A Queen

Chapter 1421 The arrival of the Siam Emperor

Chapter 1421

Chapter 1421

It's a pity that she doesn't smile and has no expression on her face.

The Fifth Eternal Entropy can no longer be invisible. Now he steps out and salutes.

On the surface, there are two daughters and one son living in peace and harmony, but who would have thought that in the ancient tomb, the son wanted to kill one daughter, and the other daughter fought back and wanted to kill the son too.

Anyway, the filthiness of the royal family is always beyond your imagination, and there is nothing it cannot do.

The Demon Realm Emperor glanced at the Fifth Eternal Entropy, shook his head slightly in his heart, then looked at the First Emperor Ji, and sighed: "It's a joke, but it's a pity that you don't laugh. You won't laugh when you are born, so you followed your grandfather."

The tone is a bit complaining, but he is obviously the domineering and handsome Emperor of the Demon Realm, so why are you complaining like this~

Follow the Demon Ancestor? This statement further confirms the rumor that the first emperor of the Demon Realm is deeply loved by the Demon Ancestor.

"Grandpa will watch you," Fifth Jueshi responded indifferently.


After a pause, the Demon Realm Emperor hummed: "Whoever makes you laugh in the future, I will ask you to marry that person."

The Third Emperor Ji couldn't help but remind her: "It's about marrying her."

Although it is said that there are very few people in Sifang World who can afford to marry their own sister, it doesn’t matter what their background is. Just one person must be attracted by her super picky sister.

So far, there seem to be very few men she can occasionally pay attention to. There is only one Eternal Entropy.

Aiya, I go! It seems like I really can’t get married!

The reason why her sister, who is peerless in every aspect, has such an "unfeminine" temperament is because she was spoiled by her father, her aunt, and her grandfather!

Can't you be gentle and considerate?

"What a joke, my daughter needs to get married?"

Is this going to be a bride-in-law?

The people of the fifth clan are indeed domineering.

Then Lou Lanting took a closer look and thought that they might not be able to marry each other in the future~~~ He looked at Dai Li.

Dai Li stood in the water, looked at Lou Lanting's teasing eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth, and then calmly looked at the people in Qingyi and showed calm and stable smiles to each other.

physical fatigue

It seems that I can't suppress it anymore.

As soon as the people from the Demon Realm arrived, Emperor Ziwei discovered that this matter was serious.

He silently glanced at the fifth peerless person, and secretly cursed him for forgetting that the fifth peerless person actually had a close personal relationship with Junzili.

Emperor Ziwei didn't seem to know Mo Ye's identity, so he didn't expect Mo Ye to be anything like it, but this situation is not easy to deal with now~~

"So, Emperor of the Demon Realm, you are going to protect this gentleman from leaving?" Emperor Ziwei asked solemnly.

Everyone can see that Emperor Ziwei no longer has the upper hand. With the Emperor of the Demon Realm taking the lead, the other emperors will naturally not back down.

This is the courage of the great emperor. In fact, even when they meet immortals, they also have their own pride and refuse to bow easily.

So the trend of Emperor Ziwei has gone.

The Emperor of the Demon Realm said calmly: "I won't say the same thing a second time, Jun Zili, I'm sure of it!"

You are really domineering. Yun Jilian crossed her arms over her chest. Yun Duanxue next to her whispered: "If our father had not died back then."

I'm afraid he is similar to this person, protecting his shortcomings.

Will protect their brothers and sisters and the Yun family

Unfortunately, he died.

That’s when the family was destroyed and the entire clan was overthrown.

Yun Duanxue's tone was a little hoarse, and suddenly she felt a hand pressing on her head.

The man with extraordinary appearance smiled and said, "I am here."

Yes, I still have an older brother. Compared to Daili, who has no one to rely on and refuses to rely on anyone, I am lucky, right?

Many emperors were silent, and no one dared to speak more. Whether Emperor Ziwei fought or retreated was all in his mind.

After silence, Ziwei suddenly spoke.

"Then there's nothing more to say."

Shocking, this person actually refused to let go!

Must Jun Zili be killed?

The Fifth Jueshi frowned, and suddenly realized that there was a secret behind this matter that she hadn't expected.

Why did the great emperor of the Immortal Clan insist on killing Junzi Li?

The Demon Realm Emperor also frowned, and the other emperors had different expressions.

Now it's their turn to choose

"Oh, then take action, Ziwei, I want to see how you kill Junzili under my hands."

The Emperor of the Demon Realm has always said that if he wants to protect someone, he must protect him.

Ziwei didn't waste any time, her huge face suddenly emitted a purple light, and the pressure was overwhelming!

The giant face of the Demon Emperor emits black light!

The collision of the power of crape myrtle and the power of evil spirits!

That power is naturally far from comparable to the Mahayana stage or even the Supreme. It is simply the difference between heaven and earth, and that power is enough to destroy all existences here except the great emperor.

But obviously the two emperors have a sense of proportion. They have their own troops here. It is obviously a loss if they are all destroyed, so the aftermath of the attack is controlled by them.

Everyone only saw the dazzling light

Shang Bijue suddenly changed his face. Oh no, the Feng Shui trend has changed!

Emperor Peach Blossom Spring, Jian Yuan and Emperor Tianwu all noticed it.

Another giant face suddenly appeared above the water.

Dark red ferocious jackal.

This giant face is very scary. At first glance, it looks like a jackal. It opens its mouth and spits out a huge gray iron light gun, stabbing from top to bottom! ! !

The emperor made a sneak attack!

Not to mention that everyone present was shocked, even the four supreme emperors of the Demon Realm did not expect it. Therefore,

Too late! ! !

Si Zun was the closest to the Lord of Xuan Palace. Seeing the light gun falling, Si Zun's eyes flickered, his knuckles curled slightly, and he smiled slightly as he watched Zang Feng rush over.

Gong Zangxue opened her eyes wide and watched him rush towards her.

At that moment, did she continue to be resentful, horrified, or grateful?

One is her father, and the other is the only person besides her mother who makes her feel close and difficult to leave.


All she had was boundless fear.

She doesn't want to lose any of them!

So don’t~~

The people on the Nanlin side were horrified. Qin Ji finally pressed the strings and the sound stopped suddenly.


There was an uproar and a loud crash!

Dai Li raised his head, his eyes slightly bright, perhaps the only light under the demon body.

Before everyone could react, they saw that the island where the Siam Emperor's Mausoleum was was completely cracked and collapsed. The tomb opened and shot out a bloody light. The bloody light was so fast that even the emperor couldn't see it clearly. All he knew was that there was a flash of blood, and the iron gun was caught by one hand.

With a twist of his slender and powerful fingers, he turned the head of the spear, and then this man with a straight back, who could be called a model, held the spear.

That figure from behind made Dai Li's slightly smoked eyes startled. This person is


The head of the gun stabbed into the mouth of the Jackal Emperor

That light penetrated not only the iron mask, but also space.

A 10,000-meter-long black crack in space just appeared.

The giant face had its mouth pierced, and its face was ferocious and unbelievable.

The Demon Realm Emperor and others were also speechless and shocked.


With the tip of the gun, the giant face began to tear apart from the mouth.

This man, with such an expressionless expression, tore the face of a great emperor apart.

The gun he used was the gun that the other party spit out.

The angle was just right, and Luo Song and the others happened to be able to see this tall and tall man with a mask on his face, but his outline was vaguely handsome and his temperament was extremely cold.

It's strange that even through the mask, they can feel that every curve on this person's body is 100% rigorous, deep and abstinent.


"Damn it, who are you! Are you against me, Balu!" The huge face was split open and angrily, and an emperor's true form appeared. The body was like steel, and the physique was very strong. At this moment, there was an obvious line on the fingertips of his chest. Mark of.

Although he is recovering, several great emperors know that

"I'm afraid Balu is seriously injured."

The seven tribes must have great emperors, not only great emperors, but also immortals. To put it bluntly, the seven tribes are the group with the most experts in the world. However, the distribution of strength here is very surprising. Someone like the Wind King is the supreme leader. There is no great emperor, and neither is Qinghuanghai.

Because the Qi clan has been defeated, but the Ti clan is different. As the strongest clan of the Ti clan, the Balu clan has a great emperor.

This emperor was obviously in the same group as Ziwei, but he seemed to be very unlucky. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was blown up by someone who didn't know who he was!

Who is this guy?

Wearing a mask,

Many people looked at the grave.

That is the tomb of the Siam Emperor.

So this person is

Si Zun has already spoken, his tone is shallow and clear: "The rebirth of the Emperor of Siam is a blessing for Siam."

Emperor of Siam! ! !

Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Balu almost carried it in one breath!

Even if the living emperors jump out one by one to take advantage of the camera, how come people who have been dead for so many years also jump out!

Why are you suddenly alive~

Life is so weird! ~~As strange as his death

"Emperor Siam" Emperor Ziwei didn't care to fight against the Emperor of the Demon Realm, "Are you really the Emperor of Siam?"

"Impossible! The Emperor of Siam has fallen long ago. This person can never be him!" Balu was in a very ferocious mood like a jackal. He was very disgusted with this person who appeared rashly and seriously injured him, and he had a lot of hatred.

"Besides, even if this person is the Emperor of Siam, he attacks me so completely and indiscriminately. I'm afraid he is out of his mind." Emperor Balu was very angry. A stupid and violent person

The Siam Emperor glanced sideways, and the eyes under the mask were as cold as the bone. Just one glance, as deep as the sea.

All the emperors present were shocked, with bloodshot streaks under their eyelids.

This man's hand strangled Emperor Balu's neck forcefully.

"On the contrary, I am just calm enough to kill you."

The Siam Emperor didn't know what kind of power he had in his hands. The blood was burning and the blood was strong. The slender and beautiful fingers were like artifacts. They stuck the always fierce Balu's neck, and he was like a king strangling a fierce general. His bravery was instantly dwarfed by comparison.

Like a dog.

And that cold, absolute chilling aura is much more terrifying than the coercion of most emperors' kingly rule. r1152

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