A Queen

Chapter 1,411 The combination of a human and a demon


"The combination of human and demon? Not to mention the ancient demon scorpion..." Lou Lanting said slowly... "There will be thunder and lightning..."

He just said that!


The sky suddenly roared...

Go ahead, this guy has a crow’s mouth!

Gong Zang's face turned black with blood, and the arrows exploded out!


Bloody arrow... How can thousands of troops and horses stop this arrow!

But Yin Wudao's snake blade has already stabbed Dai Li from the top of his head...

Ten meters, five meters, one meter, one centimeter, one millimeter...

Everyone, including Yin Wudao, watched helplessly as the man was swallowed up by the darkness. It was more like a fall than a transformation.

Every inch of degradation.

The demon armor that covers the whole body, the pure black that combines the demonic power with the scorpion demonic power, the demon that is despised by heaven and earth...

She is the embodiment of darkness, the ultimate evil. Without her, there will be no light in the world...

Who cares about the thunder that started brewing that day?

Dai Li's pupils instantly became filled with the energy of the devil, and his body was also filled with majestic ancient evil energy!

Heaven and earth are so unkind...

She could only fight like this.

No more beauty, no more charm, no more beauty in the world.

Because you can't lose.

So there is nothing to give up.



The devil's claws grasped the snake blade.

Pull, pull, lift your legs...


She raised her leg and kicked Yin Wudao in the abdomen!

Seemingly simple and direct actions, how powerful and brutal are they?

Peng! There was a loud noise, and everyone saw the space between the legs and abdomen explode. The snake's belly was covered with scales that could withstand the attack of 30 million counties from Daili's strongest sword...the snake scales exploded!

What a powerful force that is!

Before everyone could react, the evil five-headed snake Ran had sent out another soul attack...


There was a black light between her eyebrows.

Black light grows... It is a pure black pupil with silver, and there is a vortex inside...

Black and silver, the two most mysterious colors blend together... it's terrifying for no reason.

Horrible to the extreme.

Black light shoots out!


As soon as Senran's soul attack hit the black light, it twisted and bounced back...


Senran's whole body twisted, and the black light turned into a whirlpool, rolling up Senran and swallowing it in big mouthfuls...

No, what on earth is going on with this generation and separation!

this is too scary!

It seems like everything has been reorganized... Her strength has completely overturned all her previous trump cards!

Yin Wudao didn't dare to believe it, but he also refused to give up. He cut off the connection with Sen Ran before his soul was backlashed, and shot out in reverse. He held his hands together in the air, and countless snake scales were transported away, and they were on the fingertips of both hands. Forming a slender snake scale sword!

The sword energy was like an immortal weapon, extremely cold and ghostly.

He opened his mouth, licked the knife with his purple tongue, and a large amount of black liquid flowed from the knife.

Quench the poison!

Oh my god, this way of quenching poison is such a bad habit!

Everyone complained in their hearts, but they were also afraid.

Because of that sword... maybe it will kill you at the first touch of the three levels in the combined stage. How many people below Mahayana can defeat it?

Cut it off with the knife!

Dai Li slapped him directly from the back!

Pull out the Scorpion's spine! (Assuming the scorpion demon has bones...hehe)

Scorpion demon sword!



The swords clashed, bang bang bang! Triple waves in the waters!

Eighty million counties attack...

retreat! ! !

The whole audience was frightened and retreated!

Yin Shang ignored the huge waves that were overturning him.

His brows were furrowed tightly, his fingers clenched on the cane, and when his strength was waning, an old man appeared behind him and whispered: "Sir, you can't move, don't let all your previous efforts go to waste... As for this person, there is no way out~~ not to mention the enemy behind this person. It's too scary. Just look at the Mahayana Supreme Beings who are involved and can't interfere, so you can tell that she is today..."

He still did not say the word "Death is certain".

I had only heard before that this man seemed to have fallen in love with a girl. I thought it was a joke, or maybe it was just a momentary flutter...

Now it seems that it may be more than just a moment.

Before the great cause is accomplished, how can we judge the situation!

Moreover, if this girl merges her body with the ancient demon, not to mention her own destiny and lifespan will be wasted, even the criticism of heaven and earth will be enough to wipe her out. ..

The old man shook his head, it was hopeless.

That's fine, so as not to disturb the adults' minds. Fortunately, it doesn't get too deep into your hearts.

Yin Shang's lips pursed into a straight line.

Turn into ashes...

This is a battle she must lose. Why must she fight against the odds? Obviously, she can rely on many people.

Prince Beigong, the Royal Family of the Demon Realm, or Qinghuanghai, no matter how bad it is... no matter how bad he is, there is still him. Even if she doesn't recognize him, doesn't she have many friends, and they all treat each other with sincerity?

As long as she takes a step back and takes the initiative to ask for help, it won't be too late for him, and he won't...


At this moment, someone seemed to hear the sound of the piano.

It was a strange and chaotic piano sound, which disturbed my heart, moved my emotions, and was full of chilling and confusion...

It was so chaotic that all the nerves seemed to be lumped together.

Just like the arrogance in front of you!

boom! The knife broke, the sword cut through Yin Wudao's waist and abdomen, and inserted it!

Peng, insert it directly into the mountain wall of the island, grab it with your palm, pull it, rub it!

The left hand was torn off forcefully!

Repay him with his own way!

Yin Wudao's expression was ferocious, frightened and resentful... Daili's hands pinched his neck, but his voice was extremely cold, like a cold pool.

Hoarse and absolutely cold.

"Tell me, where are Qingxin and the others?"

"You..." Yin Wudao looked cold and sneered: "You have violated the laws of heaven and you are already certain to die. Why do you want to know their traces?"


His right arm was torn off, and with an expressionless expression, Dai Li inserted the fingertips of his claws into his chest, slicing through the snake scales, skin, flesh... and aimed at the heart.

"I don't like the thing in my hand. You have to bargain with me. Say it, or don't say it?"

This bloody monster!

Yin Wudao, who was in unbearable pain, had always been considered cold-blooded and fierce, but he felt that the man in front of him, who was neither a human nor a demon, nor a devil, was much scarier than him.

What kind of Yin family, what kind of fairy clan, she just cares!

And with his eyes flickering, the unruly and arrogant look on Yin Wudao's face finally retreated a little: "I told you, you won't kill me?"

When this sentence is spoken, it means that he is absolutely incompetent in disregarding life and death.

That is the so-called man.

"I never break a promise," Dai Li said calmly.

"Okay... they are on the small Penglai Island outside Penglai... If they hadn't been hiding there, I, the Yin clan, would have killed them long ago. Now one of them is a cripple with a broken arm, and the other is dying with gray hair. This is best. ..worse than death.”

Yin Wudao smiled strangely, and Daili let go of his hand.

If you say you won’t kill, you won’t kill.

Yin Wudao was in very bad condition at the moment, seriously injured and dying... but he managed to save a life. He looked at Dai Li viciously, then looked up at the sky, sneered: "Although you defeated me, God's punishment for you is You can't escape. It won't take long before the heavenly punishment will come... I'm waiting to see you die..."

Laughing, he was about to leave, but...

A chain was tied around his waist.

"what you do!!!"

He was horrified!

But he only saw Dai Li smile strangely at him: "I said I won't kill you, but I didn't say I would let you go, and I didn't say I wouldn't do anything else to you..."

What else do you want to do?

"No! Come and save me!"

Yin Wudao screamed in terror...

The Yin family army finally came to their senses, but in the blink of an eye they were surrounded by Siamese people...

The carriages of the three major powers are very strong. Although they are far inferior to the immortals, they are more than enough to fight against the Yin clan. Moreover, they are only part of the Yin clan's strength, so...

The killing begins!

Crash and fight!

However, Dai Li had already trampled Yin Wudao under her feet. She raised and lowered her sword, and she cut off the snake scales piece by piece!

Dripping with blood, cut off the roots!

"You have a green heart and white hair. I want you to be like a ghost and ugly forever. Qingjun has a broken arm and is like a cripple. I want you to live forever and never be able to practice! You will always be like an ant!"

Pieces of flesh and blood burst open, her fingertips condensed, and a drop of black blood fell into his flesh and blood.

The most powerful blood poison of the ancient poisonous scorpion!

"Ah!" Yin Wudao's whole body was soaked in venom, making a hissing corrosive sound and twisting in pain, but under Dai Li's feet, he could not escape at all.

Dai Li could feel that the more he tortured him, the more frantic he became and the more his blood burned.

It was as if she was watching herself step into the path of destruction, but there was no room for struggle or regret. She always had only one way to go.

No choice, no regrets.

Such a scene makes the people of the Yin clan go crazy!

"Vicious! This person is extremely vicious!"

"Kill her!"

"Kill her!!!"

Dai Li at this moment is like a lawless demon who does evil for no reason, which makes everyone in Siam who has seen her beautiful side feel numb. Was it all an illusion before?

That elegant and peerless young man, a man who is elegant and clean and can still talk and laugh even if he kills...

It turns out that after the fall...this is what happened!

"That's enough, Dai Li! If you do this, you will aggravate the punishment of heaven and earth on you..." Lou Lanting couldn't help but remind Dai Li, but saw a dozen combined stages rushing towards him from behind!

These bitches from the Yin family are so sincere! He didn't even care about the bloody arrow hidden in the back of the bow!


Lou Lanting was still too useless and couldn't match his speed, but Dai Li killed ten combined stages with one backhand slap.

"..." Lou Lanting was indifferent. Is the union between a human and a demon so fierce?


After killing these ten people, the demonic energy in her body became much stronger! The pupils are also getting scarleter!

If people from Daxia back then...such as Liao Qingyi were here, they would definitely think of the earth-shattering scene and the last thought of being an immortal.

"What's wrong! She's gone crazy! Gong Zangxue, stay away from her!"

Gong Zangxue turned around and saw that Dai Li, who had successfully defeated Yin Wudao, had already rushed into the killing group. He didn't even look at anyone and killed everyone he saw!

What kind of triple combination, one for each claw!

The people in Siam naturally retreated in fear, and the people in the Yin family also wanted to retreat, but I couldn't do it!

"Let her kill! The more she kills, the faster the divine punishment will come! The faster she will die!!" The ugly Yin Wudao, who was already completely like a demon, was rolling around on the ground, but he still roared and gave orders to the people of the Yin family...

People from the Yin family: "..."

This is the rhythm to make people rebel. What do you mean by asking her to kill! R1152

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