A Queen

Chapter 1,470 Drinking? Outbreak period!

Chapter 1470

Suddenly I felt a very uncomfortable feeling.

What an expression that is!

Especially Xiao Yun said: "Then go ahead."

Then Mo Shaoxuan saw the woman opposite her with crooked eyebrows and a smile brighter than a spring flower.

"Under normal circumstances, she must be thinking about that kind of thing~~"

Mo Yao said coolly that this argument was praised by Tai Shi Yuan.

That person's mind is nothing but tofu dregs, which is vegetable dregs.

The so-called tofu dregs means that she ate other people's tofu, and the so-called green vegetable dregs means that two small green vegetables hooked up and were ruined.

So, Xiao Yun and Bei Jianghong, the two noble heirs, are just two wasted green vegetables?

On the other side, Tian Duyu smiled and said to Ruan in a voice message: "Miss Ruan, what might you see?"

That Junzili was the purpose of her coming here, she must know as much as possible about her.

Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in every battle.

Her smile was too deep. Could it be that she wanted to contact the Xiao family and the Northern Territory?



"My thoughts are too dark, I can't understand" Ruan Liangliang said


Tian Duyu's expression was slightly gloomy. He knew how powerful this Ruan was, but she couldn't even see it, so the threat level of this Jun Zili was very high (a wonderful misunderstanding)

Someone with a mind as dark as ink was drinking ice wine at the moment, and he politely poured a glass for Zi Weiyang, and then said, "Miss Linghu, what are you doing?"

"No, thank you"

"Are you sure? In fact, you don't need to be so guarded against me. My purpose is very simple, which is to use you to establish a good relationship with your demon realm, so that we can move around easily in the future~"

For fighting against the gods, the demon clan is indeed a help worth considering.

But there is nothing wrong with her expression, but the image she gave people in the past has been fixed, so what she means is, I want to hook up with you, and then hook up with you in the demon world, so that I can hook up with you better in the future.

Linghu Bai: ""

Am I too simple? Why can't I understand your simplicity?

"You don't have to be like this. Those seniors will naturally have final conclusions about you."

As soon as Linghu Bai said this, Xiao Xiao handed over the cup: "Actually, we have no conclusion. We still have to rely on you juniors to contact Miss Qiangyuan for a drink~"

Daili Congshan Ruliu poured a glass, "Yeah, that would be great."

Then he calmly poured a glass for Linghu Bai.

"Here, let's have a drink~"

Linghu Bai himself has a cold temperament. Although he is that kind of person, he is actually pure in nature. Regarding someone's words,

It was hard to refuse, so I could only drink a glass with a straight face. As soon as I put it down, the glass was full again.

"Come on, have another drink"

Linghu Bai: ""

He Jieyu and Gui Jianchou behind him said: ""

Mikami Sen who was once drunk: ""

What do you want to do, what do you want to do! You want to get people drunk to do bad things!

Bad guy!

Mulan Xun looked at it and suddenly thought of something. Her expression was a little unnatural. She turned her head and saw the man's profile. After thinking for a moment, she sighed and was about to turn her face away.

"Mu Lan Xun, it turns out you haven't captured Qingyuan Immortal yet~" Liu*'s frivolous voice was so familiar that she recognized it as soon as she heard it, and gave him a blank look.

"Penglai is not the place you should have come from."

"Why shouldn't you? This is my sect~"

Mu Lan Xun was silent for a while, and then she said: "Why bother, you may not be happy after you come back~ Or, what do you remember from Na Yuan? She is not someone you can scheme against, don't make yourself angry."

She still remembered the scene in the pavilion. She was slightly angry at the time, wondering why this man had become like this.

Liu* smiled faintly, "She, it's really not me who plotted it~ It was someone else~ but you~ Why didn't you take that man down? It's hard to feel like you can't get what you asked for~ That night, didn't it really happen to you? What? Or are you saying that you are being eaten for nothing?"


Mu Lanxun immediately turned off the sound transmission, closed her eyes, and after being embarrassed, tried hard to suppress the coldness and sadness in her heart.

The more Liu* is like this, the more pitiful he becomes

Xiao Yun and four other people came on stage, but actually they were not the only ones.

The Changhuang of Luanxianju went up.

People like He Jieyu must not be able to take action. First of all, they each represent their own power. If they can't take action and gain nothing, it is actually very embarrassing, not to mention~~

The hostility of the mountain puppet was obvious.

For Luofu, it is for Jingjingyuan, that is

He Jieyu stood up naturally. As a good friend, Si Qinglei's fingertips shimmered. She could help people without going on stage. For example, at this moment, she sent a message and said: "Shan Puppet and Changhuang will deal with Jingjing Yuan and Mingming later." The sword and Sanskrit are just a cover, and Luofu has become more and more powerful in recent years. Quiet and distant Thousand Acupoints Channeling is too threatening to some forces. Just watch, many people will take action later."

as expected!

Ning Jingyuan, Ming Jian and others stood near the place where treasures exploded intensively.

The screams of some monks could already be heard from the outside.

Under the Mahayana, not many people can resist the explosive attacks of these treasures. The entire Jade Lotus is like purgatory.

Treasure hunt? There is a price to pay!

Meng Bingxun and Bai Jin outside were used to seeing people who cultivated immortality, but they were actually not greedy. On the contrary, their greed was frighteningly strong.

Sure enough, when Shan Puppet and Chang Huang came on stage, the first thing they attacked was not the Sanskrit they were supposed to attack!

But Ning Jingyuan and the famous sword!

In fact, either of these two people is stronger than Ning Jingyuan and Ming Jian. At this moment, they suddenly took action, but they still adopted the rhythm of killing with one hit of the strongest attack!

Fortunately, He Jieyu was able to see the Dharma directly from a long distance!

The source is the glacier!

The huge ice power directly slowed down the speed of their attacks. Ning Jingyuan and Mingjian cooperated perfectly. With a nine-hole channeling, the martial arts chakra violently bombarded the mountain puppet. With one finger, the sword had nothing to do with the mist. Kill with one sword!

Peng! ! !

Attacking the giant wave~~

The mountain puppet is a semi-immortal figure after all. He laughed at this moment, and like a ghost, he jumped into the air across the famous sword, swooped down, crossed his hands, and used ghost claws!

Kunwu ghost claw!

Haha, it’s time to die!

He turned his head towards Jingjingyuan



Huge ancient defensive seal

Perfect resistance!

Standing at the edge of the jade lotus, Luan Qingyi quickly formed seals with his fingertips. After defending the seals, the seals appeared in the sky one by one.

Attack, assist, stun, confuse

Several combined seals blasted towards the mountain puppet!

Even a half-immortal cannot ignore high-level attacks like the seal.

The auxiliary effect was obvious. He was unable to attack Tranquility and Mingjian for a while.

Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan quickly repelled the Chang Huang and rushed directly into the treasure area.

Of course, they are in the same group as He Jieyu and Luan Qingyi. One treasure is not enough, at least four are needed!


The two of them were quick and rolled four of the boxes!

It seems that there are only eight treasure boxes in total!

Fanyin and Xiao Yun, who were facing each other, narrowed their eyes and Bei Jianghong's palms gathered light!

The remaining four treasure boxes were quickly divided by three people~~

Beijianghong actually took two!

The main reason is that the Northern Xinjiang style is more powerful and the defense is stronger. He is more confident than the previous two, and he took two of them with one move!

Okay, the distribution is uneven, right? Fanyin’s reputation and strength are the strongest, how can we allow others to take the lead!

The moment the box rolled away, a cold feeling hit the backs of Tranquility and the two of them!


No, it’s the Donghuang brothers!


Jingjing Yuan and Ming Jian looked at each other. If they wanted to fight back against these two people, they would have to give up the treasures they had obtained, thus giving the others an advantage. They were all arrogant people and really did not want to retreat under the hands of these two people.


The two of them just let go!

Each gave up a treasure, and the treasure box flew out, naturally flying in the direction of Daili.

Which one is more important, treasures or people?

Donghuang Mo Dao and Donghuang Qianjun’s eyes flashed!

If it is a middle-grade treasure, it will really have a great improvement effect on the strength of the two of them. The gap between one immortal weapon and two immortal weapons is too big, and if it is a treasure that enhances their strength, it will also be excellent.


Their mission goals~~


Boom, boom!

The strongest attack of the Donghuang clan, Taihuang's attack!

That blow was extremely tyrannical to Jing Jingyuan and the two of them, so strong that it was dangerous, so strong that

Tsing Yi's efforts to contain the mountain puppet were already weak, and it was difficult to save people at the moment.

Unless Ye Ziqing and Qianshan Muxue take action.

If they take action

"go to hell!!"

Donghuang Mo Dao's eyes were fierce, and suddenly

Come a light!

The light is so strong, the brilliance is stunning, and the leaves are stunningly beautiful.

Countless falling rain


The sword, the cold light passed!

A surprise.

Qianshan Muxue's eyebrows relaxed, "It's her"

Daili also smiled.

Sure enough, it came anyway.

The girl who fought with Qianshan on the ancient road that day, after many years

Goodbye Penglai.

Yiye* holding the sword, just like that, in the rain flying all over the sky, he knocked away Donghuang Mo Dao with one sword.

Relaxed, elegant and elegant, it kind of implements the fairy style that Da Penglai has always pursued~~

Extremely beautiful.

The famous sword at the back is seamlessly connected with Ning Jingyuan, a burst of martial arts chakra, and nine acupoints explode!

A flying sword! One sword kill!

These two people are much more violent.


The waist and abdomen of Donghuang Qianjun were punched by Jingjing Yuan!

bloody rendering

Dong Huang Mo Dao

The sword broke off with his wrist and flew up!

Blood suddenly started to flow.

Yiye* turned his head, Shan Puppet and Changhuang were approaching!

The blue robe and brows are tied behind the back, and several seals overlap.


But the two treasure boxes thrown out by Jingjing Yuan and Mingjian were chased by Fanyin, Xiao Yun and Beijiang Hong!

Two boxes, three people!

And those two boxes

In front of Daili!

What they are rushing towards is Daili!

Dai Li, who was drinking, raised her face and naturally saw these three people. The corner of her mouth curled up slightly.

Are you about to take action?

It seems it's not the right time yet.

She rolled her eyes, Tian Duyu's eyes were gentle, Ruan was watching her drinking. On the other side, Mo Shaoxuan looked at her lightly, with a calm expression.

But these two treasure boxes~~

Dai Li curled his hand slightly, with a smile on his face, and it seemed that his hand moved slightly.

Two hands have arrived!

One left and one right, holding the two boxes.

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