A Queen

Chapter 1,402 Two to two to two, just me

c_t;Chapter 1402

"Okay, I also want to ask if you can predict my whereabouts, or is it just a coincidence?"

"Are you doubting my professionalism for a Si Ling to ask such a question?" Si Qinglei seemed particularly calm and unhurried. [ ]

"Then why did I hear your master say before that the old man said you couldn't calculate my secret?"

Si Qinglei seemed to be a little more serious at this moment. He slowly closed the lid of the tea cup and raised his lips: "I can't do it alone. It can be done by adding others. However, it still cannot be calculated directly. It can only be calculated indirectly, such as through another person." medium.

So, we've been seen through?

Daili and Lou Lanting looked at each other.

Daili: The other person must be you, your pig-like teammate!

Lou Lanting: The main reason is you. People are interested in you.

People who are interested in yarn are interested in treasures!

Dai Li glanced at Si Qinglai and Si Qinming, who was silent on the other end, and grinned: "It seems that today is a rhythm that cannot be escaped."

She winked at Lou Lanting in the formation and sincerely suggested: "Personally, I think if you really have time to watch the show, you might as well consider fighting with the people around you. Anyway, the urn has been set up~~ Killing one of them is one"

In the formation, Fifth Yong Entropy and others looked at each other.

Lou Lanting smiled: "That makes sense."

The tips of his palms were raised slightly, and green energy hissed out.

"Ouch! It's poisonous!"

"poison gas!"

Regardless of how poisonous the atmosphere was in the formation, outside the formation, Si Qinming's sword was already aimed at Dai Li.

Behead, behead as punishment!

Hammer, the hammer of immortal weapons!


The explosion of space. The shattering of the Shinto stone road and the collapse of the tower were three levels of tyranny reaching 10 million counties!



Si Qinglei flicked his sleeves to remove this wave of attacks, but the Third Emperor Ji and others couldn't bear it, and they shot out one by one!

The same goes for Lingduan and Yuhuaxuan.

Only Gong Qing and Meng Bingxun remained motionless.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Three powerful blows in the blink of an eye. More and more tyrannical each time. Daili was pushed back farther and farther each time.

brush! Landing on the head of a mythical beast statue, Dai Li twisted his arms and snarled his teeth. It hurts so much, so forceful~

"Haha, little boy, I didn't expect you to look like a little kid. You don't have a lot of meat on your body, but you are quite powerful~"

Even if it seems to be suppressed. This guy still used an unpleasant frivolous tone to tease Young Master Si.

Si Qinming did not speak, but expressed his attitude with the raised sword of punishment.


The sword rises again!

Dai Li suddenly dodged from the big rock. The speed was amazing, and he was ten miles away in the blink of an eye!

Averted! He actually perfectly avoided the sword of punishment!

Si Qinming frowned. novel/


The mysterious void of shadows. Let her body move freely in the void!

Si Qinglei curled her fingers slightly and her eyes curled up.

As expected, he is very talented, less than 30 years old. He can actually understand the mysteries of the void level and speak out. All the old men in the world will die of shame.

Phew, Void Shadow Escape's Dai Li was ten miles away, and lightning exploded from his body~~

Three million thunder energy, when those fingers came together, there was a buzzing sound.


hiss! Two fingers clamped Si Qinming's sword of punishment!

When the void-level meteorite thunder wrapped around the long sword, when she freed up her left hand and hit Si Qinming's chest with a sudden blow,

The thunder flag suddenly grew violently, spreading out fiercely, as if it was inserted into the space, and the sword of punishment emitted a majestic aura that sounded like the heaven and the earth were calming.

Is it the vastness of the original thunder, or the majesty of heaven and earth?

Boom boom boom!

Triple blast!

In the bright light of the explosion, Lou Lanting in the formation did not know what method he used to escape from the brutal siege of Fifth Eternal Entropy and others, and finally held down Li Ge's wrist: "Little girl, excuse me"

Li Ge couldn't see anyone and was extremely quiet. He only smiled slightly and let Lou Lanting take out two drops of blood essence!

"If you can't get out, what's the use?" Her voice was soft and clear, making people unable to bear to hurt such a fragile person.

Lou Lanting turned to look at her and smiled: "Little sister, don't worry, brother, I will find a way."

Having said that, he dodged sideways to avoid Luo Song's sneak attack. He suddenly raised the palm of his left hand, and the light talisman held out by the palm made Si Qingte's eyebrows jump!

That is

"Miss Si has unparalleled schemes, but did she ever think that I have the Siamese Emperor's imperial seal in my hand? Ha, the imperial seal is here, break it for me!"

Lou Lanting pressed her palm against the membrane.

Buzz~~The pressure of the Siam Emperor, the terror of the Emperor's Seal, a huge square jade seal appeared above the formation

One press!

The Huntian Formation is broken!

Boom, Fifth Eternal Entropy and these people suddenly shot out!

Siege Loulanting! Because this guy is definitely the key to breaking the Siamese Emperor's seal, maybe he has already obtained the treasure!

Otherwise, where would the Siam Emperor’s Seal come from!


A huge tiger eagle king fell from the sky, followed by countless tiger eagles, densely packed grave wolves, and unknown ferocious beasts, coming majestically!

In the chaos of the battle, everyone shows off their strengths and fights like no other!

suddenly! Boom~~

It was as if the sound of the spring water made everyone's murderous intentions stop, and they turned around to look.

A dark cloud covered a place, and an arrow seemed to condense all the coldness and poisonous light under the sky. That light shot through the sky and killed people!

In the blink of an eye, it's the center of Daili's eyebrows

Time and space seemed to be slowed down, getting slower and slower. Suddenly, someone discovered that the fat man's eyelashes were so long and curled up so deliciously!

Keng~~ A piece of red light, as if it was not slowed down by time and space, hit the black light so neatly!


The red and black lights crossed and collided in front of Dai Li, annihilating each other until they were nothingness.

Dai Li blinked briefly and faced Si Qinming, who was standing with a sword not far away: "It is not a gentleman to hurt someone with a secret arrow. Don't look at me. I am not talking about you."

A man came in the form of black mist, and the black mist twisted. A person emerged, Ji Shisan.

That feminine and weird man.

He stared at Dai Li with eyes like poisonous snakes and smiled: "I'm just making sure you are alone."

"Oh no! Of course I am a human being! Who are you?" Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then squeezed his body and glared at this person.

It seems that it is really not Junzili.

Ji Shisan had no expression on his face and ignored her at all. Turn and look into the distance

"Gong Zangxue. I thought that the only woman of the world-famous God Gong Zangfeng was just a puppet in the Demon Palace. I never expected you to hide your strength so much."

The fiery red thing above the Suzaku Platform in the distance is not Gong Zangxue, but who is it? The Jade Bone Dragon is right at her feet. Circle the sky.

Noble, beautiful and powerful.

The combined triple high rank

Divine Gong Zangfeng, this was also the boss who dominated the world back then. His bloodline was naturally terrifying.

But everyone seems to only know that there is Ruan and Junzili in the Demon Palace. Little did he know that there was another bow hiding blood.

This Gong Zangxue is less than fifty years old, and his cultivation has reached the third level of the integration stage!

All right. Although someone's combat power has reached the third level, his own cultivation level is really just in the integration stage, and the gap between him and his opponent is huge.

"Mr. Ji, the lackey of the Immortal Clan. If you don't stay well in your Immortal Domain, why did you come to Siam? Are you going to be my target~" Gong Zangzhi slowly and sarcastically put the arrow on his bow, and the arrow was pointed at him. !

"You have a really hot temper, unlike your father."

Your dad, your dad, your dad!

What Gong Zangxue resented the most was his father. If you get annoyed, just shoot the arrow!

"Your father and your sister!"


Arrows flew. Like a fire phoenix!

Ji Shisan is not afraid!

The black bow in his hand was unknown, and the aura was very surprising and terrifying. Dai Li felt the hammer in his hand move.

Is it also an immortal weapon?


Arrow to arrow!

Point to point explosion.


The strength of these two people is definitely on the same level as Si Qinming!

The three most powerful people in the Siamese Mausoleum?

It seems like we need to take a stand now!

Especially when Ye Feiying appears behind Ji Shisan.

Ye Feiying is also a leader in the third level, and he is actually working with Ji Shisan!

Could it be that she had been chatting and laughing with Ji Shisan's gang members these days? No wonder Ji Shisan came to her directly to test her, maybe she was suspicious from the beginning.

Fortunately she hasn't been exposed yet

But I really didn’t expect that Lord Ye, who seemed so righteous and righteous, was from the Ji family.

Dai Li felt that the situation was changing a bit too quickly and he couldn't accept it.

Now the question is, if two people in the combined stage join forces, how can the other people survive?

This is the rhythm of being made into dumplings!

Gong Qing and Meng Bingxun were standing together at some point, and He Jieyu and the Third Emperor Ji looked at each other.

And Si Qinming is undoubtedly together with Si Qinglei, and they are also a terrifying combination.

"2vs2 vs2 again, I'm the only one." Dai Li's emotion made Lou Lanting, who was not far away, feel helpless.

"It seems like you forgot about me"

"Yes, I'm sorry, you have never had a sense of presence."


If you don't harm others internally, will you die?

The fat man ignored his accomplices and turned to Gong Zangxue in the distance and flattered him: "Hey, beauty from far away, do you want to form an alliance with me? Sajia is strong and strong, able to challenge and resist, and she will never bully a child sister-in-law~"

Gong Zangxue glanced at her coldly and uttered three words.

"too fat"

Daili: ""Suddenly understood the pain of those who were harmed by her in the past.

Triple triple triple!

It seems that people like Lingduan can only watch the show.

The war is about to break out

Until one person seemed to mutter: "Seven stars, the blood of six of them is good, but the blood of just one is hard to come by."

The six people who were bloodied expressed their embarrassment.


Brush, brush!

Ji Shisan, Ye Feiying or Gong Zangxue, or Gong Qing, etc. all killed Si Qinming!

Si Qin Ming was not afraid, he just rolled his eyes coldly, that meant a lot.

Dai Li suddenly shivered.

Boom boom boom!

Seven or eight triple fights

Very intense!

The first wave of joint attacks knocked Si Qinming away!



A sword of punishment that became as big as Optimus Prime blocked most of the attacks. (To be continued)

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