A Queen

Chapter 1,437 The Prince of Northern Xinjiang, Hong of Northern Xinjiang

Chapter 1437

The man's voice was a little drawn out and a little sad. After a moment of silence, it seemed like someone had said something faintly.

"Among the two sisters of the Ye family, there is a daughter who is like a monster, a monster who confuses all living beings. Through the ups and downs of the years, there is a daughter who is like smoke and clouds, misty and quiet, rootless like duckweed, alone all her life."

These words came suddenly. Dai Li, who was drinking, frowned. Bai Shutang and others also paused. They were stiff. They didn't have to eat as much as people. The one who was eating now was Dai Li. Si Qin ordered and Li Ge The three of them were just drinking or keeping quiet, but when they suddenly heard the person next door, after discussing many geniuses, brought the topic to Dai Li, they were inevitably distracted.

Especially this comment made by someone who didn't know, made everyone in Baishutang feel cold in their eyes.

A lonely life? Ups and downs? Are you talking about Ye Ziqing and Daili? This is not a good criticism.

Just like the evil star,

On the other hand, the person involved, Dai Li, leaned on the backrest and was as calm as water. He hooked his slender fingers around the small wine bottle and drank leisurely.

Li Ge didn't pay attention to this at all and just ate the rice in small sips.

For some reason, Bai Shutang always felt that Li Ge's eating posture was somewhat similar to that of Dai Li. He was equally as unobtrusive and as still as a mountain.

I don’t know if the people next door sensed the cold atmosphere here, or if someone was really jealous, but he laughed and changed his tone, and said instead: "Speaking of what happened to Prince Beigong five years ago, have you forgotten? I I'm confused, why did the Beihai Demon Clan suddenly assassinate Junzili? Didn't it mean that the Prince of Beigong had an affair with Junzili?"

Um, by the way, you call this changing the subject?

Obviously this topic is more "serious", okay?

Young Master Fusu sipped his wine gently, looked at Dai Li, and whispered: "Next door are people from the Northern Territory, one of the twenty-four kings' territories."

He has been very taciturn all the way, but he is gentle and attentive. He often takes care of things that they did not pay attention to. He has already figured out the origins of the group next door in private. He is afraid that he found out when he just went out. of.

Daili of Northern Xinjiang inexplicably thought of the second prince of Northern Xinjiang, who had infinitely lowered her opinion of Northern Xinjiang. She originally thought he could be compared with Siam, but she was thrown into the cold palace at that time, and with such a The gang spread rumors and rumors, and she secretly thought that Beijiang was really unblinking.

"I do recognize the second prince of Northern Xinjiang.

I have offended others," Dai Li just said with a smile when he heard a familiar voice coming from next door.

The so-called offending means taking off clothes or something like that.

"Hmph, it's probably because Junzi Li has a humble background. He just comes from a small area. Say Nanlin is Lao Shizi's place? How could the Prince of Beigong, who came from such a background, allow himself to be involved with her? You need to know the attitude of the Immortal Clan towards Junzi Li. But it’s very dangerous”

This person is undoubtedly the second prince of Northern Xinjiang. Naturally, this person is very disgusted with Dai Li who made himself naked and shameless in front of others, and his words are quite harsh.

Based on his identity, the people around him naturally agreed with him~~

Jiang Qi was already sharpening his knife, and said coolly: "On the road to immortality, these people are no match for us if they are bundled together. As long as you order it, I can twist off their heads and serve you wine."

That's right~~ It should be impossible for a special species to be reduced to a mortal body by these immortal rules.

So relying on their physical strength alone, they are enough to beat these creatures to the ground.

Dai Li took a sip of wine and said quietly: "I don't have such a good appetite, let alone people are just talking. Am I such a cruel person~~"

After a pause, she said: "They have horses, ask the boss for some crotons."

Si Qin Ming nodded and went out directly.

Li Ge glanced at Dai Li.

The eyes of Ebai Shutang and Young Master Fusu twinkled slightly. You seem to be cruel and inhuman.

Just when Dai Li showed his generosity and put it into action, the next door suddenly became quiet, as if someone had entered.

"What's the point of discussing a woman's rights and wrongs~ Penglai has made you relax your vigilance. If so, I should consider making it harder for you."

The man's voice was very low and deep, and also very cold and calm. The group of people who had been eating melon seeds and gossiping suddenly didn't dare to speak.

Dai Li held the small wine bottle with his fingers and smiled; "So there are people like this in Northern Xinjiang~"

The room next door was 100% quiet, not a word was spoken, and they were probably having a quiet meal.

Daili and the others stopped paying attention to those people. After a while, Si Qinming came back: "Master, it's done. I met the prince of Northern Xinjiang."

It's the prince of Northern Xinjiang again. This is a joke. Daili thought for a moment and then asked: "Is the eldest prince the real prince?"

"It's Beijiang Hong." Si Qinming nodded, "He is the person who took the lead in receiving the invitation in Beijiang this time."

The name of the Prince of Northern Xinjiang is not small, and he belongs to the circle of the Prince of Beigong. Si Qinming used to belong to that circle, but he never showed up, and outsiders knew little about him, so he was not famous. But the Prince of Northern Xinjiang is different.

As the legitimate eldest prince of Northern Xinjiang and the successor to the throne, his fame has been there since birth, but the older he gets, the more low-key he becomes.

"It is said that the Prince of Northern Xinjiang often practiced in Donghai in the past years. There are very few rumors in large groups such as Northern Xinjiang. However, I heard that he has no close rivalry with the Prince of Beigong, so we can guess that this person is relatively close to Donghai."

The East China Sea and the North Sea are also not at odds with each other, so we can deduce this in the same way.

After all, Bai Shutang is also a person who is sitting in the Palace of Zombie City, and the information is relatively accurate. Dai Li tapped the wine bottle with his finger, his eyes were slightly smoked, and he didn't know whether he was drunk or exaggerating his laziness. Anyway, she Said: "There are many enemies in the world~~"

If you want to hang out in the world, how can you not have a few enemies?

The more enemies you have, the better off you are.

After understanding the origin of the other party, Daili and the others did not take the other party seriously. Anyway, Si Qinlei also bought six horses in the town. Everyone went downstairs to get on the horses.

As soon as the reins were pulled, the horse raised its legs and brayed. The people upstairs and next door must have heard the movement. Someone opened the window and looked out.

My eyes widened when I saw it.


Since he was a prince, he naturally called him not the second prince of Beijiang, but the eldest prince. Beijiang Hong frowned, walked to the window and looked down, and happened to see six people below.

It's just a glimpse. His first glance, or anyone's first glance, will first pay attention to the person in the front.

The horse leaped up, and the flying ash hair was like smoke and flowing water, even if it was tied up by a ribbon, and the robe was flowing.

He didn't see his face, not even his profile, just his back, which made the Prince of Northern Xinjiang frown.

Later, he only saw one or two faces behind him. This time, it was not as vague as before, but rather profound.

There were a few trampling sounds of horse hooves, and the six people disappeared.

On this street in the town, inns and restaurants opened their windows in twos and threes to see people, and all they could see was flying dust.

"Hey, there are horses in this town!"

"What kind of creature is that? A mortal horse? Yes, we can still ride horses!"

"How can such low-quality and mediocre horses be worthy of me? Forget it. The situation forces us to buy horses quickly!"

Arriving early still has the advantage of arriving early. Daili and the others easily bought six horses, while a group of people in Northern Xinjiang accidentally bought horses in other places before. Compared with these late-minded people, they occupied a lot of space. less advantage


The second prince of Northern Xinjiang looked at his eldest brother, then at the man who had been opening his mouth wide and speechless, and frowned: "What the hell did you see? Look at your frightened face!"

"Ghost? It's not that girl." The famous top prince in Northern Xinjiang swallowed his saliva and gestured with his hands. He didn't know how to describe it for a while.

The fish sinks and the wild goose falls, the unparalleled elegance? It seems that the streets are rotten, but there are so many beauties in the world of immortality. Those beauties who come from aristocratic families or sects often like others to use such words to describe them, and others also like to describe them in this way.

This top-notch young man was also a romantic figure in the past, and he could throw out a basket of words like this every day, but now he really can't use this word to describe the woman just now.

Not so much blasphemy as fear.

Bei Jianghong had already retracted his gaze. He glanced at the man's dazed face, which was about to speak, and said lightly: "Let's go."

When the others heard this, they immediately packed up their things, went downstairs, and prepared to leave on horseback.

The horses were all useless, with vomiting and diarrhea, and there was a terrible stench.


The road to immortality always has an end, and the last part of that end is the waterway. There is still an old man guiding the way, holding a lantern and pointing to the front. In front of it is a sea, and there is a huge straight wooden bridge on the sea. Two wooden boards are connected together, just on the water. If the water level rises slightly, the wooden bridge has been covered. If the water level rises a lot, congratulations, you can swim across it.

The water level has now increased by about one centimeter, and the wooden bridge is soaked with water.

Most of the guests who came to participate were a little embarrassed. They were afraid that the tide would rise halfway and the water would overflow them. They were also afraid that if they didn't go over now, there would be no wooden bridge to cross later. It was a delay and it would be rude to go to Penglai.

"Although I knew that the road to immortality in Penglai would be difficult, I never thought it would be so tedious.

Are you here for the grand ceremony?

If it weren't for Penglai's reputation and elegant style, most people would probably suspect that Penglai was deliberately trying to trouble them.

However, although I complained in my heart, there were still many famous and distinguished people on this wooden bridge, either at least, or on foot.

Some are as calm and graceful as before, and some are as fast as lightning and windy and fiery.

At the end of the wooden bridge is a double flagpole plaque with the inscription - Immortal Extradition. r1152

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