A Queen

Chapter 1,457 Ice and Fire 2 Heavens

c_t;Chapter 1457

What he said sounded a bit like a smile but not a smile and a slap in the face.

Then the three immortals saw this man wave his hands, and thousands of bottles of wine floated in the air.

Then I saw her slowly and gracefully rolling up her sleeves

Red lips uttered a sentence.

"Come on~"

It’s like seeing a beer girl PKing in a bar in minutes.

Three Immortals: ""

Is it the wrong way they open it?


The moon was shining brightly, and Dai Li just walked out of the room, carrying a wine bottle, and turned around to take a look. The three immortals were still as elegant and noble as ever.

She smiled, looked behind them, and landed on the round bronze mirror hanging on the wall in the main hall. Her laughter was like a bell: "Three immortals, if you want to use that demon mirror to find out my origin, you can get it next time." Make a reservation in advance, otherwise it will not be a thousand bottles of wine, but ten thousand bottles.”

The expressions of the three immortals were calm, especially the one in the middle, who slowly said: "This time, the three of us were rude to Miss Yuan. We drank these thousand bottles of wine. It is not unfair, but Miss Yuan also drank a lot. Along the way, Please go away”

This man was so elegant and clear. Dai Li had thrown out a thousand bottles of wine before, but this man was the calmest, drinking one bottle after another without blinking.

A bit pedantic, but also clean.

The face of the Duanrong Shangxian was slightly blushing, but he was still dignified. At this moment, he smiled softly and asked: "Although I am rude to you, girl, you still invited us to drink. It's our turn to thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm always generous." Dai Li smiled beautifully.

"I don't know what kind of wine this is, but even immortals like us can't resist it. I haven't had a real drink like this in many years," the ordinary immortal asked with a smile.

Dai Li shakes his sleeve; "Two Heavens of Ice and Fire"

Then she left.

The three people left behind turned pale and blue.

Ice and fire?

"What kind of wine is that?" Duanrong Shangxian, who is knowledgeable about the past and the present, asked.

But I don’t quite recognize the scientific name.

"I think that's the stage name she chose, and the wine's real name should be acacia wine." Ordinary Immortal Smiling reads;

Duanrong Shangxian's dignified and elegant face changed instantly. I don’t know if it’s shame and anger or helplessness: “This girl is simply”

Audacious and outrageous

Albizia Julibrissin is a banned alcoholic drink that spreads all over the world. I don’t know what pervert the person who invented it is. He can ignore the level of immortal cultivation. In front of it, most people will be affected no matter how high their cultivation level is.

For example, the three of them are immortals. It's okay to drink a few bottles. If this is hundreds of bottles


Very choking!

Ordinary Shangxian hummed: "You didn't drink much. Qingyuan was drinking. I guess she showed mercy to you for the sake of your apprentice. Qingyuan, when did you have such a good drinker and such a straight face?"

Qingyuan Shangxian's expression is indeed as usual. He said calmly: "I have finished drinking, and I can't see through her reality. You can leave."

How merciless!

"At any rate, I'm drunk too, and I also drank acacia wine. Why don't you take me in?" Ordinary Immortal grabbed the corner of Qingyuan Immortal's clothes.

Duan Rong: ""

This is a lot of information

She said she didn't understand.

"Then I won't disturb you, lest I be killed and silenced." The graceful Duanrong Shangxian walked away with elegant and steady steps.

The ordinary immortal in the back is acting like a fool

However, as Duan Rong was leaving, he saw a girl rushing towards the pavilion on the path below.

"Lan Xun" Duanrong Shangxian called out softly.

Mulan Xun stopped and saluted her: "Uncle"

"Are you going to Qingyuan?"

"Well, Miss Yuan said that General Junior Master drank a lot of wine." Mu Lanxun's expression was a little strange when she said this. Duan Rong knew at a glance that Miss Yuan must have told him that what he was drinking was acacia wine.

It's not surprising that this girl is nervous considering her master's innocence.

But there is one crucial question.

"That's what she told you?"


Mu Lanxun is such a smart person. She was a little skeptical at the beginning, so she asked: "Uncle, you and the master?"

Did you drink it too?

I absolutely cannot admit that I was cheated!

He had a serious look and a graceful appearance: "It's just that idiot who was deceived. Now he is bullying your master by acting like a fool."

Upon hearing this, Mu Lanxun frowned and quickly left.

quite a while. Duan Rong turned his head and looked at the person coming out from behind the rockery.

"Miss Yuan. Are you too bad?"

This is a rhythm that will trick the Shepherdess and Qingyuan Immortal to death every minute.

“Wouldn’t it also be adding fuel to the flames if each other tolerates the immortal?”

Duan Rong smiled slightly: "Qingyuan is my junior brother and Lan Xun is my nephew. I know their affairs very well. I am very strange. How do you know this?"

Qingyuan Shangxian and Mu Lanxun are masters and disciples, and have been with each other for hundreds of years. However, she, Fang Fang and the Immortal Master all know that these two people have each other in their hearts, but they are the most upright and polite in nature, and they absolutely cannot accept it. There is such a thing as master-disciple falling in love, even if they have each other in their hearts, they have been estranged over the years and have not seen each other for hundreds of years.

Although the Xian family does not advocate this kind of thing, especially Penglai, there is no way for these two people to continue like this. Either they must make a clean break, or they must break the shackles.

Otherwise, it would not be a good thing for their cultivation.

What's more

Duan Rong didn't think about it any more, because this matter was very serious and naturally he couldn't tell this outsider.

However, Daili's answer to her was to make a gesture.

The technical term for that gesture is - pinch and count.

Is there any heartache?

Duan Rong glanced at her quietly and said, "That girl Xiaoxiang will actually become friends with you."

To be honest, Yiye Xiaoxiang is similar to He Jieyu in that he is relatively conservative and rigorous on the inside, while Dai Li is quite scumbag on the inside no matter how his appearance changes.

"Facts prove character." Dai Li smiled slightly, and then reminded: "Duanrong Shangxian had better leave early, otherwise the alcohol will get stronger."

"Thank you for reminding me." He looked like he was smiling but not smiling. Turn around and fly away. As for what happened in Qingyuan, big things will definitely not happen. After all, Qingyuan's determination is not trivial. Mu Lanxun is not unsteady, and he is not afraid that they will cause something to happen, but the film between them should also be moved. Already~

After Duan Rong left, Dai Li said softly: "Penglai has been pedantic for a long time. Maybe these two people will become an opportunity to break through."

Smiled. Daili turned and left.

That being said, she does seem to be quite a scumbag.


It was already late at night when he returned to Yunxiao Pavilion, and Dai Li saw lights flickering in his residence from a distance. And that building


She landed on the window platform, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the flying curtains inside and the people behind the screen.

The other party had just taken off his robe, draped it on the screen, and walked out.

"Instead of getting started, you jump out of the window. You have become more direct in recent years."

This woman's breath is like orchid, and she is wearing a purple robe. The sleeves of the robe are filled with smoke and rain, leaning against the huge screen, noble and elegant.

Who else is it if it’s not Zi Weiyang?

Dai Li smiled casually: "Hey, I thought that Sister Weiyang, when you looked back at me and smiled, you agreed to meet you tonight~ Could it be that I misunderstood?"

But I have never seen this guy look so shameless. It's just that they are all aimed at others. Naturally, this is Zi Weiyang's first time to experience this. What a feeling

She smiled.

"You are like this. You don't know how many girls and boys you have to provoke, so you are not afraid of too many marriages in the future. Are you too busy?"

"It's okay, I'm in good health"


Can you be a little less gangster?

Zi Weiyang shook her head helplessly, walked to the water teahouse nearby, and fiddled with it a few times. After a while, a cup of warm tea was pushed in front of Dai Li with her fingers.

"You smell of alcohol, so wake up at the bar"

"It's so considerate, but I'm afraid your sobering up tea is of no use to me." Dai Li, with picturesque eyebrows and a smile on his face, asked as he drank the tea, "Do you know what kind of wine I drank?"

"I don't know" Zi Weiyang said lightly.

"It's acacia wine~"


Zi Weiyang squinted her eyes and leaned back slightly: "Maybe I should ask Ye Ziqing or Qianshan Muxue to come and take you away, an alcoholic."

Haha, Dai Li laughed happily. After laughing, he drank the sobering tea obediently.

But he still looks drunk, especially his eyes that are like spring water, shining with water, which can attract people to death.

Zi Weiyang remained motionless, only half-smiling: "You clearly doubt my origin, but you are still willing to come in this state. Do you trust me too much, or trust yourself too much?"

"Will you do anything untoward to me?" Someone laughed.

"Not necessarily. You have Chibi in you and you also understand the Six Paths of Reincarnation. To some people, your value is extremely high," Zi Weiyang said with a smile.

"So, what about you, Sister Weiyang?"

Dai Li lazily leaned on the soft cushion behind him and narrowed his eyes.

"Yes." Zi Weiyang poured her another cup of tea and said, "As the second owner of Yanyu Chonglou, I have enough reasons to tie you up, whether it's for the gods or the immortals, it will be quite profitable."

"Aha~ Then wouldn't I be very dangerous?" Dai Li laughed: "But a long time ago, I felt that sister, you are no longer an ordinary person. Your strength seems to have been in a suppressed period. Now that your identity is revealed, do you realize that the situation has matured?"

"Just as you want to rise to power, we people can't hide it for too long, especially when the gods are in the future."

Zi Weiyang said softly.

"You seem to have revealed a piece of information to me."

"What do you think?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, but Zi Weiyang said: "Don't take anyone lightly. In fact, I and you are hostile. It depends on the choice of the person above me. Maybe tomorrow, you and I That’s the enemy”

Is this a declaration of war, or

"Really, that's really believable news. I can't bear to do anything to my sister." Daili's tone was very gentle, and he picked up the second cup of tea. After drinking it, his eyebrows instantly became clear.

"Sister Weiyang, your tea is very effective and made me wake up immediately" (To be continued)

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