A Queen

Chapter 1,490 It’s better to come early than to come by chance

Chapter 1490

No wonder Dai Li likes and respects her so much.

I think of the only two women who fought side by side with my aunt that day.

Fortunately one has been rescued.

Ye Ziqing was afraid of being slapped on Dai Li's shoulder, so she turned around and walked out.

Her eyes were a little red at that moment.

But with a smile.


Soon everyone else walked out, leaving Qingxin and Daili behind. Daili took a pillow to raise her head and let her lean on it. Ji Qingxin smiled: "You have grown up, and you know how to take care of others better than before."

"I've always been so considerate, okay?" Dai Li pursed his lips.

"Yes" Ji Qingxin couldn't help but rub Daili's head, as if this could make her sure that she really had not left the world forever and could still see her relatives and friends.

The atmosphere is warm and harmonious, the sun is shining brightly outside, and the joy of separation can be seen from the brows.

Ji Qingxin's hand was held by Daili. She didn't pretend that Daili was a little pervert like other girls. She only knew why she was like this.

Because I am too afraid of losing, maybe only by catching it can I be sure that what I want is still with me.

"I thought I wasn't afraid of death, but now I feel that it's good to be alive." Her soft tone and faint fragrance made Dai Li a little distracted, but he couldn't help but laugh: "If you were afraid of death, why did you go so generously before? I'm going to die~ If my old lady knew about it, she would definitely reward me with a chestnut. I didn't protect the beautiful and kind-hearted Qingxin Gu Nian. What a sin it was~"

"You're the only one who's so talkative," Ji Qingxin smiled, "But it's not like I gained anything this time. I already know the location of your mother. She's in the Rakshasa Sea in the Netherworld, and it's vaguely related to a very beautiful and elegant place. There are many places in that place. Book, no matter how specific many orchids are, I cannot feel them, because there are too many powerful soul auras in the Rakshasa Sea, which cover up many auras, and I cannot check them."

If she hadn't been a psychic, she would definitely not have been able to find Ye Ranqiu's whereabouts in the vast and mixed Nether Realm.

In fact, it was already very specific. She could actually see where Ye Ranqiu was staying.

Many books. orchid?

Daili thought to herself that this was indeed in line with her mother's hobbies.

If your hobbies still suit you. Does it mean that her mother's current situation is not too bad?

Dai Li paused and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Our relationship is unusual. I won't say thank you to you anymore."

"Shouldn't you give me a thank you gift?"

"I don't have anything else. Do you want to pledge yourself to me?"

"Better give me a mooncake."


Someone left the room looking shocked, and she was worse than a mooncake! ! !

Okay, she's going to make mooncakes. Get some more delicious food and drinks

What Ji Qingxin finally awakened was her psychic talent, and she was born with extraordinary vitality. In fact, she can be full of energy that day, and according to the observations of Qianshan Muxue and others, Ji Qingxin's strength is not weaker than theirs, but it's hard to tell in terms of fighting, because her ability is not in fighting. Just like the sword of Qianshan Muxue, almost no one can defeat Daili here, including Ye Ziqing, but Ye Ziqing's Xuanji Technique can cut her Daoxing. It can't be compared, if there is a fight. It's probably a lose-lose situation.

It means that Dai Li, a pervert who is armed with all-round talents, has no weaknesses.

Therefore, Qianshan Muxue and others never came to her for discussion.

Too SM-oriented.

"You are leaving tomorrow?" Friends Mu Lan and Xun learned the news when they came to visit. They were not surprised, but just asked as usual.

"Well, I'm afraid I won't want to leave after staying here for a long time. After all, you have so many beautiful girls here," Dai Li said out of habit.

Mu Lanxun glanced at her: "The most beautiful junior sister has been taken away by you."

Yiye Xiaoxiang obviously wanted to leave with Dai Li and others.

This caused Penglai to wail all over the place.

After several years of hard work, I have cultivated such an eye-catching beauty from Xiaoxiang. I usually never leave the house or even take a step forward. I haven’t even seen her a few times, but now she has to leave! ! !

"Well, I just took her home to visit relatives~ She will still come back one day, and you Penglai will always be her disciple~ You will always be her senior sister. Senior sister is welcome to come to my house often~~"

Yiye Xiaoxiang and Mu Lanxun looked at each other, and they both had nothing to say.

Mu Lan Xun and Yi Ye Xiaoxiang still had a strong relationship. After some emotional exchanges, Mu Lan Xun told Dai Li something.

It turns out that a lot of other guests have left in the past few days, "Now you are the only ones left, the people from the Soul Realm, and some special guests."

"Special guest? Qin Zhi Ge Zi Weiyang? Is Ruan still there?"

Gui Jianchou was a low-key and cold-looking handsome man who was usually with them, but Dai Li immediately excluded him.

"Ruan left that day. Mr. Qin, Zi Weiyang, people from the Demon Realm, people from the Demon Realm, including some casual cultivators who are friends with us in Penglai are still there."

It sounds like there are more people, and you have an ellipsis after you.

"Oh, don't you think about evicting people? Living like this every day is actually quite annoying, right?"


You have to leave tomorrow, so you got up, right?

Aren't you afraid that those people will work together to kill you?

"I will tell Mr. Mo Shaoxuan and Mr. Qin this sentence."

"If a girl loves to tell tales, she won't get married, but your master will probably be very happy~"

Dai Li's abrupt words almost made Mu Lan Xun unable to hold the cup. When she looked up, she saw Dai Li smiling with an ambiguous expression on his face.

Lord Samsara not far away glanced at him and understood everything.



“Don’t always hold on to others’ things.”


Your clone is actually here to make up for the damage, right? Why can the clone stay in the outside world all the time? It is more important than the main body.

Are you showing off your powerful soul~!

Mu Lan Xun: ""

That's why she doesn't want to come here, the main clone is so dark!


Yu Qing and Li Daili had to visit Xia Qin Zhi Ge, so she went and then

First of all, let me make it clear that she did not jump out of the window on purpose. She's just used to it.

Let me make it clear again, she definitely didn't jump out of the window deliberately at this time, she just wanted to give the other party a surprise.

Finally, I would like to point out that when she jumped out of the window, she found that she had jumped into the bathroom, and there happened to be someone in the bathtub.

She was definitely not very happy.

Just a little happy.

Damn it, I earned it!

It's better to come early than to come late!


Qin Zhige just looked at Jiang Zi silently and looked at Dai Li silently for a while. He reached for his hand. The robe on the screen covered her body. After stepping out of the water, she glanced sideways at her.

"Still not coming out?"


Then Dai Li followed behind. Seeing that the loose and thin robe was moistened by the water on the male god's body, revealing the sexy backbone line, and there was still heat curling up from the whole body.

The heat goes upwards, and the sexy bone lines spread downwards

She pinched her nose.

Arrived at the living room. Dai Li recalled what he had just seen three times, and Qin Zhige had already made the tea smoothly.

Take a sip of tea. Qin Zhige asked: "How do you feel?"

“Very hot-blooded”

“This is fire-reducing herbal tea”

"I'm not angry"

"You have a nosebleed"


Dai Li subconsciously touched his nose, but when he saw the eucalyptus orchid smiling, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Everyone has a love for beauty. It's natural to have nosebleeds when seeing others taking a bath. Just Just like you need to eat when you are hungry, the same goes for when you see other women taking a bath. Huh?" Her expression suddenly became strange, and she looked at Qin Zhige: "You haven't touched a woman before, right?"

Qin Zhige was calm and composed: "The fate has not come yet."

Dai Li smiled without blinking: "Not even in the dream?"

Qin Zhige was startled. There was a slight smile in his eyes: "What do you want to say?"

Generation: "Sometimes physical repression can lead to psychological distortions."

Qin Zhige; "What then?"

Dai Li: "Man?"

Qin Zhige finally fell silent.

If those people knew that the fairy-like Qin Nan was being played like a gangster, they would probably

Well done! ! o(n_n)o

Success changes from being a spy to a successful teaser. Dai Li was in a good mood next, and he also read some of Qin Zhige's books, and said: "I didn't know that Brother Qin, you have so many friends in Sifang World, and all of them are immortals. If earlier, I know, so I took out your name and used it.”

"I gave you my brand, but you seem to have no use for it." The implication is that you did it yourself.

Um, it seems that I have given it to you before

Daili took down a book and flipped through it casually while chatting with Qin Zhige. How should I put it, Daili doesn’t particularly like elegant people. She is too casual, but that is what makes elegance and elegance different from others. The common people are easy to pick up, and they are very independent. It is very pleasant to chat with this kind of people. Qin Zhige Duan's face and the aura of a male god that he exudes all the time are enough to make people happy.

So they talked until late at night

"It's too late, I have to go"

"Go ahead"

Qin Zhige's voice sounded even more clear and meaningful at night, and his nose was filled with the intoxicating aroma of books. Dai Li felt a little sorry for him inexplicably.

"Brother Qin"


"How about I let you look back next time?"

Qin Zhige was stunned, looking at her with a faint look, seemingly placing the tea cups carelessly, while saying, "What do you mean?"

"Well, do you prefer Qingjun or Yingzheng? Or maybe Gui Jian is worried about his figure, or is Shang Chaoge, that bitch, more mature than Qingjun?"

With a clang, the cup fell to the ground. Qin Zhige silently put away the broken pieces of the cup while thinking.

"Have you seen them all?"

"No, I'm not that kind of person."

"Okay, let's go"

He seems really angry. Don't you like all three of them?

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I don't know when I'll see you next time. You are one of the few friends of the opposite sex who has a relatively innocent relationship with me, and I really can't bear to leave you." (To be continued) r466

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