A Queen

Chapter 1,461 The Gods are finally coming!

Chapter 1461

Not far away, He Lao and other immortals looked thoughtful.

What she said made sense, and I was speechless!

But something feels strange, like

"Master Yuan seems to be very familiar with this. I heard that you once lived in a brothel. I wonder if it is necessary to contact this." Nangong Que finally showed his sharp fangs.

And as soon as these words were said, it was no longer a fight, but the rhythm of the war.

The Nangong family is really fierce. They cleared up the devastation of defeat in one night, and they are even more fierce today.

However, this beginning was too cruel, and Yuan Hei was killed in a matter of minutes.

Mr. He glanced at him, and the immortals calmly got ready.

If Yuan suddenly kills someone, they have to stop it. After all, this is the day of Jiuxiao.

But that brat from the Nangong family did it on purpose, knowing that Yuan couldn't take action, otherwise Penglai would have to take action no matter what.

Click, the cup slowly sat on the table, Dai Li looked at Nangong Que, his expression was very stable, his eyes were very deep, and his voice was very faint.

"A brothel, a brothel? Uh-huh, I did open one."

Admit it? Your humble background has been exposed!

Disciple of the ancestor of Great Wilderness? hehe! We know your origin very well!

In fact, no matter which occasion it was, or in the past, this was not the first time that Daili had been exposed to this flaw. She herself had taken the initiative to say so, but many people did care about it.

Especially since she had just given herself that noble status, but now she is

How does it feel to be pulled from the altar?

Nangong Que sneered, but suddenly he heard Dai Li chuckle and say: "In my opinion, the brothel courtyard is the same as the world as big as the four directions."


This sentence is simply treasonous!

The whole place was in an uproar

What does Jing Jing Yuan and these people's eyes twinkling mean?


In this land, the mortal world is enchanting and moving, the heaven and earth are everywhere, the great roads are vying for each other, and power is being exerted in all directions."

"It's desire, and power is also desire. Aren't they all the same in essence?"

"In other words, the girls in the brothel dress up every day in order to be favored by someone, and every evening, they are delicate and tender and think deeply about love. But the Taoist monks dress up every day, waiting for someone to like you, and think about eternal life and deep love."

"To be honest, I don't understand where Mr. Nangong's sense of superiority comes from. From the perspective of pity for the common people and not liking to kill, everyone present, including you and me, has hands full of blood. Compared to that in the brothel, Girls who hurt people’s lives don’t know how despicable they are.”

This is a storm of thoughts and a conflict of realms. Dai Li’s words will definitely shake the spirits of people like He Lao!

It’s not that I have much recognition or admiration, I’m just speechless!


Just like her fierceness when she was fighting with the heroes on the exquisite ship, she is still speechless at this moment.

Nangong Que lowered his eyes and looked at Donghuang Qianjun and Donghuang Modao. The two men shook their heads.

When it comes to this kind of polemical battle of words, the two of them are absolutely no match for this man.

So sharp.

It's so weird.

Perhaps there is no one like her in the entire world who thinks like her.

Ye Ziqing put his hands behind his back and looked at the man with a smile on his face from a distance that was not too far away.

Qianshan Muxue smiled softly: "How can it be more honorable to have a sister like this?"

Ye Ziqing shook her head and smiled slightly: "I'm just glad that time has never changed her at all."

She would only feel sad if she had to deny her past self because of some current disasters.

It has nothing to do with brothels or anything.

She just hopes that her cousin will not be harmed by this world.

Just in the silence.

Bang bang bang, the sound of clapping came.

Everyone turned around and saw that Emperor Dragon's sky slowly fell, followed by some people from the Emperor Dragon Group Domain and a group of monsters.

This group of monsters are so powerful that they rise into the sky, but they are restrained and suppressed, forming a surging and rolling monster force.

The power of demons is many, strong, and fierce!

The faces of the human race present changed. They found it difficult to resist the momentum of these demons. They were obviously much more numerous than the other side.

In such a collision, many people were stunned.

That's the person next to Xiao.

Dai Li couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this person, huh, he's an acquaintance.

That stunningly beautiful and bone-chilling woman.

It looks like a demon fox, but it also looks like an ice lotus.

Such a beauty is destined to confuse all living beings, even people like Mu Lan Xun or Jing Jing Yuan are far behind.

The other party's feminine charm is too strong, and women are giving her the title of vixen every minute.

This is also the woman who should be said to be the most alluring and the easiest to make men's hearts so far.

Dai Li glanced around and saw that ten out of ten men could not maintain their composure, and even the female cultivators were dumbfounded.

Well, it seems that this woman is causing more trouble to the people than she was then.

And this person's name is

Yi Yuan was originally regarded as the top beauty here, but now there is finally someone who can compete with her.

These two stunning beauties, separated by a hundred meters, seemed to have reduced everyone else to scenery, silently looking at each other.

quite a while.

They both spoke at the same time.


"Linghu Bai"

There was no smile at each other, no hostile conflict, just the calmest yet turbulent greeting.

There are also a lot of meaningful looks in each other's eyes

It was so calm that no one else felt it was appropriate to talk, including Xiao. He looked at Linghu Bai from his left and then at Dai Li with a strong sense of appreciation, but someone burst out laughing.

"Haha, Xiao, it has always been said that the most beautiful woman in the world is your demon clan's Linghu Bai. Now it seems that is not the case. We humans also have beauties."

This voice was very heroic. From far to near, in the blink of an eye, a tall and heroic man appeared in everyone's sight.

This man's appearance was so conspicuous that Dai Li knew the identity of the man after searching his brain.

"The Immortal of Jian Chi, King of Strength"

Jian Chi is the strongest concentration of sword cultivators in the Sifang Heaven and Earth, and it is also a holy land of swordsmanship. Among them, King Li is one of the immortals who dominate Jian Chi, and he is also considered a top immortal, just like Xiao.

These two people are considered to be the most powerful among the guests.

Of course, they also know each other.

Xiao is elegant and graceful, King Li is domineering and mighty, but when they meet, his opening remarks are directed at beauty.

The two beauties looked very disapproving.

Linghu Bai nodded slightly towards the few people he knew in the distance, looked at Ye Ziqing and the three girls for a moment, and then said hello with his eyes, then ignored the two strong men behind her, but she was about to leave.

Swish, brush, brush~

The light falling down like stars was thick and bright.

But it's as hazy as fog.

One look at the way he appeared showed that he was from Wu Hai.

Are all the Baji Imperial Domain going to appear one by one?

Compared with the Eight Extremes Imperial Realm, the Twenty-Four Imperial Realms are not enough. It feels like being beaten every minute. Look, the beauty who appears is either the most beautiful woman in the world, or a fairy-level bt, or else

A group of people whose bodies are translucent and completely foggy

That hazy body, a face as beautiful as an elf, and a cool and elegant posture

Is this the person from Wuhai?

Legend has it that the people in the Sea of ​​Fog are not considered a human race, but rather a special ethnic group.

Such a state

The leader pulled off his cape and felt hat, revealing pure black hair and a face that

"It's the foggy wind in the foggy sea"

Wu Feng is an immortal from the Sea of ​​Wu, but he is not very old. He belongs to Mu Lan Xun's era, so he is only one or two hundred years older than their generation.

He also belonged to the New Sifang Group at that time, and later he was promoted to the Sifang Group

Wufeng is a very ethereal person, her voice is more beautiful than that of a woman, but she is very cold. Now Chaoxiao said hello to King Li and stopped talking, but it is estimated that no one dares to underestimate Wuhai.

The eight imperial realms: Dark Bamboo, Eastern Emperor, Wuhai, Emperor Dragon, Ice Emperor, Sword Chi, Immortal Capital, and Blood Prison.

The Dark Bamboo is the most powerful, the Sea of ​​Fog is the most mysterious, and the Blood Prison is the most low-key.

Who the ruler of the Sea of ​​Fog is is still a mystery.

Xiao glanced around and saw Jianchi sitting quietly not far away, and smiled: "Donghuang, Wuhai, Dilong, Jianchi, four of the eight emperors have come, including the immortal capital, there are about a few. Counting a family, are the others not coming, or are they not coming yet? It’s not like they are coming but not showing up, so they can play hide and seek with us~"

His loud voice and humorous words made many immortals nearby laugh.

Smiling and laughing, suddenly these people in the sky became quiet, because the sky

Somehow a bunch of people showed up.

These people are all wearing pure white robes, but the skirts are bright yellow and gold. The hems and sleeves are very long. The light is soft, graceful, and radiant.

As for the person in front, his hair seemed to be shimmering, and his eyes were so light that he looked down at them all.

Including these immortals, including two immortals, including three immortals who appeared at the same time

There is only one being who can openly defy all the forces here.

And this existence is called the God Clan.

Qingyuan has arrived, his robes are like flowing water, but fluttering in the wind. Standing at the core of this platform, he said lightly to the crowd of people in the sky: "Penglai Immortal Qingyuan welcomes the envoys of the gods."

Who is the messenger from the gods?

"The Qingyuan Immortal is so polite to me, Tianduyu, but he is just here to attend the grand event on behalf of my God Clan. As for the welcome, the Immortal should probably welcome the Young Domain Master of the Soul Domain, His Excellency Mo Shaoxuan."

This Tianduyu's posture is calm, elegant, and not arrogant at all. It seems that he does not fit in with Daili's impression of the gods at all. In Daili's words, this person behaves very impeccably.

A perfect tribe.

The more this happens, the more terrifying it is.

The other party didn't even look at her.

Is it because the gods don't know about her?

It can only be said that the other party has been too restrained.

But when he said it, everyone knew that people from the Soul Realm had also arrived? r1152

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