A Queen

Chapter 1,485 The real Ruan

Chapter 1485

"Me?" Dai Li paused: "I don't need these things."

Ah, why does Mao feel that these words are full of lethality?

Mo Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "The person opposite is really your clone?"

"Do I need a physical examination?"


Being full of hair also means teasing.

Mo Yao stopped talking and looked at Mo Shaoxuan, "You asked her to come here. You can deal with it yourself. I can't take care of my sister."


"Hey~" Someone responded with a smile on his brow.

For some reason, ever since she transformed, she always felt that the two Mo family members in front of her gave her a very cordial feeling.

Especially this Mo Shaoxuan.

"Your clone looks very much like the same person"

"I know, just like me"

Mo Shaoxuan tilted his head slightly and looked at Daili's smiling face.


"Who is that?"

Mo Shaoxuan did not answer, but just put down his wine glass and said softly: "Devil, Thunder, Soul, the three major clones, you are the first one, and maybe there will be a fourth clone soon."

This man has great insight.

Dai Li's eyes flashed and he smiled: "Yes, I plan to gather seven clones."

Apparently there was then.

"Then what?" Mo Yao asked.

"Then summon the dragon"


The people from the Demon Realm said that you Jiang Zi disrespected the portrait rights of our Dragon Group.

Yan Lu looked at this man and couldn't help but frown secretly. He knew what Mo Shaoxuan meant.

In fact, he and Mo Yao were shocked when they saw the mysterious woman.

But obviously this person is still very out of tune.

"Yan Lu? What do you think I'm doing? You agreed to be my male favorite? Don't think that I won't recognize you if you look even better than in previous years." Dai Li took his time to look at the ascetic handsome man next to Mo Yao.

Banquet rules, Mo Yao: ""

Do you really want Jiang Zi to ruin your image? Can you be cool, dignified, elegant and refined?

By the way, your demon clone is perfect, cool and cool, and your soul clone is mysterious and elegant. It's absolutely impossible!

Pry the corner in person!

Mo Shaoxuan looked at Dai Li. Everyone thought she would be angry, annoyed, or murderous.

In the end, she just glanced at Yanlu and said, "You keep your word."

Yanlu nodded: "Promise"

Mo Shaoxuan has such great authority. Yan Lu’s status is not low, yet he is so obedient.

The other forces were shocked, but some people knew some things about the Qishan Road assessment from the information, so they were not surprised. They were just surprised that Daili would suddenly say such a sentence.

She doesn't seem to be afraid of confrontation with Soul Realm, or is it testing?

If you are not bold, you are not a gentleman.

Dai Li smiled: "Ah Lu, don't glare at me. Maybe I will gather seven extremely beautiful men and I won't want you anymore."

Are you going to summon the dragon again? ! !

Yanlu, the ascetic monk, pursed his lips and said nothing to the smiling face and the soft and clear voice of "Alu".

They say beautiful water, maybe it really makes sense.

Eating and drinking always ended, and soon it was time to disperse, and everyone left with complicated thoughts.

Da Penglai didn't even stay, why did he welcome them here and send them off so happily?

Daili obviously couldn't leave now, so he watched these people go

Few people dared to stare at her, and only people came to say goodbye.

Prince Beigong stood in front of Dai Li and said slowly: "Longma's breakthrough is imminent, I have to return to Beihai, and the beginning of today is the source of the turmoil, take care of it."

"Well, you too." Dai Li smiled at him, and the other party smiled back, and then left without looking back.

Elegant, calm and unrestrained, this is the best thing Beigong has to offer her.

"You can really pretend. I really want you to see the side of this man who killed his brother and forced his father." Prince Donggong came up to him after Beigong left and said this out of nowhere.

With the East China Sea at its back and the demon clan behind it, the East China Sea will not be affected by the outcome of this battle because they are not completely broken.

It's probably a strategic position.

Dai Li didn't care. He glanced at this person and smiled: "It's a pity that I missed it."

His ferocious nature is truly evident.

The Prince of the East Palace and the Beigong were neck and neck before, so he couldn't talk about admitting defeat. He just said calmly: "His performance is too outstanding and he will be feared by the demon clan. He may not be blessed this time around. He may still need to follow us. Sannomiya for help.”

"Prince Dong Palace, you must have never heard a word."

"What words?"

"Don't show off, and you'll get struck by lightning; don't show off, and you'll get kicked by a donkey."


Why are you scolding people?

Dong Gong twitched his lips, but still left with a dark face. Prince Xi Gong burst into laughter, Chao Daili clasped his fists and bowed: "Master Yuan, don't worry, my cousin will say goodbye without any problems."

Dai Li nodded and watched them go away.

On the other side, Xiao came over with Linghu Bai and Tai Shi Yuan.

The former is smiling, while the two behind are as cold as ice and the other has a wooden face.

Naturally, he also said goodbye, but Xiao was very polite, even though he was an immortal

Dai Li wondered why this person kept glancing at her third clone.

He looked like an old gangster.

He obviously looks like an immortal

Finally, they were sent away one by one. Dai Li sighed: "Finally the guests are sent away, *, we can go home, take a shower and sleep."

As the host, Kazuyo* was stunned when he heard Dai Li's words, and then smiled: "Well, you have to stay for a few more days anyway."

This is natural.

Dai Li was about to leave with Qianshan Muxue and the others.

Suddenly I saw Tianduyu and his party coming.

This person is indeed very tolerant, and he is still smiling right now

"Your Excellency Yuan, I'd like to say goodbye." Dai Li thought this person was strange, so he sometimes called her Junzili and sometimes Yuan.

Perhaps the attitude of the gods towards her changed back and forth.

"Go well and be careful on the road," Dai Li said with a smile.

"Of course" Tian Duyu also smiled and said to Ruan, "Ruan, don't you have anything to say to Mr. Yuan?"

Everyone looked at Ruan.

Dai Li and others always felt a little strange about this girl who had quietly trapped a large group of people but had never made a direct move.

Seen from a close distance, she looks delicate, graceful and elegant.

Ruan smiled slowly and said, "That one is very beautiful."

That one?

Dai Li followed her gaze and looked at the third clone.

As if she was thinking about it, she finally nodded and said very seriously: "Like me."

In this tone, when others praise you for marrying your daughter, you say you look like me~

Oops, if I go, they will block you when you get back.

Ruan: ""

I couldn't keep up the conversation, so I had no choice but to leave.

As soon as they leave

"That Ruan is very interesting," Duan Qingyi said softly.

"Huh?" Dai Li was confused, but saw Qianshan Muxue, Ye Ziqing and others all looking in agreement.

"There were too many loopholes in the Heavenly Binding Law before. With Ruan's mystery and unpredictability, it shouldn't be like this." Duan Qingyi thought about it, paused, and then said: "I think she held back."

In fact, Qianshan Muxue and others have already felt this way, but Daili may not know it, because she prefers the front end of the battlefield in combat, and the people behind her

Maybe you can think deeply about it now.

Dai Li was indeed surprised, and subconsciously looked in the direction Ruan left, thoughtfully.

I don’t know how Da Penglai cleaned up the chaos. Anyway, after the war, a group of people went to the residence arranged by Da Penglai. Such fierce battles were also quite tiring. The way they celebrated the victory of this great battle was to sleep!

They were sleeping. Tianduyu on the other side

On the vast waters, Tian Duyu stood on the flying boat and said lightly: "The people in the soul realm have not left."

"It should be so," Ruan said casually.

Tian Duyu turned to look at her with cold eyes: "Ruan, you seem to have never been aware of your status with me. You are just a valuable chess piece. But now, you have not realized any of your value."

"Master Tianduyu, do you mean to blame me?" Ruan smiled lightly.

"Hmph!" Tian Duyu sneered coldly: "Our defeat this time is enough to make our God Clan very dissatisfied with you and me. Naturally, you can't even think about what you want."

The other protoss are not very close to Ruan, an outsider, and they are probably jealous. After all, Tian Duyu was very polite to her before because of her ability, and visited all of them invisibly, but what about now?

After a complete defeat, feeling aggrieved, and panicking about the punishment they would inevitably receive when they return, everyone naturally needs an outlet now.

Ruan leaned on the deck and turned a blind eye to the hostility of these people. He just sighed in a low voice: "You said it wrong."


Tianduyu was stunned for a moment. Before he could say anything, he saw the girl smiling slightly: "The so-called Jiuxiao doesn't have anything I want to know, but there are some things I want to know."

"I already know"


"So you can go die"

The same finger was placed between Tian Duyu's eyebrows and penetrated!

Tian Duyu's body and soul perished, and the others fell to the ground in horror, with a streak of blood or a drop of blood between their necks and eyebrows.

Several figures appeared behind her.

One of them is graceful.

"It seems that this Tianduyu has disappointed the adults."

she said softly.

Ruan, who was originally delicate and gentle, had a smile on his face a second ago, but now his smile was very uninterested: "No one can give me hope, so how can I be disappointed?"

His tone was surprisingly gentle.

How cold, how ruthless, and lonely are not as gentle as she is at this moment.

People behind her couldn't see her face, but they just felt that this person was really unpredictable. You never knew what she was thinking.

But she can know everything about you without even looking at you.

There was a beautiful ring clasp hooked on her finger, and she was playing with it on her fingertips, making a jingling sound. For a moment, she seemed to murmur slightly: "It really looks like it, I'm really envious."

The tone was a little lonely.


The person behind was surprised, but did not dare to show any emotion, until the person returned to his original appearance: "Let's go"

"Lord Mo Shaoxuan's place"

"I won't go. She always looks like that when she sees me, as if I'm very pitiful. It's really annoying. I don't know who is more pitiful~" r1152

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