A Queen

Chapter 1,431 I need your blood

Chapter 1431

Ye Ziqing really couldn't tell you that you didn't marry yourself, what if he said he wanted to marry that girl.

Yun Duanxue: "You haven't married yourself yet, but I don't mind if you get married. Then Ziqing and I will be one family."

This logic is a little scary.

Ye Ziqingliang glanced at the two brothers and sisters, "You can go now."

Yun Yi also supports his forehead.


The three Lorraines also planned to leave, mainly because they had a lot of unfinished business.

Just as they were about to leave, they suddenly heard Qianshan Muxue's casual and inspired words.

"The name Nanlin is not pleasant, but Nanjiang is better."

The whole place was quiet.

From this moment on, something has already begun.


However, those things had nothing to do with Daili. Mu Qingyan didn't care about them and directly took the essence and blood from the silver pool. There were many people, so there was more essence and blood, which was enough for a small basin.

She brought this blood into the house. In the pool, the silver demon exuded a vivid silver light. It was very shallow, but it made people feel at ease.

Like a light in the darkness.

Si Qinming has been guarding the side, just like what she saw back then.

"Master Mu, are you going to start?" Si Qinming had no fear, only joy.

This joy made him as innocent as a child.

Mu Qingyan would not think that he was just a child, because this person had fulfilled his destiny and restored his memory. He was the all-powerful forbidden spirit guard who was unparalleled in killing.

"Yeah." Mu Qingyan walked barefoot to the pool, sat on the edge of the pool, and gently touched the water in the pool with her fingers. Sighing softly: "You have the intention to break up and then stand up, but you don't tell others, but you tire others~~"

Ever since Daili knew that there would be a big disaster in the Siam Emperor's Mausoleum but still insisted on going his own way, she knew that this person had done something bad again.

However, it is a shame that this person is cruel and bold.

"But these people treat you sincerely. All these essences and bloods are from the blood of Zhong Lingtianxia. Your cousin is Ye Xuanji. Among them, the fifth peer is the seventh human emperor. And Ying Zheng is the ninth human emperor. Qian Shan Muxue brought his blood, plus half a drop of the Great Wilderness blood of Shang Chaoge, who is the second human emperor, you will definitely like it~~"

She slowly poured Yinchi's blood into the pool for a while. She slowly formed ancient magic seals one after another

I don't know how long it took, but the clear white water in the pool was colored by blood, and then rotated after each magic seal, and the color kept changing. From red to pink, blue. Purple, black, and white finally turn into pure silver

That silver is like mercury

If it weren't for the huge formation seal in this pool pavilion, the aura inside would probably scare people to death.

What is that breath called?

The aura of chaos.

Mu Qingyan's face turned a little pale. She turned to look at Si Qin Ming: "Ming, that fate bead is the treasure she gave you back then, fused with yourself. It is a piece of destiny that can make up for her missing destiny and restore her past memories and glory. You Are you really willing?"

Si Qinming said nothing, just knelt on the ground, folded his hands and offered sacrifices between his eyebrows, and he released the Destiny Pearl.

People are the pearls of destiny.

Once the Destiny Pearl is fused with her, he will disappear forever. No, it can be considered as fused with her destiny.

Mu Qingyan looked at him and slowly stretched out his hand


Si Qinglei finally arrived at the Zombie City. Ye Ziqing and the others had not left yet. They had not met each other for a while, and no one was in the mood to talk at the moment. The latter was waiting for the result, and the former was

Only Si Qinglei was allowed to wait outside the house.

She stood there, her expression calm, but her lips pursed tightly. In fact, she knew what was happening to her brother.

Because he finally sent her a verbal message not long ago.

It was a last word, but he didn't mention his origins, just to protect the identity of the person inside.

Is it worth it?


"Tears, no matter how many reincarnations there are, some things cannot be forgotten after all. Some responsibilities and burdens have been imprinted deep in the soul. Just like in this life, I never know what I want or what I should do. Only today do I know My reincarnation is only for this day."

Si Qinglei crossed her arms and looked at the lake outside, thinking a lot. In fact, she didn’t know how long she had been waiting.

Creaking, the door opened.

Mu Qingyan walked out, raised his eyebrows when he saw her, didn't say anything, just turned sideways and walked away.

Si Qinglei was in a daze, and only later did she realize that there was another person behind her, that is, in the room.

The man stood there intact.

What's going on? I didn't mean to do it.

Si Qinglei was really stunned.

Could it be that she gave up?

Later, Si Qinming told her, "Master Mu is still Master Mu. He can kill and betray the people of the world, but he cannot hurt his master even a single cent."

To make her lose her memory involuntarily and change back to her original person would be to hurt her, and to make her subordinates sacrifice would also be to hurt her. In this case, all she could do was to let her forget about her.


Later, no one like Luan Qingyi could wait until Dai Li woke up, because Mu Qingyan made it clear that it would take at least three years.

Three years, none of them can stay that long, because they each have responsibilities and tasks behind the scenes.

Three years will make the God Clan and the Fairy Clan make many moves, and let them prepare many murderous plans!

They can't wait!

So everyone left neatly and without any regrets. In Ye Ziqing's words, "She's not going to die anyway, just ignore her and let her reflect on it for three years."

In fact, I just want her to rest peacefully for three years.

In normal years, she was too tired.

The building was empty, and there were still only two people living in this manor. Bai Shutang often came to sit there, but that room was never opened again.

It's strange, even Mu Qingyan never goes in, as if he has forgotten her.


Zombie City is so quiet and lonely, but other places are not peaceful. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world is turned upside down. Anyway, the fairy clan is in great turmoil. The destruction of the Wind King and the destruction of Balu's entire army brought about a very violent reaction. However, after the undercurrents of the various forces or the calm confrontation on the surface, calm was restored.

This kind of peace is only due to the will of the person at the top.

On the contrary, it is even scarier.

On the side of the Immortal Clan, the Yin clan was filled with gloomy energy, and a man burned the letter he received in his hand. He said with an expressionless face: "That gentleman will definitely die."

"But once my subordinates find out that people like Ye Ziqing are entering and exiting the Zombie Area, things may change."

"Dead or alive. Let's see if she will appear in the future. She is already stationed outside the dead zone. If there is any trace of her, kill her! No matter the cost!"


There was a pause. The man sneered again: "The remnants of Little Penglai have been left here long enough. Penglai is so powerful that there is nothing our Yin family can do, but we can break through from within."

The sneer is very strange.

In Penglai. It had been several days since Yiye Xiaoxiang received the news. At this moment, she slowly folded the letter. Press it under the palm of your hand and close your eyes.

After a while, she opened her eyes.

He stood up with an expressionless face and flew to one place

Xuan Palace. When He Jieyu finally woke up, the Lord of Xuan Palace met her once and had a secret conversation. She said nothing and just went into seclusion.

At this point, Gong Qing took over Xuan Palace. He became the Young Palace Master on the surface.

Everyone said that He Jieyu was abandoned, and after the blow of Junzili's death, he was unable to recover.

In Nanlin, Ying Zheng opened his eyes. The aura of the Human Emperor surged majestically in his body, and his brows were full of terrifying killing and majestic power.

The Ninth Human Emperor, the statue of Jiu Zun, is the human emperor who seems to be the weakest, but has great changes in fate.

Liu Hongxiu stood not far away and watched. After a while, Ying Zheng collected the Human Emperor Qi, condensed a Human Emperor Crystal with his fingertips, and threw it to Liu Hongxiu.

Liu Hongxiu took it and smiled: "It's no wonder he is the Ninth Human Emperor. Originally, his cultivation talent was so poor. Once he awakened, his progress was so terrifying. It's up to you to be your descendants. There are no bottlenecks in cultivation. In the United Stage and the Mahayana Stage. No calamity is needed. As long as you practice, you can make progress. As long as you make progress, you can make breakthroughs."

The Human Emperor is a type of person protected by God. It can be described with a more vulgar word, that is, the Nine-Fiveth Emperor.

The Qi of the Emperor is several levels higher than the Qi of a Bastard!

Ying Zheng is the Ninth Human Emperor. The narrow Ghost Crying Gorge finally awakened him, and then

"You have taken refuge with the Empress. What will happen to you if the Empress becomes her enemy in the future?" Liu Hongxiu said with a smile when Ying Zheng ignored him.

Ying Zheng's face was expressionless and he didn't even pause.

Only one word is left.


Liu Hongxiu was stunned when he confessed his betrayal so openly and confidently, but when he came to his senses, he was already gone.

After a while, he smiled broadly.

"Why didn't I dare to do it back then? Why?"

In the blink of an eye, all his expressions turned into ferocious looks.

Because that woman is not Dai Li, nor is she Ying Zheng

She betrayed him.

These changes are happening slowly or violently in the undercurrent, in a remote area

That is heaven.

The land of heaven.

Where the gods are.

One of the houses was deserted. No, no one dared to go there. There was always only one person living there.

a woman.

When this woman flicked her hand, some images were revealed on the mirror.

After reading it, she pressed her fingertips, the mirror shattered, and all the dust disappeared.

Reversal of time and space.

"I've obviously sent you away, why are you back again?"

"Qiu, did you do this?"


Three years later and another year.

fourth year.

fifth year

That quiet and vast Zombie City, a place that no one has visited for five years. In the room, in the pool.

The silver color has completely receded, leaving only an extremely clear transparency, so transparent that the body of the person in the water can be seen at a glance

But no one is seen here.

She breathed slowly, rose up from the water, looked around, and after a while of silence, she saw a pile of clothes on the table next to her, and stood up from the water (to be continued)

ps: Thank you 2200 Children's Shoes for the He's Bi a few days ago~~

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