A Queen

Chapter 1,492 The Legendary Empress, Doulanqiu

Chapter 1492

It's as if they are not interested in generation separation, disapprove of it, or don't really like it.

In this case, Jing Jingyuan and others quickly blacklisted the Blood Prison, and most of them talked about it in a bad tone.

The same goes for Lian Qingyi.

But it's not easy to mention it anyway, for fear that Dai Li might mind it.

As for Anzhu, that's even more debatable.

"Anzhu is the lord of the Eight Extremes Imperial Realm, and its ruler, the Empress, is a very legendary figure." As he spoke, Si Qin ordered Dai Li to get a cup of tea, and poured another cup for his sister.

Si Qing smiled with tears. This brother has a clear sense of priorities. I really don’t know what connection he has with this generation to make him so determined. However, his father and elders all feel that their son has a bright eye and has found someone to support him. Good master.

Yes, that's the master.

Now that this person's identity, strength and background have made the entire Si family happy to surrender, it is not a shameful thing. Except for the Soul Clan, the God Clan or the Zombie Clan, which have monopolized the strongest forces in the world, other forces All need a master.

The position is forced by the situation.

And since we are talking about the Empress, we have to say something.

"The Empress is the strongest genius since the end of the Great Desolate Era." Si Qing tearfully took a sip of tea and said what made Dai Li look at her.

"Isn't that the greatest genius in history?" Current history does not include the Great Famine Era.

Including the seven tribes, they were also divided after the Great Wilderness Era, which means they belong to the current era.

"That's right. Legend has it that she was born among ordinary people and was lonely when she was young, but she was able to learn whatever she wanted." Si Qinglei thought for a moment and described in detail: "No matter what, martial arts, military law, literature, music, etc., as long as she wants to, she can do anything." She could learn it right away without having to do it a second time. This extremely terrifying learning talent and understanding even lasted until she became an immortal. Her past could probably be as simple as this - at the age of 10, she was traveling in the mortal world of martial arts, and accidentally got a book called "We Cultivation". The cultivation techniques in the immortal world, then reached the golden elixir stage at the age of 11, the half-naval soul stage at the age of 11, the distraction stage at the age of 13, the integration stage at the age of 15, and came to the four directions world at the age of 18. It has reached the Mahayana stage. At that time, with the extraordinary emperor's mental skills With the ability to rule, she led her subordinates to occupy a large border city in a large group of areas. You know that the worst territory in the Sifang World is difficult to win without the Great Emperor and the Supreme. She has many Supremes and Great Emperors under her command, and she He was just a Mahayana man who became the city lord at the age of 19.

Later, she passed the test and rose up step by step. On the day she became an immortal at the age of 21, she was already in power. On the second day after becoming an immortal, she killed the original lord of the group domain and ascended the throne of the domain lord. This means that she was already a medium-sized person at the age of 21. The group domain lord has been causing wars for ten years, swallowing up large groups of surrounding areas, stirring up the general trend of the eastern border, and involving thousands of groups in the struggle. In the war, he has swallowed up step by step. When she was 25 years old, she swallowed one of them. The Dark Bamboo Group Territory, which is not small but not the strongest, and can be regarded as an average large group territory at most, successfully laid the foundation. In the next ten years, the Dark Bamboo Group Territory became the first King's Territory, and in another ten years, it became the first place today. "Imperial Domain"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, even Ye Ziqing and others had solemn expressions on their faces.

This is simply a myth, a super counterattack myth that is even worse than Daili's birthplace in Luo Xing City!

From the mortal world to the first imperial realm, it takes 45 years, can you do it?

The life of cheating requires no explanation!

In the silence, Dai Li touched his chin and asked thoughtfully: "In other words, that empress is only 45 years old now?"

Si Qing nodded tearfully.

People like Ying Zheng are like Spartans.

What is perversion! That’s it!

"The most terrifying thing is not this." Yun Jilian said suddenly, with narrow and cold eyes: "I heard that all her high positions did not come from the abdication or instructions from the top, but from the Buddha blocking the Buddha and the devil blocking the Buddha. "Sha Mo, you don't need to be petty to know that the noise she made is not small, and she faced siege from all sides and finally came to the top, just like you."

Dai Li is a benchmark, and Yun Jilian has to admit that this person is a monster.


He glanced at Ying Zheng and said calmly: "The so-called human emperor is domineering, calm, wise, political, scheming, ruthless, ruthless, etc., all of which are indispensable. Ying Zheng, you may be domineering and ruthless, but it is not enough Ruthless, and the fifth peerless person is calm, wise, and graceful enough. The other human emperors probably have their own characteristics, but only this empress, the best rulers in the world, have spent many years unable to figure out her fate. What's the matter? She has all the above-mentioned requirements for a human emperor, but she is not a human emperor. Her natural talent and bloodline do not come from the peak inheritance of the divine clan, soul clan, or seven clans, etc., but she is extremely terrifying. She can't find anyone from the eye clan or the soul clan. She has met several people who are comparable to her, so Sifang Tiandi has always had an evaluation of her."

"What's the evaluation?" Dai Li asked.

"The Empress after the Great Wilderness. After the Great Wilderness, it shows that she is an epoch-making existence. The name Empress comes from a woman. She is the most existential woman in the world. The Emperor proves that she is noble and unique."

This is a very scary title. Dai Li touched his chin and sneered: "It is indeed a high praise, but with her achievements, she can easily remove the female character. But if it is like this, it will not be enough to make you men complacent. I feel lucky”

Daili's words stunned Yun Jilian and other men.

This means

Although the soul master is precious, he does not show his face. It is like the most influential person on earth is not the most beautiful woman or the beauties of the first family, but women with strong political overtones like Elizabeth or Hillary. Their sense of existence is even A threat to the entire male population.

There is actually male chauvinism in the immortal world.

To give the female emperor the title Empress, isn't it to separate her from the world of men, because if she integrates, will she become the first emperor since the Great Wilderness in a large scale?

"This title was decided by the immortal masters," someone said

Dai Li pouted: "So the Immortal Lords are also human beings, and they are probably mostly men."


The men felt despised by her group and couldn't come up with any rebuttal, so they couldn't help but feel resentful, including Qin Zhige, who was also a bit gun-shy.

He just smiled and seemed to find this topic very interesting, so he couldn't help but ask softly: "So as you think, do you like being the emperor?"

Emperors, male and female emperors are actually very rare, even in the four directions. So when the Empress was born, women were probably complacent and proud of it. But in the past, how many people would have thought that the title Empress itself was a shackle for that person?

But even so, probably few people can achieve her level of achievement.

The Lord of the First Imperial Domain is less than 50, but he is at the top of the Sifangtiandi Pyramid and can even ignore Penglai Jiuxiao.

But it's not impossible. Qin Zhige looked at Dai Li. With her ability, means, background, and the coordinated network of relationships in all aspects, it is not impossible to achieve such an achievement.

So, is she willing?

Dai Li seemed to find it funny after hearing Qin Zhige's words, so he really laughed, shook his glass and said, "I don't like it, I'm too tired."

Too tired? "The smartest emperor never tires himself, and you are not stupid." Ying Zheng smiled lightly. He knew that this man was used to being a boss, and there was no way he could not become an emperor.

However, Dai Li just glanced at him and said calmly: "What I said is that the kidneys will be very tired and so on. If it is too little, people will suspect that your kidneys are not good. If it is too much, the kidneys will be tired."

Ahem, cough, cough, look up at the sky, or look around, pretending to be busy

Gui Jianchou twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "From what you said before, I guess you also pay more attention to women's rights and don't obey men. Why don't you want to?"

Dai Li has always been very gentle towards this young and beautiful man, and just smiled: "Men and women are born with two struggles, one is mental, called love, and the other is physical, called, never It has nothing to do with power and status, so if I don’t obey you men, I can probably conquer you mentally and physically. Why bother to engage in politics?”

This time, none of them even coughed.

I can only say that what she said was right, but we were speechless.

Everyone including Qianshan Muxue and others had strange expressions and eyes after hearing this.

physically conquer

How to conquer? When I picture that scene in my mind, many people are drinking tea with their heads down.

Not far away, Lord Samsara, who was lying on the recliner and never interfered with their conversation, reading and sleeping alone, suddenly opened his slightly smoked eyebrows and said lightly: "I think you should use force to conquer many men."

Ugh, this is so rude.

Dai Li smiled, stood up, swung his clothes, and said, "Reincarnation is the fastest response. It's easy to wait for the distinguished guests."

Ye Ziqing, Qianshan Muxue and others actually noticed that the two people who were playing chess each paused for a while but did not move their chess pieces.

Judging from Dai Li's reaction, it seems that the coming person is not enough to scare her?

In fact, people who come

is a person.

A man carries a long sword on his back and wears a bamboo hat and a raincoat. The sun is shining brightly, but it looks like a rainstorm is approaching at night. He is walking slowly in the rain, his boots splashing mud, and the rain lapping at his bamboo hat.

He just came, no, it should be said that he stood there the whole time.

Wait for them.

When Dai Li arrived at the bow of the ship, he put his hands behind his back and burst into laughter when he saw that this distinguished guest did not seem to be in line with his usual style.

It's so decadent, and that breath

Dai Li narrowed his eyes.

Very scary fairy.

There was only one message from Qianshan Duxue: "He has a sword pattern"

"Hey, how does the protoss' great effort this time compare to your sword style?" r1152

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