A Queen

Chapter 1,417 Balu of the Iron Tribe (Ruo※hidden※ruo※appeared and Heshibi+)

Chapter 1417


Time and space is a very broad but interesting word. Perhaps it is also linked to destiny. For example, in the same place and at different times, there are different people or the same person experiences different things. That is one person's destiny.

Another example is that at the same time, in different places, different people are encountering different things.

For example, on a big stone outside a quiet attic, Mo Ye sat cross-legged. He opened his eyes, his eyes flickered with dark light, but his brows were furrowed. After a moment, a stream of light fell on his fingertips, and his finger pointed at the bird. head, receiving the information

In an instant, his expression changed drastically!

Then he suddenly looked towards the attic, and the atmosphere in the attic was changing.

"Is it fate that something like this happened at the breakthrough level?" He took a deep breath, raised his sleeves, and drew a stream of light from his body that penetrated into the space and disappeared.

And the rising and falling breath in the attic seems to attract the sky

The smell was terrible.

It's like it can turn the stars.

And in another place, where the peach blossoms were in full bloom, a middle-aged man looked at a girl and said: "You are quite well informed. You didn't hesitate to leave the secret realm by force. Do you know what you gave up?"


"Haha~ You are really willful. If it were anyone else, I would have killed you long ago."

The neither salty nor bland murderous intention made the girl bend down even a little.

"Things over there are very complicated. I can't even see through them. You can't change anything in the past."

"She never abandoned me, how could I abandon her?" she said softly.

"Repay a favor?"

"No." The woman's eyes drifted away, "I should say this is a high-sounding excuse."

In this way, you can do anything for a person without any scruples.

Born for her. Die for her.

"Haha~" the man laughed softly,

Below, his body is hidden in the curtain of the pavilion. He is tall and steady, but also has a romantic feeling that exaggerates peach blossoms.

After a moment, he waved his hand, and a light rolled out from it. Covered the girl.

"That's it. I'll send you there."

The girl was swept away by the light, and his smile gradually faded, as if it was gently stirring the air. "Let those people see how terrifying the Due Body is~~"

Then extend your sight to the northern area of ​​the Siam Waters, to the bottom of the bottom of the water.

A middle-aged majestic man in rich clothes was stunned when he saw a sea dragon eagle suddenly appear in front of him. Then he patted its head: "Strange, why did the prince suddenly use the sea dragon eagle to send a message?"

He extracted the information and took a look. With a flash of light in his eyes, he said to Hai Longying: "Go back and report to the prince, and I will take action."

Sea Dragon Eagle disappeared in an instant, and the speed was faster than some Mahayana.

Sea Dragon Eagle disappeared. The man frowned, raised his head and looked through the glazed underwater palace, penetrating the water. It seemed like I saw the fierce fighting in the distance.

How could such a large-scale fight involving several supreme beings be hidden from them? But since the other party didn't enter the water to fight and didn't hurt their sea tribe, they naturally just watched the fun.

It's just this sudden message

He narrowed his eyes and smiled, a cold smile.

And in the space above this water area, that is, on the water surface, a man in red clothes, evil and beautiful, looked at the sea dragon eagle flying up, and smiled: "It seems that the sea tribe is also very interested~~"

The man behind him frowned: "I don't understand why you came here to watch the show?"

"No?" The man turned to look at him and smiled: "Don't you want to come and take a look?"

In no mood.

The other man looked calm and said, "The battle situation will be leveled and Siam should not remain silent for a long time."

"It can't be leveled~" The man in red smiled seductively, "The Yin family has more than one trick like this."


Both of them were stunned.

Any helpers?

What is the origin of Junzili? Such a decisive killing? What kind of hatred and resentment is this?

Look away.

Through the waters, through the sky, through the white clouds

Above the water, the blue sky and white clouds were struck by the aftermath of the attack, and the icy blue foam seemed to be mixed together. Under the foam, there was a person who was suppressed by a supreme being using a superior immortal weapon that was not much weaker than the divine bow. demon.

It's hard to estimate how powerful this demon is, because her aura is only in the Fusion stage, but it's...

Fight against Zhong Ding!

No retreat, no avoidance!

The waters sunken beneath her feet and the sky glowed above her.

No one can move forward.

That was a fight between a supreme being and a demon!

The flesh and blood of her arms burst, the sky collapsed, but she didn't move

The Supreme One felt extremely angry!

Why, I, the Supreme Being, can’t kill you, a mere junior!

No matter how talented you are, God's punishment will kill you. If luck is not with you, what secrets can you use to make a comeback?

Just when the Supreme Being was angry and the demonic energy in Dai Li became more and more arrogant, Ming Jian and the others were eager to escape and help, and Zang Feng stepped up his attacks.

A dark shadow, ghostly, invisible, a dagger, with an expressionless face, appeared on her back at that moment.

A stab in the back!

The sword was not fast enough to frighten the Supreme, but the timing of his attack made everyone powerless.

A Mahayana assassin, a Mahayana assassin from a family like Feng Wang who respected speed.

Feng Ci, the Mahayana master of the Feng family, his full blow is destined to make people powerless.

The Supreme Being was too late.

What's more, it seems that no Supreme Being can take action. Siam's Supreme Being can't. The Lord of Xuan Palace and Zang Feng have time, but they can't make a move.


"go to hell!"


A long rainbow, a beam of light, it is a sword, a sword of heavy punishment. When it appears, Lei Punishes screams.


Keng! ! !

This sword directly hit the dagger at a faster and more terrifying speed

Block it!

Feng Ci's face turned cold, and the short dagger twirled in his hand, Storm Stab!

The sword light turned, and a man appeared, holding the sword in his hand and striking it!


Assassins and swordsmen. collision!


Starlight laser!

The two of them retreated a hundred meters away at the same time. Feng Xi's figure was ethereal and twisted, as if he was melting into the space all the time. The color of his body was also translucent. At this moment, he looked at the stunning young man standing with a sword in his hand.

"Punishment Immortal Sword, are you Si Qinming of the Si family?"

Si Qin's life was very strange at the moment, his body was filled with an unstable silver light, and his eyebrows were also changing moods. In depth. Constantly changing between calm, ruthless and ruthless.

But he didn't say a word. He just stared at this wind thorn coldly.

But it was standing in front of Dai Li's back.


The combat power is astonishingly high!

Another combat power that has leapt from the peak of the integration stage to the Mahayana?

The gentleman is away, the bow hides blood, Si Qin orders! Are these three people going to defy heaven?

The people in Siam couldn't figure out what the fuss was about until the next second. The Si family appears.

Si Qinglei only glanced at it coolly, and her eyes paused in one place. He didn't know whether he was looking at his brother or the people behind him. He lowered his eyes and said in a very clear voice: "Since there are already so many people, you don't mind if the Si family joins the war."

This means something different!

The Si family is the first family in Siam, and she can almost represent Si Tianjian, and the Si family represents the Twelve Councils. Once she takes action, almost all of Siam will take action!

The Supremes had different expressions. The Supreme Being of the Yin Family was a little scornful at first and sneered: "Little baby, this is not playing house, you have to think carefully~ don't be stupid~"

Si Qinglei looked at the other party. Even though the other party was the most powerful of the Yin clan of the Immortal Clan, she did not change her expression and smiled slightly: "Si Qinglei never needs others to judge right or wrong when doing things."

This girl can easily produce a skill called "Calm and Wushuang. If I see you are unhappy, just pretend I don't see you".

The four supreme beings were all choked, and then sneered. The first supreme one sneered: "That's arrogant. We, the supreme ones, will not take action against you two juniors, lest others say that we use the big to bully the small."

"You have already done it." Si Qing glanced at Zhong Ding and the people suppressed by Zhong Ding with a tearful expression.

It's already embarrassing enough for Mahayana to take action, but he also added the Supreme, and the Supreme even refused to admit his fault!

This was so ironic that the Lord of Xuan Palace laughed first, and the people in Siam were also embarrassed. There was an inexplicable sense that we Siamese Supremes were all sissies and cowards, but the girls in Siam were so awesome.

But obviously these four supremes did not dare to deal with her directly, because this person was different from Junzi Li. Once they took action against Si Qinglei, they would pull out the tiger beard, Si Tianjian, the Twelve Councils, and the entire Siam. !

Therefore, the Supreme Being cannot take action


"Haha" the air was cold and chuckled, and someone appeared.

There were a lot of people, and leaving aside the crowd at the back, the person in the front was enough to make many people present change their faces.

It was a man wearing a cannon. His facial features were very sharp and aggressive. His eyes were sharp and cold, ruthless and cruel, but his smile seemed to be very gentle. If most of the Yin family are like snakes, then this man is like a jackal. It makes your bones feel chilly.

Who is this person?

Duan Tsing Yi is the first to change his face, "Iron Tribe Balu Lie"

Balu of the Iron Clan, like the Yin Clan of the Immortal Clan, is a major force in the Iron Clan among the seven clans. It is as significant as the Qinghuanghai Yuqi Clan, and is not weaker than the Yin Clan in terms of overall strength.

The surname Balu means their powerful and unrivaled physique and heritage, as well as their great authority in the world.

Legend has it that the people of the Balu clan are born like jackals, they are bloodthirsty and good at fighting, their flesh and blood have extremely terrifying recovery power, and their bones are very hard. Legend has it that the bones of the strongest Balu are as hard as immortal weapons.

Such a powerful Balu clan actually ranks higher than the Qinghuang among the seven clans!

It is also becoming more and more proud of countless Sifang Tiandi aristocratic families. Accurately compared, its strength with the Yin family should be comparable to that of sixteen generations of nobles. It's just that we don't compare them by years, because they are the original family after the destruction of the Great Wilderness and don't need to be generalized. (To be continued)

ps: I just spent some time checking the previous reward records. From the end of the spiritual pet relationship that has passed through thousands of mountains, there are the Heshi Bi, Mu Xining’s fairy flower, and Min Zhen’s. He's Bi, Xia Liqiu's two He's Bi, followed by Yu Yiwei

Smiling for Indifference, Orange Slightly Astringent, Rao Yue, Book Friends 081020151306873 There are still thirteen more updates for the four children's He's Bi, and today is the first update~~

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