A Queen

Chapter 1,290 The 4th son, fight! (Aksst and Shibi+)

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Chapter 1290

"Macho Suicide Squad, leader Jun Zili, sign up"

With a sound, the registrar's original expression turned serious as he watched the show, "Okay, please wait a moment, Commander Jun."

Who on Tianmo Island doesn't recognize Jun Zili? After an investigation last night, this person's identity has long been confirmed.

The super rookie in the Demon Palace is said to be an evildoer who is favored by the Immortal Palace, and is expected to be able to enter the Immortal Palace within thirty years.

A future giant.

Only 29 years old.

Bang bang bang!

The registrar quickly stamped his seal and handed over another copy of the registration form.

Dai Li took it, put it away, and glanced at the twenty or thirty people.


A group of people retreated in fear.

Dai Li was too lazy to look at these clowns and was about to leave.

The road is blocked.

A tall, thin, cold-faced man.

He got right to the point.

"Demon Sect Wei Xuefeng"

Wei Xuefeng, this name is much more famous than Hua Taishao.

Because this is the fourth son of the nine sons of the Demon Sect!

Ranked fifth on the list at No. 3672.

The Demon Sect's revenge came so quickly, and it came directly to the fourth son.

Dai Li looked at him and said, "Or 10,000 points and 10,000 magic crystals?"

I go!

Whenever you meet someone and open your mouth, it's gambling!

It’s a surefire tone that I’m going to win!

Is there anyone who is so angry?

Everyone else will faint,

Wei Xuefeng had a cold face and said calmly: "Twenty thousand points, twenty thousand magic crystals."

More domineering and direct! Double it!

It's much better than Hua Taishao's grinding style.

Very good, I like it. Dai Li's original indifference faded away and he smiled: "Okay. How to compare? Just fight?"

"No, the Demon Suppressing Tower!"

Wei Xuefeng looked at Dai Li with deep eyes: "You passed the seventeenth floor, and I am also on the seventeenth floor. Let's compare who can break through the eighteenth floor!"

Break through the 18th floor!

What a big goal!

too difficult.

You must know that Daili has just broken through the seventeenth floor, how could he break through the eighteenth floor so quickly! Wei Xuefeng took the initiative to propose this condition and stayed on the seventeenth floor for such a long time. Definitely sure

So treacherous!

Yan Tong wanted to remind Dai Li. But I heard their newly appointed leader say: "Okay, you are very refreshing, I like your style! Goodbye!"

Then she left. Entered the Demon Suppressing Tower.

It was too late.

Wei Xuefeng was also frightened by Dai Li, frowned, and walked in.

Outside, the team of twenty or thirty people who had been frightened by Dai Li immediately started making all kinds of sarcastic remarks.

Most people are not optimistic about it~~

not far away

"Then Jun Zili was right. He actually accepted Wei Xuefeng's challenge again."

"The most outrageous thing is that she didn't join the strongest groups, but actually joined a group by herself."

It's completely a snake-like behavior.

"By the way. Beauty Hu, you haven't said which group you want to join yet!"

There is such a group of people who are always on the fifth or sixth list and usually do not join the group. Walking alone and carefree, but once it comes to the period of the Hundred Regiment War. Then he will join several powerful groups and contribute his merits. Earning points is not difficult for them, but it is important to choose a strong and reliable group.

Hu Lijing suddenly smiled; "Not yet, let's take a look."

She had to choose the most suitable one. Suddenly, her eyes drifted over and it was them!

The people from the Wisteria Group are here, obviously to register.

However, although not many people came, they all looked very elite. Picking out one at random was a CEO style. Everyone's clothes were similar, with low crescent moon white, wisteria pattern, and the materials of the clothes were the best. superior

"Ziteng is a very scary group, but I haven't seen their leader yet." A woman said, suddenly remembering something, and asked Hu Lijing: "With your strength, you seem to be able to join, I remember Someone in their group invited you before, why don’t you come in?”

The number of people in the Wisteria Group is relatively small among those big groups, so fewer is better! The benefits you receive are high! Basically, the Wisteria group has the best welfare, even better than the first group.

"Why?" Hu Lijing narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't like other women to be prettier than me. It just so happens that there are several people in the Wisteria Group, especially the leader."

Depend on! What a weird reason!

On the other side, one of the members of the Wisteria Group who had attracted much attention, that is, the young man named Cheetah Guy, suddenly glanced at the registration form put aside by the registrar. He glanced at it casually, but suddenly glared.

"Hey, Ice Girl, come and see me, am I right? That Junzili is actually..."


In the Demon-Suppressing Tower, Dai Li ran directly to the seventeenth floor. On the seventeenth floor, she met several people who had tried to win over her yesterday. When they met, they were so friendly that they wanted to win over her again. Dai Li He politely refused, but invited the other party to have a drink, which immediately relieved the other party's uncomfortable psychology. After a while, they became familiar with each other and had some friendship.

"Master Jun, are you going to continue the trial? The eighteenth floor?"


"If you have the guts! Then we won't bother you."

Daili separates from the other party and enters the light crystal on his own. As long as he has passed the level, although he can start again and try again in order to achieve more perfect performance, Daili does not need it.

——Most of the previous ones were scanned by the Eye of Reincarnation. Do you want to try to scan more? Aren’t you afraid of eye cramps?

"Jun Zili, you passed the seventeenth level yesterday, are you going to start the eighteenth level now?"


Floor 18, let’s begin!

But some people who had just been drinking with Dai Li outside were suspicious.

"It was passed yesterday and it's here again today. Does she still have some energy left?"

"Who knows, anyway, such a young genius must be more diligent than us. I think I know why she wants to rush to the 18th floor. It turns out that she is on the pole with Wei Xuefeng!"

Maybe someone sent them a message, and these people quickly got the news, and then

The expressions were very disapproving.


Outside. The indifferent woman nicknamed Ice Girl glanced over and frowned: "Jun Zili?"

The people next to them just said a few words. Just as they understood what they had discovered before, they heard someone shouting: "Look, Wei Xuefeng is coming out!"

"So fast!"

"That's right, why did he come out so quickly and fail?"


Someone pointed to the fifth list.

"He succeeded!"

Wei Xuefeng's name above was impressively at number 3572. The higher he went, the harder it became to overcome. However, he still improved by a hundred places.

It can only mean that he has broken through the eighteenth level.

The people present in the Demon Sect were cheering.

"Ha. Mr. Wei is awesome! He's on the 18th floor!"

Wei Xuefeng came out. When he saw that Dai Li hadn't come out yet, he slightly twitched his lips and said to the person who came to congratulate him: "Well, a breakthrough. It's a pity that he failed on the 19th floor."

He can break through the 18th floor, but he can't hold on to the 19th floor for a second. It's too difficult to go up one floor after another.

"The nineteenth level is too difficult. Only people at the third level can break through it," he said. Others think he is very modest in his speech, which is much better than spending too little.

But he defeated Jun Zili. Naturally, it is completely different from having too few flowers.

There were also people present in the Demon Palace.


"It seems that she has to spit out what she won, and she has to pay 10,000 magic crystals and 10,000 points." Ximen Yun shook his head and sighed. For this result, he could not say whether he was happy or disappointed.

"Our Demon Palace has been found again"

"Not necessarily. Someone will find it back." Yin Nianzhao said, and Ximen Yun saw this person.

A woman just came out of the Demon Suppression Tower. Walking sluggishly, looking unfocused. She's not too gorgeous, at least she can't compare to the top ones like Daili and the others, and she doesn't have the unique charm of Li Shang.

She is very different from ordinary women.

So sluggish, so sluggish that it’s vaguely sexy.

Of course, her figure is also very skinny. In the words of the entertainment industry, this woman is as sexy as smoke and bones. She is highly recognizable and can become famous! And it’s so popular!

"It's Yuan Xiqing!"

The fifth son of the Demon Palace, Yuan Xiqing, came to dominate the palace.

It looks like he is from the Hidden Smoke Palace.

"Yuan Xiqing, it's you." Wei Xuefeng stared at the other party.

"Well, why am I, as the fourth son, bullying a newcomer who has just entered our Demon Palace a few days ago? Are you, the Demon Sect, very shameless?"

Smokey? Lazy?

Don’t be too irritated by this opening!

Wei Xuefeng was expressionless: "New talents need training."

"Really, I think the old man needs it too." Yuan Xiqing frowned, "The fourth son of the Demon Sect has just broken through the 18th level."

"I'm sorry that as the fifth son of the Demon Palace, I have also broken through to the 18th floor."

The place! You got it back

Believe it or not, I can get it back immediately!

Then someone discovered that Wei Xuefeng's name on the fifth list was overshadowed by another person's name!

That person’s name is Yuan Xiqing!

Aha! The face of the Demon Palace is back!

The people of the Demon Sect were furious, Wei Xuefeng's expression froze, and then he sneered: "It is indeed powerful, but Yuan Xiqing, you must not forget that the so-called Ruan from your Demon Palace is missing, and now the nine sons of our Demon Sect are The first place is higher than the second place of your Demon Palace!"

The Demon Palace is facing off against the Demon Sect, and the Nine Sons are against the Nine Sons. But here comes the problem. Ruan is too mysterious. She has not shown up for many years, and basically few people recognize her. For the Demon Sect, even more It is to completely ignore the other party.

Then the second Que Liao of the Demon Palace will compete with the number one leader of their Demon Sect!

"Que Liao of the Demon Palace seems to be ranked fourth, ranked 2888th, while Zhong Lingyun, the number one of the Demon Sect, is ranked 2883rd, five places behind."

"After that, it seems that the third place in the Demon Palace cannot compare to the second place in the Demon Sect."

It's the same as Tian Ji's horse racing. If the first player is absent, the next substitute will be unable to do what he wants.

So much so that the nine sons of the Demon Palace, no, I should say the eight sons, were crushed to death by the nine sons of the Demon Sect.

Now Yuan Xiqing has counterattacked, but the overall situation has not changed, so (to be continued)

ps: Thank you for the ※hidden※ruo※heshibi. I will add an update today. Well, I am not very passionate. These days~~the pink tickets are very powerful, thank you everyone~~~

The latest chapter of the first female emperor is released at high speed. This chapter is Chapter 1290. The fourth son, Dou! (aksst and Shibi) address is

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