A Queen

Chapter 1,291 Jumping and jumping!

Chapter 1291

The people from the Demon Sect laughed again, but the people from the Demon Palace looked ugly.

at this time.

"Look! Wei Xuefeng's name!"

What's wrong?

When everyone looked around, they saw Wei Xuefeng's name suddenly falling down.

No, it shouldn’t be said that it was thrown away, but it should be said that it was squeezed out! From 3572 to 3573!

A name came between him and Yuan Xiqing.

that name is


Wei Xuefeng was stunned, and the people of the Demon Sect were stunned!


Hu Lijing, who was drinking and watching a show, dropped her cup to the ground. On the other side, Cheetah from the Wisteria Group, who was filling in information, also had a change of expression.

Eighteenth floor?

"She was only on the seventeenth level yesterday afternoon. Could it be that she didn't use her full strength yesterday?"

Ice Girl: "The situation regarding contacting the God of Gamblers has changed"

There is a big difference between the eighteenth floor and the seventeenth floor.

The value of this gentleman is immeasurable.

"Okay" Cheetah quickly took out the communicator, and at the same time, the people in other groups were like this, including the top ranked strong groups!

A name like Junzili ignited the excitement of the morning!

Yan Tong and the others could only be quiet and digest all this quietly.


"Boss God of Gamblers, it's me. I'll fight with you. That Junzili is crazy! She just broke through 18, I'll choke her! It's so early in the morning, that's it. Come quickly, she should be out later. Damn it!”

As he was talking, the cheetah suddenly let out a cry, which startled the ice girl. It also made everyone nearby's hands tremble.

"Wisteria's cheetah,

What are you doing! "Which group are the people next door from?

They are all bald men! He was so aggressive that he was almost frightened to death when the cheetah shouted, so he was annoyed.

Cheetah ignored him, but trembled into the communicator and said: "Boss, boss is bad, her name is missing!"

"speak English!"

"Her name is so exciting again!"

Generally speaking, names on the list will only move down. Will not jump down and disappear. Unless it's jumping up

Many people silently looked up quickly, including Yuan Xiqing.

Junzili, she had heard of this name. I heard that his talent can crush them, the Nine Old Devils, second only to the perverted one, but I have never seen anyone.

I only know that it is fierce

Now it seems that it is more than fierce!

When Yuan Xiqing saw the name Junzili again. She lowered her eyes - so cruel!

It jumped from 3572 to 3310 again!

"She has broken through to the nineteenth floor!"


"Holy shit, oh shit!"

Crash or not!

If someone else had such a breakthrough. Everyone can only sigh that this man is so strong, but everyone knows that Jun Zili is only 29 years old~~

29 years old, nineteenth floor?

This kind of performance looks at the entire history of Demon Suppression Tower. It must be at least ranked among the top 1,000 in history.

The youngest 19th-level trialist must be among the top one thousand.

Historically speaking.

"The word history is too heavy. Being recorded in the annals of history is not something ordinary people can do."

The ice girl pursed her lips and suddenly said: "The God of Gamblers has arrived."

Buzz buzz~~

The sky is flowing with light. Swish, brush, brush, like fire falling from the sky. One after another fell to the ground.

Among them is the God of Gamblers, and surprisingly there are others too.

One of the bald guys with a shiny head grinned at the God of Gamblers: "Hey, God of Gamblers, you are here too."

That head is comparable to titanium alloy, it will blind you!

The God of Gamblers smiled: "Bald Jin, you're here too?"

Bald Jin, the deputy leader of the Ninety-nine Arhat Group, and one of the Ultimate Emperors.

"You two, stop chatting. Jun Zili is a beautiful person, so it's better to come to our Yihua Palace." Waving her fan, the charming young master - Mei Qing, the strong pillar of Yihua Palace, loves beautiful people the most.

The most annoying thing is the Ninety-Nine Arhats Group!

——Too ugly and bald!

The strong gather together, and strong groups stand side by side.

Like fire and water!

Before the Hundred Regiments War begins, their main job is to poach people, recruit people, and pry corners!

so now

"Where is Junzili?" Bald Jin asked.

"Not out yet" replied a bald man.

The God of Gamblers didn't find anyone, so he looked at the list, but with a strange expression, he pointed at the list and said to Cheetah: "Did you just tell me where she ranked?"

"Originally it was 3999, then it was adjusted to 3572, and just now it jumped to 3310," Cheetah said excitedly.

The God of Gamblers looked at him with very loving eyes: "Then let me tell you now that she is not in 3310, nor in 3311. She jumped again."

What! ?

Bald Jin had already dodged and blocked the fifth list, scanning it with his bell-like eyes.

Finally, locate a place.

"No. 3211, Jun Zili, it belongs to her grandmother. I would never believe that she is only 29 years old! This is her first time in the Demon Suppression Tower! This speed is too fast!"

The bald man cursed, but the whole place was quiet.

Wei Xuefeng was unable to speak.

The people of the Demon Sect were all weak. Only some of them looked so depressed that they used communicators to communicate. I guess they were talking to the big bosses of the Demon Sect.

In an attic not far away, a young man was leaning on the railing, with a calm face and indifferent eyes. Behind him, Tan Shuifeng whispered: "She really didn't try her best."

"Have you broken through to the 19th floor? You have reached the 20th floor. He is a very scary newcomer. No wonder it is hidden in the Demon Palace and has never been revealed. Just like the appearance of Ruan Yanyan back then."

Ruan, this name is a curse for the Demon Sect. Too many people were tricked to death back then.

Naturally, this young man was included among them, but Ruan had disappeared for many years, so their lives became more comfortable.

Tan Shuifeng lowered his head: "My test has failed and Wei Xuefeng has been defeated. What should I do now?"

"If she has the strength of the 20th level, she should be similar to the third-year-old Ji Feiming. I'm afraid that if she breaks through to the 20th level, I will have to take action."

The third son of the Demon Sect, Ji Feiming, the second son is also said to be the most scheming and controlling son Cheng Heti.

Tan Shuifeng had a strange expression: "The twenty-first floor? Impossible?"

Of course it's impossible!

The twentieth floor has already made little giants like Bald Jin want to pry open that Jun Zili’s head. Guess how old she is? If the twenty-first floor


Demon Suppression Tower, twentieth floor.

Thousands of triple emperor level peaks!

The attack power is all between the 80,000 and 90,000 counties, joining the army, and the clones overlap. Almost two thousand emperor level peak

This is a game that only the ultimate emperor can break!

But no one was seen

What about Daili?

In that dense imperial siege~~

Puff puff!

Corpses were rolled out and torn to pieces by the sword flow!

Statue of a pure blood king. Eye of Reincarnation, Thousand Machine Sword, 450,000 clouds of blood energy. 370,000 yuan

Bang bang bang!

madly slaughter!


"Thousand Buddhas Temple! Colorful! Break it for me!!"


The ancient temple is full of thunder and dragons!

Two thousand figures shattered

It means the twentieth level that seals the ultimate emperor's power, broken!

As the stream of light shattered, Dai Li's robes squeaked, "Damn it. It's really troublesome. No wonder they say that only the ultimate emperor with a combat power of 100,000 counties can break through the twentieth floor. But as long as he is not good at group attacks, the limit can be broken." Emperor. It will be difficult to break through this layer."

Dai Li sighed and heard a cry.

"Congratulations, you have broken the twenty-level imprisonment and successfully entered the ranks of the ultimate emperors of the Demon-Suppressing Tower. Now, do you want to enter the twenty-first level?"


Dai Li didn't ask for a rest at all, because she was fighting in full swing!

Kill kill kill!


She had long known that she was of the ultimate royal class. But I don’t know which floor I can go to

21? 22? 23? 24?


Demon Tower Square.

The fifth list is already about to be licked by the bald man’s tongue.

He felt that there must be something dirty above, otherwise why would the information revealed be so false?

"Junzili. No. 3099"

While they were all staring at those words in a daze, a sound suddenly came from the sky over the Demon Suppressing Tower.

"Announcement, Jun Zili, the new member numbered Zi Chou 9999999999, has just passed the twentieth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower. He is called the new extreme elite of our Demon Suppression Tower. I am very happy to congratulate you."

Announced three times in a row with a bold and clear voice, resounding throughout the entire Demon Island

Although there are 1,001 Extreme Emperors who live permanently on the island, and including others, there are at least 3,000, but at their level, most of them no longer stay on Demon Island, and most of them live permanently. No, don't forget that the 3000 figure is based on the hundreds of billions of demon elite monks who come and go to Demon Island. The birth of one more means that the quality of the strong has improved a lot.

Therefore, it is also tradition for the Demon Suppressing Tower to issue such an announcement.

As soon as this announcement was issued, everyone understood

That list is not false, it is real.

That Jun Zili is the ultimate emperor.

"I remember it seemed like half a month ago, the Immortal Palace Master said that he wanted her to reach the ultimate emperor, and then" Ximen Yun said with an indifferent expression.

"Yeah." Yin Nianzhao's expression became even more dull: "I think the Immortal Palace is going to be slapped in the face."

You don’t have enough experience and background. I’ll give you a year to hone yourself. It doesn’t matter if you fail. We’re optimistic about you~~

Sharpen your sister!

In less than a month, I have reached the ultimate emperor!

Both Yin Nianzhao and Yin Nianzhao no longer have that thought. The blow is too great, and they feel tired and unlovable!

It was announced three times before it faded away.

Everyone's breathing was a little light

It seems like they are all dead.

Until a while later, "The gentleman has left!!!"

Dai Li came down, his face was pale, his steps were sloppy and he came out holding the wall~~

When I saw the 10,000-watt eyes of these people in front of me, I was startled and quickly held the door.

What is this for?

"Hello, Jun Zili, right? I am the bald Jin of the Ninety-nine Arhats. Our Ninety-nine Arhats sincerely invite you to become a glorious member of our Arhats. Your talent will be called our Arhats in the future." Glory, and our glory will definitely become your pride in the future! Come on, join our Arhat group and become a glorious Arhat!!!" (To be continued)

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