A Queen

Chapter 1491 Mask

Chapter 1491

Chapter 1491

This is the truth.

Daili herself is not stupid, so she naturally knows that people like Ying Zheng have some feelings for her.

"Am I the only one?" Qin Zhige stood up, bathed in the moonlight, and asked gently, his eyes so clear and gentle.

It was because he was so gentle, graceful, and extremely clean that at that moment Dai Li felt that he might have an extra male best friend.

"Well, there's also Qingjun, that guy Gui Jianchou also counts, and the man who touched the corpse also counts."

Even Liu* has a rivalry with her in terms of reputation. Really, Qin Zhige and her are the most gentlemanly friends.

"It seems that I am very rare." Qin Zhige walked to Dai Li, stretched out his hand, and touched her head with his slender hand.

Is this pampering?

Elder versus younger?

Dai Li smiled brightly: "It's very rare. Who made you handsome~"

"So, you really can't let me go?"


"Then take me with you"

"Okay, what?"

Dai Li was stunned for a moment, and then saw Qin Zhige smiling softly: "I haven't been to your hometown yet."

It's not a big deal, not to mention that I had already talked about it before, so Daili didn't refuse.

"Okay, I'll leave tomorrow morning and I'll call you."


Daili left soon after, and Tiantian suddenly came back to his senses. Hey, she didn't seem to have said that she would go to Daxia. How could this person?


Before that, Zi Weiyang returned to her residence, but she saw a person waiting in front of her residence.

He Jieyu.

He Jieyu, who was originally standing in front of the railing and looking at the lake, turned around.

After a long pause, he clasped his hands together and bowed.


Zi Weiyang looked at her and smiled.

The door opened and she walked in, her sleeves fluttering, "Come in"

He Jieyu pursed his lips and walked in.

The door closes.

He Jieyu who walked in saw a mask randomly placed on the table.

Zi Weiyang took off her robe, placed it on the screen, and turned to look at her; "That girl came to my place a few days ago, and I hung this mask on the wall. She didn't notice it at all. I guess she hadn't seen it yet at that time. You are really stupid to doubt me~"

fool? Her tone was somewhat teasing.

He Jieyu pursed his lips and said in a straight tone, "She just trusts you."


Zi Weiyang's eyes paused and she laughed. At that time, Li Ke already knew her identity.

Didn't she also remind her that if she talked about trust, she would be overestimating herself and underestimating Dai Li.

But to say you don't trust her seems to be underestimating her.

That girl has always been

Zi Weiyang raised her eyes and looked at He Jieyu casually: "Are you here to ask me why I want to go against her?"

He Jieyu shook his head: "No, it's up to the individual to decide where the master comes from, but they are all my masters. I just follow the master's instructions and come to say hello to him."

This time it was Zi Weiyang's turn to be stunned, and pursed her lips: "You are not stupid, you should have guessed that I accepted you as a disciple to have a relationship with her, aren't you annoyed?"

He Jieyu didn't change his mood at all, he just said softly: "No matter what the motivation or the hurt, you can never forget the kindness you have received, not to mention that the master has not done any harm to me yet."

Otherwise, you will always use me with ulterior motives, or I will hate you, etc. That is hypocrisy.

Zi Weiyang taught her the best secret techniques, and also gave her the highest status, so that she would not have any grievances in Xuan Palace. This kind of favor cannot be thrown away.

Zi Weiyang paused for a while and then smiled. This view was obviously influenced by someone.

The grudges are very clear.

"What if you hurt her? And you've already hurt her. I wonder if you, my dear disciple, will be angry?"

He Jieyu's expression was still the same, and he only glanced at Zi Weiyang coolly.

He said a sentence that is very characteristic of someone - "Women love duplicity most."

Inexplicably, Zi Weiyang remembered another sentence of that person.

——The mouth is dishonest, but the body is honest

Hurt her? Then which ghost was it that couldn't help but remind and help?

I saw a little bit of drama in the eyes of my innocent and cool apprentice.

For the first time in her life, Zi Weiyang felt like she had shot herself in the foot. She couldn't help but frown, and then smiled: "I guess I really like that girl, so I really took action at that time~"

"Master, do you regret it?" He was originally going to attack Dai Li, but ended up saving his life instead. Thinking about it, He Jieyu knew how the Gods would react.

"Only the humble will regret it." Zi Weiyang smiled lightly: "Not to mention that there is someone on my head."

"That's good"

"But it won't be that simple next time." Zi Weiyang drank tea.

He Jieyu stopped talking and remained silent.

It seems that Yanyu Chonglou has a close relationship with the God Clan. It is either a cooperative relationship or a subordinate, just like those of the Immortal Clan. Putting aside Zi Weiyang's strength, other aspects are also very unpredictable, so what should she do? figure?

After a while.

Zi Weiyang appeared behind Qin Zhige.

"It seems that the people on the Protoss side wanted the adults to take the opportunity to kill her instead of letting her watch a bathing show for free~"

"Strategy" Qin Zhige smiled softly

"And let her tease you?"

"Let's take the second step," he said casually.

"The third step is to gain a good impression and then seduce her to take you home."


"Then what?"

"Then no"

So in a coherent sense, it means seduction, seducing and teasing, gaining favor, and taking it home.

The purpose is to be taken home.

Zi Weiyang didn't know whether she should laugh or laugh~~

"Did you come here specifically to see me kill her, or to stop me from killing her?" Qin Zhige stood in the moonlight and turned to look at her, as beautiful as a non-existent god.

Zi Weiyang felt the extreme terror and coldness, so she took a step back and smiled: "I want to know more about how you, as my superior, should deal with the anger of the gods."

“Just make some herbal tea and it’ll be good~”

Herbal tea? Zi Weiyang smiled softly.

Ever since she met him when she was a child, she has never guessed what this man is thinking. He is very open-minded about everything, including competing for the world. Even if he is said to be the cleanest person in the world, it will not matter. pass.

But just because it is too clean, it cannot tolerate other things, and therefore it becomes more ruthless.

This ruthlessness also comes from his indifference.

Just when Zi Weiyang seemed to be entranced,

"Weiyang, I now know that there is something I like more than playing the piano."

What? Zi Weiyang subconsciously raised her head.

He drank a cup of herbal tea and played with the cup with his fingertips, "Innocent"

His eyes are as timeless and timeless as water.

It can water all the soil in the world into flowers.

Can capture any living being as a slave.

Zi Weiyang frowned.

This person used to look at all this with a cold eye and always take it easy. When did he start to intervene personally?

It seems like from that day

The day Daili walked into his bookstore.

And he clearly found out Dai Li's true identity, but he was stunned as if he hadn't.

Regardless, she breathed a sigh of relief.


The next day Daili went to pick up Qin Zhige as promised. The male god Qin was already standing in front of the clean floor-to-ceiling windows with curtains flying like the bright moon, waiting for her. When she arrived, he handed her a glass of cool juice.

Dai Li finished the drink and took Qin Zhige to join Ye Ziqing and others.

There were a lot of people traveling with them, not to mention Jingjing Yuan, even Ying Zheng and others could fit into one boat.

What's more, there are people like Lorraine

Yun Ji Lian was there, but Shang Chao Ge was not.

Some people were sensitive to the possibility that something had happened between Dai Li and Shang Chaoge, but if she didn't tell them, others wouldn't ask.

Gui Jianchou frowned when he saw Qin Zhige, but said nothing.

Because the status of a group of people is really not low, the three great immortals of Penglai personally sent them out of Penglai Island.

"We finally left." Xiao watched the flying boat leave from a distance. Linghu Bai next to him lowered his eyes: "It's time for us to leave too."

"Okay." Linghu Bai turned around and glanced, and saw the people from the Demon Realm not far away.

I heard Tai Shi Yuan say: "The three people in the Demon Realm are not easy to see, especially the master of Qingsha Palace. Before coming, my ancestors asked me to be polite to her."

Does the Lord of Immortal Kite say this?

Linghu Bai turned around and said calmly: "I felt the most primitive sand on her body."


This was a bit strange. Xiao Xiao didn't think about it, so she didn't think about it. However, Tai Shiyuan knew Linghu Bai's true identity and talent. She must have noticed something.


Half a day was enough to tell them how far they were from Penglai. At this moment, they were on a very vast territory, and they couldn't even name the people below.

On the flying boat, there are probably hundreds of rooms, whether big or small. The deck is very spacious, and there are piles of people separated. Even the closest group has small groups. For example, Ye Ziqing, Qianshan Muxue and Qingxin are all in a group. , Tsing Yi is gathered together, Famous Sword and Jingjing are far away, Yiye* and He Jieyu are a bunch, Si Qinglei is a bunch

It’s much easier for men. They can play chess here, chat there, or communicate and practice.

However, Qin Zhige and Qingjun are taking the path of cold male gods. Yun Jilian is too cool and cool. You never know what he is thinking, but you can't resist the cool and evil charm of this man, including men. It is also easy to be impressed by him, so this person likes to sleep on canvas flagpoles.

Ying Zheng was busy planning his own territory, while talking to his younger brother Fusu, Gui Jianchou was practicing, Bai Shutang and Si Qin ordered the two best

"This place should belong to the Beixue King's Domain. Beixue is under the jurisdiction of the Ice Emperor's Domain. This time no one from the Ice Emperor's Domain came, so no one came from Beixue either."

Luan Qingyi is indeed the encyclopedia of Daili and the others, and there seems to be nothing she doesn't understand.

After a pause, she added: "The ones who didn't come this time were Blood Prison and Dark Bamboo."

Although few people present knew the true origin of Dai Li, they all knew that this guy must have half of the blood prison background. However, for such a big thing as Jiuxiao, no one from the blood prison showed up, which was really strange. r1152

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