A Queen

Chapter 1,456 Penglai Immortal (Mu Xining Immortal Pa+5)

c_t;Chapter 1456

As a disciple of the Immortal, your status is naturally noble and extraordinary. No wonder this Penglai person is so nervous.


That Ge Qing is also a human spirit. At this moment, he has introduced Daili's identity to Gongyixue: "Miss Gongyi, this is Lord Yuan of the Zhan Domain, and he is an honored guest of our Penglai immortals~"

These words are nondescript, but the implications are strong enough!

It is also Gong Yixue and other disciples of the Immortal who have been in seclusion before. Now they are coming out of seclusion. It seems that they still don’t know who Yuan is.

No, she knows!

"Oh~ it's you~ I came out of seclusion in the morning, and I heard a junior sister talk about you, saying that you have a stunning face, and you can take a look at it before visiting all the fairies in Penglai~"

Ge Qing and others suddenly had a bad feeling because this girl's focus was wrong.

"He doesn't look very good either."

When these words came out, Dai Li raised his eyebrows.

The people nearby had strange expressions, including the group led by Ge Qing.

There was also a group of people on the waterway three hundred meters away who wanted to spit on the girl's face.

This is not even good!

That girl, don’t you think you have incomplete facial features?

"Look what I do! I'm not comparing her to me! I'm saying she can't compare to Senior Sister Xiaoxiang!"

Gongyixue folded her hands on her chest and snorted coldly.

Ge Qing was crying and wanted to kneel down in front of her.

Sister, the point is not this~~It is that there are six paths of reincarnation and Chibi!

Just when the people in Penglai were very nervous, Daili suddenly smiled.

Smile gently and gracefully.

It is clearly the same smile as the one who killed those emperors before.


Ge Qing wanted to kneel down for Dai Li.


"Is Gongyixue your senior sister Yiye Xiaoxiang?"

"Yeah, why, you also know that my senior sister is beautiful? Let me tell you, even the other two subordinates of the Immortal, Mu Lanxun and Ye Xiangrong, are not as beautiful as my senior sister." Gongyixue said about Yiye Xiaoxiang's eyes. There is light reads;.

That arrogant and proud look

Senior sister?

The ranking of disciples in this major sect in the world of immortals has never been determined by the time of entry or age. Rather, it depends on personal achievements and strength.

So, has Yiye Xiaoxiang really worked hard enough over the years?

Daili's smile slowly deepened: "Well, she is very beautiful and you are also very cute."

Gongyixue was shocked by such a gentle sentence!

Ge Qing and others were also frightened.

Those who thought Master Yuan would go crazy were also stunned. Read the full text of the latest chapter

Cute, Gongyixue is cute?

People in Penglai feel embarrassed

But such gentle Yuan is really intoxicating.

In the silence, Gongyixue was suddenly stunned, and then blushed, from her cheeks to her ears. Finally he hesitated and said: "Don't think it's nice to say it. I won't hold you responsible, but your attitude is very good. I won't kill this dragon, but it still has to be punished~ after all~~"

Gongyixue was about to say something when suddenly a very cold voice came from behind.


The sound actually came from the water.

On the empty water on the side of several pontoons. There was already a cloud of mist rising quietly. .

Ge Qing and others have already saluted.

Salute to the gathering of people behind her.

"Master Mu"

Mu Lanxun lived in Penglai and held a judicial position. His official position was very high, so he was naturally an adult. What's more, she herself is already an immortal.

They are completely different from the ordinary young generation.

Firstly, she is much older, and secondly, she is already outside the school. With her own status and identity, she has always respected her master, the Qingyuan Shangxian, and the master-disciple relationship in the immortal sect is very supreme. Others regard her as the senior sister of Qingyuan Shangxian Sect

It hasn't changed.

And she stood on the water, as good as water. The simple and soft green robe made her look even more gentle and distant.

Gongyi Xue had amazing fighting ability before. At this moment, when he saw this beautiful woman in long robe standing on the water, his expression changed slightly, and he shouted quite obediently: "Sister Pastor"

The three immortals studied under the Immortal Master Penglai. They are both compatriots, so they can also be regarded as senior sisters.

"You just came out of seclusion. Go back and consolidate your foundation. Don't cause trouble."

"But this dragon"

Mu Lanxun didn't say anything, just looked at her steadily.

There is a kind of person who can express his majesty in a form as gentle as water. His strength and softness are perfect and irresistible.

Mu Lan Xun is such a person. Her gentle, dignified and alienated status as an immortal makes her seem unattainable.

Gongyixue finally broke down: "I, I know."

She relented, and Mu Lan Xun looked at Dai Li and said softly: "Your Excellency Yuan, the three immortals have invited me, can you move me?"

Finally here~

Dai Li smiled: "Okay"

Mu Lan Xun smiled softly, and then looked towards the ten-mile long pavilion. She only looked at it for a while, her eyes were a little deep. Liu Hongxiu also looked at her. After a while, he smiled and drank the wine in the pot. The wine was smooth. As it flowed smoothly down the throat, Chaodaili laughed: "Xiaojunjun, if you don't want me, then I can leave."

After that, he really left.

With this sentence, Dai Li felt a little helpless and forbearing in Mu Lan Xun's expression.

Could it be that Liu's abnormal heartache comes from her?

Deep love will last forever

Dai Li only had a few thoughts. Mu Lan Xun's eyes had already fallen on the black-clothed swordsman. Both of them nodded slightly. The lack of a question revealed one thing.

They are in the same circle.

The swordsman in black is also an immortal.

As soon as they left, Ge Qing turned around and apologized to the swordsman in black: "I'm sorry, Master Chi, for wasting your time."

"No." The swordsman in black turned and walked away.

On the pontoon three hundred meters away, there was also a group of people heading towards Yunxiao Pavilion.

"All the Chi from the Sword Chi Imperial Domain are here. It seems that there is really something good in Jiuxiao Sun this time, but Na Yuan is indeed something extraordinary."

The man smiled softly: "No matter what else, her appearance is amazing, and her style is completely different from other women~"

"No, even a cold person like Chi stopped for a while." Another man narrowed his eyes and looked faintly in the direction Daili left: "We don't have such a woman in Donghuang."

Donghuang, one of the eight imperial domains.

Second only to An Zhu.

And half a sound. I don’t know which one of the two added the sentence.

"It's a pity that he is a person who must be killed by the gods."


The day of Jiuxiao is tomorrow, and today is the deadline for all the guests to arrive, including the VIPs from Yunxiao Pavilion. It is natural that several groups of people appear on the floating bridge at the same time.

"The Donghuang's thousands of troops and the Donghuang Mo Dao Sword Chi's Chi have come a lot."

When Dai Li was talking to the Penglai Cabinet with Mu Lan Xun, he actually knew the identities of those people in his heart, and he could actually hear clearly what they were saying even though they were hundreds of miles apart.

I was thinking about the power conflict that might break out tomorrow. Not a moment. She has reached the place.

Mu Lanxun took her to a quiet courtyard with a small lake and a small bridge. There are weak willows, winter plums, green trees, and red flowers.

The colors match just right. Not one point too much, not one point too little.

Heaven and man are natural.

"Master Yuan. This is Master Qingyuan's Lanting courtyard. Please come in."

"You won't go in?"

Dai Li's words made Mu Lan Xun slightly startled, then smiled; "No"

She turned and left.

Dai Li looked at her back and curled his lips. This woman has some stories.

In the pavilion, as soon as she stepped onto the platform, she saw three people.

One woman and two men.

Although the woman's appearance is not absolutely beautiful, she can only be majestic and graceful. But his temperament is very easy-going and calm, and he just sits quietly cross-legged on the jade mat. It is the atmosphere that holds hundreds of rivers like the sea

The other two people, the one in the middle is extremely handsome, with a crown of jade and gorgeous hair, white skin and red lips, he looks like an immortal handsome man, but once he puts on the immortal robe, he sits there like a distant mountain, his eyes are clear and calm, and he is as motionless as a mountain.

Beauty is beautiful, but it cannot be viewed from a distance.

The other one is even more ordinary, with a very lazy sitting posture and a very ordinary appearance. In the mortal world, he is a bad person, and in the immortal world, he is a laggard. It seriously lowers the average level, especially the beautiful man in the middle who has reached immortality. It is simply unbearable. look directly

And this person's name is also very common, he is called Ordinary Immortal.

When these three people saw Dai Li coming in, they had already seen the images, and with their background as immortals, they naturally didn't have any surprises.

What's more, at this stage of their lives, they already look down on their appearance. What they pursue is the supreme path to immortality.

But the ordinary immortal smiled and waved at Chaodaili: "Miss Yuan, come quickly, this plum blossom wine has just been cooked~"

Daili did smell the fragrance of plum blossoms, smiled, walked forward and took a seat.


The three superiors are the superiors who hold great power in Penglai, but the so-called majesty can only be felt by the superiors and subordinates.

To this day, no immortal can put any pressure on Dai Li, so she is very comfortable, pouring and drinking wine casually.

After drinking a glass of wine and placing it on the table, she said: "The three immortals asked the shepherdess to come to me in person, but what do they want to express?"

Neutral Penglai, is it time to take a stand?

"Miss Yuan is worrying too much, that's not the case," said the Qingyuan Immortal in the middle.

“I don’t think it’s possible, but you’ve seen a lot of people, so you’re not afraid of people’s words?”

The very ordinary immortal smiled: "I thought it was other people's business to be fearful of others."

Dai Li looked at him and smiled: "I like this sentence."

The ordinary immortal winked: "I'm glad you like it."

Ahem, Duanrong Shangxian coughed.

Well, the Ordinary Immortal immediately became more serious and said, "Miss Yuan, actually we are looking for you here just for one thing."

"Please tell me." Dai Li Ding looked at him.

"Drink with you"



Dai Li chuckled, glanced at the three of them, his eyes flickered, and after a while, he smiled softly, flicked the mouth of the wine bottle with his finger, and said loudly and loudly: "Invite me to drink, just four of you." Bottle, it’s too reserved” (to be continued)

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