A Queen

Chapter 1294: Ten Thousand Years Wooden Fish, Semi-immortal Weapon!

Chapter 1294

The main body is also Qian Jianqi!

It’s all Xiao Qian Kendo!

Double small thousand swords, but the thousand swords are crossed!

Gongziyi's famous stunt - the Thousand Sword Spin Kill!

The ultimate combat power of 100,000 counties explodes!

Martial Arts Thunder Wheel, Thousand Swirling Swords, Kill!

Quack quack!

The cutting-edge thunder and sword energy tore through the sky, creating ferocious black streaks in the space.

That was the ultimate battle of emperors, scary, so scary!

But not as scary as the other side

Most of the subjects are stronger than the body. At this moment, the subject of the generation is facing the ice-sealed magic sword. Ice is the ultimate ice that can be frozen for thousands of miles!

The cold air froze the air by 50%!

It's about blocking speed and fear.

The sword is a demon sword, and the Demon Sect is better at swords than the Demon Palace, because the founder of the Demon Sect is a peerless swordsman, so most of the nine sons of the Demon Sect are good at swords!

Cheng Heti’s sword is so powerful! The Three Thousand Swordsmen of Kendo came out, and they were a little bit more powerful than Gongziyi's Little Thousand Swords.

With the same ultimate combat power of 100,000, his sword appears even more invulnerable!

It just so happens that Daili, the most powerful copycat swordsman, also uses a sword!

Thousand Buddhas Ancient Temple threw out a sword, bombarded the ice space, and shattered a crack!

Leaving the space, the wings spread out from behind~~

Countless sword feathers spread out like branches and leaves, inserting into these ice gaps, seeping and separating. At first glance, it looks like an ice world occupied by sword feathers!

The sight was too shocking.

That method is also very scary.

Like a demon.

Then Dai Li's wings moved at the base of his back!


The whole ice world creaks,


Ice fragments flew.

People like Ximen Yun were stunned.

"Cheng Heti's ice world has frozen many people. Yuan Xiqing, Zhuo Xiaobai, etc. were helpless and they could only escape with their lives. That was one of his famous stunts, but he didn't expect to be divorced by a gentleman! "

Some people sighed with emotion, but they saw Cheng Heti already approaching and leaving in the sky!

Cross your hands and sacrifice blood between your eyebrows!

"It's time to end, Jun Zili!"

When masters fight, three moves can often determine the winner.

Just the first move!

Cheng Heti had the upper hand and was about to launch his second move!

Buzz~~The Demonic Ice Sword expanded a hundred times. Vertical and high in the sky. The tip of the sword was facing Dai Li from above, and countless ice streams seeped out from the sword, which was filled with the sacrificed blood of Cheng Heti. It quickly became blood red and spread over ten miles.

At first glance, it looks like a huge sword umbrella covering the sky, with the sky as the cover. The ice flow is the umbrella stem, and the sword is the umbrella rib!

Cheng Heti's most powerful skill - the Sky-Zealing Sword!

Sky-covering sword. drop!


The sword is a sharp sword, and the umbrella is an umbrella that covers the sky. This is the supreme sword that combines single attack and range attack.

It is also the sword that wants to kill Jun Zili!

Even her ancient temple of Thousand Buddhas cannot be broken by this sword! Countless people present are sure of this.

Then there is no need for the Thousand Buddhas Temple!

Dai Li raised his head and closed his sword with both hands. The sword points to the sky!

"If a thousand Buddhas were in an ancient temple, they would knock wooden fish for thousands of years!"

Thousand Chances No. 26 - Ten Thousand Years Wooden Fish


Boom! The faint sound of wooden fish tapping was heard throughout Tianmo Island.

That is the sound of wooden fish that can calm the soul.

It's like the fish is breathing inside you.

This breath. Let an umbrella break and turn into powder!

And that sword is comparable to a semi-immortal weapon. It had already stabbed Cheng Heti in the chest.


The second crisp sound after the sound of wooden fish.

The stunningly beautiful person was killed from below. His short hair was blowing in the wind, his robes were fluttering, and his brows were filled with murderous intent.

But the sword cannot penetrate.

Because that is under the sword

Semi-immortal weapon!

A semi-immortal level defensive magic weapon!

After all, it is a real semi-immortal level magic weapon!

Everyone is horrified! Cheng Heti! There is actually a semi-immortal level defensive treasure garment! ! terrible!

In panic and confusion.

Dai Li saw Cheng Heti smiling at her, the smile was very light.

I said, Jun Zili, you are defeated!

Cheng Heti's smile suddenly looked like a demon. In fact, there was a demon statue on top of his head. The effect may be similar to that of the pure-blood king of Daili. When it appeared, Cheng Heti's body aura surged four times. Five times, the half-immortal weapon-level defensive treasure clothes even shot back golden light to deflect Dai Li's sword!

The rebound force even entered Dai Li's body, and one blow made her heart feel slightly sweet.

What a terrifying semi-immortal weapon!

The second in the Demon Sect, a semi-immortal weapon, should be treated like this.

It's just that I never use the magic weapon to replace my suffering.

No wonder Taichi Qilin said that it was a pity that her Qianji had reached the semi-immortal level, which would have been terrible.

Dai Li originally thought it was just a little bit different, it didn't matter, but he didn't expect the gap to be so big.

It's like the difference between extraordinary level and purple gold level.

call out!

Dai Li was bounced away, and Cheng He Ti seemed to be possessed by a demon statue. He was armored all over and holding a magic ice sword in his hand. The original frail appearance had long since disappeared, and turned into a sinister and murderous demon!

As soon as he took a step forward, he rushed in front of her and the air was torn apart by his demonic energy, forcing her to empty!

Daili's body was invaded by countless demonic energies, hissing, the demonic energy cut his clothes, *~~

So strong, so strong!

Worthy of being the second in the Demon Sect!

And when the other party rushes over

Dai Li only did one thing.

She took a deep breath to calm her heart and let her blood become cold

At the same time, the martial arts Falun and Thousand Revolving Swords on the clone's side had been shattered.

Young Master Yi smiled arrogantly: "Jun Zili, you are so arrogant. You even used your clone on my captain, but you can't kill me, and you will be killed by Cheng Heti again! You are dead!"

His voice was still solid and echoed in the air, and suddenly he saw the astonished expressions of Ximen Yun and others.


He turned away.

In the shattered sword light and thunder sword, the thunder clone appeared in front of him without knowing when.

The index finger of her right hand pointed at the center of his eyebrows.

With one finger, the water that weighs tens of thousands of feet rises up and down in strange ways.

That water is not ordinary, nor is it simply heavy water.

But a mine in the water! Thunder in the water!

The five elements break the virtual finger. The third finger: The Milky Way hangs in the sky.


Thousands of feet of heavy water formed a dazzling silvery Milky Way. As the thunder clone moved his finger,

The Milky Way streaked across the sky, hanging in the sky, at the top

Bombarded in front of Young Master Yi

An extraordinary level three defensive magic weapon? Defense shield?

A galaxy destroys everything!


Young Master’s intention is covered~~

The thunder clone is missing!

She came to the main body of generation and separation! Faced with Cheng Heti!

"So what if the main clones join forces!"

Cheng Heti sacrificed his clones with disdain. He wanted to use this sword to kill the opponent's main body and clones together!

Die! ! !

The weird thing is. Cheng Heti was full of murderous intent. Jun Zi Li Ju Zhu maintained a strange silence.


Until everyone felt the very uncomfortable coldness, which came from their souls and their blood. It seems like there is an inexplicable power

Dai Li finally moved.

When she raised her eyes, the power of her soul was unleashed, and the statue of the pure-blood king suddenly roared, rising with the melted Eye of Reincarnation. Grab and control with both hands, buzz~~

The Eye of Samsara turned into a giant scythe. rise!

That sickle is not an entity, it seems to be~~


He jumps up and performs a jumping slash!

Cut to the demon statue which is also a soul body!

King versus Golem?

A sickle is enough!


A sickle!


The demon roared in pain~~ grabbed the sickle and knelt down. Tear~!

"No!!" Most of Cheng Heti's amplified power comes from the golem, but the golem is a soul body. Even if others know that this is where his power lies, few people can hurt him. This is the secret skill he has hidden for a long time, but

Thousand Machines No. 27 - The Scythe of Samsara!

A sickle. Directly cut his demon statue into pieces!

"Soul weapon! Damn it!" Bald Jin, who was watching the battle nearby, couldn't help shouting, and his figure was no longer covered, and he almost jumped.

People like the God of Gamblers were also stunned.

Soul weapons are extremely terrifying magical powers!

No one thought that Junzili would have such a trump card, but now Cheng and Ti


The soul is seriously injured!

And Dai Li's sword instantly blocked his Demonic Ice Sword.

Qianji was covered in frost as soon as he touched the magic ice, but soon~~



The boundless coldness does not come from space, it is invisible coldness.

Comes from generational separation.

Evolution of the king's blood, the fourth transformation.

Ice blood.

The most obvious coldness of the vampire clan comes from her blood. The colder the blood, the purer the bloodline of the vampire clan. At this moment

Daili's blood was absolutely cold, like a stream of ice. It was bone-chillingly cold, so cold that the ice of the Demonic Ice Sword froze.

And the 450,000 blood refined by the triple transformation of Kuang, Sha, and Burning Blood can condense instantly after being burned. The overall quantity shrinks rapidly, but the energy intensity increases horribly!



Qian Ji, whose power was greatly increased, cut off the Demonic Ice Sword boldly!

Afraid! Cheng Heti was struck by a sword and flew away~~

The power, Daili's power has increased more than ten times!

All her vampire powers have skyrocketed, just like Cheng Heti's demon before.

But when his demon image was broken, her ice blood came!

One ebbs and the other ebbs and flows

Cheng Heti, who was blasted out, turned around and cloned himself!

The Sky Covering Sword merges with the ice world! Sacrifice the golem again!

He dared to sacrifice the golem!

This person's soul is also strong, and his murderous intention and fighting spirit are also fierce!

However, the clones of Daili Thunder have already used the martial arts thunder wheel and the galaxy to hang in the sky!

Boom boom!

Two powerful attacks hit his body in succession.

Semi-immortal weapon defensive clothing to resist!

Buzz buzz~~The treasure light shines~~

"You can't kill me~~" Cheng Heti was shouting in his heart. Suddenly

There was a hard edge on his back pressing against his heart.

Ten Thousand Years Wooden Fish!


The wooden fish stabs with a sword!

Attack from front and back

Semi-immortal weapon?


One hundred thousand high-intensity attack waves crossed back and forth, forming a spiral force. Meng Jiangnu and others had to retreat in fear, watching Cheng Heti, who was almost invincible with a tortoise shell on his back, being attacked by the clones of his substitute body.

But behind Dai Li's body, there are also clones of Cheng He Ti who assassinate him.

Kill and kill, who will lose? !

"Cheng Heti has a semi-immortal weapon!"

"Junzili is too strong, but he lacks a half-immortal weapon, otherwise"

When others think this way, Jun Zili has actually won, and his victory is earth-shattering. (To be continued)

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