A Queen

Chapter 1,412 Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 1412

But after all, they didn't dare to rebel, so they had to bite the bullet...but they really couldn't escape, they were too fast!

"Back off, back off!"


The people in Siam were frightened, including the geniuses of the Twelve Councils like Luo Song. They were so frightened that they felt like they had saved their lives...

Just when Daili was chopping melons and vegetables, killing more and more, when blood flowed into rivers, when the island cracked, when the sky was filled with the smell of blood, when the people of Siam were silent, and when the dead soldiers of Yin Shang felt She was like a lamb, when the pure blackness of her body was soaked with blood, when her power began to bite back.

No one can stand in her way.


Even though Gong Zangxue rushed over, she slashed him back with her sword... and was seriously injured!

If Lou Lanting hadn't caught the person quickly with quick hands and eyes...she would have been killed by the second knife.

"She is no longer Dai Li!"

"Not only is she a madman, but she has become a demon. She is also a bloodthirsty being, already..." Lou Lanting didn't say much, but her expression was cold.

Covering the corner of his mouth, blood flowed out. Gong Zangxue looked completely different from the past.

The pain was worse than when she shot herself...


The divine punishment was finally condensed and completed.

It also indicates that...her road has come to an end.

A thunderous punishment, leaving no dust in the sky.

It was as if the entire world was focused on this thunder punishment.

The thunderous punishment finally falls!

A straight beam of light made the world ignore everyone, leaving only the sky. This land, this thunder punishment, and that person.

The thunderbolt fell on her,

The finale in the distance seems to have come to an end...

It was also at this time that terrifying auras came from the distance and from all directions.

Mahayana, the Supreme, is finally here!


In the Siam Emperor's Mausoleum, in the space where dust and debris frequently fell, a woman leaned against the sarcophagus. Smiling softly: "What a forbidden love song. It was so good that I almost forgot about the real thing~"

The music was so messy, but she actually said it sounded good? What kind of taste does this person have...

But she smiled so softly and so wildly.

"Those losers from Siam and the Yin family must have been dumbfounded by this. They don't even dare to move..."

"But you are the only one who is very unsettled~~"

She tapped the sarcophagus board with her hand. Staring at the corpse and laughing. Reach in. Just grab the object he's holding.

That's a square jade.

Square, without any lines, smooth and clean. grey.

Gray jade?

At first glance it looks like stone.

Her hand just grabbed Fang Yu and pulled it, but it didn't move. She paused there, smiled for a moment.

"I think your eyes must have been opened by now. What, you want to take the Sifang Imperial Seal? You just borrowed a corpse to be reborn. If you do it with me, I'm afraid it will be very painful."

"You are nothing more than a clone."

"The clone can kill you, that's enough"

After a while, she got the gray jade and walked out of the tomb door, ignoring the blood of Luo Sheng on the ground and walking past. The blood seemed to be afraid of her and moved away. When she walked out of the door, she seemed to say something.

"After all, I should be considered your descendant. Although ancient things are ancient, I am very interested in them, including things you think future generations should not know. In my opinion, you people are just pitiful people~~"

Poor thing, her tone was so contemptuous and mocking, so indifferent to the extreme.

But there was no turning back.

What a strange, scary, and mysterious person.

"People who say others are pitiful are often pitiful themselves without knowing it."

But if you don't know it, there is nothing pitiful about it.

Anyway, she doesn't know, she just doesn't feel pain, doesn't complain, isn't angry, isn't crazy...

Then don’t regret it.

The man in the coffin sat up.

The Mausoleum of the Siamese Emperor began to collapse again.

He walked out on the collapsed and cracked floor.

Finally home.


Heaven's punishment has also come down.


When he was struck by Heaven's Punishment, Dai Li regained some consciousness.

It can be said that he was woken up by the blow.

Dimly, she could see that there seemed to be some people outside, some with great backgrounds, but she could no longer see clearly who they were.

She is destroying.

be destroyed.


The Siamese Supremes looked very embarrassed, especially when faced with such looks from so many juniors - What a coincidence you came~~What a coincidence~~

What a coincidence! I was held back by the weird music and the Supreme Being of the Yin Family!

No, it should be said that it was not just them. Anyway, there were many strange forces blocking her for no apparent reason. There were many unknown forces that intervened. Some wanted to kill Jun Zili, some stopped others from killing her, and some were just watching the show.

Anyway, they all appear to be insane, making it difficult for people to see good and evil clearly.

But anyway, in the eyes of these juniors, they are deliberately delaying the time and arriving at the last moment. They must be afraid of the Yin family.

Damn it! Do you think we want to be a coward? But don’t forget that this person still has my Siamese inheritance!

But was it too late to watch the thunder strike Jun Zili?

Oh mom, why are you like this!

It has been demonized and cannot be saved, and it cannot be saved even if it is not struck by lightning.

"What a pity." One of the council leaders shook his head and sighed.

It's a pity that the rest of the people feel the same way. It's a pity that such a talent, but with such a complicated origin, is destined not to be tolerated by many people, but they are vicious and difficult enemies like the Yin family.

Maybe they don't want to cause trouble to some extent in their hearts. After all, they still have some trouble with the fairy clan.

Of course, if they know that someone’s enemy is a god haha~

"What a pity?" came a cold and cold voice, and the Supremes of Siam turned around and saw a gloomy atmosphere that seemed to turn their entire Siam into darkness.

A total of three of the Yin Sect's Supremes came! Followed by seven Mahayana masters.

This formation! Holy crap!

"Such a person. You think it's a pity for her to kill so many people from my Yin family?" The people of the Yin family are all in this tone, and their speech is more like a snake. It's very sinister, and their eyes are very vicious.

"You say she's a pity, does that mean that people from my Yin clan should be killed?" Another person from the Yin clan sneered.

"Such a vicious and ugly monster deserves to die!"

The Yin Family's Supreme struck three times in a row, which overwhelmed the Siamese Supreme. His face dropped, and he was about to fight back.

"Vicious and ugly? It seems that your Yin family's snake-people bloodline is more disgusting. If you shed your skin every ten years, should I call you snake-people? Or are you human-snake?"

Who is so sharp? It’s so straight to the point!

The people in Siam saw blood in their bows!

That girl from the Demon Palace in the Demon Realm?

The Supremes were stunned.

The first supreme leader of the Yin family narrowed his eyes: "The talent of the Divine Gong Zangfeng is very good! I will kill you this time, and also take your Divine Gong, so it is a worthwhile trip!"

If you say kill, kill!

He stretched out his hand directly

The power of the supreme. Who can stop it!

one hand. It's like the ancient Taishan Mountain pressing down on its top!

It's like the whole body of water is sloshing.

Only another Supreme can stop it!

call out!

An arrow. Coming through the clouds!

"Well done!" The Supreme Lord of the Yin Family relaxed his face and turned his big hand to slap him!


The big hand met the arrow

Bang, afterimage?


The big hand was pierced. burst!

boom! ! ! The dark purple light is filled with the sharpness of gold.

Every junior present could see where the arrow came from, how it came, and where it was. Anyway, the big hand was broken.

On the water on the west side, there is a man wearing a simple indigo robe stepping on the water.

The white hair in her bun and the vicissitudes of life on her face can vaguely show the handsomeness of the past, with clear eyebrows, but her temperament is very heavy. At first glance, she looks no different from ordinary people.

Um, does anyone know that he just sweeps the floor as soon as he walks in the hall?

"Shen Gong Zangfeng, you finally showed up. The weird sound of the piano was caused by you," the No. 1 Supreme Being of the Yin Family said coldly.

"I'm just a rough guy. I can't play the piano and have fun, and I'm far from that level. But I can bend a bow and shoot snakes at some snake people who don't know what they are called."

The expressions of all the snakes in the Yin family all darkened, and they were filled with gloomy murderous intent.

Zang Feng was alone, but he was not afraid. He just stood on the water flow and turned his head to look at Gong Zangxue.

He said nothing.

Gong Zangxue glanced at him expressionlessly at this moment, and said calmly: "You're here just in time, I can help collect the bodies of the people who were scorched by lightning later."

The tone was somewhat resentful.

It's also strange. When she saw this person in the past, all the hatred factors in her body were raised. If there was the biological daughter of a certain beauty who was said to have a crush on her father and caused the marriage to break up, this hatred would increase exponentially. But now

She felt very tired and empty. This fatigue and emptiness made her whole body hollowed out.

very tired.

She used to feel very tired when she thought of her mother's death.

Is it the same this time? (So ​​the substitute girl is your mother?)

Zang Feng looked at the thunder and did not say that he was ambushed by three supremes, nor did he say that he came back in a hurry.

There is no need to say any of this, because the person he wanted to protect after leaving his wife and daughter seemed to want to

With a crash, Zang Feng flew towards the place of thunder and punishment.

"He wants to help block the thunder punishment! Stop him!" How can the Yin family allow others to save this Dai Li? It's not easy just to save face, not to mention that this Dai Li is not a trivial matter.


The three supreme masters instantly locked onto Zang Feng's energy and were about to take action.

"what is that?"

Before Zang Feng took action, before they took action, outside the Thunder Punishment, a person, a person who had been as quiet as a rock before, suddenly reached out to the Thunder Punishment.


Gong Qing was shocked, and the people in Xuan Palace were also frightened!

He Jieyu, you are crazy! !

Lou Lanting's eyes seemed to tremble, and he watched helplessly as the person not far from him touched the thunder penalty.

Conductive shunting is not possible?

On the beach, He Jieyu's body, covered by thunder and lightning, stretched out a Dharma image.

ice fields.

Yes, this is the Dharma Icefield.

A huge ice field, with a large amount of thunder pouring into the ice field

This is feasible, but an ice sheet alone cannot stop it.

Her dharma will soon collapse, her soul will be devoured, her body will be devoured, and then


Is He Jieyu so stupid? (To be continued...)

ps: There is no power outage today, but I have always been an aunt. I have not been typing all day. Thank you everyone for your pink votes. Thank you very much~~ I also informed you that Imperial Treasure will not update today. It is too late. I just came back from a friend’s house. R1292

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