A Queen

Chapter 1435: 3 people, I know 2 of them!

Chapter 1435

A true wonderland.

Penglai is located in the East China Sea, opposite the Fairyland where the West Sea is located, the Demonic Realm adjacent to the South China Sea, and the Great Group Domain where the North Sea is located, which is where Siam and other large Group Domains are located.

However, Siam is still far away from Penglai. Closer to Penglai are the Baji Imperial Domains such as Donghuang and Anzhu. In one word, the people around them are very high-ranking, and they themselves are naturally up to par.

The Zombie Realm is extremely far away from Penglai. Well, the Zombie Realm is far away from many places because it is too remote and is the most terrifying place of bitter cold.

It is necessary to leave them one month in advance.

The number of five people is small, but Zombie Realm has never won by numbers, and their style is also unique. How can you feel comfortable?

So off they went.

Before leaving, Dai Li had his eyes opened, because Mu Qingyan said that Mo Yin's eyes were secretly connected to the Soul Clan. If your eyes shine out, many people will go blind.

Dai Li asked carefully and found out that only the most orthodox of the Soul Clan would have dark silver eyes. Then the question arises, who is the most orthodox of the Soul Clan?

"So far, only the soul master has black and silver eyes." Mu Qingyan's words made Dai Li's heart skip a beat.

Various thoughts ran through his mind, and finally, in the blink of an eye, his eyes turned black.

She has basically determined her identity.

This time I went to Penglai to verify it.

Also, what happened to that Mozi.

elder sister? younger sister? Or older brother and younger brother?


Luofu, the Snow Fish walked out of the Tianwu Pavilion holding a volume of martial arts explanations in one hand. He looked up and saw the world with fluttering white snow. In the white snow, the pair of enemies Xue Qiange and Juexuege were bathing in the wind and snow. Holding her.

Five years have passed, and the two have finally gotten married. However, they often quarrel and bicker, and occasionally get into fights. However, after each fight, they are inseparable. For example, now, Xue Qiange pouted and had a cold face, and Jue Xuege behind her also smelled bad. face, but the oil-paper umbrella in her hand is completely biased towards Xue Qiange.

Not a flake of snow fell on her.

Snow Fish was slightly dazed, and suddenly remembered what his father said.

The marriage between heaven and earth is actually fate.

These two are meant to be.

"Ha, sister! Here!"

Xue Qiange and Xue Qiange were already outstanding in appearance and temperament. Waiting in the wind and snow naturally aroused the curiosity of some of the Luofu disciples. However, when they saw the woman standing on the platform in front of the attic door,

Oh, she is the sister of Snow Fish, no wonder she has such beauty and magnanimity.

Snow Fish Luofu recruited a disciple many years ago. He followed the path of dual magic and martial arts of the ice system. It was difficult to follow both paths, let alone the combination of magic and martial arts. However, he was like a fish in water. He rose up all the way and finally became the Ice Martial Emperor. The disciples loved him very much, and later the sect gained another Jingjing Yuan.

That woman was even more perverted. She entered through the back door at first, and no one wanted to see her. Until she passed the entrance exam with an unprecedented high score, and was shocked by her natural understanding that day, and was ranked in the door. The number one Emperor Tianwu opened his mouth to accept people

However, people don't care much, saying that their destiny is to kill, which is not suitable for the way of Tianwu.

This statement choked many people to death. Emperor Tianwu said it several times to no avail. He loved talents so much that he was unwilling to intimidate them.

After all, there are many such geniuses who are recruited by sects.

It wasn't until five years ago that she agreed.

Take advantage of the situation.

Some smarter insiders know the inside story, and they admire this person and envy that person.

Who can make such a cold and murderous person willing to bow his head?

Who is it? Xue Zhiyu thought about the news she heard after she came out of seclusion, and smiled softly. She seemed to have missed something.

"Sister, I heard that Ning Jing is also in Luofu?"

Xue Qiange said this as soon as they met, and even looked at her husband with ill intentions.

Jue Xuuge rolled her eyes and was about to give an explanation when the girl smiled and said, "I'm not jealous~ I just want to make fun of you. I told you before that you couldn't catch up with her. It turns out that you really can't catch up!" "

Jue Xue Song: ""

In fact, it's not that he can't catch up, it's that he doesn't care at all whether he catches up or not, and refuses to even turn around and look at him.

Thinking about it now, he really felt that he was just like the middle school student Silly Que, but he was indeed tempted, but some women were destined to only be regarded as memories.

Xue Zhiyu didn't care about what the two said, and just said calmly: "It's in Luofu. I went into seclusion five years ago, but I'm probably going to leave the seclusion. I have to go to Penglai Jiuxiao."

"Sister, do you have to go too?"


“I heard you can bring people with you”


So you came all the way to Luofu to see me, right?

Snow Fish glanced at her, turned and left.

The two couples behind him followed one after the other.

The wind and snow were falling, and that scene was actually beautiful.

According to rumors, Snow Fish and Jing Jingyuan have a very bad relationship and are in a state of competition. They say tense words every time they meet.


As expected, people from many forces were waiting outside the Zombie Territory, and soon they got the news.

"The people participating in Penglai in Zhanyu have already set off, but there is no Junzili among them, but people from the four prefectures."

Yin Shang listened to his subordinate's report with a deserted look on his face, "Is there any image?"

"No, one of the five people was extremely powerful, and he blocked the flying boat."

Yin Shang was noncommittal, "Since he came forward so openly, it seems he is already dead."

He smiled like this.

"Probably everyone would think so."

It was indeed true. Not many people thought that that person could survive in that situation. Now that the Zombie Realm was so unconcealed, they naturally had no doubts.

There is no shortage of famous people who died in this world.

Jun Zili stirred up the situation again, but she was still struck to death by lightning.

The lifespan and destiny are exhausted and the person dies.

Therefore, those people related to her all retreated into seclusion, or else they would take revenge crazily.


"Dead? A good death." The people of the Balu clan sneered. Now that they couldn't find an enemy, they turned their resentment on Jun Zili, hoping that this man would die early and never be reincarnated.

"It's not easy to monitor people by withdrawing them to the Zombie Zone. If you monitor them from such a distance, waves of people will die. Forget it, come back."

Only then did the Balu clan realize that the number of people on their side who died in the Zombie Territory was even three times more than the team that Balu Lie had been wiped out before.

I can't help but feel pain in my balls.

Zombie territory is terrible.

During this period, many forces withdrew their troops.


Twenty days later.

The outer entrance of Penglai Wonderland in the East China Sea.

There is a huge crowd of people waiting to enter the country.

But there is no one stationed there, just a thin screen of light, and inside is a huge territory

One by one, the flying boats landed and were put away, and people of extraordinary origins entered the light curtain one by one.

A flying boat comes from afar

Dai Li saw a group of familiar people and said they were familiar, mainly because she recognized one of them.

Dugu Dian of Fenxiang Valley.

Fenxiang Valley is also a major strength in the Immortal Dao. Although it is lower than Luofu and others, its strength is not low at all. It is not surprising to come to Penglai. Dugu Dian is one of the elites, so he will naturally come.

So at this moment, the people from Fenxiang Valley, who were wearing incense, stepped on the green lotus-like steps and landed in front of the light curtain. Before these people were about to enter, a woman in palace clothes who was the leader seemed to notice something. She turned around and looked, He was stunned for a moment, then closed his hands, and bowed down from the flying boat where they were.

From the direction of Dugu Dian, they could see the pure gray low-key flying boat hanging in the air. They didn't know when it came, but they didn't even notice it. It was obviously not far away.

So it's very strange.

And their master is so respectful

The other forces seemed to suddenly understand, and they all bowed.

The flying boat ignored them and flew directly into the light curtain.

"Master, why can their flying boat go in directly?"

A female disciple asked out of curiosity.

The woman flicked her finger on the female disciple's forehead and said, "I'm telling you to spread some common sense that you need to know. You are just lazy. If you go to Penglai and provoke some people, we in Fenxiang Valley will not be able to save you."

Among the forces that came to join Penglai Jiuxiao, their Fenxiang Valley overwhelmed the middle and lower reaches.

After all, this is a super event that faces the entire world.

Once every ten thousand years.

"Well, Master, you haven't said which big force it was just now? How can you go in directly? Didn't you say that if you want to enter Penglai, you need to get out of the boat and untie the sword to show respect? Only in this way can you enter Penglai."

The woman shook her head, "What I said is not absolute. Forces on the same level as Penglai don't need the flying boat from the Zombie Domain just now, and people from the Zombie City naturally don't need to get off the boat."

"We in Fenxiang Valley have ten thousand opponents who are not in the Zombie Realm. We can't compare with each other. Be careful when talking when you go out in the future, especially the immortal clans, as well as existences such as Demon Realm and Donghuang."

The woman's tone was very solemn, and the group of people did not dare not listen. They nodded in unison, but some people murmured: "Do you still remember that incident five years ago? I wonder if there is that gentleman on this flying boat. Or is she really dead?"

The scene of Jun Zili's death left many images out, and they were only slowly circulated, but many people had seen them privately.

The bloody killing, the peerless demon, and the scene where the demon Luo Hai finally dissipated and revealed its stunning form, were so vast and desolate, and it broke the hearts of so many men and women.

This time the woman did not scold the disciple, but just shook her head: "Who knows, we will know in ten days, let's go."

These people were very obedient this time and followed them immediately, or that's what they thought in their hearts - maybe they could catch up with the group of people in Zombie Territory and see if Jun Zili was there.

How could such a person die?

In Penglai, the flying boat of Zombie City also fell down, because Penglai Wonderland is very strange.

As soon as they came in, they saw a flat road that was like a mortal realm, as well as mountains, forests and fields that were not beautiful but very ordinary. r1152

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