed.

But I happened to see a few people standing in front, blocking the way?

As soon as the members of the Macho Suicide Squad saw the person clearly, their expressions changed drastically, and they looked at Daili nervously. (To be continued)

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