A Queen

Chapter 1,288: 0 regiment battle, the regiment leader died

Chapter 1288

"God of Gamblers?" Dai Li recognized one of them.

The other party was coming with a few people.

"It seems I'm a step late," the God of Gamblers said with a smile, still playing with two dice in his hand.

It means to recruit generation and leave.

Dai Li looked at the other party: "You didn't mention it before."

"Because Mr. Jun didn't seem to have any intention of agreeing to someone else's invitation before." The God of Gamblers pointed at his eyes: "I'm pretty good at reading people, but I didn't expect you to change your mind."

He glanced at the members of the Macho Suicide Squad: "I didn't expect you to join this group. I think you don't know the meaning of joining the island group."

"Of course I know," Dai Li said lightly.

"You know? Then why did you choose them instead of joining our group!" The first young man behind the God of Gamblers asked, seeming to find it incredible.

Dai Li took a look at the people behind him, including the young man who was the God of Gamblers. They were all very strong, with the God of Gamblers being the strongest.

"Because I just agreed," Dai Li said before leaving.

Just as the others were about to say more, the God of Gamblers waved his hand and smiled: "True to his word, very good. I thought Mr. Jun walked to the door of our group by himself because he was destined to be with our group, but he didn't expect that the macho suicide squad got there first. Goodbye in the Hundred Regiment Battle of Japan”

After saying that, he took the people away.

Enter the luxurious and beautiful manor.

The expressions of the members of the Macho Suicide Squad were very moved at this moment, "Master Jun, I really didn't expect that you would give up their group and choose our Macho Suicide Squad."

"I regret"


"Compare their houses to theirs, and your houses look like tatters."


Is it really okay for you to be so disgusted?

"By the way, what is the Hundred Regiment War?"

Daili asked casually,

Everyone was stunned: "You don't know? Then how did you answer the God of Gamblers just now?"

"Nonsense, isn't joining the group just to spend the night on the island?"

""This is the highest level of pretending to understand when you don't understand - being uneducated. Terrible!

The members of the Macho Suicide Squad all looked at each other, then quickly laughed and argued, urging Dai Li to return to the group.

On the other side, in the luxurious manor, the young man just now said to the God of Gamblers: "Did Junzili make a mistake? He gave up our group and chose that unpopular small group. What was their group's last ranking?"

"Failed to obtain the basic conditions. Not qualified to participate," an indifferent girl said.

"Ha! Our group is in second place! Let me choke you! What look in her eyes! She will regret it one day!"

"But it's a pity. She is very strong and should be ranked among the top 100 in our group."

"No matter how strong she is, she is only ranked 3999th, and our team does not lack her."

The God of Gamblers puffed on his pipe and exhaled. Shaking his head: "It's not because she is not simple. Haven't you heard of the name Junzili?"

Forehead? Everyone was silent. One of the gentle women said: "I seem to have a slight impression."

The God of Gamblers narrowed his eyes: "First in the Qishan Road assessment, the Demon Palace specially recruited into the headquarters. During the Qishan Road assessment, the strength was not at the peak of the king level. In less than two years, we have now cleared the seventeenth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower. Not long ago The Immortal Palace Master of the Demon Palace also specially set a condition for her. As long as she reaches the ultimate emperor and gets 300,000 points within one year, she can directly join the Immortal Palace. By the way, she is only 29 years old this year."

The God of Gamblers took another puff of cigarette: "I heard that she is known as the super genius next to Ruan in the Demon Palace. Her name has been recorded in the core file by the Demon Sect and other major forces. The head of the team personally gave me an order not long ago. .Recruit her!”


Everyone present was stunned and gasped. The tea drinkers emptied their cups

In less than two years, he reached the peak of the king level and reached the third level of the emperor level.

Flying speed.

Moreover, it seems that it will be less than a year and a half.

"Then Boss God of Gamblers, how can we explain to the leader that we failed to recruit her this time?"

"How do I explain it to you? If you can't recruit her, she will become your enemy in the future." The God of Gamblers knocked on his cigarette and smiled strangely: "Maybe it won't be long before she joins our group."

Yes, what a loser the macho suicide squad is!


Although he said that the location of the Macho Expendables was trash, it looked okay. It was a three-story building. The living room below was very cozy, and the stove was burning. When Dai Li and others walked in, they could hear the pattering outside. The drizzle is completely different from the warmth.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows: "No one from your group has come back?"

"Well, they're all here."


Dai Li turned to look at them and counted them, "Five people?"

"No." A young man shook his head and said seriously: "Six, including our leader."

After saying that, he was a little nervous, "Well, our group is very small and small. If Mr. Jun, you feel dissatisfied?"

They can't stop it either.

Hey, it feels like I was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

I feel so empty.

"There are very few people." Dai Li's desolate words made them all want to cry. Sure enough, they still couldn't keep him.

“This is good”


Dai Li took off his coat and hung it behind the soft chair. He sat down, crossed his legs, and glanced at them: "Sit down."

The vague CEO style comes out!


All five people sat down.

The young man was very discerning and quickly poured tea for Dai Li.

“There are few people and it’s clean~~ But I’m a little surprised why there are so many tour groups on this island. It seems that most people choose to join a tour group.”

Daili also knew that his previous understanding must be flawed, so he asked.

"Because Tianmo Island has the tradition of the Hundred Regiment Battle, which is a group battle of one regiment after another. The reward of the Hundred Regiment Battle is very rich. It happens once every ten years and is very grand. You also said that there are many teams on the island, at least more than 100 teams. Tens of thousands of groups. The number of members varies. A large group has tens of thousands of people. A small group like ours has just a few people. If a strong group can be selected into one hundred groups, the overall team can get 100,000 base points and 100,000 magic crystals. If you rank high, the points will be even more terrifying. There are also special rewards. For example, last time, the first group got a guaranteed 10 million points and 10 million magic crystals. If based on Their performance has increased. There are tens of millions, but unfortunately we don’t know how many.”

Um? Dai Li was stunned, what a huge reward. "But if you can get the title of the first group, at least there are a lot of people. If you divide it up, the points may not be many."

"That's not how it is calculated. The First Hundred Regiments War is selected from tens of thousands of teams that have signed up for the competition on the island. There is no competition. It is calculated based on the highest results of the members of the team in the Demon Suppression Tower for one month. The strongest ones are selected. Hundred Regiments. Next is the real Hundred Regiments War, but in the end the strongest members must be the ones who can contribute more. The rewards are also assigned to some regiments by the leader according to their performance. The rewards are only given to specific people, and the rest Ordinary members will be given other rewards to comfort them, but in one to one hundred regiment battles. Most of those large regiments will not count all members. Being able to select a thousand people to participate is already considered a large number. Most of them fight in groups of one hundred people. Ordinary members are given a monthly allowance, just like receiving a salary.”

Only in this way can rewards be provided to the strongest elites to the maximum extent possible.

Dai Li understood what he heard, but those big groups would still recruit so many people, just to select the elites to join the hundred-member group. Once there are more people, they would act like subordinates and can do a lot of things, even if they are given a monthly salary. In terms of wages, if the entire group operates well, it will also earn more, and the stronger the group, the more people there are and the stronger the group is, the stronger will be willing to join. In response, the group will become stronger and stronger.

A weak group will become weaker and weaker if it cannot recruit people.

"Then how many lines do you have in your group?"



"Our Demon Suppressing Tower's performance is too poor, its overall basic performance is not up to standard, and we were not selected into the Hundred Regiment."


Dai Li smiled, and these people became even more frustrated, each shrugging their heads.

"Master Jun, with your strength, it's no problem to join the strongest teams. For example, the Ziteng team just now. They were the second-ranked team last time and are very powerful. Since they actively recruit you, the treatment will definitely be better. , you really don’t think about it? The time for the Hundred Regiment Battle is coming at the beginning of next month, just wait for the results of next month to take effect.”

"No," Dai Li smiled: "Although it's a pity, I never went back on my promise and joined your group, so it's your group. If there really is a hundred-group war, I'll just recruit more people at that time."

Short of people?

She had never worried about this kind of thing, and it was very annoying to have a large group of people with many eyes and scheming against each other.

Therefore, Dai Li didn't feel much pressure at all, and his words were casual and candid.

These men finally felt relieved and all reported their names.

Zhang Hei, Li Jun, Yu Dong, Wei Hai, Yan Tong.

The one who served Dai Li tea was named Yu Dong, the youngest, most steady and intelligent one was named Yan Tong, and Zhang Hei was the one Dai Li met at the door from the beginning.

"By the way, where is your group leader?"

"She is the leader of our group"

Just as Zhang Hei was about to speak, the door was pushed open and a man suddenly rushed in: "Oh no, Zhang Hei, your regimental leader is dead!"



After asking, I found out that Zhang Hei and his team leader participated in the trial of the Demon Suppression Tower. He thought he could get through the twelfth floor, but he did not leave the trial. Instead, he continued to persist and was eventually killed due to extreme weakness.

This was the explanation given by the Demon Suppressing Tower. This person who had a relationship with their leader immediately rushed to inform them after hearing the news.

With a pop, Zhang Hei sat down on the ground, and the other four people looked sad.

"I know, I know it must be the group leader who was unwilling to waste the group's funds, so he didn't leave the trial for treatment. He wanted to get good trial results and participate in the Hundred Regiment War. If I hadn't mentioned this matter last night, he would have No." Zhang Hei was about to cry. (To be continued)

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