A Queen

Chapter 1,413 Dual Dharma Appearances, Fight!

Chapter 1413

Lou Lanting couldn't tell what he was feeling at that moment. He just felt it was funny and so stupid. Everyone who did such stupid things was obviously smart, so why did he do it?

But he couldn't laugh.

He Jieyu has been punished by the terrible thunder punishment!


"Idiot! That's it!" a Mahayana from the Yin family vomited, and was stunned before he finished speaking.

what is that?

The ice sheet did not collapse at all, because another space was opened inside the ice sheet!

They were nine huge thousand-foot ice swords connected to nine huge chains, with an iceberg as high as ten thousand feet tied in the middle. The cold air hissed out, making the supreme beings unable to help but shiver.

"The zodiac sign, glacier!"

"Impossible, let's forget she has two phases. One outer phase is an ice field, and her natal phase is a glacier. That is, both the two phases are the source phase! This is impossible!"

The Supreme Being is so horrified, let alone others.

Many people have not yet come into contact with the Dharma Appearance because they have not awakened at all. Some people who are in the third level of the integration stage have not developed the Dharma Appearance until their death because they are not talented enough, don’t understand enough, and are not lucky enough!

And those who create two dharma forms, especially the natal dharma aspect, are all monsters. People like Mo Yao who create the natal dharma form before the integration stage is simply a monster of heaven-defying proportions.

However, there is a difference between Dharma Appearance and Dharma Appearance. As mentioned before, the source system Dharma Appearance is recognized as the most useful and powerful among them. It is impossible for an ordinary genius to create one, which makes the elders of the sect want to celebrate together, let alone two.

So when He Jieyu did this, many of the Supremes present were a little surprised, but the Supremes of the Yin family might have more murderous intentions.

Such a genius. It’s fine if you’re not of any use to me. If you’re still my enemy, you might as well get rid of it as soon as possible!

Just do it!

The number one supreme leader of the Yin family immediately released his hand and blasted away!

Strike with one palm!

Zang Feng took action but was jointly attacked by other supremes!

A critical moment!

Even if these people like Gong Zangxue are flattering, they are not as good as the Supreme Being.

Even if they explode their souls and burn their essence and blood, it will be useless. The gap is too big and they are not on the same level.


suddenly. An extra ball of ice appeared out of thin air. The ice air seemed to be caused by countless sharp ice edges, covered with countless needle pricks. Wrapped in this giant palm

Crush and crush!

The First Supreme Master looked cold and said calmly: "Master of Xuan Palace, you came very quickly."

"You can't do it quickly, otherwise my two apprentices with unlimited talents will be bullied to death."

With a lazy yet clear and gentle voice. Everyone saw the vast and misty ice condensed into a person.

The clothes are as beautiful as snow, and the brocade clothes are like ice.

The Lord of Xuan Palace is the only female supreme person here. In terms of temperament and sense of presence, it ranks first.

Even if others can't see her face.

"Meet the Palace Master"

Everyone in Xuan Palace bowed, except for He Jieyu.

The master of Xuanyuan Palace looked at the two people in Heavenly Punishment, tilted his head slightly, and smiled at the many supreme beings: "Children are young and ignorant. You are all so old, so it's not that big of a deal."

This statement sounds like a mockery of the Yin family for bullying the smaller ones.

"Hmph! Master of the Xuan Palace, don't wade into this muddy water. Otherwise, you won't be able to escape unscathed." The eyes of the No. 1 Supreme Being of the Yin Family flickered.

"Even if you are willing, people like these in Siam may not be willing."

Hear the words. The Siamese Supremes looked grim. Although they were slightly annoyed, they did not refute this sentence, because for Jun Zili or He Jieyu, it would be okay to take on the entire Yin family. The problem is that the muddy water here is too deep, and it seems that there are more than A Yin family.

Otherwise, how can the Yin family have such great confidence? After all, Siam is one of the twenty-four kingdoms. Its overall strength is extremely strong, and it is easy to swallow ten Yin families.

What is their trump card?

The entire fairy clan?

The supreme leaders of Siam must consider the whole of Siam, so

The Lord of the Xuan Palace did not care about the silence of these supreme beings and only smiled: "Some women are destined not to place their hopes on men."

Her tone was so slow and leisurely, and the hand hidden under the wide Yunxue long sleeves slowly stretched out. The long and slender hand with five fingers seemed to be made in heaven.

Slight ice crystals on fingertips.

There is no chill, but it gives people a feeling of being chilled to the bone.

As these ice crystals shine,

Putting her fingers together, she said: "Ice"


So she held her palm and sealed the entire water area with ice.

It's the entire river water area.

Tens of thousands of hectares.

That sealed space

In the space above the water, there are many ice sculptures sneaking out of the sky.


Tens of thousands of masters, many of whom are in the Lily stage

Another group of troops from the Yin family turned out to be lurking here.

Invisibly, these geniuses from Siam have been surrounded!

what to do

The faces of the Siamese Supremes turned dark.

They hadn't noticed it before! It must be the three supreme masters of the Yin family who used secret methods to cover them up.

Maybe there are more than three Supremes!

The freeze continues

Before the three supreme masters of the Yin family could take action, the sky and the earth started to wind.

Countless counter-winds, like four huge walls of wind, came from the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest, breaking through the ice!

"The power of the Supreme, every move is like the wrath of heaven and earth." Lingduan closed his eyes for a moment and turned his head to look at where the punishment was, but compared to the real wrath of heaven and earth - punishment, these seemed humble.

Even so, there are some people who are not afraid of it.

"He's from the Wind King!"

"The Supreme of the Wind King!"

The Supreme Lord of the Wind King had already appeared, and was standing in the floating sky. He looked at the three Supreme Lords of the Yin family and said calmly: "Master of the Xuan Palace, who knows that he cannot do anything, but now what?"

"You still want to fight?"

"Just you or a hidden front?"

A master of Xuan Palace, a Zangfeng, and two supreme beings must face four supreme beings!

One against two! ?

The Lord of Xuan Palace glanced at Zang Feng: "Can Zang Feng's divine bow defeat the two masters?"

The supreme battle is earth-shattering, with one against two. How many supreme beings can do this?

This is the Lord of Xuan Palace

Everyone looked at Zang Feng, who frowned slightly.


The three supreme beings have all been ambushed, let alone two of them!

"That's good." The Lord of Xuan Palace lowered his eyebrows and smiled, his laughter clear but cold!

The broken ice is frozen again!

Senhan is coming!

Quack quack!

Countless amounts of ice air escape from the frozen waters, which is absolutely freezing air extracted from water to ice. Then condense the air into a huge square ice body!

Triple transformation. Turns into ice in one second!

That kind of control is beyond description at the void level!

That kind of ice is terrifying!

The most terrifying thing is that this square body of ice has covered the three supreme beings of the Yin family and the supreme leader of the Wind King.

Of course, this also includes the Lord of Xuan Palace and Zang Feng.

In the frozen small western ice world, the six supreme beings are killing each other!


"Kill them for me!"

The Wind King Supreme shouted angrily. The wind, countless winds, turned into dead men in green clothes! The Wind King’s Gale Army!

One hundred thousand troops!

In the lily body stage, there are hundreds of distractions!

"It's the main force of the Wind King clan!"

"Is the Wind King crazy?"

Are these crazy Wind King people killing the Siamese people like crazy?

The faces of the Siamese Supremes showed a cold light. If that's the case, no wonder they are


Not Siamese!

"He's coming for us!" Lou Lanting frowned, it was terrible. His trendy Gu beasts have been almost exhausted in the Siam Emperor's Mausoleum. How can he be the opponent of these armies now!

Gong Zangxue was much more powerful than this man. Without saying a word, he drove the Jade Bone Dragon and let out a dragon roar. Fly across the sky!

dragon breath

With a bang, he flipped his wrist and took the divine bow. Draw the bow and load the arrow!

Guiding explosive arrows!

It wasn't just the Lord of Xuan Palace who took action, just to protect He Jieyu. Gong Qing must also take action, not to mention the other people in Xuan Palace. Now a large group of people are taking action, which is huge, but compared to the one hundred thousand army, it is still a bit like a mantis trying to control the chariot.

Even if the Siamese people present take action together, it will be useless unless the Siamese army is mobilized, but that also means breaking up with the Yin clan of the immortal clan and the Fengwang clan.


Death is certain!

The Fifth Yong Entropy watched coldly as Gong Zangxue and Lou Lanting's joint defense line was fiercely broken by the army and rushed towards Heaven Punishment. Yes, under Heaven Punishment, other people's attacks could not affect the people inside at all, but they could

Swish, brush, brush!

The group of people who rushed the fastest suddenly cut their wrists, letting the strands of blood turn into streamlines, and they were about to enter the heavenly punishment.

Sacrifice blood!

They want to sacrifice blood to increase the severity of the punishment from heaven, so that the people inside will never be able to turn around!

The bow hides blood, the eyebrows are like blood, a drop of blood drips out, the jade bone dragon's wings rotate, setting off thousands of feet of light!

In the light, the arrow pierces the sky

Turn into a thousand arrows!

Rain of arrows!

Swish, brush, brush!

tilt down

Puff puff! Headshots one by one! ,

One drop of blood killed more than three hundred people! There are ten integration periods among them!

"This madman is already the second drop of original blood essence!" Lou Lanting gritted his teeth and danced on the tip of the killing knife!

"Second wave, come on!!"

"Kill Gong Zangxue!"

The people of the Yin family hate Shen Gong Zangfeng’s daughter!

The murderous intention towards her is even greater than that towards Dai Li.


After sacrificing this drop of original essence and blood, Gong Zangxue's face turned pale, but he was surrounded by a large siege in front of him.

Fight to the end!

The blood around her body surged, and she was as bright and firey as a dragon.

The divine bow was bleeding faintly.

"As long as I'm here, I won't let you in even half a minute."

She raised her bow and condensed the third drop of original blood essence between her eyebrows.

Is it Junzi Li or Gong Zangxue who is crazy?

What idiot wrote in the intelligence that Demon Palace Gong Zangxue was not on good terms with the gentleman?

Is there a blood feud between Gong Zangxue and Junzili?

Damn, are you sure this isn't a show of affection in the form of falling in love and killing each other?

When the critical moment comes, sacrifice yourself for one person!

Everyone was shocked and horrified.

The drop of blood was shocking.

One integration period only requires about seven drops of original essence and blood.

It’s already the third drop.

Zang Feng, who is still in the frozen world, does not know the external situation. He is still fighting with the two supremes!

The supreme battle will decide everything!

But outside

Gong Zangxue's third drop of blood was blocked. (To be continued)

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