A Queen

Chapter 1,403 7 Star Blood, Gather! Rashomon, open!

c_t;Chapter 1404

"It's an immortal weapon punishment!"

"Immortal weapons are invincible!"

I come!

Ji Shisan's arrow and Dai Li's hammer hit the punishment sword almost at the same time.


Shocking sword sound!

air like tidal waves


A little blood spilled from the corner of Si Qinming's mouth, and there was an open wound on his chest and abdomen. [There are almost all the books you want to read. It is more stable and updates faster than ordinary websites. It is full text and has no advertisements;. ]

Essence and blood!

Ji Shisan and Daili flew out at the same time

"Go away!" Ji Shisan's hand was filled with Yin Qi like a knife, cutting off Chao Dai's head!


The head is missing!

The space seems to be suddenly displaced and dizzy! not good!

Ji Shisan's expression changed drastically, but he couldn't catch Dai Li's figure. He only heard a crash, and the fat man's hand grabbed Si Qinming's chest wound.



The palm of my hand was suddenly grabbed!

As soon as Dai Li raised his eyes, he saw the cold light in Si Qinming's eyes.

"You are so cruel!"

Dai Li is a master who is not ruthless. She seldom gets or gives up what she wants. The stronger this minister is and the more people he robs, the more she wants to get it!


With a twist of his arm, the hammer in the other hand suddenly turned into a chain and bound him!


Si Qinming's arms were suddenly tied,

Then he saw a pig's trotter slapped on his mouth so hard~~

What's on the wound isn't semen and blood, it's what's spit out from your mouth.


——On a pig’s trotter grazing my lips~~

That moment for the eldest son of the Si family~~

Si Qing burst into tears: ""

Everyone: ""

Suddenly I felt very heartbroken.

"She's running away!"

"Escape, where to escape!"

Si Qinming was very perverted, and he was only injured under the siege of so many masters. In comparison, the fat man seemed to be much easier to deal with.

And the Si family is strong after all. There is also a Si who is crying aside

Swish, brush, brush!

Most people turned to chase the fat man!

An arrow was aimed at the fat man's butt!

It’s the bow that hides blood!

This fat man is indeed not Junzili!

First Emperor Ji: Did I guess wrong?

He Jieyu: Haha~

Dai Li roared towards Lou Lanting, waved his hand, the wind tightened, and he shouted!

Lou Lanting: "Come here, come here quickly!"

"Come over to your sister!"

"Give me your hand!"

What are you doing! Yep! Seal of the Siam Emperor!

Dai Li still made a choice, flew to the front of Loulan Court and stretched out his hand. Full set download

Snapped! Two hands facing each other

Buzz~~The light of the imperial seal is magnificent. Cover both men.

"Can you give me power?" Dai Li asked.


"Absolute defense?"


"What kind of special function is that?! They are coming!" Dai Li saw seven or eight powerful enemies coming to kill him.

Lou Lanting smiled: "Teleportation"



They both disappeared at the same time.

Everyone was shocked. Si Qinglei finally finished watching the play and said, "Rashomon, over there."

She pointed. This is where everyone has to go.

At this moment, at the end of the mountain mausoleum, a stone door that cut across the entire line of sight appeared firmly in Dai Li's eyes.

The two immediately began to divide the essence and blood.

"Why so many!" Lou Lanting was shocked when he saw the bottles of blood essence in Dai Li's hand. He only had a few drops of Li Ge's essence and blood in his hand, so the other party was better off. The more bottles there are, the less bottles should be those ordered by Si Qin.

"The more, the better" Dai Li said.

"This is blood essence. No wonder those people in Wen Renxiao look vulnerable to a fight. You are so bad!"

"You are blaming me"

"No, it's so bad!"

The two quickly divided the spoils.

"With their strength, it doesn't take more than three minutes to break through the barriers in the mausoleum and get here. We have to hurry up. Come. You and I will press the Siam Emperor's Seal here." Lou Lanting pointed to the Rashomon Gate. Two spiritual eye dents.

Daili stepped forward and said, "You go first."

"Sure enough, you are cautious." Lou Lanting smiled. As he spoke, he pressed his palms up,

"I'm being humble." Dai Li opened his eyes and lied, while also pressing his palms up.


The two marks are embedded and seem to connect the entire Rashomon.

The real Rashomon is coming to life!

When the veins were quickly revealed, Dai Li asked inadvertently: "How did you get these two marks?"

"A man gave it to me~~"

Lou Lanting obviously would not tell Dai Li who this person was, so he changed the subject: "Do you still remember the prophecy that the seven stars in the Big Dipper will be evil, the king of Siam will be the dragon, the missing star will destroy the dust, and the emperor will be alone in the sky?"

"Remember, the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper have been revealed, and the subsequent prophecies seem to have not been fulfilled yet, but I always feel that it will not be that simple."

Lou Lanting narrowed his eyes: "The most troublesome people in Siam are undoubtedly the two brothers and sisters. Miss Si seems to have said that she and another person can work together to calculate the secrets of the two of us. Only then did I know that you and I have collected a lot of seven-star blood. It matters who the other person is.”

"Maybe it's Gong Qing," Dai Li suddenly said, "This woman met me before and seemed to have been waiting for her for a long time. She wants something from me. I'm not Qixing. What can she want from me? She just knows my hand. There are seven stars of blood on it, but with their strength, it is not difficult to get the star blood of a few of them. There is no need to steal it from me, so what she wants should not be the star blood, but the emperor's seal?"

"Si Qinglei's calculation of the secret is not complete. I never told you what this mark is, so she naturally doesn't know. Then Gong Qing probably doesn't know either, but she may know that you and I can open this Rashomon."

After a pause, Lou Lanting lowered her voice and said: "That woman in Xuan Palace is not simple. She is on the same level as Si Zun from Si Tianjian. It's not surprising that she started a small stove before coming."

"Yeah" Daili nodded, "Rashomon is about to open!"

At this moment, the veins on the Rashomon gate are basically complete, except that there is a vertical crack in the door.

"Hurry up. When this door opens, you will swallow this essence and blood. Whether you can resist this Rashomon after entering it depends on fate."

"I don't like your words that are like sending someone to death."

"Okay. Let fate happen."

"Shut up"

Lou Lanting shut up, but heard the doors of the tombs outside were broken open by fierce soldiers.

"Jie Jie, it's so violent," Dai Li lamented. As soon as he finished speaking, light leaked out of the crack in Rashomon's door.

The door is open!


That huge Rashomon, a complete sea of ​​blood. There are all kinds of terrifying flesh and bones floating on it. The stench almost made him faint.

"As a vampire, you can't even stand this smell." Lou Lanting was quite surprised.

The way you look at someone is like looking at a knockoff.

"Go away! You touch corpses every day, of course you don't feel the smell!" Dai Li didn't want to block his sense of smell. Because that would reduce her sensitivity a lot, and she would be in trouble if she was attacked by surprise.


The door is a third open.


The two of them just pinched the blood and wanted to swallow it in their mouths


The last tomb door is broken!

Si Qinming was the first to appear. The streamer behind is intense

"Haha, everyone. Let's take the first step!"

"Let's go!"

Dai Li swallowed the spiritual blood and stepped into the Rashomon Gate.

Lou Lanting smiled strangely at everyone and followed them.

"Damn, they're in!"

"Rashomon. Rashomon must have the blood of the Seven Stars!"

"Seven stars!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the Seven Star Man.

Leaving the song, the palace falls. Dugu Dian, hearing people laugh. Si Qinming, the third emperor Ji, the prince of Northern Xinjiang

The prince of Northern Xinjiang trembled, "Damn it, I've almost been drained of my essence and blood, what do you want to do?"

Just when the ruthless Luo Song and Ji Shisan were catching these people

Suddenly two people entered Rashomon!


What about these three people!

Ji Shisan was astonished, and then his face turned gloomy, "You were actually plotted against, Si Qinglei!"

They did forget an important point.

Among the seven stars, the most difficult thing to do is Si Qin Ming, but the blood of the seven stars is indispensable, so it is very difficult for any party, except for one party.

That is Si Qinming himself.

Coupled with Si Qinglei's calculations and strategies, they were ahead from the beginning.

Dugu Dian said solemnly: "No wonder she took so much blood essence from the three of us before."

They didn't know that they were one of the Seven Stars, so they didn't know when Dai Li took the blood essence. They only thought that they were seriously injured. However, Si Qinglei took the blood essence in front of them, and they realized that they were Seven Stars. man of.

Then they carefully concealed themselves and even vassalized the Spirit Masters, leaving other forces with nowhere to start.

In fact, it was all part of her plan.

The only exception is the fat man's group. They are obviously another group of people who do not have the ability to predict but know the most about the Mausoleum of the Siam Emperor.

——Because they can open Rashomon, but Tsukasa and others cannot!

So there is everything that follows

Let them take the blood of the Seven Stars and open the Rashomon Gate!

"Everyone, why should you be angry? After all, they went in, so they had to come out~"

When Mian appeared, the idle laughter floated up and down.

"Indeed, we still have to come out." Ji Shisan twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Just let them go for me."

Sit back and wait for you to come out!

The people including the Fifth Eternal Entropy were all calm, their eyes flickered, and their murderous intent was hidden, whether it was facing the five people inside or those outside.

"The competition is really fierce." The Third Emperor Ji leaned against the wall and smiled softly, "Fortunately, I came in."

What a fun time.

Meng Bingxun glanced at her: "This is just the beginning, the real excitement is yet to come."


He Jieyu and Gong Qing stood aside, seemingly not being aroused by Mian's words.

At least He Jieyu didn't.

Neither did Gong Qing.

This man has always been calm.


In Rashomon, Daili felt the terrible power of deprivation. The flesh and blood seemed to be separated from the bones. The pain could not be explained strictly. Of course, the most terrifying stench was

The essence and blood in the body are being consumed rapidly.

"Damn it, you have to break through this Rashomon gate quickly, otherwise it will be terrible when your flesh and blood are peeled off!"

Dai Li used all his strength to rush through the Luosheng Blood River, not even caring where Lou Lanting was.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when the essence and blood were about to be exhausted,


Dai Li's entire body vacated and landed in a completely different space.

This is a grand hall, without splendor or luxury, only simplicity and grandeur. The huge square bricks, huge pillars, huge stone walls, there are countless blooming but colorless carvings on the stone walls, lifelike but without vitality. (To be continued)

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