A Queen

Chapter 1,410 The Absolute Gap

Chapter 1410

"But I have to deal with you first!"

His finger was pointed at Daili again, and the cold light suddenly appeared!

Come on!

One arrow!



Controlling the bow of the Jade Bone Dragon, controlling the dragon with blood, and shooting arrows...this time, ten shots in a row!

A wave of arrows shot into the Yin family army!

"The divine bow hides blood! Ha~" Yin Wudao glanced, and a heroic young man shot out of the army, drew the bow and loaded the arrow!


The same ten shots in a row!

Bang bang bang!

All concentrated...

However, Gong Zangxue's eyebrows moved and he faintly uttered one word: "Explode!"


All the arrows that hit exploded, and ten fire dragons were drawn out and rushed directly into the army in a surprise attack...

"Damn! Block!" The two combined stages took action, and several water dragons roared...


The fusion of water and fire shook all directions!


However, the aftermath of these attacks still killed and injured a considerable number of the Yin family's army.

After all, the three-level combined fighting method can block too few people, and those close to it will have to peel off their skin, let alone explode in a densely populated army.

Yin Wudao's eyes became colder, "Zang Feng's daughter...Gong Zangxue~ha~all of them jumped out."

Zang Feng's group of people had always been at odds with people in their lineage, and their ancestors had grudges. Otherwise, Yin Shisan wouldn't have been hostile whenever he saw Gong Zangxue.

"You can't jump as far as Yinjiu. From the Immortal Realm to Siam... you've crossed a river basin."

Cross-basin, this word is very important.

Siamese people generally don't like people from the fairyland coming to Siam to show off their power.

Maybe they can join forces with someone like Gong Zangxue...

Luo Song no longer looked at the eyes of Fifth Yong Entropy. Based on Siam's position, he didn't mind changing his attitude.

Of course, the premise is that the person you are interested in is worth joining forces with.

It seems...not an opponent.

"So you two, no, three, are going to protect Dai Li?" Yin Wudao smiled coldly.

So what.

Before such an answer could be spoken, He Jieyu's shoulder was suddenly pressed by a hand, which was stained with blood, and he patted her shoulder.

"Senior Sister..."

He had worries before, but now that his identity was exposed, He Jieyu suddenly felt a little embarrassed by the title "Senior Sister".

Dai Li had already walked in front of her and waved his hand towards Gong Zangxue in the sky: "Zangxue, I will do it myself."

Such a plain tone...

"Are you seeking death?" Gong Zangxue asked calmly.

You are so injured that you still have to do it yourself... Come on, sister!

Dai Li wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and smiled: "This bandit seems to know the whereabouts of Qing Xin and the others... To hide the blood, I have to fight this battle myself."

Gong Zangxue's expression condensed, he took a deep breath and said, "Who is Qingxin? Are you trying to fight again?" The solemn painting style of Dong Cunrui blowing up the fortress and the five heroes of Langya Mountain was distorted for a second.

The Xth milk asked the Nth milk what the sense of sight was all about!

He Jieyu: "..."

Miss Gong, your emphasis is so unique.

Gong Qing couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Dai Li blinked and smiled: "I'll tell you later..."

Later... Is this a promise that I will definitely live?

Gong Zangxue tilted his head and said calmly: "You'd better keep your word. I don't like others to lie to me..."

This woman is really hard-spoken and soft-hearted...

Dai Li Weiran sighed and looked towards Yin Wudao.

Yin Wudao said: "It seems that you have reached an agreement, but do you want to make a bet with me...? Listen to your tone before."


"If I defeat you, how about you tell me the real whereabouts of Qingxin and the others...

dare? "

"Why don't you dare?" With Yin Wudao suppressing her strength, it would be strange if she didn't agree. Besides, although this person is cunning and insidious, he is also more conceited.

Strong people are more conceited.

I am sure that this man cannot escape and cannot win.

Yin Wudao waved his hand, and the whole army behind him took a step back. Gong Zangxue did not fall, but drove the Jade Bone Dragon to hover over the island.

She had to prepare to save Dai Li before he was killed by the other party...

Just in case something unexpected happens.

"Although she never fights an uncertain battle, she used to hide a lot of trump cards, but now I'm afraid she doesn't have any trump cards..." Lou Lanting fed herself the elixir and handed it to He Jieyu: "You It hurts your heart and soul. The Yin energy of the Yin family is very vicious. If you don’t heal the injury as soon as possible, you may not be able to recover for several years in the future... Don’t hold on... otherwise this female gangster will blame me for the war in the future."

He Jieyu didn't refuse, and took the elixir directly and drank it, staring intently at the female gangster next to him.

The female gangster glanced at Lou Lanting, stepped forward, and took a deep breath.

This time it’s really a last-ditch battle, Daili, I can only win but not lose...

The breath falls.

He Jieyu saw this man turn into a streak of blood and fly into the sky, heading towards the starting point of today's battle...

Maybe it's also the end.

She closed her eyes.

I heard a loud bang...

The smell of blood spreads in large quantities, it is vigorous blood, gorgeous in the sky...

That's her blood...

Can't see, can't!

At this moment, He Jieyu was as cold as the river of death.

Gong Zangxue and others saw that Dai Li's chest had been pierced by Yin Wudao's sharp claw...

"You are not overestimating your own capabilities~!" Yin Wudao scornfully slashed down with his finger, tearing out a large mouthful of flesh and blood...

Blood-stained robe!

However, Dai Li's right arm is already holding a sword, stabbing his eyebrows!

"The mantis is using his arms as a chariot! Get away!"


The arm suddenly turned into a long whip like a snake's tail, wrapping around the left arm, "Break it off!"


The left arm was forcibly removed!

Flesh and blood with tendons...

The blood fell into the river, and one drop of blood was equivalent to a pool of blood. No matter how many drops of blood she shed, the river was stained with blood.

Shocking red.

Red as fire.

That scene caused the energy and blood in Gong Zangxue to explode!

Murderous intent!

Almost demonic!

On an island in the opposite direction, Si Qinming was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a bead floating in front of him, which was the bead he had won before.

"Young Master, with this destiny bead, the missing soul of the young master can be made up... and the heart disease you have been suffering from can be gone."

An old man behind Si Qinglei said in a low voice and hoarsely.

"I know... I just don't know why, but I always have a sense of fear in my heart..."

A sense of fear?

It turns out that besides the eldest young lady, the eldest lady has someone and something she cares about?

"Fear comes from the east?" The old man looked in the direction where Si Qing was looking tearfully...

"Back then, Master told me that the place where my brother's life and soul cares about is in the south... I traveled in the south, and finally arrived at the ancient ruins of Nanlin... At that moment, I knew that place was where my brother's life and soul were rooted. Unfortunately, I found nothing. ...Then I met Na He Jieyu... I thought she was, and I hoped she could help me save my elder brother when she became stronger... I later found out she wasn't."

"Then are you sure who the young master is now?"

Si Qinglai was silent for a moment, frowning, and then said: "I'm not sure, brother's destiny has been concealed..."

"If fate is involved, then the place where the soul of destiny is pulled must be covered by a secret... That is continuity... Hasn't the young master thought carefully about who has such a mystery?"

Si Qing was startled in tears.

The old man shook his head and said nothing.

at this time....

Snap! The bracelet on Si Qinglei's wrist broke...

what is that?


The scorpion pattern on Dai Li's waist seemed to be burning, creating eye-catching lines, and a huge scorpion statue appeared.

Together with the Eye of Reincarnation...


An ancient scorpion plus her original soul... the soul exploded with all its strength!

The sickle doubles in size!

Scorpion Scythe!


This is a raid! An unprepared sneak attack...and at close range~~

Yin Wudao still had her severed arm in his hand, and his pupils dilated violently...


The Scorpion Scythe truly struck the soul...

Cut in half!


puff! A little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth...

The wicked five-headed Senran curled up in pain, and the five heads roared!

"Damn it!" Yin Wudao never thought that he would be successfully attacked by this damn guy before he was beaten to death!

Very good, was it all about showing weakness to the enemy before?

She actually wiped out his ordinary soul power in one breath. If, if she were given a few more years and some trump cards, would she be able to kill him?

It's not so much anger as fear and fear.

"I am going to kill you!"

Yin Wudao's body suddenly changed, his head and body completely changed...

If Yin Shisan had transformed half of his body into a snake form with snake scales before, then Yin Wudao is a real...snake man!

That terrifying head like a python, with two snake eyes is really scary.

The snake hand condensed and transformed into a snake tooth blade! Dynasty Li is coming to kill him brazenly!

The left arm is broken, the right arm is blocking...


Power attack... Dai Li felt like a piece of paper... being easily hacked away by the opponent...

Bang, Dai Li landed on the water... The moment he was half-kneeling, he released his strength!

The sea level with a radius of 100 meters sinks...


Thousand-foot-high waves exploded!

Yin Wudao swooped down, "Junzili, accept your fate!"

Gong Zangxue wiped his finger between his eyebrows, and drew out a drop of blood. This drop of blood fell on the arrow. Up the bow!

The arrow points to the Yin without Dao!

In an instant, nearly a hundred combined-stage attacks were aimed at Gong Zangxue!

Meng Bingxun and Gong Qing are in love!

The attack direction is directed at the Yin family army!

At that time, Yin Shang appeared very suddenly, and his aura was fluctuating, as if he had rushed over.

Before they were calmed down, he waved his hand and pointed at the Yin family’s army!


Everyone in Siam’s Twelve Councils attacked!

That is unrivaled commanding power!

People like Luo Song listened to this wolf of the Yin family without thinking about it. Their physical instincts and psychological instincts were also followed!

attack! rise!

Ready to go, I should say...already gone!

Thousands of dazzling attacks, intertwined but distinct murderous intentions from both sides...

Overturn the battle!

The overthrown battle between the Yin clan of the immortal clan and Siam!

But it can't come faster than the falling black light...

The waters are constantly being corroded by Yin Qi, and they are falling...

Thousands of miles of plains and low rivers, thousands of miles of snake shadow...

"Xiao Xie... come!"

"Boss,...that's an act that goes against heaven, would you..."

"Are you afraid?"

Scorpion was stunned and suddenly smiled, "I'm not afraid."

The scorpion turned into a black fluid, suddenly coiled and covered Dai Li, seeping from the scorpion lines on the waist and abdomen, filling...

The demon has just begun to truly awaken.

When she was killed by the snake demon, her demon began to awaken...R1152

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