A Queen

Chapter 1,429 Showdown

c_t;Chapter 1429

Now that he's here, Mu Qingyan didn't stop the other party. It's obvious that the other party is good, not evil. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"Guys, sit down"

The Fifth Peerless Emperor is not shy, and the First Emperor Ji's magnanimity makes her fearless of anyone.

And people like Ye Ziqing are not pretentious or petty people. They still have a good impression of this first emperor, so they don't argue with each other.

Twenty-five seats were filled successfully.

Everyone suddenly realized that she had expected these people to arrive!

Is there the power of prophecy? It’s not Si Zun!

Suspicious in their hearts, everyone looked calm and composed. While drinking tea quietly, Mu Qingyan smiled: "Everyone, I need your help."

Everyone who had guessed it was very calm.

Qianshan Muxue leaned against the pillar next to her and said softly: "Please tell me."

"I need your blood"


Many people were stunned, but some seemed to be mentally prepared.

Such as Qinji, such as Luan Qingyi, such as

Anyway, no matter whether it was expected or unexpected, I didn’t resist much. In Daili’s own words, this is where my family belongs (Does the Yun family count? Lorraine and the others count too?)

The fifth peerless one doesn’t seem to count.

Should she be asked to donate blood?

If the other party really donates blood, that would be really fun.

Everyone's eyes looked strange. The fifth peerless person remained as calm as ever, but the next second, her calmness was no longer so calm.

Because Lou Lanting said: "Donate blood? What kind of blood? I agreed in advance that I only have one type of blood and no other blood."

He was good-looking and good-looking, but due to the fact that this man was firmly held by Dai Li as the perverted medical corpse-touching man, his words were instantly understood.

There is only one kind of blood. Is there any other blood?

Zhongli Guiwan and Suli, who were relatively simple, couldn't understand it for a while.

Just looking at Qin Ji, Qin Ji's expression was very similar to that of girls like Qing Yi.


Very embarrassing and stupid.

Then some people discovered something.

Most people who are familiar with Daili will understand it instantly. (Those who are close to vermillion are red; those who are close to ink are black.)

Unfamiliar people such as Fifth Peerless frowned, and that peerless smart head fell into deep thought for a while.

another kind of blood

Li Qing was on the sidelines and said, "Is it the aunt's blood that the boss occasionally mentioned?"

The Fifth Peerless Machine crashed instantly, restarted the next second, glanced at Ye Ziqing and the others, and lowered his head to drink tea.

The expression was dull, and the look in his eyes was obvious.

——You people in Nanlin are so weird and shameless?

Cousin Ye pursed her lips. He let out a silent breath. Even the fat Li Qing, who was a simple idiot back then, was brought up to be such a thief and wretched person.

"It's not that kind of blood." Mu Qingyan said calmly, "It's just your blood essence that is useful to her."

The rest of the people naturally had no objections. On the other hand, the Fifth Jueshi said calmly: "Master Mu has entrusted me with it, and I dare not disobey it."

The implication of this is that she came here not on her own initiative, but because Mu Qingyan invited her to come here.

"I thought you came here after listening to your grandfather's words~" Mu Qingyan smiled as lightly as smoke.


The fifth peerless person frowned as soon as he denied it. Sure enough, seeing Mu Qingyan's increasingly playful smile, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. He is indeed a very troublesome person.

Whether it's strength or temperament

It’s hard to fathom.

However, Mu Qingyan himself was a very cold person, and he would not waste any extra time teasing others, and quickly waved his sleeves. Beside the curtain is a small floating pool of silver light.

The reason why it is called the Silver Light Pool is that the pool seems to be made of a mysterious silver stream, and the stream of light is bright.

"It's easy to just drip in your blood and essence."

Ye Ziqing turned to ask her; "How much?"

"You can give me as much as you like. Just don't lose too much blood and faint to death here."


After Mu Qingyan said that, he ignored them and walked out of the attic. Shang Chaoge followed, as if the two of them had something to talk about.

After a while, Mu Qingyan and the two came to Yishui Pavilion.

The breeze blew slowly, and Shang Chaoge's clothes were blown slowly. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the lakes and mountains in front of him.

"I heard that zombies are born without lovers and are incompatible with any living beings. They are even more incompatible than humans and monsters. If they want to be together, it can only be the union of two pure zombies."

"Bai Qi once fell in love with a Zong and sacrificed his life to become a benevolent person. He killed everyone and borrowed the cauldron of heaven and earth to refine himself into a pure zombie so that the two of them could be together. However, heaven and earth already disliked Zong and killed like Bai Qi. The frozen alien was cursed by it. He suffered from the mysterious cold fire for thousands of years. When he was transformed into human form, I once asked him if he regretted it."

Mu Qingyan smiled, "How did he answer?"

"not regret"

Mu Qingyan closed her eyes: "Don't you regret it? No one was optimistic about them back then. After all, Bai Qi's origin is still human. It is better to say that he is a pure zombie, and it is better to say that he is half zombie and half human. Their union was the first in the world, and later she became pregnant. , one mother's body has already fallen at the cost of its own death. Only by exchanging one life for another can the heirs be allowed to stay."

"She made that choice at the time, and I asked her if she ever regretted it."

This time it was Shang Chaoge's turn to ask questions.

Mu Qingyan smiled: "If she doesn't regret it, she will die and her soul will be shattered, and she will never be reincarnated."

"Zombie, there is no reincarnation."

"But even so, heaven and earth did not let go of the child they gave birth to who was born inhuman, inflexible, and extremely weak. It looked like he would not be able to survive in the world. Bai Qi was in so much pain that he finally chose to send himself and her body into the wilderness. Calcined in the furnace, it was burned into a drop of zombie blood, and I wanted to leave it to their child. The child was half human and could not bear this drop of zombie blood. I sealed it in the Ice Purgatory and eliminated the zombie on his body. It was not until more than thirty years ago that my people released him and fostered him in the homes of ordinary people in Daxia, borrowing the ancient energy of Daxia to nourish his soul. From the past, it seemed that this child was better than anyone else. Like a human being, until I saw him later, I felt that the fate of this world is really unpredictable."

Human, stiff, but in the end, he still became a human

"But he still became stiff." Shang Chaoge did not pay attention to the information leaked in Mu Qingyan's words.

——For a long period of time, she was missing.

"Yes, he still became a zombie because he made a choice."

"Should I become a zombie and gain immortality and extremely powerful power, or should I die an ordinary life?"

"In the end, he received that drop of Zombie's blood and completely became a Zombie."

Mu Qingyan smiled, her smile was deep and distant.

"Then how can the child understand that all Zangs want to be a person, including his mother, who once wanted to be a person at all costs and stay with Bai Qi forever, but there is no way, Zang is just Zang."

"If you want to be a human being, does that include you?" Shang Chaoge asked her back.

Without waiting for Mu Qingyan to answer, Shang Chaoge said slowly: "That female Zang is one of the four ancestors of your Zong clan, Han Ba, and the other three are Ying Gou, the general, and the queen."

"You are the queen"

Mu Qing Yan looked at him coolly, leaning on the railing on one side of her body: "Of course I am the Queen. Then, who are you?"

"The reincarnation of the ninety-nine lives, is it the Siam Emperor who once dominated the world, or the unknown Shang Dynasty song in Daxia, or"

Her eyebrows were cold, "Or maybe the drop of Great Wilderness Yuan blood enshrined by the vampires is immortal, but it cannot have an immortal body, let alone reincarnation. The so-called reincarnation is just taking the body again and again, and each time the body is taken away, You have to endure the endless torture of purgatory. To change this fate, you can only fuse another drop of the Great Desolate Yuan Blood and use the terrifying regeneration power of the two drops of Yuan Blood to shape the body of the Great Desolate and achieve eternity."

"After tens of millions of years, you finally found this drop of Great Wilderness Yuan Blood."

"And that drop of Great Wilderness Yuan Blood is lying in the room behind you, Shang Chaoge, how are you doing?"

It's like a reserved and brooding criminal being pushed slowly and step by step by a wise detective until all disguises are torn apart and all lies revealed.

Shang Chaoge was not uneasy at all, but his face was calm, as calm as water.

"What can I do? A long time ago, I couldn't do anything anymore or I couldn't do it in the first place."

He curled his fingertips slightly, touched the center of his eyebrow, condensed a drop of blood, and dropped it into a small jade bottle. He pushed the drop of blood over with a gentle push of his finger.

What he said had nothing to do with this drop of blood, "I want to be a normal creature instead of a drop of blood, just like you, who want to be a real person. We are all the same, but I have no way out, and you There seems to be more”

"Even if it's a benefit that a person with nothing to hide can get, Mu Qingyan, can you tell me what your intentions are towards her?"

Is this a counterattack?

It's better to say it's a showdown with each other.

Mu Qingyan turned away her face: "To you, she may be that drop of blood of the wilderness, but do you know that the real zombie has no blood?"

"She is the only drop of blood in my heart"

"I've missed her for thousands of years, but she can't remember me."

Mu Qingyan picked up the small bottle and walked out of the waterside pavilion.

There seemed to be a distant voice in the air: "Is it a human being, or am I still frozen? It makes no difference at all. It's not like I haven't been a human being."

So I am different from you, I never thought about how to become a person,

When she said this, Shang Chaoge's face changed instantly.

At that moment, he finally knew who this person was.

Because the ancestors are all born with stiffness, they can never be human, and Bai Qi's situation is just an exception. In the future, he will be like his mother if he dies.

He suddenly remembered that when he was enshrined in the Vampire Clan, he had heard the ancestor of the Vampire Clan say that Zombie and the Vampire Clan came from the same inheritance, Blood Prison. (To be continued)

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