A Queen

Chapter 1,471 You can’t touch her things

Chapter 1471


The hands on the left and right, both with clear joints and slender as jade, are holding two boxes respectively, and they are right in front of Dai Li.

In fact, their hearts paused when they took the box.

Because these two treasure boxes were thrown by Jing Jing and Yuan, if they were thrown to her, she would definitely have to snatch them.

How could she let them take it away in front of her eyes?

But she really didn't move. When she moved her hands, she picked up her glass and drank, lowering her head without even looking at them.

Do you not care, don't take them seriously, or do you have other motives?

Just when the two of them were having a meal, Bei Jianghong, who seemed to be a beat behind, suddenly took action and penetrated!

It's up to two people to catch him by surprise!


Two boxes fly up


The three of them fought each other within a second, but because they were worried that the place in front of them was Yuan, Linghu Bai and others, they did not use tyrannical magic, but pure martial arts moves. Method, use the most direct way to fight.

Men actually like the feeling of fighting heartily like this.

And the two boxes just flew up again

Bei Jianghong wanted to fight for it, but Xiao Yun and Fanyin suddenly joined forces and struck out with a palm!


Block with your left hand and counterattack with your right hand!

After all, with one against two, Bei Jianghong's body spun, and his hands moved like a rainbow. The spiral energy swept across, and under the sweep, the two boxes automatically rolled towards his hand.

"What a trick!"

"Come again!"

Xiao Yun gave a soft drink, his hand bones suddenly seemed to grow longer, and he stepped forward. He grabbed Bei Jianghong's arm and tried to pull him back, but Bei Jianghong seemed to be very agile.

He spun around to break free, but he couldn't avoid Fanyin's sudden attack!

In fact, it’s just a blink of an eye.

With a loud bang, the two treasure boxes finally hit Chao Dai Litou again, and Bei Jianghong was hit by the two of them. Unable to resist. Even then it flew over

Unfortunately, the treasure box came down towards Dai Li's head, and Bei Jianghong was very clever. As if he had expected that he would be besieged, he took advantage of the force and spun around. When he turned his head, he saw Dai Li.

Across the table, facing each other. Very close at hand, above my head, were two boxes thrown down. He should have reached out to get the two boxes, but suddenly he reached for them.

Dai Li just raised his head, still holding the wine glass in his hand, and his lips just touched the edge of the wine glass. Soaked in some wine, for some reason, Bei Jianghong felt that the wine was like sand ground by stars. Or maybe it's blood dyed red with cinnabar, crystal clear. It's so gorgeous and charming that you can't help but want to touch it.

Is it as soft, fragrant and charming as it seems?

Inexplicably, he remembered the startling glimpse of her that day by the window of the inn in that small town.

If she had looked back at that time, she would have been the most beautiful person in the world.

Just like now.

After taking one look, everyone lost their focus, and then everyone saw Bei Jianghong pointing his hand at the edge of the table, staring blankly at the person in front of him.

Linghu Bai and Zi Weiyang also looked at this person

What do you want with this look!

And then

The two treasure boxes just fell from Bei Jianghong's eyes, and also fell from Dai Li's eyes. With a clatter, they landed on the table.

Well, I feel a bit pitiful that no one wants me~

As soon as the wine glass fell, she raised her slender eyebrows and smiled sweetly at Beijiang Hong.

That smile was quite as enchanting as the colorless pink and white of the Sixth Palace.

"Handsome guy, be careful behind you"

Bei Jianghong suddenly came to his senses. On one side of his body, he avoided the sudden attack of the two people behind him, but they also pounced on Dai Li.

To be precise, those two boxes

Two boxes and two people, they are as motionless as a mountain, and they don't even move their brows.

And the hands of the two of them seemed to be grabbing the box.


The two boxes bounced and were stacked on top of each other, with a hand pressing on them.

"When the things on my table arrive, I won't allow you to snatch them!"

Dai Li only said this, and Fanyin and Xiao Yun both looked at each other.

What kind of strength would the famous Yuan be without the six paths of reincarnation?

Probably nothing more than

The attacks of the two men suddenly hit Daili!

Behind him, Bei Jianghong frowned, and with a move of his hand, he raised his long sword and cut the two of them in the middle without saying a word!

That ruthlessness shocked the hearts of the people of the Northern Xinjiang clan. Why did Mao think this was the most domineering moment in His Highness's life?


Two hands, holding two hands.

A man in emperor's robes stood behind Dai Li, held the hands of Fanyin and Xiao Yun, and threw them away with a flick of his wrist.

That gesture was like throwing a child.

The throw was quite accurate, and it was thrown directly towards Bei Jianghong's long knife!


boom! ! !

The two of them just fell to the ground, their strength collapsed, their breath was a little shaky, and they raised their eyes to look at the man.

Standing behind Daili.

Dai Li was as calm as a mountain, and so was the man behind him.

And the man looked at them calmly and said calmly: "Didn't you listen to what she said? You can't touch her things."

The anger was irresistible.

Deep down in my heart I felt a little timid.

The Qi of the Human Emperor is so advantageous.

But what is the relationship between this person and Yuan?

Xiao Yun smiled with a smile on his lips, glanced at Beijiang Hong from the corner of his eyes, and said, "I didn't expect that Your Excellency Ying Zheng would have such a good relationship with Master Yuan, and so would the Prince of Beijiang."

Bei Jianghong looked at this man with something like a smile but not a smile.

I don't know if I'm laughing at him or at Ying Zheng.

Anyway, I dare not laugh at Yuan.

Ying Zheng's face was dull, and there was only a ruthless coldness in his eyes. As soon as he stepped away from Dai Li, he was already in the Jade Lotus.

The two people were facing each other head-on. Well~~ At this moment, the brothers Shanpuppet, Changhuang, and Donghuang had also escaped from the fierce battle and remained calm. They stood with Xiao Yun and Fanyin.

Ha, I didn’t expect that Xiao Yun and Fanyin would also end up opposite Yuan by accident!

A good thing, a great thing!

But the Ninth Human Emperor hooked up with Yuan, and Bei Jianghong didn't know where his brain was cramping, but he also had a crush on Yuan.

Shan Puppet looked at Dai Li and couldn't help but sneer in his heart, another idiot obsessed with beauty!

Jing Jingyuan and the other three stood aside. The murderous intention on his body has not faded away. Looking at the group of mountain puppets from a distance

Yiye Xiaoxiang pressed the long sword lightly and raised his eyes to look at the people in front.

The momentum is in full swing, and the murderous intention is vague

Others in Yulian didn't dare to move. No one outside Yulian dared to move.

There are already so many forces interfering with it, so many that no other force dares to interfere.

A second later, Nangong Huang smiled, and his laughter seemed to trigger something. Or a fuse.

He smiled and said: "The Ninth Human Emperor, Northern Territory. Qinghuang Sea, Jianyuan, Luofu, Siam Xuantian Palace. I didn't expect that Sir Yuan would have so many helpers around him~ I thought he would be the first to take action. It will be the subordinates like Zombie Territory

However, in fact, none of the people in Bai Shutang who were sitting behind Dai Li moved.

But other forces exploded one by one.

However, being named out by Nangong Huang so directly made him feel like he wanted to break his skin. Or maybe it feels like a big foreshadowing.

The foreshadowing is like this, so what’s the main meal later?

Many people subconsciously looked towards the God Clan

Or look towards the soul realm

The first wave of fighting. If we take those eight treasure boxes as a standard, it seems that Daili's side has the advantage~~

But Nangong Huang's naming also revealed a problem.

That's right, there are so many people helping you, and who among the others who didn't help you didn't join the Gods?

And how many of these people are absolutely helping?

Famous Swordsman Ning Jingyuan, He Jieyu and the others are not actually in power, and Beijiang Hong, let alone Beijiang Hong, seems to have failed to notice that the people of the Beijiang clan were nervous at that moment, and obviously did not want to get involved.

And the Human Emperor?

"Human Emperor! Ying Zheng, you, the Human Emperor of Nanlin, are not very good~" Donghuang Qianjun sneered: "Who is Nanlin!"

Aha, with these words, he felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

It didn't come from Ying Zheng's calm and gloomy eyes, nor from what these people from Nanlin were doing, but from another voice.

"What if we add the Human Emperor of the Demon Realm?"

The fifth peer stood up, his clothes were not stained by smoke and dust, the jade pendant and tassel hanging on his waist were hanging down, his eyebrows were cold, and he looked at the Eastern Emperor's thousands of troops from a distance.

This man was used to being quiet and silent. He was even more low-key than the famous Master of Qingsha Mansion. But when he suddenly spoke up, it was really shocking.

The impact is quite large.

But in the end, it’s because the Fifth Peerless is too low-key. Although everyone has heard of her reputation, she is still in the 24 King Realm. Looking at this place, the 24 King Realm is far from high-end, so some people here are not interested in it. There are also some people who disapprove of it, such as the Donghuang brothers, Changhuang and Shanpuppet.

"Why, you Demon Realm also want to intervene?" In fact, Nangongque's words at this moment had already exposed their purpose of coming to Penglai.

——Finding trouble with Jun Zili!

The Fifth Jueshi said lightly: "She is from my Demon Realm, shouldn't it be taken for granted?"

"It was once! She is from the Zombie Territory now. Maybe you should say that she is yours!" Donghuang Qianjun also sneered and sarcastic, but he didn't know that when he said this, the Fifth Jueshi frowned and was about to say The real owner said something but smiled brightly and said: "Oh, you have discovered all this~~"

Then Fifth Jueshi turned to look at her.

That look was weird.

Zi Weiyang was overjoyed. I wouldn’t have tricked others like you, Mr. Jun. I was helping you. How sorry are you?

I'm so embarrassed that Dai Li responded so carelessly and solemnly to the fifth peerless person's quiet and compelling gaze.

The thick-skinned Fifth Jueshi quickly gave up trying to kill this guy with his eyes. She could only turn away her face and let out a breath. Anyway, she just had to do what she wanted to do. What did this man's mouth say? Just leave it alone

Anyway, it’s not the first time I’ve been teased by her.

Look at everything

The Fifth Jueshi suddenly felt as if he had lost a lot, so his brows became a lot more frightening, and the frightening cold light made many people's hearts tremble. (To be continued)

ps: I helped my dad buy a gift for his fiftieth birthday, but there was something wrong with the amount in his bank account. I spent the whole afternoon trying to figure it out~~ There will be two updates today, and four updates tomorrow. You can only make a promise in advance to have the motivation to push yourself. Go and code words, code words, and code words again, otherwise you will be lazy again~~

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