A Queen

Chapter 1,295 I want to make that sky!

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Chapter 1295

But it's not over yet.

"Broken!" Jun Zili's low and deep voice came.



The Baoguang scattered~~Cheng Heti roared loudly

After the ups and downs of light

Dai Li's face was pale, her whole body was cold, and there was a sword stuck in her abdomen.

Both of their clones have disappeared.


But the main body is all there, but Cheng and Ti are just embarrassed and intact, but Jun Zili seems to be seriously injured?

"Lost?" Meng Jiangnv was suspicious, and the God of Gamblers and others breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he doesn't want to see Daili, but if Junzili defeats both Cheng and Ti, then they should be afraid.

If Cheng He Ti can be defeated now, how long will it take to defeat them in the future?

Just when these people breathed a sigh of relief and the people of the Demon Sect were also heartbroken,

Cheng Heti opened his mouth and spit out blood. The blood was frozen and icy.

And there was suddenly a cold light on the right shoulder of his upper body.


The right arm, half of the shoulder, suddenly slipped off~~

That was cut open.

But there was no blood, because the blood was frozen.

At this moment, Cheng Heti couldn't even speak. He could only bite out one sentence slowly and with difficulty: "You can actually freeze my blood and break open my precious clothes. But you are not much better."

Daili didn't answer him.

He just held the sword on his abdomen with his hand expressionlessly, grabbed it, and pulled it out.

No blood either.

"Your ice blood is different from mine." She twitched the corner of her mouth, and her original expressionless face became tainted with a hint of enchantment.

This seems to have a deep meaning, but it is obvious. Cheng Heti has no strength to fight anymore, but Junzili~~the thousand machines in her hand are still as sharp as ever! The statue of the pure-blood king is still hanging in the sky!



Cheng He was defeated!

And Gongziyi

"The clones killed Young Master Yi, and the clones joined forces to defeat Cheng Heti! With such combat power as Jun Zili, did you really only reach the 21st floor of the Demon Suppression Tower?"

People like the God of Gamblers and Mei Qing also appeared one after another.

Among them, the God of Gamblers asked very curiously, but his expression was a bit complicated.

Dai Li looked at them with a strange look, "Don't you all care about my ranking?"

Look! Been watching it!

"22" Dai Li said calmly, then added unhappily: "Only to 22!"

How many of the extreme emperors who are stuck on the 21st floor and are dying are eager to stab the centrifugal mouth of the past!

And Cheetah has already hammered himself hard on the chest: "Pervert! I have been stuck on the 21st floor for nearly ten years! I have repeated the trial no less than ten thousand times on the 21st floor alone!"

This is very disgusting data. Many of the Extreme Emperors present felt sad.

One blow cut through more than 20 floors. Basically, it is common for a layer to be stuck for several years.

But I can’t bear it and rush to 22 in one breath! There is also a special saying, only 22!

And she actually said, don’t you all look at my ranking?

Look, I keep looking! But think about how many times you have jumped!

"It's not our fault that you broke through 4 floors from the 18th to the 22nd floor. Jun Zili," the God of Gamblers said seriously.

Dai Li was speechless.

The people of the Demon Sect are already in chaos because what Dai Li did this time is too big.

Not only did she defeat people, she also killed people!

The Demon Sect clamored for revenge, and many regiments were ready to take action. Everyone is thinking about what the young master group should do~

The God of Gamblers and others laughed.

Among them, Mei Qing said: "Junzili, join me in Yihua Palace. Bao Nagongzilou can't do anything to you."

Yihua Palace ranks fifth, but it is not far behind fourth. Mei Qing is confident that he can keep Junzili.

"There are five people in Gongzilou and two from the Demon Sect. There are still two Demons. The gentleman is in big trouble."

Since there is trouble, someone must solve the trouble.

So here's their chance!

The God of Gamblers smiled: "In order of priority. Shouldn't it be our Ziteng too?"

Third invitation!

The God of Gamblers has never given such great honor to a person, but he had to admit that his first dedication was to Jun Zili.

The God of Gamblers' words made the people of the Demon Sect change their expressions. It also made the faces of the hundreds of young master building members who had just arrived change.

"God of Gamblers, this man killed five people in my Gongzilou. Do you really want to make an enemy of my Gongzilou?" The person leading the team this time was not a brainless person like Gongziyi, but Gongzihan, who was always famous for his stability. But you can also see him getting angry.

"It sounds like our group has always been in love with each other. Are you, the fourth ranked, qualified to call me Ziteng's enemy?" The God of Gamblers is also extremely tongue-tied, and he can severely damage the people in Gongzilou with just one sentence.

Bald Jin, who was worried that the world would be peaceful, added fuel to the fire: "Let's fight, let's fight. We, the Arhats, will accompany you when we fight~~"

The God of Gamblers ignored others and looked at Daili: "How about it, think about the order~~ Anyway, there are only two people in your group now."

He glanced at Yan and Tong.

Only two people,

"If you want, both of them can also join me, Wisteria."

I go! The treatment is so good!

This time Junzili must agree, after all, Ziteng's attitude is already very good.

Dai Li was also surprised that such a powerful team like Zi Teng invited her over and over again.

This is too flattering to her.

"You Ziteng don't lack an extreme emperor, right? Besides, I'm still very weak." Dai Li's words made Cheetah and Ice Girl look a little weird.

The God of Gamblers blew out a smoke ring and smiled: "Yes, we do not lack an extreme emperor at the moment, but we need a future fusion master. With your talent, you may be able to achieve the fusion stage in twenty or thirty years. This time is bound to be You will still be active on Tianmo Island, and you will become the mainstay of our Ziteng in the future. My God of Gamblers is not betting on the present, but on your future."

Twenty or thirty years? Is it so difficult to break through the integration stage?

Dai Li felt that the other party's tone seemed to mean that she had broken through the integration stage very quickly in twenty or thirty years.

Okay, she twitched her lips and said something.

"Once upon a time, there was a fish swimming in the water. There were many companions around him, and they occupied the entire ocean. But one day, it wanted to go ashore to have a look, so it broke away from the fish school and climbed up to the shore in order to stay on the shore. Life. It tore its fish tail in half and turned it into two legs. She turned into a beast on the shore. Later, it wanted to go to the sky, so it forcibly grabbed out the flesh and bones. It generated wings and became the birds in the sky”

This is a story, what does it mean?

The God of Gamblers thought thoughtfully: "You mean you are that fish? But if so, you should jump out of your water."

Dai Li shook his head: "No. What I mean is the root of evolution. Mine is not about becoming a bird. It's"

She pointed to the sky.

But he smiled without saying a word.

——I want to become that vast and boundless sky~!

The whole place was quiet.

Dai Li glanced at Gongzilou and the people from the Demon Sect, and stretched out his hand towards Yan.

Yan Tong flew over and handed her a stone.

Cheng Heti's expression changed as soon as he saw the stone. That couldn't be~~~

Dai Li held the stone. The light emitted, recreating the previous scene where Yan Tong questioned Young Master Cheng Heti.

"He deliberately planned to challenge me, but he was defeated and died. Who is to blame! You can cause trouble for me, but it is best to find an upright reason that will not embarrass the Demon Sect and Gongzilou. As for the people who died, they killed the three of me , it’s cheap to kill seven of them! I’ll pay you a hundred if I kill one more next time!”

After that, she sneered, "Yantong, let's go!"

His domineering attitude was revealed, and no one in the audience dared to stop him!

Even Young Master Han could only watch her leave, clenching his fists tightly! Gongziyi, this idiot, actually let the other party record such a scene, and even admitted to using such despicable means to lure Junzili into action!

In this way, if their young master wanted to attack Jun Zili with great force, they would have to worry about their own reputation and the reaction of the Demon Palace.

But it's not that you can't take revenge. You can also ask people in your own group to challenge it, but the other party doesn't have to accept it!


The original reason to kill the opponent is gone!

You still have to worry about the Demon Palace’s counterattack!

The Demon Sect also had the same concerns. Cheng Heti closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Defeat was not only a defeat in terms of force, but also a strategic contempt for the other party.

"Let's go!" Cheng Heti didn't stay any longer. The situation was over, and staying any longer would be in vain and make people laugh. .

The parties involved are all gone, and people like Bald Jin feel inexplicable.

Junzili has risen!

Officially becoming a super rookie on Demon Island who can be either light or heavy cannot stop her advancement! At one point, Yuan Xiqing said calmly to the man next to her: "What did you think of?"

Dressed in white, the handsome and slightly weathered man lowered his eyes: "It seems like I have returned to that era - the era of Ruan's rule."

"You can't say this to Pang Ban, otherwise he will probably fight with Junzi Lizhang directly, even if she is from the Demon Palace."

The only person who could make Yuan Xiqing speak in such a friendly manner was Zhuo Xiaobai, who was also born in Zangyan.

Above the two of them, there were Zi Cheyou, Pang Ban and Que Liao.

"In terms of strength, Pang Ban should be about the same as Cheng He Ti, and Zi Che You is slightly inferior. However, I haven't seen them for a long time, and I don't know if the strength has improved enough to be as good as the others in the Demon Sect. It is not difficult. Zhong Lingyun is too difficult, even Que Liao. It may not be possible to stop it”

Yuan Xiqing said lazily, then suddenly smiled: "If Ruan was here, who of these people would dare to move?"

Ruan, when that person was there, no matter the Demon Palace, the Demon Sect, or others, they were in a state of absolute suppression. There were only a few people in the entire Demon Realm who could compare with her.

Even from history, there are only a few

Therefore, the era called Ruan at that time was also the era when the Demon Palace was most proud.


When Dai Li, Yan Tong, Zhang Hei and Meng Jiangnu returned to the station, Li Shang was sitting on the sofa.

The other party seemed to already know about this, because the communication stone in her hand was shining. (To be continued)

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