A Queen

Chapter 1,292: Pull people into a battle, strong team! (leszxrtheshibi+)

Chapter 1292

Li Shang said yesterday that Dai Li seemed to be involved in pyramid schemes, but actually the bald head in front of him looked more like, well, like someone involved in pyramid schemes.

"Ahem, uh." Before Dai Li could say anything, Mei Qing from Yihua Palace floated over.

"The Arhat Group ranked seventh last time, and our Yihua Palace ranked fifth~~ Mr. Jun, come and join our Yihua Palace~~ Come on, come on."

Yihua Gongdaili is embarrassed.

The God of Gamblers smiled: "Don't be ridiculous, you two. I invited her last night, and she rejected us even the second best person in the Wisteria Group, let alone you."

He stepped forward and said, "But I don't mind inviting you again. Your Excellency Junzili, you are worthy of being invited again by my God of Gamblers."

Glory, the top executives of the three major groups are vying to invite them, this is Glory.

And which of the three God of Gamblers is not a small giant ranked fourth on the list!

Dai Li looked at the three of them, and then at some group members who seemed to be coming not far away.

"Sorry, I'm used to being the boss, so you know~~~"

Well, such a reason for rejection is really positive and justifiable, and does not allow for any discussion from others.

The bald man raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Your group? Which one is it?"

Isn't this guy a new guy? How could he have formed a group? Taken over?

"The Suicide Squad"

"What a bad name"

"each other"

Dai Li had no stage fright at all, and he dared to challenge Bald Jin. Bald Jin was stunned for a moment. Before he could say anything, Dai Li had already passed them and walked out slowly. Oh, it was a period of weakness.

The 21st floor was defeated?

Everyone understands. However, it is difficult to understand that such a weak person did not seek treatment immediately, but came straight to Wei Xuefeng.

Haha, according to this person's urine, her next sentence is definitely

“Give me money and points!”

Is there any evidence of vomiting blood?

Yuan Xiqing, who saw Dai Li for the first time, was stunned.

Then he laughed unceremoniously, making many people in the Demon Sect feel ashamed.

Wei Xuefeng's expression was so gloomy that he gave 20,000 magic crystals and 20,000 points to Dai Li, which was very heart-wrenching for others to see. It’s only been two days. This person quietly earned 30,000 magic crystals and points. How come it was so easy for her?

——The main reason is that there are too many people coming to our door! There are more people who have been cheated.

After getting the points and the magic crystal, someone who had almost no magic crystal in his body felt satisfied. He liked Wei Xuefeng a lot and said with a smile: "Welcome to come again next time."

Come on, sister!

The people of the Demon Sect wanted to shoot this man through with their machine guns.

Just when the people of the Demon Sect were fearful and resentful of Daili,


A stream of light fell down, revealing a splendid young man in gorgeous clothes. The crown jade is white, and the clothes are not stained by dust. After appearing here, he put his hands behind his back, spinning a fan on his fingertips, and said lightly: "Where is Junzili?"

This tone is relatively high-spirited. Dai Li didn't respond, just glanced at the man.

The other party also saw Dai Li and was slightly startled when he saw Dai Li's face. But for a moment, his brows furrowed, and he couldn't say that he was either salty or indifferent. "Jun Zili. I am Gong Zi Lou's son. You have good strength. You can join my Gong Zi Lou and you will be able to participate in the Hundred Regiment War in the near future."

This was an invitation, an obvious invitation, but under this man's high profile and tone, it sounded like a unilateral declaration.

——You are honored to have taken our fancy. Pack up and come in.

The God of Gamblers stood aside and curled his lips when he heard this, "Young Master Lou, you are really as bad as ever~~ It's annoying."

I just don’t know if Jun Zili will do this.

"No, I won't join the group." Daili didn't want to join any of the strong groups with friendly attitudes like Zi Teng, not to mention Gongzilou, a group that had a high profile towards her from the beginning. He simply refused and turned around to leave.

Xu didn't expect that he would be rejected. Gongziyi's face changed slightly, and his eyes flashed with a glint of annoyance or something else.

"Not everyone can refuse my Young Master, Jun Zili, you have to think carefully."

A vague threat.

Dai Li ignored him with disdain and walked directly to the Demon Suppressing Medical Clinic.

The face of Gongziyi, who had been completely ignored, was already extremely gloomy, but there was a bald Jin next to him who was trying to squeeze in: "Oh, no one has seen us standing here, what kind of thing is the Gongzi building! Do you think you are? No. 1 in the world!"

Gongziyi naturally recognized who this shiny bald head belonged to, and sneered: "My Gongzilou belongs to the fourth regiment after all. Who do you think the Arhats regiment is?!"

"Hey, does the second-best Ziteng here have to eat shit?" Bald Jin desperately tried to stir up the relationship between Ziteng and Gongzilou.

The god of gambling Liangliang looked at Bald Jin and smiled at the young master: "What about our second-placed Ziteng?"

"Ziteng?" Gongziyi's eyes flashed: "You, Ziteng, have also fallen, but a newly promoted extreme emperor makes you so excited, huh!"

This person definitely doesn't know the truth about Jun Zili.

fair enough.

The expressions on the God of Gambling's people all became meaningful.

But Gongzilou is really amazing. This young master is just a somewhat famous figure in the elite group, but he dares to yell at them.

This guy is only ranked fifth on the ranking list!

Relying on her talent and arrogance, she pretends to be powerful. Compared with the real evil but arrogant gentleman, she is so far away that he dares to look down on her!


The young master who was looked at coldly by these little giants said nothing, but his eyes were dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, the people in the Demon Sect were also undercurrents, but most of the people in the Demon Palace were immersed in joy.

I need to quickly deliver the news to the Demon Palace.

It was early morning in the Demon Suppressing Medical Center, so there weren’t many people who were weak, so Dai Li didn’t have to wait in line, he just knocked on the door and said, “Doctor Meng~~”

Meng Bingxun is reading a record.

"Come in"

Dai Li comes in.


Dai Li sat down, and then he put down the record and looked up at her. His eyes seemed to flicker slightly, and then he said calmly: "Is he weak?"

Forehead. When you are a doctor, or a very beautiful and extraordinary female doctor, she asks you if you are weak~~

Daili, who was also a man in his heart, replied: "Don't Doctor Meng know?"

You should be able to tell what Daili means.

However, when it stopped in Meng Bingxun's ears, there was another feeling of teasing.

She glanced at Daili coldly, "If you are sick, then seek medical treatment."

"Well, do you want to take a pulse or take off your clothes?" Dai Li naturally knew that this girl didn't seem to have a good impression of her. I just secretly thought about what would happen if my identity as a woman was known to the other party. Maybe this doctor wouldn't misunderstand her so much.

Don't offend people in the world but don't offend doctors, especially a female doctor with superb medical skills. This is the experience Dai Li learned from Bai Jin.

Undress? Meng Bingxun pursed his lips. "No, men don't need to take off their clothes."

Haha, you are still sexist!

Who is so lustful?

"Then what?" Daili just wanted to ask how to treat him, but the other party had already stood up. Walk up to her.

"Turn around and raise your hands"

Doctors seem to be the only profession in which some powerful people have to obey orders. For example, Dai Li was so obedient at this moment that he raised his hand

The other person quickly moved a little under her armpit, and then she quickly hit each acupuncture point.

As the acupuncture points were tapped, Dai Li felt that the weakness in his body was quickly relieved, and the fatigue of his flesh and blood was dissipated, and his recovery speed also increased greatly.

Ya. This is amazing!

The world is vast and there are countless magical abilities, but Dai Li feels that her talent is just one of them. And this Meng Bingxun is obviously a different kind.

"Your physique is not too weak, and you recover quickly. But your soul is consumed a lot, so don't move."

Although Meng Bingxun's tone was cold, his actions were not perfunctory, and he did not ignore or torture Dai Li. Instead, he was standing in front of Dai Li without any distractions at this moment, pressing two fingers on her temples, beating at a special frequency. Twist and press

Soothing, cool, and comfortable, Daili, who was originally a little nervous, suddenly felt a drowsy warmth, and his tight guard relaxed.


The door was suddenly kicked open with great force, followed by a shocking cry: "Sister!! I have mutated!!!"

If it were in the past, Daili would have just looked at it out of curiosity, but now when she was extremely relaxed,

Frightened, absolutely frightened!

Daili reflexively stood up and bumped into Meng Bingxun.

It seems like I touched something on my forehead, it’s soft~~

Then Dai Li saw Meng Bingxun quickly turn away, slightly covering his chest with one hand, his brows furrowed and his expression cold.


"I didn't mean it, really! I swear on a cucumber!"

Dai Li was slightly embarrassed and said, Cao Ni Ma, this scumbag will never get rid of him even if he is killed!

The two of them were silently embarrassed, but the tall woman who ran in waved her hands: "I have changed, I have changed. You see, I have become thinner. Sister, look at my skin! Look, look, look. !”

They both looked at this woman at the same time

Meng Jiangnu was so gifted with such a voice, so her appearance changed obviously, and they recognized her at the same time.

Fortunately, my blood had some effect, and Dai Li felt a little relieved. Vampire blood has always been used for beauty. She originally wanted to try it on Meng Jiangnu again, thinking that if Meng Jiangnu's system was not suitable or she was too strong, the effect would not be obvious. , then she can just keep fooling around~~

Fortunately it works.

When Meng Jiangnu was so excited that she finished howling, she noticed that Dai Li was here.

"Ah, why are you here!!! What did you do to my sister!!"

Get lost!

"What do you think I can do?" Dai Li rolled his eyes at her.

Meng Bingxun had already reached his seat, and then looked at Dai Li: "You can go out."

She didn't bother her at all. Dai Li thought she would make trouble for her, but he would have to scold her no matter what. She was indeed a very good woman. (To be continued)

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