A Queen

Chapter 1,296 Reactions from all parties

Chapter 1296

Turning around, she asked, "Your injury shouldn't be serious. Why don't you go and see Meng Bingxun?"

The question stopped abruptly because she saw Dai Li's abdomen

"Hey, even if you two have an affair, you can't be so naked," Meng Jiangnv teased from the side. When she followed her gaze, she was shocked!

"I'll go! Junzili, your belly

Everyone just saw that the flesh and blood on her abdomen and the snow-white skin on her abdomen were flawless.

Frightened, so frightened.

Li Shang was okay, but she was expected to be injured, but Meng Jiangnu saw with her own eyes that Dai Li was stabbed in the abdomen by the Demonic Ice Sword.

Is that good?

"Suddenly I felt that my sister was going to lose her job," Meng Jiangnu said.

Daili didn't take it seriously at the shock of these people. She knew her own physique and didn't dare to say it was the best in the world, but she was definitely one of the best among the younger generation.

Two souls and one soul are no joke.

"Next, if anyone comes to inquire about us looking for someone, just tell us."

Dai Li looked at Meng Jiangnu and Li Shang: "Just say, you must at least be like us before accepting them."

Go ahead, this is too demanding!

Although Zhang Hei and Zhang Hei still felt sad, they were also shocked.

"Is this request too high?" Yan Tong asked.

"No, I would rather lack than waste, Yan Tong, you two come up."

Yan Tong and Zhang Hei quickly followed Daili upstairs.

Meng Jiangnu: "I guess she wants to start a small stove for the two of them."

Li Shang: "Isn't this good?"

Meng Jiangnu: "No, I'm hungry."

Li Shang: ""

Dai Li is indeed starting a small business.

The treasures she was given were naturally incomparable to the skills she had obtained from the big powers, but they were definitely not comparable to the skills used by people like Yan Tong and others who had climbed up from the bottom.

"Although you two are very weak, there are also very obvious points. Yan Tong, you have good calculation and coordination skills and can be the planning strategist in the regiment. Zhang Hei, your defense is not bad, otherwise you would not have survived and been injured the most. Light. To put it harshly. Your comprehensive talents are definitely not comparable to those of geniuses, but if you use them unilaterally, you can still get ahead."

Think about it. Daili said: "I have a legion under me, called the Vatican. They are all my subordinates, but they must completely surrender to me. They must also be as bloodthirsty as me, if you are willing. I will give you a chance to transform, if not If you are willing, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

Select result? Need I say more?

Soon the two of them were injected with blood poison by Dai Li and entered the stage of transformation.

Daili also sent a message to Li Qing and others in the magic city. Ask them to help find candidates to join the group

After arranging everything, Daili returned to his room to take a shower and then practice.

The failure on the 22nd floor of the Demon Suppression Tower sounded her alarm. Although she is an extreme emperor, she is far from the strongest extreme emperor. At best, he can be regarded as the ultimate king in the middle and lower reaches.

This made her very dissatisfied and she had to break through as soon as possible~~

Just when Daili wanted to practice, Dingdong, someone contacted her again.

"Dan?" Dai Li was surprised, then smiled.

Very good, the nation’s good steward with the strongest ability to do things is here,

Dan saw Dai Li half an hour later. After bowing to Li Shang, he followed her upstairs.

"Should I first congratulate you, Sir, on your extraordinary achievements, or should I inform you that the Demon Palace invites you to come over?"

Dan was always slow and slow.

Dai Li smiled and sat on the chair, "Over there in the Demon Palace? What's going on? I'm still short of 220,000 points from the 300,000 points."

"I don't know about this Dan, but there is indeed some anxiety over there. It is probably because your performance is too unexpected, and I am worried that the Demon Sect will stumble." Dan thought for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Since your Excellency is in the 22nd The first level has failed. Staying in the Demon Suppressing Tower will also give those people an opportunity to plot. It is better to return to the Demon City and practice in the Demon Pool."

Demon Pond, Dai Li thought of this, but was stunned: "The Demon Palace here in the Demon City also has a Demon Pond?"

"No." Dan shook his head, "What I mean is that the Demon Pond in the Demon City is not owned by the Demon Palace family. The Demon Pond Forest set up by the royal family is larger than the Demon Pond in our Demon Palace. It comes from the demon source veins of the entire Demon Realm. , is the foundation of magic. Children of the royal family, noble children of all generations, and geniuses recognized by the Demon Alliance can all get the opportunity to be baptized. They can also spend points to purchase the magic pool and use it for the same time as in our Demon Palace."

Dai Li understood that no matter how powerful the Demon Palace was, it was still under the command of the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm was dominated by the royal family, and the nobles of the following generations were intertwined, forming a powerful system of power and power.

“But my points”

"The conditions of the Immortal Palace should mean that your points must reach 300,000, sir, not that your account balance must have 300,000 points," Dan smiled.

Dai Li also smiled: "I think so, you can't let me keep saving the points and not let them use them. Isn't that killing the goose that lays the goose to lay the egg?"

Dan nodded, and then handed over the spiritual blood and dragon scales he had purchased with 300 billion spiritual crystals to Dai Li.

Nowadays, Daili no longer values ​​these resources because she has made too much progress in Longrui Temple.

"You don't need to give these to me, you give them to Li Qing and the others, and I will give you another 10,000 magic crystals to help me purchase them from inside the Demon Palace. When the time comes, I will also give them to Li Qing and the others to handle the details, as well as the matters in my group. How about I do it for you too?"

Daili has become accustomed to using Dan to do things, because it is too worry-free for the other party to do things.

“Dan it was an honor”

"Then come back to the Magic City with me later."


Dan smiled and backed away.

Then, Dai Li looked at his back thoughtfully.

It's strange how such a person would be willing to be a butler in the small registration area of ​​the Demon Palace.


The departure of Dai Li and Dan was naturally noticed by many people, but they left very simply. Not many people could follow Dai Li without noticing her, and they could only give up on the verge of death.

But I guessed that she must have returned to the Demon Palace.

This side of the magic city.

The news was passed quickly. After all, Tianmo Island is a core of the Demon City and can be called a holy place. What happened inside. Demon City can find out in less than a day, let alone such a big thing.

The high-level officials of the Demon Palace and Demon Sect have begun to quarrel, causing no peace in the Demon City, and the name Junzili has completely entered the ears of the powerful people in the Demon City.

"29 years old, on the 22nd floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, he used his clone to kill Young Master Yi and defeated the second son of the Demon Sect with all his strength."

Such information invariably landed on the desks of many aristocratic families.

Nine generations of nobles settled their families.

Xie Lianhuan faced his father's inquiry.

"Your sister's third-grade jade lotus. Was it a gift from her?"

Xie Lianlian naturally knows what the other party is planning. He just said calmly: "Liancheng helped her once, and she just repaid her with kindness, but she didn't intend to accept it."

"Really. It's a pity that she is still a woman, but fortunately she is a woman. Fengshen will not ask more questions."

Xie Huanhuan's eyes were indifferent, "It's gratifying and congratulatory."

soon. He left the room and glanced at the man in the room with his back turned to him. The corners of his mouth twitched.

His eyes were very cold.

Among the gentry family.

"Haha, this Junzili is really amazing and talented. I haven't seen such a genius in many years. I thought it was good luck for the Demon Palace to get a Ruan." An old man glanced at the information on the paper with a sarcastic expression. .

Fengshen Yingqi pursed her lips: "The talent is very high. But can it be compared with Ruan? Even Ruan, I don't think he is as talented as you say. Who can beat my brother!"

Fengshenxun, the strongest genius in the history of the Fengshen clan. He is one of the top geniuses in the Magic City.

The people of the Fengshen family naturally think so, but they also understand in their hearts. Although Fengshenxun is considered young, only in his early 100s, Junzili is even younger, only 29 years old.

“Less than 30”

An old man thought thoughtfully, "At this age, it is worth worrying about. I hope it is not another Ruan."

"Seven peerless beings in the Demon Realm, three from the Royal Family, one from the Royal Family, another from the Demon Palace, eleventh Generation Gongyang, and twelveth Generation Yuwen"

These are the seven most powerful geniuses in the Demon Realm, and Ruan is one of them.

But he hasn’t appeared in so many years

"Maybe it has fallen."

The people of the Fengshen family laughed.

The reason why I laugh is because they, the Fengshen clan, have a grudge against the Demon Palace and have always been unfriendly.


Dai Li saw an old man at the Demon Palace in the Demon City. The clothes he wore made her quickly recognize him.

People from the Immortal Palace.

"Lao Chan is the auxiliary hall of the Immortal Palace, and his name is Fisherman. I am here for you."

The old man got straight to the point, nodded and saluted, and then asked: "You're not here to tell me to lower my conditions, are you?"

She was joking too.

The other party stroked his beard and smiled: "If your performance was not so good, it might be possible to lower it, but now it might be time to improve it."

Get lost!

Dai Li rolled his eyes, "That's it?"

"First, I'm here to show that I, the Immortal Palace, attaches great importance to you, so as to prevent you from being exploited. Second, the Hidden Smoke Palace has found out some information. Although it may not be related to you, you'd better know it and know it well."

"what news?"

"The Wind King clan was deeply suppressed by Qinghuang Hai before, but for some reason, it seems to have received some help recently and has begun to rise. Maybe Qinghuang Hai will know something about this inexplicable power, and the Wind King clan has always had a relationship with you. Qiu, although my Demonic Palace is not afraid, it may not be able to defend against the opponent in all aspects."

"This is really not good news." Dai Li frowned, "What else?"

"Also, we have found out that the reason why the Split Cloud Organization has been pestering you seems to be that they have ulterior motives for you and are not wholeheartedly killing you. Within them, although there is always a bounty on you, there is a special internal conspiracy. There is a rule, you can kill, but your body must be kept intact. It would be better if you capture them alive."

Daili was already sensitive and immediately smelled some special smell.

"What does the Zangyan Palace think of this?" (To be continued)

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