A Queen

Chapter 1,430: The Blood of the Year (Mu Xining Xianpa + 2)

Chapter 1430

Chapter 1430

However, Zang only borrowed the power of blood from the blood prison to survive in the world because he was bloodless in nature. Only Zang in later generations had blood.

And the real and original zombie has no blood.

That person is initially a person.

That person always stayed by the other person’s side, until the great changes occurred in ancient times (another pitfall~~ It will be exposed in the future, haha~”)


Different from the weird and sharp atmosphere in the waterside pavilion, in the attic, a group of people were all dripping with their own essence and blood.

The Fifth Jueshi is not familiar with these people, and he is not very close to Daili. In fact, this person does not have any charming thoughts, everyone can see this.

After all, their daughter-in-law is not someone who is loved by everyone, but often provokes enemies.

In addition, it was invited by Mu Qingyan, so it seems that Demon Ancestor also intervened?

Although they felt strange, everyone still left her at the back.

The Fifth Peerless just sat quietly, watching these people willingly dripping their own essence and blood, some even dripping dozens of drops.

It just poured down like worthless ketchup.

She frowned slightly, remembering that Demon Ancestor had asked her to come to the Zombie Territory not long ago.

She didn't ask why, because since the Demon Ancestor didn't say it, he couldn't say it.

Maybe her father could figure out why.

And just at this moment, on the side of the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm Emperor came to the Demon Prison and met his father who had been imprisoned in the Demon Prison for an unknown number of years.

The Demon Ancestor has not been in the world for a long, long time.

Especially in the past ten years, it seems that the traces are particularly unclear.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on a platform and drawing. The world around him was cruel and dark and cold. There was really no scenery or beauty to speak of. In the distance, his two children were being ravaged by various strong men from the Demon Prison. ravage

"Father", the Demon Realm Emperor, was sitting five meters away.

The figure is still visible as a tall and handsome man.


"Yes." Demon Ancestor only responded lightly, but his painting movements continued.

"Father let Jueshi go to the Zombie Realm?" the Demon Realm Emperor asked. After thinking for a moment, he asked again: "It has been ten days since the incident. Can father tell me what is involved in it?"

He is the Great Emperor of the Demon Realm, he has extraordinary skills, and naturally his brain is not bad either. Of course I know some secrets. I can also guess the general outline, but there are only three things I don't understand.

Without waiting for Demon Ancestor to answer, he slowly listed these three points.

one. Who is Jun Zili?

Second, who is Qingyan in that scene?

Third, Daxia has produced super geniuses one after another. Is there any change?

He finished. After waiting for a while, Demon Ancestor spoke.

"Don't ask about Jun Zili. As for that scene of Qing Yan. She shouldn't belong to the era I live in. I can't even see clearly. She's not someone you can test. Just treat her as someone you can't mess with."

After a pause, Demon Ancestor mentioned Daxia.

"Destiny is inherently ups and downs. What's more, the heaven and earth change, and the southern border can be destroyed. When destruction reaches the extreme, there will naturally be a rebirth."

The Emperor of the Demon Realm, who originally complained about his father and Xini's perfunctory treatment, was shocked. The destruction of Southern Xinjiang is the core event of this era, but some people actually say that Southern Xinjiang can be reborn.

"Then the gods are not"

"Who said that rebirth must be nirvana?" Demon Ancestor's tone was low and hoarse. Said: "Can't it be total destruction?"

""Suddenly I feel that you are good or bad, Dad.

However, the Demon Realm Emperor heard some of the Demon Ancestor’s fatigue.

This kind of exhaustion is not just helplessness, but real exhaustion.

"It was my decision for Peerless to go to the Zombie Realm. Before that day of chaos comes, we must make some choices. The neutral situation is no longer suitable. But the person who intervenes cannot be you, otherwise it will affect the overall situation. Just support her. ~~"

After the Demon Ancestor finished speaking, he waved his hand: "Back off."

The Emperor of the Demon Realm could only retreat, but when he turned his head, he accidentally saw the portrait in front of the Demon Ancestor.

Portrait of a woman.

When he took a closer look, his heart and mind were horrified, even more horrified than before.

Before Demon Ancestor discovered it, he turned around with a very troubled expression. After a while, he arrived at Wuqingsha's mansion.

Found my sister on the beach.

"Xiao Sha, guess what I just saw?"


Wu Qingsha looked at himself, the unparalleled emperor who ruled the entire demonic realm, and said this with the tone of a kindergarten child looking at the sky.

She took a sip of wine silently.

Ignore him.

"It's a portrait! A portrait of a person! Dad actually has a portrait, and that person actually looks a bit like Mo Ye."

Wu Qingsha's brain stretched out, and after a while, she asked: "So you mean that my father has feelings for Mo Ye?"

What the hell!

The Demon Realm Emperor glared at her, looked at each other, and then Wu Qingsha lightly pressed his temples: "Ye Ranqiu?"

She does know this person, a man of the same generation as her elder brother who is amazing and talented in every aspect.

It seems that he has a very good personal relationship with the royal family of the Demon Realm.

But no one said anything about it later. It seemed that she was given a hush order. She only received some old records from that year after taking over the intelligence department.

"Yes, it's Ye Ranqiu! Dad actually painted her portrait! Do you know what this means!!"

Fifth Qingsha narrowed her eyes

The Demon Realm Emperor already pursed his lips: "Is she my sister? Um, or your sister?"


Wu Qingsha felt that she could no longer stop her brother from thinking too much. She glanced at him and said lightly: "Sister? You can think of it. Why don't you think that she might be my father's sweetheart?"

"Impossible, his sweetheart is someone he met when he was young millions of years ago."

It was just a casual joke, but suddenly the Demon Realm Emperor paused.

How could he forget that Ye Ranqiu and who were super best friends?

Traveling through thousands of years ago is nothing at all.

In addition, after the incident in the Soul Clan and the Blood Clan, their mother was treated like a different person by their father, who locked herself into this devil's prison.

I thought it was because of my mother, but now I think it's more than that.

The Demon Realm Emperor regained his calm and indifference. "I didn't say anything just now"

Wu Qingsha stroked the teacup: "It's useless whether you say it or not. The situation has become urgent and father has to show his cards with us."

Obviously, it was the Demon Ancestor who deliberately let the Demon Realm Emperor see the portrait.

It can also be regarded as telling them why their mother betrayed the demons and even betrayed the entire alliance, which affected the changes in the war situation that year.

Although it was not a fatal injury, it did have a crucial influence.

"A woman's love is as strong as her hatred." Wu Qingsha stood up. Danxiu: "My mother told me before she died that because of her, Ye Ranqiu's child was killed by the Gods. But it was all just her jealousy and misunderstanding that her father broke trust with her best friend and harmed herself. The person you love deeply is in agony and regret, and will never leave the devil's prison for the rest of his life. You will find that his strength in recent years is far less than it was back then."

The Demon Realm Emperor nodded, "I'm afraid he will go into that vast land to look for the exiled Ye Ranqiu. It's a pity that even if he is a supreme immortal, he can't find her easily. It's just..."

It's just atonement.

His wife betrayed him, and he was forced to remain neutral due to the safety of the Demon Realm and their children.

It is equivalent to the Demon Realm defecting.

The Vampire Clan was defeated that year!

However, Ye Ranqiu and the people from the vampire clan didn't say a word.

"Whether it's because of my mother, the current situation, or because of my father's heart. Or the ambition of the gods is unfathomable. This time, we in the Demon Realm can't be a neutral spectator." Wu Qingsha put his hands behind his back, "I did it wrong. Things. You have to pay the price."

"So how much do you care about Junzili? You don't hesitate to let me go and contain the families of the Immortal Clan. She doesn't seem to be Ye Ranqiu's child, nor the child of the Blood Lord. After all, the Blood Lord's child is that Mozi , I'm just curious about her origins." said the Demon Realm Emperor. (Have you ever felt that there is a lot of information lately, about life experiences, grievances, etc. Haha~ It feels like it’s a bit of a fantasy romance route, okay, we’ll be fighting and fighting soon~)

"No matter whose child she is, obviously, whether it is Ye Ranqiu or those people, they exist to protect her. She is the core! All problems and struggles will be solved by her."

What's more, the signature was blank. She pressed her temple lightly for the fifth time. She wanted to ignore the signature, but the grudges of the past must be settled in their generation.

By the way, why did dad let Jueshi go there?

Are you selling your granddaughter?


The Fifth Jueshi suddenly felt that he seemed to be remembered by someone, and frowned slightly. When he saw that everyone else had finished dripping blood, he walked over.

Although a drop of essence and blood is precious, and she is the most orthodox member of the Demon Realm royal family, she doesn't care much, so she condenses a drop of essence and blood very neatly.

Suddenly I heard the big-mouthed fat man say: "Just one drop? I thought she was with the boss."

One drop seems to be missing

The fifth peerless person is also a generous person. One drop or two makes no difference. Thinking about Daili has helped her a lot, plus thinking about the battle with Ruyao Luohai.

She lowered her eyes, pressed her finger, and poured ten drops down. Just as she stopped her hand, she heard the fat man suddenly say: "Sure enough, I knew they had an affair, ten drops, so generous."

other people's expressions

The Fifth Peerless: ""

Suddenly I understood why that person provoked so many enemies, even his subordinates, not to mention the master

After dripping blood, the fifth peerless person left directly, and the Yun family did not stay. Anyway, Yun Jilian said to Ye Ziqing: "You really don't think about letting her be reborn as a man this time? My sister can't get married yet. "

The subtext is that this person in your family can’t get married anyway, so it’s better to make do together (to be continued)

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