A Queen

Chapter 1,297 Can’t you stop teasing me?

Chapter 1297

The reaction was quite fast, and the fisherman looked at her with approval, "Actually, before this, our Demon Palace found out about the special nature of the organization Liyun. They have always had the habit of hunting down targets and taking away the bodies. The Hidden Smoke Palace listed them After investigating some information, I found that most of the more talented people were not killed on the spot, but their life and death were unknown. They were taken away and they couldn't be taken away, so they were killed and the bodies were taken away. Have you experienced what happened in Fenchuan? Son, you should know that Liyun has some dealings with Zombie Territory, and do you understand your physique?"

Understood in seconds!

Daili nodded: "I understand."

"It's good to understand. I'm here. One more thing. You must be going to the Magic City, the Demon Pond Forest, to undergo the Demon Pond Baptism. This is the fastest and most effective way for geniuses with high-end talents to improve their strength. But you have to remember that in addition to the hatred between the Demon Sect and the Demon Palace, there are also some families that you should pay attention to, among which the Fengshen family is the most dangerous."


Dai Li also knew that most major forces had some enemies, but he didn't expect that the Demon Palace would directly attract two behemoths in the Demon City.

From the style of Fengshen Yingqi, we can see that the style of the Fengshen clan is definitely a domineering and ruthless master.

The fisherman left quickly. Although he came and went in a hurry, the deputy master of the Immortal Hall was more noble than the master of the Lower Five Halls, and he had given Dai Li great honor.

Daili didn't stay long, and asked Dan to go find Li Qing and the others, and went to the Demon Pond Forest himself. This hurried coming and going made many monks in the Demon Palace who wanted to see their true appearance complain - I'm going, Ming Most of us in the Demon City have never seen Junzili who controls the entire Demon City!

Magic City, a prosperous place in the Demon Realm. After walking out of the Demon Palace, a sense of prosperity hit your face.

Bustling and dazzling.

She didn't seem to have visited the Magic City much after arriving. She went to the Magic Palace as soon as she arrived, and then went straight to the Demonic Island. She went to two places before and after, but thinking about it, she seemed to have only been here for two or three days.

The Demon City is famous for many places, among which the Demon Pond Forest is considered one of the most outstanding.

Zuo Wei knew the location from the basic materials of the Demon Palace without even asking for directions. Less than a month has passed. She has already got 80,000 points, and she still has 20,000 points from the fifth ranking, which she can get before this evening. With one hundred thousand in hand, I have the world!

Therefore, Zuo Wei felt much more comfortable than before, so he was not in a hurry.

Since there is no rush, then you have to take a good look at this magical city.

delicious. Buy some fun and delicious things

Someone started a big purchase. The spies who are following you secretly are feeling pained. What are they doing? What are they doing? Sister, shouldn't you go to the Magic Pond Forest? How did the madness begin?

Let’s talk about women as creatures. Because he loses blood for seven consecutive days every month, he was unable to keep up with men in the later stage, but there is an ability that is always increasing day by day. And you never need to consider your own physical strength, that is-shopping.

Activities like shopping. It allows women to continue to maintain a state of small universe explosion or chakra burning.

If you were a female vampire, you would still be a great prince.

An hour later, Zuo Wei had already changed the third storage ring to hold things

The spies are getting drunk!

Finally, with a breeze in his sleeves, someone who attracted countless gazes along the way walked into one of the most prestigious taverns in the Magic City.

As soon as he went upstairs, Zuo Wei saw someone he didn't know well, but he wasn't unfamiliar either.

a woman.

The other person was sitting by the window and turned to look at her. The look in his eyes and the slight smile on his lips told Zuo Wei invisibly - I have been waiting for you for a long time.

"There is no place in life where we don't meet each other, Miss Xie"

Zuo Wei walked over with a smile and sat on the chair opposite Jie Liancheng. Well, there was already a cup of tea on the table, which was still warm.

"As long as we are willing, we can always meet each other." Jie Liancheng smiled faintly, and his gentle tone and smile could surprise many people in the city - how could the famous cold beauty of the Jie family be so friendly?

"Then Miss Xie is interested in me?" Zuo Wei is a person with many bad qualities, one of which is called - he specializes in teasing dignified and glamorous beauties.

It's very interesting to watch them scratching their hair. I have to say that someone's temperament is quite bad.

Xie Liancheng pursed his lips slightly while drinking tea, and his pale eyes faintly glanced at Zuo Wei's face, "If I hadn't known that Your Excellency Jun is a woman, I would have suspected that you were teasing me."

"No doubt, it's actually teasing," someone said seriously.

Xie Liancheng tilted his head and said, "Then sending the third-grade evil-warming jade lotus was your teasing?" His tone was a bit playful.

"Teasing, either for love or sex. Miss Xie, do you think I have a purpose for you?"

It seems to be saying that your thoughts are too unhealthy.

Xie Liancheng held his chin with one hand, his eyes widened, and he sighed to himself. He was indeed famous for his articulate words. "Your Excellency Jun has always been good at eloquence. If I don't tell you these things and come here to wait for you, I just want to return the jade lotus to you, Jun Zili. I took action before without any intention, but your jade lotus made me useless. The feeling of receiving merit and reward”

This girl is really sincere~~ I just didn’t know that she had never gotten back the things Zuo Wei gave away.

Zuo Wei wanted to laugh in his heart, but his face was very serious.

"Oh, I understand. Do you mean that you are not one of my own, so you are embarrassed to accept it?"

Xie Liancheng didn't know what kind of brain circuit Zuo Wei had that would affect her, but she really felt the feeling of being teased.

I have been teased all the time, never stopping.

She pursed her lips and sighed quietly: "Your Excellency, do you really have to tease me like this?"

If the word "tease" is used too often, the taste will be different, so change the word.

"It's not a joke. Good-looking people are called humorous, and bad-looking people are called hooligans. I think I am very humorous. By the way, are you engaged to the Fengshen family?"

Zuo Wei's shameless words left Xie Liancheng speechless for a moment, and then his sudden question made her frown, but she immediately relaxed and said with a slightly distant expression: "Everyone in the Magic City knows this."

Then someone looked at her and sighed: "What a pity."

I go!

Do you have to tease me so ambiguously?

Xie Liancheng already regretted coming to see this gentleman in person. He was simply seeking death.

However, the other party's status is not low, so it would be inappropriate to send a servant. If the brother is here and the other party is a woman, it would be a bit inappropriate.

So she comes and gets teased.

While Xie Liancheng, a girl with a high IQ and EQ, was digesting Dai's hooliganism, Zuo Wei drank the tea in one gulp and said, "I'm busy and in a hurry to go to the Magic Chi Forest. If Miss Xie came to me for this reason, If it’s a small matter, then I’ll leave first, but you pay for this tea. I’ve made a lot of magic crystals recently, so I don’t have any change.”

Then someone slips away.

Xie Liancheng: ""

She is here to pay back things, not to collect debts! By the way, who is this lunatic who just walked from the street to the end of the street and didn’t even miss the children’s toy store?

"What a pity. This girl obviously doesn't want to marry a member of the Fengshen family. It seems that the young master is not a good guy."

Zuo Wei acted carelessly and left again, but with a smile in his eyes, he remembered all the people following him within ten miles behind.

Then when he bought a candied haws, he turned around and opened his mouth.

The invisible soul sound attack suddenly penetrated into the minds of some of the spies.

not good!

Some spies nearby suddenly saw that they noticed spies from other forces falling down one by one.

"No, Junzi Li has taken action!"

"Damn it, I told you that you shouldn't have come. It's the hardest thing to follow an eye magician!"

"Those people say they belong to the Fengshen family!"

Killing the chicken to scare the monkey, the spies of the Fengshen clan died. The other spies were trembling with fear, and none of them dared to follow.

It’s even noticeable when it’s hanging so far away, what the hell!

Speaking of the Magic Pond Forest, Zuo Wei had already seen the giant pond forest farm that was completely open-air.

One by one, the Heaven-Bearing Demonic Spiritual Pillars, which are environmentally friendly, stand on the huge Pingchuan jade ground. The ground is made of splendid jade, and the pieces fit together almost perfectly. The colors of these jade stones seem to be rendered by ink paintings, which is very beautiful.

The arches in front of the door are huge, and people are coming and going. Of course, they are the children of celebrities or strong people. Of course, there are also some weak people such as kings wandering around, with excitement or melancholy on their faces.

Zuo Wei walked over. There were many service staff in the temple, but there were too many people who wanted to be baptized in the magic pool, so they had to queue up.

As soon as she got in line, people in the queue a few rows next to her started whispering.

"It must be her"

"It seems so. The short hair, clogs, and temperament are very similar."

"Not necessarily. Don't you think there are a lot of people dressing up like this recently?"

It is also true that most of the people on Tianmo Island are elites, and their social circles are also elites. Although they all gossip, most of the recorded images are circulated in the circle, so that people in the middle and lower classes do not recognize Zuo Wei. Just based on some rumors to speculate

When Zuo Wei was in line, the registrar asked, and Zuo Wei handed over his badge and said, "Jun Zili, I want to redeem the magic pool for baptism. The points required for redemption in the magic pool are similar to those in the magic palace?"

Everyone behind and nearby was shocked.

It’s really her!

Instantly, everyone stood in awe.

The registrar stood up and saluted, his expression a little embarrassed: "I have met Mr. Jun, Mr. Jun, you are the ultimate emperor, you don't have to queue, you can enter directly."

"Oh? I don't know."

"It's our fault that the kids didn't recognize you just now."


The ultimate emperor is also a top priority in the entire Demon Realm, not to mention that such a young super genius has already spread the reputation of Jun Zili's genius in the Demon City, so this guy himself has no feeling. (To be continued)

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