A Queen

Chapter 1,450 Fighting Immortals

Chapter 1450

The light in Dai Li's eyes swirled secretly, and the corner of his mouth, which had always maintained a cool and cool aura, twitched slightly.


The rotation speed of the huge eyes suddenly increased ten times!

The pupils burst out

Covered in halo, like exploding silver stars.

That light covered the entire Penglai.

The six channels are extremely clear in his eyes.

The light sweeps away


At that time, including Fei Xue, including those who jumped out to say something before, including those who stood opposite her, not a single one was left behind, there were hundreds of thousands of people.

They all felt that their souls were being strangled in an instant!

An invisible hand, or rather an eye, grabbed hold of their souls and forcefully pulled them out.

The soul leaving the body is active, but their souls at this moment are passively peeled off!

One glance will strip away your soul!

"not good!"

"Be bold!"

The first reaction of the three immortals was surprise, and the second reaction was nervousness!

Damn it, so many people, Miaomiao Zhong, had their souls stripped away?

There are many people from Penglai among them!

Old He’s balls are hurting!


Will Huaxian and Nangong's immortals take action together to make peace and drizzle or will it be earth-shattering? Anyway, it is an absolutely powerful force, and the two want to kill each other in one fell swoop.

It is an absolute murderous intention!

Rumble, double immortal power!

Thousands of souls have been dragged into the pupil path

Swish, brush, brush!

A large group of dead soldiers appeared in the air!

It doesn't matter which side you belong to.

What matters is that they were blown out!


Hundreds of streamers explode

Cross the sky and kill people like Jing Yuan directly

When the sword rises, the glory of martial arts rises!

The law of Si Ling rises!

However, compared with the large numbers of these people, the few people in Jingjing who are far away are especially small.

However, with the addition of Jiang Li and several others, a very terrifying counterattack was formed in an instant!

It's just that these dead soldiers are not ordinary dead soldiers. Their speed, strength, and attack are far superior to ordinary combat sergeants in every aspect. In terms of ruthless skills, they are even much better than these young masters. Their overall strength can be said to be average. Reaching the high end of the integration stage!

Aha, so many dead warriors, their average strength is at the high end of the combined stage!

It’s not difficult to eat just a few Mahayana periods!


The first wave of offensive breaks out!

mushroom cloud collision

The aftermath of the ups and downs of the attack was deflected towards An Jingyuan and the others.

Sure enough, he was still a little defeated.

There were too many opponents, and they were all elites. Before the aftermath of the attack had dissipated, they were already shouting with a voice as sharp as an owl, piercing the sky, and holding a handful of rhombus-shaped thorns, they swooped down from the sky. And down!

Every thorn is quenched with poison, and their assassination position is also in line with the perfect killing battle formation!

The attack increases again!

Lock down all the Qi machines of people like Jing Jingyuan!

Jiang Li saw through the other party's origins at a glance.

"It's Nangong's assassin army!"

Nangong Cixiao Army, one of the ten strongest armies of the Immortal Clan. This group of dead soldiers actually came from the Cixiao Army! ! !

"Good come!" Bai Shutang's dark lines between his brows were revealed, and his body suddenly twisted and changed.


The hair completely turned golden, like gold, and the appearance also turned into an extremely handsome demon in the blink of an eye, but it was also paler than white paper. He was tall and had long legs, and his finger bones were like knives. The aura of the ancestor of Han Ba ​​swarmed around.

As if influenced by him, Prince Fusu frowned. The Yinggou clan's rigid aura was biased towards domineering. Although the energy aura was not as pure as Bai Shutang, it was 100% good at attacking and brought the originally noble and elegant Prince Fusu to life. It turned into a complete freeze.

The transformation of Zombie Li is also similar. The exposure of Zombie Body has improved their strength several times. The most obvious ones are speed and defense.

An existence more perverted than a demon!

"Kill!" Jiang Li whispered, and his palm had already penetrated the heart of a dead soldier of the Stinging Owl Army, and the blood spattered out.

Luo Shigao shouted: "Damn, that's too fierce! This is Zang! Why are all the zombies so good-looking! This is not normal!"

Just one abyss, the following people

Does the body that turns into a zombie become all kinds of ugly corpses after speaking?

How can it be that this looks better than before?

Are you actually a vampire?

"Stop talking nonsense, bandits, go all out! This army is so strong!" Zhao Shifeng shouted!

Boom boom boom!

Full firepower, killing begins!

Ten sneaking black shadows shuttled across the surface, approaching Qingxin and Qingjun in the blink of an eye!

That Yuan is the first target to eradicate, then these two people are the second target!


Swish, brush, brush!

Ten people jumped out of the ground and thrust towards the two of them!

At the same time, Daili on the other side faced the attacks of two immortals.

"Go to hell!!"

Immortal power is coming!

He Laobai raised his eyebrows and turned his hand a little.

Is he going to take action too? It shouldn't be, two immortals are enough, and the third immortal is not even the icing on the cake. Is it because the old man is unhappy that he never had any lines before, and now he wants to increase his presence?

boom! ! !

The immortal power still fell on her.

Perfectly accurate!

Waves of air surged from beneath her feet like a tsunami.

Huge waves from the flat bottom!

She was at the center of the big wave.

The attack paused above her head, as if being grabbed by the tail. The two immortals stared wide-eyed. For a moment, they thought it was their illusion, so they felt that time had stopped at this moment, and their souls were bound, so they had a vague feeling. feeling of fear

There is a light between the eyebrows.

The pupils rotated.


Reversal, reversal, reversal!

Quack quack!

The tumbling air wave suddenly reversed and was recovered from the trajectory swaying under her feet. In the blink of an eye, it returned to the top of her head, and the attack was traced back.

"This is impossible!" Hua Xian shouted, just as he was about to attack again!

Dai Li's clothes were flying and her long hair was fluttering. She said: "There is reincarnation in the six realms. I want to see if the reincarnation of your immortals is irreversible!"

There are reincarnations in the six paths. When these five words came out of her mouth, when Hua Xian and the two noticed the six paths in the huge pupils.

"Damn, it's the Six Paths of Reincarnation, damn!!" The two immortals were completely hysterical and retreated!

Cliffhanger recycling attack

That's too late!

They have been locked by the pupil! The soul starts to be pulled out!

Mr. He, who was still making small plans, was confused. What did those two cowards just shout?

He is old and has some bad hearing. Could it be that he heard wrongly?

"No, I am an immortal!!" Hua Xian and Nangong's immortal forcibly fixed their souls

This is the struggle between the immortal soul and Dai Li!

They lose and are sent to the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Dai Li loses and dies!

Life and death!

Despite the huge gap in strength, she could make them fight to the death!

That eye was far more terrifying than anyone imagined.

"Go away!" Hua Xian held up a huge dharma image behind his back. The dharma image took root in the soul. As soon as it appeared, their unstable souls immediately became much more stable.


Clone out!

These two immortal clones are not immortals. They are not yet so powerful.


A heavenly disk.

Trapped behind the two of them.

Just ten meters away, they suddenly appeared. As soon as the aura appeared, the expressions of the two immortals changed.

Even if they don't look back, they still know what it is.

There is a heavenly plate called Xuanji heavenly plate.

It is a BT artifact that kills ancient emperors and ancient immortals like dogs.

It appeared, and naturally she came.

Elegantly dressed in flowing silk, Ye Ziqing's left hand exuded halo, controlling the Xuanji Heavenly Disk, and his gaze fell on your Nangong Immortal.

"It's beyond my power, and the two of them can't eat it, so it's up to you."

Dai Li, who controlled the Six Paths of Samsara Eye on the other end, smiled casually: "Just him!"


The Six Paths of Samsara Eye and the Xuanji Heavenly Disk rotate at the same time!

Two beams of light bound the immortal, one after the other, and then


All kinds of deprivation!

The Xuanji Heaven is in the palm of the hand to bring luck and longevity, which is the present life.

What about the six paths of reincarnation?

I’ll take care of you in this life and it will be your turn in the next life!

The latter is more perverted, but the gap between Dai Li and the immortals is too big. He restrained two immortals with his abnormal soul, but he may not be able to drag one immortal into the six paths of reincarnation. At most, he will hurt the soul of the other party.

But it's different when Ye Ziqing takes action.

The cousins ​​join forces and will kill you in this life and the next!

The immortal was dragged in front of the opening of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. What kind of demeanor, what kind of ethereal appearance, what kind of self-centeredness. At this moment, many people who were not involved saw the face of the aloof immortal twisted, full of fear, like a dog. beg for mercy

No no no!

don't want

help me! ! !

save you! ! ! ?

Even Hua Xian wouldn't dare to get close to the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

So that’s the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

It's over once you're dragged in. There are six reincarnations. Who knows where you're going and what you're going to become!

Originally, they could be reincarnated as immortals, and as long as they did not commit a serious crime and were rejected by heaven and earth, they would basically still be handsome geniuses in the next life, and could easily reach their original state. After that, the memory can be awakened, which is no different from immortality.

But things like the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Xuanji Heavenly Disk are very vicious and can only defeat you!

Even immortals have to be afraid!

At this moment, all the big plans, conspiracies, and promised cooperations in Hua Xian's mind were all being fed to the chickens. While Dai Li's two perverted cousins ​​were concentrating on dealing with the Nangong Immortal, they were freed from the restraint circle.

But as soon as he freed his body, he did not leave the battle circle, but his eyes flashed! When the Dharma image appeared from behind, it was a knife.

The sword of Dharma.

A spin of the knife


The sword of Dharma flew out

The sword cuts Daili! !

Among the people below who were fighting fiercely with the dead warriors, Mingjian was the only one who happened to pay attention to this scene. Maybe it had something to do with him being a fast swordsman, and also with his talent for six senses.

The immortal's Dharma-Xiang knife is too fast and too cruel

Mingjian didn't know if she could stop the various perverted generations nowadays, but she was indeed frightened, so frightened that her sword couldn't help but tremble.

Trembling, her soul seemed to tremble, especially when she saw another sword appearing in the void.

The sword appeared from the end of the sky.

Out of thin air, misty, glassy, ​​yet supreme.

There is no sword like it in the world. r1152

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