A Queen

Chapter 1422: Wasted Effort

Chapter 1422

Speaking of masters of their level, sometimes they can tell the difference by looking at their personal pressure without taking action.

Now the Siamese Emperor simply made two attacks without any gorgeous skills, but he suppressed all of them. Even the always domineering Demon Realm Emperor felt the pressure.

The vicissitudes and magnificence possessed by the ancient emperor are not comparable to what they have now.

This difference is not small.

Ziwei’s balls hurt, no, this Emperor of Siam is so cruel!

The strength far exceeds ours!

Emperor Ziwei didn't want his only helper to be slapped away by an old antique, so Ziguang Huiyao said solemnly: "Emperor Siam, calm down, we have no intention of disturbing Siam, it's just an order from above, we just want to arrest him It’s just one person, and this person is not from Siam.”

Compared with the previous domineering attitude of me, who wanted to kill everyone here without leaving any trace behind, the Emperor Ziwei now has to hang his arrogant head. Even the four previous Emperors of the Demon Realm can only make him retreat slightly.

Who makes this Siam Emperor too fierce and powerful?

Emperor Ziwei is not worried that the Siam Emperor will stand up for Junzi Li. He is a person who lived many thousands of years ago. It is impossible for him to have an affair with this Junzi Li. So (you already instinctively think that many people here are with someone) Do you have a leg~~)

The chilling aura on the Siam Emperor suddenly paused and maintained a stable level. The frightened Emperor Balu breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to break out of the atmosphere, and did not even dare to look into the other person's eyes.

Until Emperor Siam's hand slowly loosened

He was free.

Then he heard the sound of his skull cracking, followed by the sound of his flesh and blood being crushed and being swept up by a blood-colored spiral light wheel.

The last thing his soul saw was this scene and the faint voice that seemed to come back from the depths of the abyss of hell.

"I will live and die for her, let alone kill you and others."


The emperor's flesh and blood body was completely involved in the spiral blood wheel.

Only a soul without a host body is left.

In a sense, Emperor Balu died, because the flesh and blood regeneration skills brought about by the Mahayana period are based on the incomplete destruction of flesh and blood. In scientific terms, the regeneration ability is the speed of cell reproduction. , the stronger the Mahayana, the Supreme or even the Great Emperor, the faster the cells reproduce, but!

If all your cells are gone, reproduction is useless!

No matter how strong the soul is, it is useless unless

Seize the house!

Balu's soul flew away in an instant to seize the body. He must find a body immediately to seize the body, otherwise the soul would be harmed by the rules of heaven and earth if it existed naked between heaven and earth.

Who will seize the body?

Balu's soul turned into light

Rush to Shang Farewell!

The body of Duhe, this is one of the top physiques here, even better than his original body talent. It's a pity that he has to practice it from scratch, but it is better than taking a broken body or having no body.

Balu's abacus was ticking, and his reaction was quite fast. He rushed to Shang Bieliang in the blink of an eye.

His sudden seizure disrupted everyone's previous thoughts on the incomprehensible words of the Siamese Emperor. Especially Duan Qingyi and others, they all raised their eyebrows subconsciously. However, Shang was in danger, so their attention was still attracted.


The Great Emperor of Peach Blossom Spring smiled, his smile was intense, but the peach blossoms were brilliant, and the countless peach blossoms swept over him, blocking him in front of Shang Bieliang.

"Balu, you have good vision, but it's a pity that you are forgetful. You also want to seize my apprentice's body."

Although Emperor Peach Blossom Spring never paid attention to him, many emperors knew that this person had always had a perverse temper and was very scary when he got angry. When Balu behaved like this, even Ziwei wanted to scold him for being audacious. But just as Emperor Peach Blossom Spring wanted to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

Balu's soul was pinched by a bloody hand, and before he could react, he saw a huge door opening out of thin air in front of him.

Wails fill the fields, flesh and blood floats and sinks, blood stains the abyss

Brush, his soul was thrown in by that bloody hand without saying a word.


The door closes.

This door is very scary, but people like Lingduan feel even more chilled in their toes. Isn't this door the previous Rashomon? But it seems that the class has been upgraded several levels.

"Luosheng Hell Gate," the Demon Realm Emperor said slowly, "Siam Emperor has good tricks."

Of course it's a good idea, a great emperor was killed like this, and a great emperor's soul was exiled like this!

"Rashomon is a double door, one for Rashomon and the other for Hell. Rashomon controls the body of flesh and blood. When living beings enter, they can neither survive nor die. Hell controls purgatory, where souls are detained and tortured in purgatory. Life and death are the same as the soul. Double, the Luosheng Hell Gate is an ancient treasure. It is said that no one can control it, even immortals are afraid of it." The fifth peerless explanation made the third emperor Ji's face turn pale, so perverted!

"Behind the Rashomon Gate was his, the main tomb of the Siamese Emperor. If he were to be reborn, and there would be this Rashomon Hell, all of us would be his prey!"

The Third Emperor Ji was also a smart person, and she immediately realized that she had wandered on the road to death, and people like Luo Song were also filled with sadness.

What a waste of money!

If they are bundled together, they are not enough to crush the ancestors of the Siam Emperor with one finger~~

"I've said it before, there's nothing easy to enter in this ancient tomb," Fifth Jueshi said calmly.

"Where did you say that?"

"The prophecies have warned you, you are just stupid and don't know"


I am drunk even if I have a sister like this. Can I return it?

The Third Emperor Ji couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Although Balu is the weakest Emperor, just as it is difficult for the Supreme to kill the Supreme, it is even more difficult for the Emperor to kill the Emperor.

After all, their souls and strength at this stage are difficult to destroy, but they cannot withstand others whose strength exceeds too much, and they can control the Luosheng Hell Gate, which is a dangerous index!

"Emperor Siam, you" Emperor Ziwei finally managed to squeeze out a sentence.

The Emperor of Siam did not speak, but just looked at Shang Biejie, who was also looking at him. When their eyes met, the latter's pupils suddenly shrank and finally shimmered, and he bit his lower lip lightly.

"It seems that it is difficult for me to kill Jun Zili today, but please don't forget that you can protect her for one day, but you cannot protect her for a lifetime. What's more, I, Ziwei, am unable to defeat you all in numbers today. In the future," he It was helpless, but he still had to say a beautiful scene before leaving. Anyway, with so many great emperors blocking him, plus a treacherous and terrifying Siamese Emperor, it was not unreasonable for him to fail, so

Suddenly, his voice stopped, and then


"That's it! It turns out that all our efforts were in vain!!"

He laughed so wildly and triumphantly that people were surprised until they saw what he saw.

Although there were many changes, it only took a few minutes, but the attacks and fighting stopped. All parties stopped fighting and each occupied one side, so the waves stopped and it was so quiet.

The ripples on the water will rise when the wind blows. The dark clouds disperse, and the light of the white clouds and blue sky falls down, reflecting the silver stars on the water. It is on such water that the two supreme demons were killed. The back that had always been straight seemed to be soft and boneless, and he slowly fell onto the water.

He just fell under everyone's gaze.

It was as if there was an existence outside of them that finally fell.

Her fall meant that all their previous fights and fights were meaningless.

"Haha! It's ridiculous that you still try to stop me from killing her again and again, but you don't know that this person has already died! God's punishment, how can a living being avoid it!"

"The so-called heavenly punishment means that the thunder tribulation whips the flesh and blood soul, and it means that the longevity and destiny are taken away. The punishment from heaven is to kill her. Her lifespan has been exhausted, and her destiny is already lacking! She will definitely die!"

Ziwei really didn't expect that she would be able to survive. She thought the mission had failed!

The results of it!


Everyone in Ziwei's group laughed and were ecstatic!

Great revenge must be avenged!

On the side of the sea monster, the monster supreme leader breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes flickered again, and he said how could anyone survive the punishment that day.

Sure enough, this gentleman must have held on and fought until the end.

Everyone in the audience was shocked by this and couldn't explain how they felt, including people like Luo Song.

It turns out that she was so powerful before because she was forced to hold on?

Would you rather have a good fight before dying?

Suddenly he remembered what she said to Qing Yi and the others after she came out of Heaven Punishment.

No light, no wine, no romance, will you accompany me to fight?

That was the last battle.

The people in Duan Qingyi opened their eyes wide. Others thought they would rush over, but they didn't.

None of them moved, as if they couldn't believe it, and as if they didn't dare to go there.

Sculpture is average.

Lou Lanting sighed, looked at Shang Biejie not far away, and then looked at the Siam Emperor.

There are some things that you really can't do no matter how hard you try.

What's more, there are some results that you can't stop no matter how you achieve them.

The blood on her chest was smeared on her back, like smoke and mist, like ink.

The water waves are so quiet, and so is the blood.

She opened her eyes and lay there on her back, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds. The air was fresh, but her vision gradually began to blur.

Many things are starting to fade away

Others also saw her fade away.

But she saw the blurry blue sky and white clouds, one cloud was particularly clear

Out of the misty and formless air, he stretched out a hand, lightly caressing her forehead. The rough skin of the demon, as black as iron, and the fingers of jade-like jade touched it, which was a clear contrast.

Wearing a light blue robe with white as clouds, like the vast blue sky, like the lingering smoke.

She is coming.

Half-kneeling next to her.

Like a dream, like clouds, like mist and rain, her fingertips brushed across her forehead, then touched the center of her eyebrows, bowed her head slightly, the shimmering light was like a crystal, and the voice was quiet, as if it came from the sky. r1152

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