A Queen

Chapter 1,451 Surrender

c_t;Chapter 1451

Chapter 1451

The sword blocked the sword of Dharma

Clang! ! !

The crisp sound is loud, slender and crisp, spreading faintly throughout Penglai.

The sword was not as powerful as the Dharma Sword. The sword trembled slightly, but it did not break or retreat. The sword was like glass, but it seemed to be harder than anything else.

Hard to the bone.

The sword of Dharma is worthless. Hua Xian looked gloomy as he stared at the woman who appeared out of nowhere.

Thousands of rivers are endless, and thousands of mountains are covered with snow.

'Who are you? "

Qianshan Muxue swept the whole place lightly, not caring about those powerful people who were extremely curious and frightened about her.

She just said lightly: "Thousand Mountains of Alfalfa"

"People from the Bone Clan? Huh! The Bone Clan has been exterminated long ago, and you still dare to make us Penglai our enemies!"

In fact, the disciples of Penglai already want to roll their eyes, hey, those who live in chaos, can you not drag the whole Penglai with you!

Anyone with eyesight knows this situation

Qianshan Muxue raised her hand slightly in the air, her index finger was slender, and a small glazed sword was flying on her finger. She said: "You are cowardly if you don't fight. You are already scared."

A very bland and intuitive comment, but his attitude is the calmest among all the people here.

Thousands of mountains are covered with snow, and it is peaceful all year round.

But Hua Xian was extremely angry.

A junior, a backer whose clan had been exterminated, actually despised him so much.

Just a bone clan!

"You can only block one strike from me. If you strike me a second time,"

"You don't have a chance to strike a second time."

Qianshan Muxue, who looked extremely calm, had just finished speaking.

"Ah~~" the immortal screamed,

Crazy to escape

Dai Li just pressed her brows, and when the opponent made a desperate move, her soul suddenly surged out and was sacrificed!

The strongest soul. The soul after rebirth, the soul that was broken and rebuilt five years ago!

The soul that has traveled through all the Mahayana stages is comparable to that of an immortal. It controls the six paths of reincarnation with the image of a demon and a world-famous figure.

"Go in" she said softly.


Give this fairy a hard tug


The immortal from Nangong went in.

Everyone in the Assassin Owl Army stared wide-eyed.

Watching their immortals being forcibly sent into the six realms of reincarnation.

Wrapped in, not out.

Can't get out.

Unless someone jumps into the Six Paths Wheel and goes back to save him

Who jumps? You, you read;. still you?

Huaxian's face was ashen.

Hindsight is still the first reaction. [ ] Anyway, he has already seen Na Yuan, Ye Ziqing, or Qianshan Muxue, the three perverts have surrounded him

This situation is not good.

People like Xiao Han were so confused that they couldn't turn their heads.

Reversal too fast. There is some pain in the nerve elbow.

Among the crowd, several men looked pale and their bodies were trembling.

"My lord, your lord"

The adult narrowed his eyes with cold eyes.

But he remained motionless.

Don't move, otherwise it will affect the whole body. He will definitely die!

The situation was frozen.

Before the Six Paths of Reincarnation. A large number of souls are bound, including people like Feixue and Xinghui

They dared not say anything, and could only place their hopes on the only immortal who could still speak.

He Lao.

How long has this old man been watching the show?

Hua Xian couldn't help but say: "Old He"

When He Lao came back to his senses, he actually came back to his senses!

Why have you been distracted before?

"Ah? What's the matter?" He said that he was very good at pretending to be stupid!

Hua Xian gritted his teeth: "Why don't you take action against these people?"

He knew that this old man was powerful. Together, he and that guy from Nangong are no match for him. As long as the old man takes action, even if the opponent has six paths of reincarnation,

"That's the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Old man, I'm a lot older, and my old bones can't stand the torment. Do you want me to die?"

Mr. He glared at him! This guy is so bad!

Hua Xian sneered: "Mr. He, you and I are both from Penglai. These people insult Penglai like this. If you don't take action, they are afraid that they will overthrow our whole Penglai. And the immortal who was harmed by them is from Nangong, or is it? In order to protect our Penglai, we will cause trouble in the future with Nangong, and everyone in the world looks down on me, Penglai, can you bear this kind of sin?"

After saying that, he looked at Dai Li and the others thoughtfully.

Dai Li had some free time and looked at the old man He with a deep expression.

He Lao stroked his beard, frowned when he heard this, and looked at Dai Li.

He knows that this talent is the core. Qiansha Muxue and Ye Ziqing probably all listen to her (she is wily and has a sharp gaze~)

Eye to eye.

One old and one young.

The old man has no one to rely on except his white hair and white beard.

The young man has no weapons in his hands, his long hair is flowing, and behind him are the terrifying six paths of reincarnation.

Three breaths.

The old man smiled and said: "Your Excellency Yuan, I think it is necessary for us all to sit down and have a cup of tea."

Damn it!

Hua Xian wants to flip the table, I want you to do it, do it

Dai Li curled his lips and said nothing, just made a move with his hand.

On the top of the mountain, among the piles of corpses, a sizable corpse floated, that is, the corpse of a fat man.

She moved her finger and scratched his head, and a soul was forcibly taken out. The silver light flashed at the tip of her finger, and afterimages flashed, hiss!

The soul is peeled off inch by inch

Finally, a ball of light was peeled off.

A pinch of light ball reads;.


The soul memory just appeared naked in front of everyone.

The corruption in the hall, the plots, and the unscrupulous motives were all witnessed and heard by everyone.

Before the playback was finished, Daili's eyes flickered, his hands turned into claws, and he grabbed the void!

Among the crowd, a short man's body floated involuntarily!

It was too late for anyone around him to catch him.

"No! Sir"

The shouting stopped abruptly.

Silently, the soul is stripped away again

Memory stripping, the second act involves contact with people from the Yin family

Also a conspiracy.

Some of them are particularly clear.

It was a cold voice.

"We, the Yin family, don't care about the rest. Anyway, the Ji family must die, as well as that woman."

Another voice: "Naturally. I didn't let you kill them before just to use them as bait. The people from the Zombie Territory will take action, kill those useless Penglai people and draw Penglai into the situation. In order to fight against the Zombie Territory, Penglai will inevitably They have to rely on us even if they don't take a position. They must take a position. Once Penglai takes a position, drag Kunwu and join us. The overall situation is done."

"It's indeed a clever plan, but I'm afraid Penglai won't take the bait."

"One third of Penglai at the meeting has already taken the bait~~"

"Haha, so good"

Then there are all kinds of nasty smiles that can’t be heard

Huaxian: ""

Mr. He: ""

Everyone: ""

In fact, about the beginning of this conflict, most people. At least most people in Penglai felt something was wrong, such as Mr. Junyong. People in Penglai generally know that he is a bit of a scumbag, but in the world of immortality as a whole, there is a phenomenon of high-level male cultivators who are sexually attracted to women, and high-level female cultivators who are sexually attracted to men for pleasure. It is common for you to be willing to give in to others, and there are even cases where strong women show respect and strong men support prostitutes. In the past, there were rumors about Gong Zangxue raising male pets, etc. This is nothing new. The public has been very receptive to this.


That is the internal situation in the world of immortal cultivators. There is a rule among immortal cultivators, that is, immortals do not get involved in the affairs of mortals. It is similar to the principle that disaster does not harm the family. Everyone is out to fool around, with their heads stuck in their belts. You are the only cultivator. It would be shameless to bully ordinary people.

And Mr. Junyong and others openly gathered people to be obscene, and designed a mortal to live in Penglai. Well, that mortal does indeed have extraordinary appearance and temperament, which can make most men feel itchy, but don't forget that Mr. Junyong belongs to Penglai. People, Penglai has Penglai rules.

From the very beginning, it was Mr. Junyong who violated the rules first, not to mention that just because he was a womanizer, he did not hesitate to use so many connections to get Xiao Penglai to be released from the ban, and then

Many emperors want to whip corpses at this moment.

You have such a mind and perseverance, why don’t you want to work hard on the right path?

Do all kinds of crooked ways

It's okay if we can't see you doing it in private, but it's fine now!

I never thought that Daili could be done by Jiang Zi, directly stripping the soul, and then stripping the memory from the soul.

I didn't expect that the memory that was stripped out was Jiang Zi.

What's the point of gathering people so hotly? It's so hot that you collude with outsiders.

The faces of Penglai people are as wonderful as a seven-color plate.

Especially the forces that had mixed in, such as Luan Xianju, they were all in trouble.

As for people like Fei Xue who are not doing anything, the expressions of their souls and bodies are also quite wonderful. With the fig leaf pulled away, how can they be seen by others?

Mr. He turned to Hua Xian and asked in a very serious and simple manner: "Are you one of the third?"

Come on

Damn it, how should I answer!

Hua Xian, who had been positioned by the crowd as one of the third who took the bait, was speechless.

He knew that the old man must have known it from the beginning.

So the attitude at first was so strange.

It was acting, right? It was acting from the beginning! No wonder he didn’t take action later!

Insidious, cunning, shameless, shameless!

But he didn't know what was going on and why the other party knew all this.

It's obvious that they didn't miss anything.

Could it be

He looked down unconsciously

But he didn't see that person.

Damn it, that guy is really a thief!

I had no choice but to squint my eyes, maintain my immortal demeanor, smile calmly, and said to Mr. He: "Do you believe this kind of thing? I just want to protect our Penglai, although our Luanxianju and your Penglai have some differences. and, but the central idea is still the same, all for Penglai."

This tone is similar to that of some corrupt officials who swear to the Party Constitution - everything we do is for the people.


Mr. He doesn't hesitate to laugh at others, which lowers his own standards too much.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, Sir Yuan, we can find a place to have a cup of tea and have a chat."

When everyone heard the friendly and profound diplomatic attitude of this guy, they saw that Penglai had never seen other giants before, and Gu Zean was standing not far away, with some elders from Penglai behind him (to be continued)

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