A Queen

Chapter 1419: That person, kill the Supreme!

Chapter 1419

Under the water, just when she was about to be thrown into the water, she saw a face emerging from the water.

The pupils of that face were dilated.

As soon as these people in Qingyi turned around, they saw


A spear came down from the water and penetrated directly

Penetrate her heart and back

This shocking turn of events is shocking!

Even people from the Yin family feel a sense of ecstasy and absurdity.


Before the opponent could cut her entire body with a spear or drag her into the water, Daili stabbed Lei Punishment into the water with his left hand, Thunder!



A beam of lightning struck fiercely into the water and hit the middle-aged man underwater.

The middle-aged man's face was like a condensed body of water. He had both a demonic aura and a general's fierce aura. What was he holding in his hand if it wasn't the spear inserted into her chest?

Below him, there are still countless black shadows

With the blood pouring out of her chest, she didn't know what it was.

But she saw the smile in the other person's pupils, as well as the reflected light and shadow

That bell and tripod fell down!

But a figure appeared behind her.

That figure

Gong Zangxue, who was nearest, saw the person suddenly appear. His speed was not fast, but he was resolute. Before anyone could see who it was, the other person had already been hit by the bell and tripod.

The cracked blood splashed on Dai Li's back, completely hot.

Dai Li's body tensed up, and before he could turn his head to see who this person was, the other person had already

The flesh and blood were separated and a large amount of blood was mixed with minced flesh.

On her body, and splashed on the bell and tripod,

The blood seemed to be mixed with mysterious and strange power. Hot one second, cold the next, cold to the depths of the soul.

When the bell and tripod were splashed with blood, it made a rattling sound. The blood spread and covered the bell and tripod!

One second before he continued to hit Daili.


Disintegrate instantly

The whole disintegration!

"What!" The First Supreme Being was directly attacked, vomited blood, and was seriously injured!

No one reacted.

what happened. That person to the end

And what is that blood?

“Are you still late?”

When the group teleported over, a large legion saw the scene in front of them. A fat man among the three leaders had a heavy expression, staring straight at the bright red blood on Dai Li's back.

Ask the person next to you: "Is it worth it?"

The Iron Masked Man next to him said in a very calm voice: "As long as you choose it, that is the best ending."

These words are profound. It seemed as if he was talking about himself, and then in an instant, he flew into the Yin family's army with a twist of his finger. Judge pen!


A thin sword popped out of the judge's pen and struck one person directly between the eyebrows. Plug in, pull out, kill again!

The peak of integration is like slaughtering a dog! Facing the Mahayana period!

This person seems to specialize in killing people from the Yin family. His attacks are very ruthless and he uses pure evil power!

Another person shot down!

Dai Li had already grasped the spear. Pull the spear directly out of the body.

The blood flowed from the original wounds on Dai Li's back and also flowed into the hole in his heart.

It's like burning, it's a very special bloody power

Burning from the inside out. Burning the flesh and blood in horror, I don’t know whether it is transformation or destruction.

Blood light. The intense blood light, the vibrating blood energy, and the overwhelming blood energy immediately enveloped her.

The spear was all red, as if it was stained with a little blood from before.

The middle-aged man's face darkened underwater. This was really weird.

In shock, he turned around and rushed forward without caring about Dai Li!

Rush to the First Supreme!

The immortal artifact Bell Cauldron was broken. The First Supreme Being was heartbroken. He was in disbelief for a moment and did not pay attention to the behavior of Dai Li below. In his opinion, the left and right were hit by the unknown Supreme below. Li Death is not far away, so what should he fear?

So when he found out that Dai Li was coming to kill him, he was actually not afraid, even though Dai Li was already in front of him.

"I don't know whether to live or die! I can kill you even without the immortal cauldron!"

The First Supreme slapped it with a backhand!

Dai Li was speechless. When she rushed forward, everyone saw that the demonic energy in her body had broken through to a certain point, and her appearance had changed again.

Those eyes are completely demonic.

Complete monster!

The explosive power, like a bloody star shooting up from the water, the Qianji in the left hand and the Thunder Punishment in the right hand all melted. The red fire burning in her body melted into liquid and seeped into her body.

Immortal weapon melted?

The moment of face to face!

Palms turn into claws!


One claw penetrated the broken bone of the First Supreme's palm, and then went in and poof! Reach into his chest.

When Dai Li's expressionless palm penetrated the chest of the first supreme being, the stream of light flying down missed her and hit another supreme being in the Yin family who wanted to sneak attack!


The air surges.

Lorraine's strength is on par with this Supreme!

The Underwater Siren Supreme took the opportunity to fly out of the water with a crash!

A large swath of Kraken rises into the sky!

One hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, one million!

The army of millions of sea monsters is full of evil spirit

Covering large areas of water.

The leader of the dragon-robed man had no expression on his face, raised his hand, and stabbed again with his spear! !

One hand held the spear.

"People are fighting in the sky, why are you guys under the water joining in the fun and sneaking attacks~~" It was shocking fire, and the face was as beautiful as a red lotus with red blood.

Then the red lotus bloomed.


The battle between water and fire!

Yun Jilian's action naturally means that Master Yun has arrived!

Master Yun Zhong, who was white and icy, was preceded by Yun Duanxue. She only glanced at Dai Li, who had penetrated the chest of the First Supreme Being, and then raised her eyebrows. She didn't know whether she was shocked by the opponent's appearance or her strength.

After all, she is still stronger than her elder brother.

Even above Lorraine.

What happened? It seemed they were really late.

Yun Jilian and Luo Lin suddenly took action, killing the two supreme beings of the Yin family one after another, and the other first supreme being was pushed out by Dai Li with a claw!

The situation of the war suddenly reversed. Zang Feng freed up his hand and looked at Luo Lin.

Join forces!


The second supreme master of the Yin family was heartbroken by an arrow!

Lorraine twisted her wrist again, and abruptly tore off the opponent's head.

Zang Feng fires another arrow!

Nine arrows!

Four limbs plus nine acupoints! break!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Lorraine pressed her palm again, holding down the soul sealed on the head.

The palm of my hand glowed.

Others don't know what the secret method is. Anyway, the Supreme Being of the Yin family is horrified, and the people of the Balu family are also horrified.



The light shines brightly.

The supreme body is cracked and the soul is annihilated!

Supreme. fall from the sky!

The war has started till now. In fact, Mahayana was not dead yet, but a large number of his bodies were seriously injured, but it was Supreme who died first.

This is definitely a huge impact.

But the second impact was stronger.

for example

Daili's hand pulled out the abdomen of the First Supreme Being. Kick him out with one kick!

Not dead yet!

The First Supreme was about to fight back.

But he saw Dai Li's brows shining brightly.

Dharma! Her Dharma finally awakened.

It was a huge gray vortex, and it looked like a strange, ever-changing beast.

It opens its mouth. He bit the man directly.



Swallow it whole.

The whole scene came to an abrupt end.

Well, Zang Feng and Luo Lin were originally at the supreme level. The former's single strength is even stronger than the second supreme of the Yin family. It is not unacceptable to use secret methods to kill the supreme together.

But the method Junzi Li used just now is

The first supreme?

"Supreme His Soul Breath"


Everyone in the Yin family is going to pee.

The people of the Wind King were also horrified.

At this moment, they seemed to understand that this man's counterattack had finally reached its peak.

——She killed a Supreme.

This is the supreme being of the Yin family.

Qing Xin, is this considered revenge for them? And that person just now

No, not enough!

Almost instinctively, open your eyes. The scarlet color in her pupils was still there.


She rushed towards the Wind King Supreme!

The Wind King Supreme would have been frightened before, if it weren't for the Lord of Xuan Palace. His subordinates are all here too, he escaped a long time ago

Now we see the horror of this generation coming again.

My balls hurt!


Before he could react, he was slapped away by a claw!

That power is really no different from the Dinghai Divine Needle~~ The Lord of Xuan Palace watched helplessly as the Wind King Supreme, who was always so fast that she was a little troublesome, was violently attacked by this man with punches, kicks, and knives!

There's no way to escape, a quick dodge is a blow!

Punch to the flesh, blood dripping every time

The Lord of the Xuan Palace looked at the demon-like person with a deep and deep gaze, and gently stroked his chin with his long and slender fingers. Well~~ This is what is called good physical fitness.

It does look very strong.

Master Yun and Lorraine's huge demon army joined the battle, which should have been a perfect counterattack. However, Balu's army was powerful, and millions of sea monsters inexplicably joined the battle, so the situation had twists and turns, and it is still not optimistic today.

But it seems to have counterattacked at the supreme level.


When the Wind King Supreme was hit for the 1091st time, the bones and flesh all over his body could no longer be seen clearly.

With a snap, it landed on the water, but it did not sink.

Because the vortex reappears!

"No!!!" What the Wind King was most afraid of was this terrifying whirlpool. Frightened and unwilling, he fiercely grabbed Dai Li's arm.

Even if you die, you have to support me!

Light exploded from him


The Wind King Supreme wants to blow himself up!

Zang Feng's expression changed: "Not good"

A critical moment~~ No, this word is used when the situation is very critical and I am very nervous. However, this person looked calm and raised his hand, and traced his fingers on his right arm~~

Broken arm!


The Wind King Supreme was swallowed whole.

Before disappearing, there was still a resentful and vague roar: "Jun Zili!! You must die a good death, the emperor will not let you go~~"

The word "Great Emperor" seems to be vague, and the latter sentence has been sucked into the whirlpool like his people.

The second supreme.

The face of the Supreme who was fighting with Yun Jilian turned pale. Yun Jilian smiled slightly when he saw it: "It seems that you are lucky to have fought with me. After all, I am not as rough as that girl~" (To be continued)

ps: Guess who that person is

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