A Queen

Chapter 1,289 Give you a chance to be mine

Chapter 1289

"It's none of your business, we also have responsibilities...The regiment leader...is a good regiment leader, but how can we participate in the Hundred Regiments War?"

After all, they had seen too many deaths, and the five people were sad, but they suddenly heard a sentence.

"What's there to cry about... Now you only need to do one thing... collect his body, and then try your best to participate in the Hundred Regiment War."

"The Hundred Regiment War... is too difficult. We don't even have a regiment leader."

"Who says you don't have it?"


Even the people at the door were stunned, staring blankly at Dai Li, who had recommended himself.

"But there are only a few of us, and our grades are all very poor. Even if you are very good, Mr. Jun, you still can't keep up with your grades..."

Before he finished speaking, Dai Li suddenly stood up, walked out of the door, and shouted to a tall voice walking past the door: "Meng Jiangnu"

Meng Jiangnu turned around and saw Dai Li before she started to scold her when she heard her say: "Do you want to have big breasts, a thin waist, fair skin, and beauty like a flower? If you want, then join my group... I've got you covered." Big changes in a month!”

Is this a pyramid scheme?

In the end, Meng Jiangnu didn't know how, but she walked into the house with her eyes full of charm and temptation.


"Of course, but it doesn't achieve the effect I just said... you can leave the group on your own, I won't say anything," Dai Li shrugged and said very briskly.

Meng Jiangnu narrowed her eyes, "Okay! I believe you for once! But if you lie to me..."

"You are not worthy of my deception."


After glaring at Dai Lixia, Meng Jiangnv said, "Then I have joined. Do you want to live in?"


"Your house is really bad. Do you have a room?"

"have no idea"


After asking, I found out that there were two rooms upstairs, one belonged to the dead group leader, and the other was empty.

Dai Li has no habit of sleeping in men's beds, he is still a dead man.

"Do you rent this house?"

"Well, one thousand magic crystals a year. The location here is the worst and the environment is not good. We don't have much funds in the group, so we can only live here..."

Meng Jiangnu complained: "Your group is so poor. The groups that tried to win me over at least all bought their own estates..."

"How much does it cost to buy a manor? Let's just buy it!"

"One hundred thousand to one million magic crystals"

"Forget it, let's rent a house."

Mr. Jun was so calm that he immediately went out and quickly rented a residence with a price of 10,000 magic crystals per year, paying in cash. (To be dignified, you have to spend nothing, and to be arrogant, you have to spend a lot of money. This is my daughter!)

The new house is a loft with a total of twenty rooms. It is quiet and quiet. Although the location is not prosperous, Daili likes this.

So a group of people moved immediately. Meng Jiangnu looked at the attic and said, "It's not bad. Although it's worse than my own, at least I can meet people..."

"You can meet people with your appearance, but you don't like the house. It's a good place for you to live in one!" Dai Li's mouth was very vicious, but Meng Jiangnu didn't care, because she knew that the other person had a mean mouth, so the meaning of his words was to talk to friends. It almost hurts people.

"But are you sure you want to take over this regiment? Just the two of us? Can you break into the hundred-man regiment?" Meng Jiangnu didn't look good at Dai Li.

Dai Li leaned against the door and raised his eyebrows: "I, Jun Zili, have never failed in what I want to do. Besides, don't you think counterattacks are very challenging!"

These words are too domineering and arrogant!

Meng Jiangnu, who had always liked domineering, smiled, "I'm just saying this to you. If you lie to me, I won't hit you! Okay, I'll go back to pack my bags and come over later..." (This girl is also very resolute. ).

The addition of Meng Jiangnu left Zhang Hei and the other five people still in a hazy state.

But I soon became very energetic. After helping my captain collect the body and dispose of it, I went up and downstairs to clean the house and prepare things...trying to get rid of all the sadness...

Daili, on the other hand, was lazily drinking tea and using the communication stone inside the Demon Palace to contact someone.

As soon as the connection was connected, Daili said: "Beauty, would you like to give you a chance to be mine?"

Li Shang: "...What do you want to do?"

Dai Li: "Pull you into the gang"

Li Shang: "Are you involved in a pyramid scheme?"

Dai Li: "We are a group, I am the group leader, are you coming or not?"

Li Shang: "No..."

Daili: "The previous life-saving grace..."

Li Shang: "Okay"

Daili: "Be good~~ By the way, what are you doing? Are you taking a shower? I heard the sound of water. I'm going to see if I can make a video of this thing~~.."

Snapped! The summons was dismissed ex parte.

After a while, the call was connected again.

"Come over after you take a shower and get dressed...the address is...waiting for you~~"

The most shameless, shameless, and psychotic scum in history!


Li Shang and Meng Jiangnu met at the door. They were both stunned when they saw each other. The former was very calm, while the latter smiled meaningfully - I knew you two were having an affair.

Then the former lost his composure.

That night, there were two more masters who could pass the sixteenth or seventeenth floor, and Junzi Li...

"The three of you add up to the 50th floor, but based on the increase in high-level growth after reaching the 10th floor, Miss Li's score is close to the 17th floor, which means she is basically at the 250th floor. The five of us are all at the 50th floor. , that’s three hundred floors..." Yan Tong is very shrewd and can calculate quickly.

Daili: "What do you focus on, are the five of you so bad, or are the three of us adding up to two hundred and five?"

Yan Tong: "The selection criteria for the last Hundred Regiments Battle was the 10,000-level score."

Is it equivalent to a thousand lowest level emperors?

The selection criteria are really not low.

No wonder only a hundred out of tens of thousands of groups can be selected.

"Three hundred to ten thousand, the gap is not small...Junzili, you have to find at least thirty people like me and Li Shang..."

Dai Li ignored Meng Jiangnu and said, "The higher you go to the top, the more powerful the increase will be, right?"

"Yes.. The 16th floor is about 4 times the increase, which is considered the 64th floor. The 17th floor is 5 times the increase, which is the 85th floor. If it reaches the 18th floor, the 10 times increase is the 180th floor. The next 19 floors are 15 times, and the 20th floor is the 180th floor. 30 times..." (The data control that often makes mistakes in mathematics is here... Just take a closer look and test the students' mathematical abilities...)

"What about 21?"

"The 21st floor is basically a level that only the Ultimate Emperor can pass... The increase is 60 times, which is a relatively large span. Basically, an Ultimate Emperor has a combined result of a thousand floors, and the increase becomes more terrifying as it goes on. , the 22nd floor is 120 times, the 23rd floor is 240 times...the subsequent increase will be 2 times that of the previous floor." "That is, the increase of 480 times on the 24th floor is a little more than 11,000 points, which is equivalent to being directly selected. A hundred regiments?"

Daili asked rhetorically.

Meng Jiangnu: "Of course, the Ultimate Emperor is very strong. Basically, those who will participate in the Hundred Regiment War will be divided up by those big groups..."

"There seem to be a lot of extreme emperors on the island," Dai Li thought. If this was the case, the intensity of the Hundred Regiment Battle would be abnormal.

"There are quite a few. The 1,001 permanent ones are basically the strongest ones. However, tens of millions of points are not attractive to them. They rarely participate in the Hundred Regiment Battles, so the only ones who can participate are the weaker ones. Emperors, and the Extreme Emperors who can pass the 24th floor are already considered the best among them. They are very rare... and there may not be many among the top ten groups."

Okay, Dai Li touched his chin and ended the meeting, but Li Shang, who had been listening quietly before, suddenly said to Dai Li: "Yuan Xiqing, Zhuo Xiaobai, Zi Cheyou, Pang Ban, Que Liao, these five Everyone is in the top ten groups..."


Daili just responded. Li Shang tilted his head and suddenly laughed.

Did she underestimate this person again?

That night, Meng Jiangnu contacted her sister.

"Sister, I moved out...I didn't tell you before because you weren't here..."

"Didn't you just choose my absence to leave?" The voice was cold.

"Uh.. Haha~~~ How can I do that? I still can't bear to let you go. It's just..."

"Tell the truth"

Okay, Meng Jiangnu’s prepared deception has been strangled, so she just needs to tell the truth.

quite a while.

"How can she help you? Does she also know medical skills?"

"I don't know, she just gave me a bottle of light red water... and told me to drink a glass of it every night before going to bed. Sister, do you think this is poison... will it poison me?"

"No, you are not worthy of being poisoned."

wipe! You two are brothers and sisters, right?

"How do you feel after drinking it?"

"It's sweet and delicious, but I accidentally finished the bottle... What should I do?"


A certain sister hung up the communication.

Maybe he was afraid that he would be pissed off.


News of the Demon Palace spread quickly, but one was on the shore of the Demon City, and the person involved was on the Demon Island, so there was no big move for a while.

Anyway, in the early morning of the next day, someone who had gotten up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and had a good meal stepped on his wooden clogs and went to the Demon Suppression Tower. It was not that she did not go with the others, but that Meng Jiangnu was still sleeping, and Li Shang was recuperating. After all, you can't break through the Demon Suppressing Tower just by going there, nor can your achievements be added up if you go too many times, so Li Chang didn't go out, but she sent the others out to do things.

When Daili arrived at the Demon Suppression Tower, he saw Yan Tong and others, but they seemed to be in some trouble.

Just in front of the check-in point which is not far away.

It’s a good deal to start the Hundred Regiment Battle next month. Today and tomorrow are the registration times. Last night, Daili asked Yan and the others to register in the morning, but now...

"Ha, Yan Tong, what are you doing here when the leader of your macho suicide squad is dead! What, you want to sign up? Just the five of you? Haha, I'm laughing so hard!"

Yan Tong and the other five people's faces were livid, and they were going to fight with each other. Then there were twenty or thirty people on the other side...

Because the person who just laughed at them was holding the registration list that Yan Tong had just received. One for each group. It was not that he could not receive more, but he had angered the people at the Demon Suppression Tower. If he didn't give it, it would be over. They are a small group and have no face.

Just when Yan Tong and the other five were about to fight for their lives...

A ray of light cut through, one hand was cut off, and the registration form held in the hand was gently pulled out by the other hand, placed on the table, picked up the pen, filled in the information with a few swipes, and handed it to the registration form official. R1152

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