A Queen

Chapter 1,484 The end! Treasure box!

Chapter 1484

Chapter 1484

I don’t know who the girl who was sitting outside reading a book and was as beautiful as a landscape painting is~~

Tian Duyu asked like this.

“Avatar” someone answered like this.


The battle situation has stabilized at this moment, and most people have no intention of fighting anymore. Donghuang Qianjun and his men are all bruised and swollen, and they can’t even lift their hands. What’s the point of fighting?

Seeing that Tian Duyu’s neck was stabbed with a sword, they just regarded it as a threat to the commander, and then took the initiative to stop fighting.

Oh my god, if they continue to fight, they will all die.

The opponent’s high-end combat power is too powerful, and Linghu Bai has exploded to the fairy level. The outcome is unpredictable.

It was only after the situation stabilized that they heard the conversation between the two, and then they heard Dai Li’s faint words.


What the hell? Avatar?

“Don’t you already have” Tian Duyu couldn’t help looking at the demons and lightning who killed many fairies, and his breathing became unstable.

"You have two, right? Others can get pregnant with triplets and quadruplets, and can continue to get pregnant. It's not strange that I have a third clone." Why do you think this statement is so strange. "But" "You can put other people's clones in your body, so why can't I use my own clone to kill your clone? Am I wrong?" "No, no." Tian Duyu was afraid of death, very afraid of death. When he saw Dai Li's cold eyes, he shuddered, shook his head angrily, and suddenly his expression froze, looking at Dai Li in disbelief. She knew that it was not his clone? It was the one from their God Clan. Dai Li moved his fingers, and the sword knocked up and down on Tian Duyu's shoulder. He put his left index finger on his lips and smiled slightly: "Buddha said, it can't be said." "" "It's over, it's completely over! "Finally, the dust has settled." Duan Rong Shangxian breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the ordinary Shangxian opposite, with indescribable complexity in his eyes. This Yuan has three clones. The first person in history. She is a person who opened up history. Is this the true teaching of the Great Wilderness? I always feel very bt, very twisted.

She is the one who is bt, and others are the ones who are twisted.

The fierce battle between the two sides ended. At this moment, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine jade lotus holes have exploded or almost exploded. The treasure boxes inside either exploded by themselves or were dug out and scattered everywhere in the jade lotus.

Dai Li waved his hand, and the blood sea rolled up the treasure boxes and placed them beside Dai Li, and the blood sea disappeared.

Adding up, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine treasure boxes. Undoubtedly, these treasures

"They" Dai Li pointed at the treasure boxes with his green jade fingers.

"Yours, yours!" Many immortals said fiercely.

"So polite"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, it should be"

There were more than thirty immortals in total before, but now there are less than fifteen left.

Among them, the immortals of the body clan were almost completely wiped out.

Ten, and finally only two were left. At this moment, these two were pale, and the Yin clan was even more so.

Immortals are the highest fighting force of their level of power. The death of so many immortals is enough to bring their race into an irreversible situation.

Unless the gods help them vigorously

But is it possible? If they have that ability, they might as well help themselves to create more immortals

However, if they pay some price, the gods should still do it. First, it is beneficial to control their power. Second, this matter was originally started by the gods. If their subordinates suffer because of this, but they don’t show any expression, then who will obey in the future?

But this can’t change the result of their heavy losses.

There are so many treasures. Dai Li only took a look, and then glanced at those who fought with her. She just smiled slightly, and she waved her hand, and 999 treasure boxes flew up.

"Nine hundred low-grade, ninety medium-grade, nine high-grade, according to the previous rules, all belong to us"

"There are a total of one hundred of us. According to the principle of distribution according to work, these are what you should get"

Her eyebrows moved, and the nine hundred and ninety-nine treasure boxes were separated. First, there were nine hundred treasure boxes. Some people got two, some got five, and some got ten.

Shang Chaoge, Yun Jilian, Wufeng, Qianshan Muxue, Ye Ziqing, and Linghu Bai got the most because they killed immortals.

One immortal is worth twenty low-grade treasure boxes.

One emperor is worth five low-grade treasure boxes.

One supreme is worth one low-grade treasure box.

The distribution is almost reasonable. Anyway, she had said it was distribution according to work before. Everyone knew their own achievements in their hearts, and they didn't think it was unreasonable to get many treasure boxes. What's more, they were sincerely helping Dai Li. They didn't come for treasures at the beginning, so they didn't care so much.

After the lower-grade items were divided, the middle-grade items came. The ninety middle-grade items were divided more easily. Most of them were only for those with outstanding achievements. Most of those who were close to Dai Li had them, such as Gong Zangxue, etc. The people in the Soul Domain, Linghu Bai and Tai Shiyuan in the Demon Domain naturally had them, one or two. Everyone had this treasure box hanging in front of them, at least three or four, and many, such as Shang Chaoge, had dozens. As for the last eight upper-grade treasure boxes (Mo Shaoxuan already had one), Ye Ziqing, Qianshan Muxue, Yun Jilian, Beigong Prince, Linghu Bai, Wufeng and the immortal in the Soul Domain each had one. After this one was completed, many people were surprised. "She didn't even leave one for herself." "It seems that people who are close to her like Ning Jingyuan, Mingjian and Long Qingyi don't have any, what is she thinking?" "Emperor Xian doesn't have any either." Everyone was surprised at first, but they eventually understood.

Or distribute according to work.

She is good to Jing Jingyuan and the others, but she will not make blind decisions on this point. Moreover, you can see that Ye Ziqing is the closest to her, Yun Jilian is also from Daxia, and it goes without saying that Prince Beigong, among others, is The heart can learn from the sun and the moon. Linghu Bai, Wufeng and Soul Domain are the representatives of the three superpowers.

Especially in the Soul Realm, there is one Mo Shaoxuan, and there is also an immortal in this Soul Realm.

Both of them were given to the Soul Realm, and their desire to win over was obvious. However, the latter had a remarkable record and killed at least three immortals. Dai Li's move was considered fair and square. Anyway, the Soul Realm immortal felt extremely comfortable after being stunned. --Be respected.

It felt good to be respected, but he still turned to Mo Shaoxuan and bowed gently: "Young Territory Lord"

"Since she gave it to her, let's take it," Mo Shaoxuan's tone was casual.


As for other people, whether they are high-grade, medium-grade or low-grade, if you give it to them, just take it. This is the same mentality. Anyway, Dai Li has never been pretentious and hypocritical. If you give it, it is sincere and most in line with her ideals. It was planned, why not take it?

Taishi Yuan was the first to unceremoniously take the treasure box in front of him, and said to Linghu Bai next to him: "Consider it the reward for being teased."

Why does it sound like selling.

Linghu Bai glanced at her faintly: "It seems natural to you, are you used to it?"

“I’m used to it”

Seeing that you are used to being teased,

Linghu Bai took the treasure without comment.

Not to mention Qianshan Muxue and Ye Ziqing, they had already collected their treasures and flew down to the seats.

"Oh, you killed so many immortals, and she didn't even give you a top-grade treasure box!" Yun Jilian laughed and teased.

Shang Chaoge laughed instead, "I can't separate eight of them."

"So you didn't?" Yun Meiren inserted the knife.

"Yeah, so I didn't." Shang Chaoge's smile was gentle and light, and he flew away.

Yun Jilian understood in a daze.

Eight is not enough points, and the ones that are not divided do not mean that they are unimportant. It is precisely because there are not enough points that the Shang Chaoge, which deserves the most, is banned, because he does not lack or need these high-quality treasures, and because the two of them have There is no need for time. It’s like if you got nine candies and there are ten friends in front of you, and one of them is your favorite, then the one who doesn’t have candies in the end must be your favorite.

"Could it be that you are more important than Qianshan Muxue and Ye Ziqing?"

"On the contrary, don't talk about them, even I can't compare to them," Shang Chaoge replied from afar.

How can I describe his relationship with her? It involves too much. They are enemies, friends, former superiors and subordinates, and even more so.

Shang Chaoge pursed his lips slightly and sighed softly.

Cloud Sacrifice Lotus: ""

A woman's thoughts are really like a needle in the sea.

The Jiuxiao treasure hunt has come to an end. Other forces are either seriously injured or dead. Da Penglai is also good-tempered. In this situation, she can still smile and greet everyone to eat and drink. It is the contemporary Li Luo who is said to be her clone. when the mysterious woman

"You sit here, where should I sit?" Dai Li asked.

"on the ground"

“Is it really okay for you to talk to your subjects like this?”

The girl didn't say anything, just looked at her lightly.

This little look is so powerful~~

Dai Li immediately turned around and asked Zi Weiyang: "Sister Weiyang, can you move to a closer position?"

"I'm afraid not. I'm afraid the people above me will be angry if they see it. After all, we are enemies." Zi Weiyang smiled, as if it was business.

Many people complained, are they really enemies?

Tian Duyu's eyes were cold. He had not forgotten that this woman had planned to prevent the clone in his body from attacking.

Ai, being rejected, Daili sighed and looked at Linghu Bai again.

Linghu Bai pretended not to see it

Others were shocked to see this. Is this the main body and the clone? Look at how the main body cowers in front of the clone~

Normally, just when Shangxian was about to arrange a seat for her, he heard Mo Shaoxuan say: "Yuan"

"Eh?" Dai Li turned around.

Mo Shaoxuan pointed at an empty seat next to him.

The seats where An Zhu and the people from Blood Prison should sit were always empty because no one dared to sit next to Mo Shaoxuan.

Therefore, generation and separation are easy.

But, why do you want to take advantage of her?

Mo Shaoxuan this is

Tian Duyu's face was completely blue, but he did not dare to say a word. Ruan glanced at him. Generational separation is still a thing of the past, it's a joke, Mo Shaoxuan reciprocated his love, she naturally appreciated it, maybe Soul Realm hooked up like this.

After sitting down, Dai Li just took a sip of wine when he heard Mo Yao next to him say: "You divided all the treasures, what will you do?" r1152

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