A Queen

Chapter 1,418 I’ll give you 300,000 Feng Shui~

Chapter 1418

Yin family, Wind King Jiabaru

Many people feel hopeless.

"Haha, I told you that since you are here today, you will definitely not return empty-handed." The First Supreme sneered. Now he was not in a hurry to kill Daili in one go, but said with a smile: "I want to see it even more." Look at you people paying the price for your ignorance and stupidity~ Let Daili look at you too, these friends of yours will pay a fatal price for helping you!"

This sentence undoubtedly hit the soft spot in Dai Li's heart. The demonic spirit in her body became a lot more arrogant. At this moment

"If the person concerned is unrepentant and willing, what qualifications do outsiders have to judge? Even if you are the Supreme Being."

Wearing a long smokey willow skirt, she is intellectual and graceful, her eyes are clear and wise, and she has a poetic spirit in her belly. This kind of girl may not be the most beautiful and elegant pearl in the palace, but she is a beauty that cannot be faded by time.

Who could recognize that this was the ugly and taciturn girl from Peach Blossom Spring?

Who would have thought that that girl back then could now be as calm as water against these supreme beings in such a battlefield?

The first reaction of the Supremes, including the Lord of Xuan Palace, Zang Feng, Nabarulie and others when they first saw this woman was

Unable to capture the existence of her life and soul!

It’s like being completely separated from the living system of this world

There's something wrong. Is this woman just a jerk?

Zombie, outside of the six realms of sentient beings, maybe this girl is Zombie

The word "Zombie" touched the sensitive nerves of the First Supreme Being. He suddenly felt a sense of crisis and his eyes drifted.

Baluli and the others suddenly took action!

No more time wasted, kill!

The woman also raised her hand and moved her palm. It means everything is moving!

Her body overflowed with light.

"what happened!"

"my body!"

"not good!"

Those who are fighting fiercely,

For example, these people from the Yin family and the Feng Wang family suddenly felt that their luck was being robbed by an invisible force!

Heaven and earth have Feng Shui, mountains, rivers, and regions all have Feng Shui, and people naturally also have Feng Shui!

At this moment, thousands of people discovered that their feng shui had been tampered with!

There are more than ten thousand people here, except for my own side. Probably 10 out of 10 people!

Nearly 300,000 people were forcibly tampered with. Including a large number of feng shui masters in the integration period

Damn, are you kidding!

The supreme leader of Si Tianjian stared, this is impossible!

Si Qing's eyes flashed with tears, this girl wants to break up?

The body of Due after immortality turns out to be so terrifying!

How could it be so defiant?

Duan Qingyi and others recognized this as Shang Biejie. But I didn't expect that Shang Biejie would take action as soon as he appeared on the stage, and then reverse the feng shui!

Whose feng shui?

The enemy's feng shui!

And then that?

Shang Bieli's figure flashed and came to Daili's side, standing together under the bell and tripod. She looked at the other person's unsightly appearance and looked at each other.

Daili blinked. Said: "Are you uglier than you were before?"

She didn't even look at it, but she knew that she was ugly, extremely ugly.

Shang Bieliang smiled: "It's ugly, but it doesn't matter." One of her hands tampered with the feng shui, and the other fell on Dai Li's shoulder.


Three hundred thousand feng shui fell on Dai Li's shoulders.

"I will give you all their feng shui, A Li. Even if you are worthy of the best, even the supreme being cannot cover up your glory."


The power of tens of thousands of Feng Shui makes a demon's strength skyrocket!

The energy of the body suddenly increased tenfold!

Power, terrible power!

Shang Biejie knew her too well. She knew she hated the Yin family. She will definitely kill the Wind King, and she will not retreat from all enemies!

So she gave her the best help.

If you want to fight, I will give you 300,000 Feng Shui and let you fight!

Dai Li laughed!

"Wake it up for me!"

Thunder Punishment and Qian Ji intertwined, and the displaced body had been moved out from under the bell and tripod.


She finally escaped from Zhong Ding's suppression!

The First Supreme finally changed his face.

He flipped his palm and wanted to use the bell and tripod to suppress it!

This time I won't hold back anymore and just crush her to death!



With 300,000 Feng Shui in her body, Dai Li laughed loudly, and suddenly, there was a sudden crackle and shattering of light behind her, and the huge pure black thunder wings with blood stretched out, all dazzling, all in the moment of her smile.


The moment the bell tripod hit the ground again, Shang Biel saw Baluli's cold face behind him.

This woman is too threatening and must be killed as soon as possible!

But suddenly Shang Biere's back disappeared and turned into the ugly face of a demon. The demon smiled at him

One knife!

Lei Feng's knife struck Baluli in the face.

Go straight to your face


Qiang~~~The face turned into a face like steel.


Cut it off directly from top to bottom

Dismember the body!

What's wrong with the people of the Balu clan? We, the Balu clan, obviously have terrible physiques, and our faces are even more stiff. Master, why are your faces so impervious to attack!

The two halves of the corpse are separated and the power of regeneration in the Mahayana period comes!

The two halves of the corpse flew up and overlapped, and they were about to merge and regenerate.

Dai Li spread his wings, and the fierce killing aura overflowed.


Qian Ji on the left, thunder punishment on the right!

Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!

Minced meat flying everywhere!

In the blink of an eye, only the bones are left!

regeneration? I will regenerate you! With so much minced meat, it will take you several years to regenerate it.

"I'm going! Balu is defeated!"

"He is in the Mahayana period!"

"Who is this gentleman?"

"That woman is so scary. Who is she? She has such terrifying magical powers."

The spectators were horrified, and the Supremes had sensed it.

"It's a body that can handle disasters, and it's actually a body that's good at Feng Shui!"

The body that can overcome misfortune is a body that is rejected by heaven and earth, but the way of Feng Shui is a kind of avenue that is close to the avenue of heaven and earth. It is difficult for people without extraordinary understanding of heaven and earth to embark on this path. The combination of the body of Due and the way of Feng Shui is like pouring tomato sauce into preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

Well, there is some dissonance.

However, it is undeniable that the demonized Junzili of Shangjie with the body of Due = a super combat power that is perverted and twisted and does not conform to the laws of nature!


Baluli's bones were kicked away by someone. When he turned his head, the First Supreme had taken action again!

On the other side, Gong Zangxue also faced a Supreme!

But Uncle Zangfeng shot away a supreme being that was wrapped around him with an arrow!

Get away!

Now comes the problem, Uncle Zangfeng. You want to save your daughter. Or the daughter of my sweetheart?

This question is very serious

Then the result is

The sweetheart's daughter fluttered her wings, threw away the first and supreme bell, and hugged the daughter. Dodged another supreme attack.

First Supreme: ""

Another Supreme: ""

Uncle Zangfeng: ""

this speed

The whole city is covered with bunkers.

The two Supremes had expressionless faces, one was responsible for entangling Zang Feng, and the other was chasing after him!

Chase him at all costs!

But on the other side, the war is also in full swing!

Si Qinming faced Feng Ci!

The Si family joins the war!

The old man beside Si Qinglei was in the Mahayana stage. The strength was very strong, but Si Qinglei himself couldn't tell clearly what his strength was. Anyway, she is on the periphery now, looking at Shang Shang's parting eyes.

A feng shui, a prophecy of the stars, all taking the top road of high-end atmosphere and class.

Can it be considered that the ancient Chinese Feng Shui school joined forces with the Western Tarot school of prophecy?

It’s also pk!

Quickly change the feng shui of each enemy. Assist your own family or directly eliminate the other party.

One can use star magic to see through and kill the opponent easily.

Even if these two people kill people, they take the most bizarre shortcut to kill, and they are not bloody at all. But it's even more scary.

Ling Duan and Yu Huaxuan watched helplessly as thousands of people sandwiched between them died one after another as they attacked them respectively.

It's like the GM in the background of the game can easily erase the data of each monster.

This is a perverted way of killing, and there is another way that is simple and clear.

For example, Tranquility is far away from Wu. A sword with a famous sword!

Although I cannot identify them completely, I can probably determine that the martial arts and kendo of these two people are very superior, even far exceeding the level of martial arts and kendo in Siam.

Can it be concluded that there is something extraordinary behind these two people?

In addition, Qinghuanghai’s successor, who holds the seal, is Luan Qingyi.

A remnant from southern Xinjiang, every time he looks weak and explosive, he is likely to be killed, but he uses poison to kill a bunch of body-touching masters in the combined stage.

There are also the three girls in the distance who have no road but have been assisting with the music of the piano and the piano.

There is also Gong Qing’s Nine Purple Light Belt.

The divine bow that hides blood is invincible!

This is an alluring battle with stunning looks!

Although the number of people is not as good as the opponent, but individually, the killing effect is terrible.

The nearly one million troops of Balu, Wind King, and Yin clan were directly cut off by 300,000!

"Suddenly I want to join the war~~" Luo Song narrowed his eyes, seeming to have forgotten the enemy relationship with Dai Li at this moment.

Demon King Mian's face was expressionless, his eyes flickering, and he suddenly looked at Meng Bingxun in the distance.

Why haven't there been any movements between this woman and that woman?

There is no way there is no reaction at all. Is there any mystery behind it?

Or do you think it’s not necessary?

With a quick glance, the demon who was chased by the First Supreme was chasing Mahayana all the way.

A very strange scene.

Mahayana is almost no match for her. She can defeat one with one sword. Although she cannot kill them, she can defeat them! There are many people who are as miserable as Baluli. The short-term loss of combat power is equivalent to changing the situation of the war.

The war situation is changing! ! !

Jun Zili can solve this crisis without the help of Demon Realm?


There was an uproar in the waters and huge waves broke out, firmly blocking the road ahead of Dai Li.

not good!

What's this?

The water waves rolled into the air and condensed into a huge whale's mouth. Chaodaili directly swallowed


Dai Li could only step back and behind him was Zhong Ding!


Dai Li was hit directly on the back by the bell.



Falling into the water (to be continued)

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