A Queen

Chapter 1,436 I want to kidnap you~~ (pink pink pink~)

Chapter 1436

Even the aura of the air is no different from that of ordinary people.

The flying boat falls.

Dai Li saw a stone statue of an old man on the side of the road, with a smile on his face, holding a lantern in one hand and pointing in a direction with the other.

"Master, this is the immortal guide of Penglai. This road is also the road to immortality. Anyone who enters Penglai must complete this immortal road. From ordinary to immortal is also a road to cleanse the mind. Since ancient times, except for immortals, Apart from this, all other living beings follow this rule, and no one is spared. Even the disciples of Penglai who leave the island must also take this path, enter the mortal world, and then leave Penglai."

Si Qin ordered him to explain seriously. Dai Li looked at the stone statue. Are all living beings mortal?

Maybe it’s not just about tempering your state of mind, it’s also about eliminating the majestic aura and murderous intent of these powerful people.

After all, mortals have a peaceful spirit and are not like those who practice the immortal way. They practice the ethereal immortal way. In fact, most of them are like demons in nature, and they reveal murderous intentions at every turn.

Obviously Penglai solved this problem in such an exquisite and mysterious way.

By the way, it shows the majesty.

This made Dai Li a little more curious and respectful about Penglai. Then he looked at the words carved on the lantern on the stone statue.

"It's a few months' journey from Penglai. I need to find someone to buy some horses."

Since they are mortals, storage rings are naturally useless. They still have to eat, drink, sleep, and have reincarnation like mortals.

After a pause, Dai Li looked at Bai Shutang and the others.

These three people are now deadlocked, so

The three of them understood the look in Dai Li's eyes, and Bai Shutang said: "We have only been reduced to our cultivation, we have not become human beings."

Sure enough, it was still stiff.

The three of them must have complicated hearts.

Daili didn't say anything. just move forward

Jiang Qi glanced at Bai Shutang and Young Master Fusu, and said calmly: "Since you have made a choice, don't regret it. The last thing Zang can't have is tears and regret, which will make Zong irrecoverable."

The status of these two people is actually higher than that of Jiang Qi.

However, the former's personality is such that the latter two also know that the other's warning is well-intentioned.

Also a warning.

It represents the people above the four mansions and also represents Mu Qingyan.

What is she. Does it allow you to think about it?

No matter you are human. Still stiff.

Bai Shutang smiled slightly, "I have never regretted it."

Just like his father, and just like his mother who has no regrets.

He said this. Si Qin ordered him to move forward.

Can we think that as long as they show the slightest bit of inappropriateness, this person will kill them?


I originally thought that the immortal road was easier to walk, and it was just a matter of traveling as a mortal, but after three days away, I realized that there is another kind of mortal traveling called sleeping in the open air!

And it has been raining continuously or torrentially for three consecutive days.

My balls hurt so much!

Zong never likes rain. You can understand their disgust based on the fact that corpses will rot if soaked in water for a long time, so this rainy day is very annoying to Bai Shutang and others.

It's fine to be casual. It's just not a problem to drive on a rainy day, not to mention it's dark.

And it’s raining heavily right now!

Da da da!

Five horses collapsed, splashing countless mud and water

Around evening, the five of them saw a ruined temple from a distance.

"This place is thousands of miles away. There is not even a village, just a ruined temple."

This is the road to immortality in Penglai. Dai Li can even imagine how those who come to Penglai for the first time will be messy in the wind.

dismount. Shake your clothes and roll your sleeves. Finished in one go, Dai Li looked up and saw the scene in the temple in front of him, and paused.

As subordinates, Si Qinming and others naturally had to help place the horses.

However, following Dai Li's gaze, they naturally saw the disharmony in the temple.

It seems that they are not the first wave of people to come.

There are already people ahead.

And the situation is very disharmonious.

To be precise, it was a group of vicious people threatening one person.

A thin girl.

The girl's eyes were covered with a purple cloth belt.

Blind person

These men looked obscene, and one of them had already begun to take off his clothes.

The casual movements paused for a second, then he smiled and flicked the water-dropped sleeves with his fingertips.

It seems she came at the wrong time.

That group of people were stunned.

What would it be like to make it difficult for Fifth Qingsha to maintain a normal state of mind?

Before these people could say anything, there were blood marks all over their necks, and they fell to the ground with a thud.

Insert Qi Jiang's waist knife as thin as a cicada's wings into the scabbard, grab the corpses and throw them outside. Bai Shutang at the door took them and threw them several times, throwing the corpses hundreds of meters away.

Out of sight is pure.

He also left his body without a sound.

If the strength was still there, these people would have turned into ashes long ago.

He casually walked in, walked over to the girl sitting on the log pier, straightened the other crooked wooden pier, and sat down.

The seven or four people looked at the girl and said nothing, leaving themselves to take care of the messy and dirty temple environment.

"I remember that your name seems to be Li Ge. You are from Si Tianjian, right? Didn't Qinglei and your master come with you?"

Li Ge smiled slightly when he heard this; "If you go with others, you will always be a blind man."

"Then why didn't you kill them? Can't you predict? You didn't foresee what you might encounter before you came here."

Dai Li never dared to underestimate the three people from Si Tianjian.

Si Zun, Si Qinglei, and this girl.

"Any prophecy that is directly related to ourselves is always inaccurate, so most of us don't prophesy for ourselves." The girl said, with a little exploration of her fingers, she added a piece of firewood to the bonfire in front of her.

"Then if something happens to you today, your master and your senior sister will probably be furious," Dai Li said slowly.

Although Dai Li's tone was a little cold, the girl smiled slightly.

"Isn't this the time I met you?"

These words shocked Bai Shutang and others who were in action. This girl

Dai Li's eyes flashed slightly and he smiled, slowly and gently.

"Fortunately you met me. I always respect the old and care for the young. I especially have no resistance to good-looking people."

The girl smiled and said nothing,

Dai Li didn't say anything, but added firewood to the side. After a while, she turned her head and glanced. The girl bent her body, hugging her two thin legs and lowered her head. Thin arms wrapped around the body. He actually fell asleep like this

His eyes were green, he must be very sleepy.

This girl has a big heart, she actually trusts them so much

Si Qinming came over with a pile of dry firewood. When he saw Li Ge, he frowned and subconsciously looked at Dai Li, "Master."

Dai Li smiled and indicated that he knew. Si Qinming also stopped talking.

The heavy rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, making the roof tiles crackle. Tick ​​tock, a piece of the broken tile above was broken. Just when it was about to fall on the girl's head, two fingers caught the broken tile.

He flicked his finger upward slightly. The broken tiles flew up and were slightly tilted until they got stuck in the gap.

Bai Shutang and Young Master Fusu both smiled when they saw this, and they were still so compassionate.

Sitting Qi aside. Even though he was dumbfounded, he still felt that the existence of this thing was kept secret from above. Actually, he's a pretty good person.


Time passed by, and soon it was the early morning of the next day. After the rain, the sun poured in through the cracks of the broken tiles. Li Ge moved slightly, and suddenly felt a slight warmth on his body, which was a robe.

She gently held her robe. She couldn't see the meter of sunlight in front of her, coming in through the gap in the tiles above her head, but she could feel the warmth.

She stretched out her hand, her fingertips slightly touching the sunlight.

Ran Ran walked in and happened to see this scene, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and he walked over. When the other party heard the footsteps, he took off his robe, folded it, and handed it over.

"I know clearly that I was the one who predicted your plan in the tomb of Emperor Siam when Bang Si shed tears, so why do you still do this?"

Her voice was a little soft, perhaps because she had just woken up, and was a little hoarse.

He picked up the robe with his slender fingers and put it on while smiling casually: "So, you are so powerful at a young age. I am bribing you to win over you. If possible, I would like to abduct you and take you home." Didn't you see it?"

This is what I said

Bai Shutang couldn't help but laugh.

Jiang Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, suddenly feeling that his comments about someone's kindness last night should be more serious.

Li Ge was blindfolded, so of course he couldn't tell what was in his eyes. Instead, he slightly twitched the corners of his mouth, tilted his head slightly, and said softly: "Then you have succeeded."

In the end, someone laughed and said, "It's so easy. I still have some girls to kidnap and traffic, but I haven't found any yet~ But since you said so, I have no choice but to take you with me."

In fact, he knew that the other party was very mysterious and wanted to see what happened, rather than being lustful and simply wanting to kidnap the girl.

Well, that should be it


Maybe this girl was born with good luck. It was early in the morning, and they found a small town not long after. It stands to reason that the past few days, the Daili people should be very hungry.

However, the three of them are zombies, and Dai Li is a vampire. Although they are weakened in many aspects, their demand for food is very low, but there are still some hungry people. Anyway, it is natural to eat something and go.

So I randomly found a restaurant to prepare food and drinks. Maybe they were the first ones to arrive. This town had not seen many Penglai guests like them. However, after Daili took a few bites of food, he heard discussions coming from the private room next door.

"This Penglai Jiuxiao will definitely be very lively. I heard that top talents from all over the world, including Tai Shi Yuan and Prince Beigong, will appear."

"It's not about birth or talent. They can be compared with geniuses from the God Clan, the Soul Realm, the Demon Clan, etc."

"It's not necessarily true. Wasn't there that Ye Xuanji five years ago? The second generation Ye Xuanji, that Xuanji Heavenly Disk controls the mysteries of heaven and earth. It is rumored that the first generation Ye Xuanji can even easily kill the ancient immortal and ravage and reverse a person's destiny. So this generation of Ye Xuanji Xuanji must also be extremely powerful, comparable to the geniuses of Prince Beigong and his class, if that gentleman is still alive."

(To be continued)

ps: I’m stupid, I just flicked it and it was five updates. It was supposed to be the first update tomorrow morning, but it was moved up today, so it’s the third update tomorrow, but it’s still an extra update~~ I owe one less update, I have to count this. Erqing, hehe~

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