A Queen

Chapter 1,462 The 3rd Prince of Beihai (Yan Zhen and Shi Bi+)

Chapter 1462


Tian Duyu represents the God Clan, and his arrival is the most noble symbol here. However, he verbally named the Soul Domain, which is naturally why he values ​​the Soul Domain.

As for the soul realm

Dai Li has known for a long time that everything about him is closely related to the Soul Realm, but he is the only person from the Soul Realm he has come into contact with.

That's it

When a group of people appeared on the other side of the cloud.

I saw that person randomly.

Mo Yao, dressed in black, stood next to a person.

There was an acquaintance next to that person.

This time, Mo Yao was not wearing a veil. Her beauty has become more beautiful than ever, and her figure has also become much longer. Perhaps the female cultivators are not afraid of the passage of time, because hundreds of years and thousands of years have not made their appearance age. Adding charm and connotation, naturally, for the younger generation, getting older also means that their beauty is growing.

Within three hundred years of age, it is the most obvious peak period for female cultivators to grow in beauty. During this period, it is natural for women to undergo transformation, especially those with special blood talents, such as Dai Li and Mo Yao.

However, in comparison, Mo Yao's appearance is cold, smart and charming, like a dark elf, and cannot compete with the domineering beauty of Linghu Bai and Daili.

But the person next to her can.

Very casual robe, long hair casually tied up with a wooden hairpin, hair color is light gray and purple, about the same height as Dai Li, with dark gray pupils, beautiful and heroic, noble and noble, obviously has a very low-key and quiet aura. , but can easily have a terrifying sense of existence.

How should I put it? This person's temperament is like a dead tree rooted in the wilderness. You say she is decayed and gloomy, but she remains standing and full of vitality.

You say she is full of vitality, but she has been indifferent and silent for thousands of years, letting the rain and sun shine

What a strange person.

Can't touch it, can't see through it.

Daili still pressed the button to use the six-path reincarnation eye to explore the opponent's soul domain. It was better for her to have some respect.

But is this person Mo Shaoxuan? Du Yu seemed to have called him that the day before.

The people from the Soul Realm arrived, and so did Mo Shaoxuan. Penglai Immortal didn't waste any more time and waved his hand: "Everyone, please take a seat."

Tianduyu naturally belongs to the most distinguished position where Sanshangxian sits, that is, opposite.

And it is absolutely impossible for people from the Soul Realm to be on that side, why?

If you are there, you will be inferior to the Gods. This will be a slap in the face. Penglai will not be so stupid, so the position of the people in the soul realm is

On the opposite side.

Tian Duyu had no objection. He gestured towards Mo Shaoxuan and said gracefully: "Shaoxuan, please"

From Mo Shaoxuan to Shaoxuan


Mo Shaoxuan didn't look at her, he just walked past Dai Li and glanced down at Dai Li.

That look meant a lot.

Mo Yao followed behind, but paused, looking at Dai Li with a half-smile but not smiling, and said, "We haven't seen each other for many years, and I am even more impressed."

Is this a provocation?

It seems like that day

Still holding grudges!

Dai Li glanced up and down at Mo Yao and smiled slightly: "Yes, you have grown up."

Can you say this without looking at her breasts?

It's the rhythm of a slutty pervert teasing a little girl.


Dan Ziqiu and the others immediately started drinking.

Mo Yao's expression was suffocated, and Mo Shaoxuan slowed down his steps slightly, but did not stop. Tian Duyu walked side by side with her.

Yuan, Junzili is indeed the same person.

Mo Yao behind him was still calm and smiled: "You too"

Then left.

The strong man from the Soul Realm followed behind, looking at Dai Li with as strange a look as possible.

Especially that banquet.

Then when Xiao Shishiran sat down next to him, many people had slightly gloomy expressions.

Is the demon going to team up with Zong?

And when Linghu Bai sat next to Dai Li.

Many people's attention was instantly diverted.

Beautiful PK at close range!

Linghu Bai on the left, Yuan on the right, the beauty of the sky, the unparalleled elegance, this scene almost blinded everyone's eyes, and they lost all conspiracies and just looked back and forth between the two of them.

Plus the two people from the Soul Realm on the opposite side, is this pk and pk again?

However, the expression of King Li who had not yet taken his seat was a little strange, because Xiao Xiao did not follow Penglai's instructions and chose to replace him.

They don't have to follow Penglai's arrangements for their seats. They can sit wherever they want, but they certainly can't sit randomly in this kind of situation.

Did Xiao Xiao do this randomly, or did Demon Realm do it deliberately?

It's just that this guy brought Linghu Bai closer to Yuan and put him in the upper position.

"Xiao, what are you trying to do? Aren't you afraid that the people from the God Clan will be angry? This person is from the Tiandu Clan of the God Clan." "Ah? It's nothing? You're thinking too much. I just want to know who is more beautiful between the two of them." Come on, tell me quickly, it’s true that people from our demon tribe are more beautiful, right?”


Neuropathy! King Li simply wanted to stab this man in the head with his piercing fingers.

"Haha, if you want to know who is more beautiful among them, why don't you call Phoenix Girl, Dragon Girl, or Qilin Girl from your demon tribe? Although the most beautiful one from your demon tribe is Linghu Bai, but compared to this Yuan, beauty alone is not enough. No." King Li sneered at the other party.

Xiao glanced at the other party, crazy, I can order those three tribes? And you think Linghu Bai only has beauty?


"There's no need for me to call them."

As soon as he said it, he smiled: "They are coming."

Are they coming?

who is it?

The flowing light of the green kite has a long history.

This is the Qingyuan clan, which belongs to the Feiqin lineage. Qingyuan landed on the ground, flicked her sleeves, and the woman at the head bowed to the sky: "Uncle Xiao."

"Xiaoyuan, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are getting more and more beautiful. Well, your cultivation is improving very quickly." Xiao smiled softly, with a very kind attitude.

How can you not be kind? This girl's ancestor is one of the few perverted giants of the demon clan.

That atavistic originator.

A counterattack classic, the most inspiring existence in the world

Taishi Yuan only smiled faintly, and then looked at Linghu Bai, "Linghu, long time no see."

Linghu Bai nodded. Both of them were from the Demon Clan. They had known each other before during the Qishan Road assessment, so there was no need to be too polite now.

However, Tai Shi Yuan paused for a moment, glanced at Dai Li, and frowned a little. Dai Li knew from the look in his eyes that this girl did not recognize him.

Fall! I'm so beautiful, you don't even recognize me!

Dai Li is actually quite a scumbag. In the past, when he was on Qishan Road, he wished that people would not recognize him, but now

"Miss Taishi, long time no see" Dai Li said, Xiao immediately raised his eyebrows, "Hey, we know each other again?"

Tai Shi Yuan looked at Dai Li with more and more doubts in his eyes, and finally

"It's you"

"it's me"



This hooligan sound came so fast, like a tornado, irritating the people here.

That domineering Yuan, the cool and cool Yuan?

Well, compared to teasing Miss Mo before, she is indeed a bit gangster.

On the other hand, those people like Dai Li, An Jingyuan, and others twitched the corners of their mouths and scolded them well!

Not far away, Ye Ziqingdang entered the first ring seat without hearing anything.

The clear leaves and the dusk snow on thousands of mountains are the first link.

Tsing Yi is the second link.

However, the three of them had just taken their seats, and Tai Shi Yuan and other demon clan members had not yet taken their seats. Suddenly,

The three parties responded to the storm.

"Tornado, please, I'm afraid people from the Four Seas Dragon Clan are coming." Xiao Xiao smiled slightly.

The dragon clan of the Four Seas are also demons!

Xiao naturally had to smile. Anyway, on the day of Penglai Jiuxiao, their demon clan was divided again, and they had to be united on the surface. The orthodox demon clan under his command, plus the demon clan led by Tai Shi Yuan, if you include the Four Seas Dragon Clan, , they are the toughest beings here.

The gods also have to avoid its edge.

Such as now


Three dragons swim with huge dragon bodies, true dragon lineage, the power of the strong!

That aura was many times more powerful than those of Xiao Han and other top figures of the younger generation.

The three purest true dragons?

Dai Li looked up and his eyes flickered slightly.

One piece is missing.


Another one is coming!

coming from north

Of the four dragons, the one in the north is much weaker, but only high-level immortals, demons, and people with special eye skills like Daili can see it, so others don't have much suspicion.

Until these four dragons fell.

The Prince of the East Palace is heroic, domineering but restrained, silent, the Prince of Nangong is a lot evil and domineering, and the Prince of the West Palace is handsome and gentle (don’t confuse Prince Nangong with the Nangong clan~)

There is still one

"Ha! Third Prince~~Interesting!" Prince Nangong smiled as soon as he saw this young man, his smile was somewhat meaningful and contemptuous.

The Prince of the East Palace glanced at the Prince of the West Palace, whose face darkened. His eyes were calm, as if he was not surprised.

Prince Nangong said jokingly: "Xigong, it seems that your little cousin is in a bad situation."

Prince Nishinomiya glanced coldly at the smiling Third Prince Beihai and said: "How can a raccoon cat replace the prince?"

This is a slap in the face

The Third Prince of Beihai's eyes turned cold, but he said with a smile: "Prince Nishinomiya misunderstood. My father ordered me to come this time. I didn't obey, but my father insisted, so I had no choice but to agree. Of course, it was the eldest brother who came."

Is this an aggrieved explanation, or is it a unilateral hint that Beigong has lost the favor of the Dragon Lord and that you are the Dragon Lord's most preferred successor?

The expressions of everyone present changed.

This is not a small matter. If the pattern of the North Sea in the Four Seas changes, the alliance between the North Palace and the West Palace breaks down, and the East Palace and the Nangong join forces to fight against each other, the balanced pattern of the Four Seas will no longer be the same as before, and the monster clan will definitely not be at ease with the Four Seas, then

Then the Dragon Lord of Beihai’s brain was squeezed by the door!

"Although Beihai has long known that the Dragon Lord of Beihai doesn't like Bei Gong, this is the first time I have seen such absurdity." Mo Yao was born in the Soul Realm and is a direct descendant of the Soul Clan, but she has always known the difference between orthodoxy. For example, Mo Shaoxuan is more orthodox than her. Stronger than her, much better than her, and although that person was no better than Mo Shaoxuan, he was at least superior in terms of blood, and because of this, Mozi was that person, not Mo Shaoxuan. r1152

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