A Queen

Chapter 1,438 The Abyss of Zombie City

Chapter 1438

The people standing below are all immortal figures in fluttering white clothes or brocade robes and skirts. They walk on the stars, have jade crowns and jade hair, carry flying swords on their backs or carry various exquisite magic weapons on their waists. Every detail on their bodies can It can be seen that he is extraordinary, he has a good appearance, good manners and is very conspicuous.

These people stand at one end, and when new dignitaries arrive on the wooden bridge, they will come forward to guide them to Penglai.

After all, this is just a small Penglai, but it is also within the Penglai Wonderland. There are many secrets or extraordinary places that are not accessible to outsiders. Naturally, they need someone to guide them.

What's more, people with guidance can also show the majesty of Penglai, which is also the case for other forces.

However, not all VIPs will be guided to leave as soon as they arrive here. It has to be said that after passing the Immortal Road, most of them are a little embarrassed. How can they enter Penglai and be seen by those glamorous colleagues, so They will stay on this small beach for a while, tidy up their appearance, and ask some questions before going in when they are ready.

——Penglai Jiuxiao, there is no room for mistakes, otherwise losing your reputation is a small matter, but offending others is a big problem.

This is also the choice of the guests. It is not strange at all to welcome disciples. Most of them wait patiently and help solve problems.

Suddenly, the eighteen Penglai disciples, nine on each side, saw a group of flying horses stepping on the bridge from the other side of the wooden bridge.

There was no shortage of distinguished guests before, but none of them were as majestic as this group of people. Look at the momentum of those people who came flying towards us.

The main reason is that the person at the front is too good.

As soon as this person came, he compared the core disciples of the noble sects such as Xiang Qianfeng, Fire Dragon Valley, Zhiqiu Tower and other sects around him to nothing.

It’s not that I’ve never seen a monk who is as handsome as a demon or an immortal, and it’s not that I’ve never seen a giant with an extraordinary bearing, but there are very few people who have both.

The moment they saw this person, the first reaction of the VIPs nearby was that this person was either the Prince of the North Palace, the Prince of the East Palace, or some top genius in the Demon Realm or the Baji Imperial Realm.

On the other hand, Penglai seemed to have been prepared to welcome his disciples. He recognized who this person was, and a young man with a crown of jade came forward. When the horse's hooves fell, he bowed and said, "But how can you know the master if you are too pure?"

Only after Taiqing did we know that as soon as this young man called out this name, everyone would shout out.

There was a lot of discussion,

Most people looked at this man with awe or enlightenment in his eyes, who was dressed in a long and elegant dress that was so cool to the bone.

Fang Ke knows that such a person is naturally very familiar with the enthusiasm of others, and he is always deserted at the moment. He nodded slightly: "Yes"

Penglai greeted the disciple and smiled slightly: "I am the third disciple of Penglai Qingdan Pavilion, Ge Qing, Mr. Fang, please come this way."

It can be seen that if his clothes are not stained by a speck of smoke, he will know that the road to immortality will not make him embarrassed, so he does not need to stay to tidy up his appearance, which is different from those people.

Ge Qing waved his hand, and the two disciples behind him took a leading position.

You must know that Penglai is not a sect, but a fairyland. There are many schools in it, all-encompassing, and a hundred schools of thought are contending. However, there are still only a few at the top who control this prosperous situation.

The Qingdan Pavilion is at the mid-level level, but it is many times more powerful than sects like Fanxiang Valley. Therefore, Ge Qing, the third disciple, is naturally a genius. Geniuses rarely feel inferior to others when facing other external forces. But we know it's different.

Taiqing is ranked below Penglai, but he is also among the four immortal forces. Only then can we know that he is one of the unparalleled sons of Taiqing, second only to Mr. Fanyin, so he naturally deserves his respect.

However, Fang Kezhi did not stay to tidy up his appearance, but the young disciples from other nearby forces who couldn't bear it came up to say hello.

"Zhang Wuming of Feiye City has met Young Master Fang"

"The quicksand sea should be like jade and meet Mr. Fang"

"Young Master Fang is a beautiful person, and we admire him even more than his reputation suggests."

The compliments came in like a tidal wave.

This was natural. Fang Kezhi frowned slightly, but he also dismounted and bowed to everyone. The other people from Taiqing naturally maintained such a good demeanor, so as not to tarnish Taiqing's reputation as a Tsinghua University.

People in the Demon Realm can be proud because they are demons!

People in the demon realm can be proud because they are demons!

But Taiqing is not good. Taiqing is famous for his elegant demeanor, good etiquette, elegance, and a very good reputation.

If you are too arrogant and ignore others, you are proud, complacent and arrogant. You are afraid that you will be used by some thoughtful people to discredit the sect.

So we know that such a cold and cold person can also be polite and harmonious

So there was a scene of peace and harmony.

It wasn't until another man stepped on the horse that he was excited. At this moment, there was a shallow layer of water on the wooden bridge, and the horse's hoofs made a splash.

Water splashes

The horse came to rest. When the visitor saw the harmonious and lively scene in front of him, he raised his eyebrows like swords and smiled frivolously: "Who can make so many people lively and lively? It turns out that it is Taiqing." Xinghui, it seems you are not the only one who can make all the girls in this world flock to you."

Every part of this man's facial features and eyebrows are unruly and frivolous. His expression, tone and face match perfectly, making you feel despised, teased and trampled every minute.

The first second she feels annoyed, but the second second she looks at the person, the woman feels fearful and passionate, while the man feels disgusted and fearful.

Just because this person's aura is too frivolous, he is definitely not easy to get along with, not to mention that everyone can see who this person is at a glance.

The world is so arrogant and contemptuous, you only know it when you make fun of it

It must be Kunwu’s blood.

This man is the dignified young master of Kunwu. He has always had an arrogant style. He has inherited Taiqing and Kunwu's incompatibility. This man also doesn't like Fang Kezhi very much.

Therefore, the pk mode is turned on in one second.

By the way, he dragged the person next to him into trouble.

Xinghui, a young host in the Constellation Group Domain, one of the Twenty-Four King Domains, was born with the talent to control 108 constellations. He was known as the supreme genius of the way of stars, but for some reason he followed Fei Xue. Behind him was The entourage of the two people is currently on the left and right.

He frowned when he heard Feixue's teasing, glanced at Fang Kezhi, and said calmly: "Don't compare me to others."

These words meant to warn Fei Xue, and naturally they also had a sharp edge that could only be understood with disdain!

Oh my god, is this the rhythm of the three top geniuses fighting each other!

This is the genius of Prince Beigong's class. At the very least, he is at the peak of the combined stage. He is either half-step to the Mahayana stage, or directly to the Mahayana stage.

It should be said that he is both a genius and a strong man.

People watching this kind of pk said that their adrenaline had soared by dozens of percentage points.

Just when such a three-legged situation is about to be torn apart,

The sound of violent trampling of water was as rapid and regular as the sound of horse hooves stepping firmly and heavily on the wooden board, just like a violent storm, it came so freely.

And it caused many people on the wooden bridge to exclaim

This exclamation made everyone on the bridge subconsciously turn their heads to look.

But in the blink of an eye, he came to everyone amid the tidal waves.

To be precise, they were blocked in front of Feixue and Xinghui.

As soon as the reins were pulled, the horse's legs were raised high, and the water splashed into the air. The majestic momentum was overwhelming, but the person's face was not seen, and the cold and oppressive aura came towards him.

The horses under Fei Xue and Xinghui screamed, but they retreated in fear and retreated directly to the bridge head in embarrassment. They almost stepped on the large group of people blocking the bridge head. Even Penglai's disciples were not spared.

In the chaos, the dozen or so horses originally blocked there had all gotten off the bridge, leaving only six horses with their heads raised and their hooves lowered.

The horse's head turned and the hoofs clattered. The person on the horse was holding the reins with one hand and holding a short whip tied with red tassel in one hand. The black robe hanging down from the waist was close to the flowing silk of the waterfall. Slightly tilted, her white skin and red lips were very bright, she lightly swept her eyebrows towards the Supreme, and pursed her lips straight. The splashing water around her and the chaotic scene in front of her could not move her in the slightest.

It was a majesty that was as immovable as a mountain and arrogant to the bone.

Everyone's eyes and minds were locked for a second.

But it was momentarily awe-inspiring.

After a cold stab, I realized that the other party was sitting on the horse and looking at them coolly and silently.

The dark star-shaped pupils brought all the stunned people back to their senses instantly.

Ge Qing swallowed his saliva, walked forward quickly, bent down and bowed: "Lord Zhengzhi Chengyuan?"

Every force participant who accepts the invitation will reply to Penglai with the list. It is not surprising that these people can recognize it.

It's just that the reaction was still a beat slower than before when they recognized Fang Kezhi.

Maybe it’s because people from Zombie City rarely show up, not to mention that this is the first time Lord Yuan has appeared. In addition, this side is really


This word flashed across Ge Qing's mind. It was obviously the occasion and way in which ordinary mortals appeared, but why did it feel like it was shocking to the soul.

——It’s definitely because the other party is so good-looking!

"It's me." Dai Li raised his leg and dismounted. Different from his appearance, his posture was very neat and generous. After dismounting, he flicked the whip and was caught by the handsome young man behind him, with his slender fingers. He flicked his cuffs lightly and casually, raised his eyebrows and said: "Lead the way."

An imposing manner that dominates the scene.

Ge Qing wanted to resist, but was unable to resist. He bent down and waved his hands for a second: "Sir, please come this way."

Take people away in person

The six of them just left.

Not even a look was given to three geniuses with extraordinary backgrounds and extraordinary abilities in all aspects.

Fang Kezhi turned his head and looked deeply.

Xinghui frowned, while Fei Xue twitched his lips after being stunned and regaining consciousness: "Zhangyu Abyss? What a great abyss."

Not frivolous for the first time.

Because that person's power and absolute strength have overwhelmed everyone's senses. If he is frivolous again, it will not be frivolous because of self-confidence, but a villain behind the scenes.

What's more, the Zombie Realm is indeed not something Kunwu can be frivolous about. r1152

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