A Queen

Chapter 1,493 The Book of Six Paths

Chapter 1493

"Can't compare" simply can't be compared, Dai Li smiled, what a low-key arrogance Qianshan.

But Daili couldn't let Qianshan Muxue come forward, even though this woman's strength was full of terrifying flexibility.

How strong you are, the stronger she can play.

Looking at this man again, Dai Li recalled the information that Qing Yi had made up over the years in his mind.

Not from Jianchi.

Because there are only three swordsmen with sword patterns.

Except for Jian Chi, we can count on ten fingers all the strong men with swords that have appeared in the entire Sifang World, and their historical traces span tens of millions of years.

One of them is the sword fighting in the rain Lanqiu that appeared around a thousand years ago. This is a very strange person. He likes to go out on rainy days. He always kills people on rainy days. He also likes to wear a bamboo hat and a raincoat. He will go there before and after killing people. Fishing, of course, is also fishing in the rain, and the people he killed were all kinds of strange, ranging from ordinary, weak and inconspicuous people to extremely powerful and powerful people.

But there are many people he doesn't kill, some heinous ones, even if he's in a good mood, he won't kill them, and some very kind and beautiful people, he'll just kill them if he's in a bad mood, and he never cares what their names are.

After killing it, forget about it.

So many people call him Sword in the Rain, Sword in the Rain, Sword in the Rain, and Sword in the Rain.

He is a very ruthless and unpredictable person with a strange personality and disappears without a trace.

But it's really strong.

If there was an orthodox ranking among the immortals in the entire Sifang World, he would be in the top twenty on the first list.

Such a character is the most difficult to win over and provoke even among the unruly group of loose immortals.

At this moment, it is blocking the road of Daili.

How strange that the gods have such charisma?

"Senior Doulanqiu, it won't rain today."

Doulanqiu raised his hand and pushed the somewhat worn bamboo hat with one finger, and raised his eyes to look at Dai Li.

Dai Li also saw him.

Handsome face. He was a very cold and aloof man with a little beard, and his eyes were particularly indifferent, as if he had nothing to care about. At this moment, he only glanced at Daili, and was not impressed by her appearance or anything else.

It's no different than looking at a piece of dead pork.

Such people are terrible.

Dai Li almost thought he had no weaknesses


"Yes" Daili deserves it and feels happy.

The other party glanced at her and took off the hat. He tossed the bamboo hat to the side. It was thrown very easily, as if there was land around me, but it was actually high in the sky.

The bamboo hat floated out. His sword was unsheathed.

It's so fast that it's unimaginable, it's so fast that it's unimaginable.

When the sword came, the sky began to be filled with dark clouds and thunder and lightning flashed at that moment. His sword is faster than lightning.

Sword in the rain, single sword in the rain!


The tip of the sword is a little brighter than the tip of the sword.

The so-called sword grid is the grid formed by the attainments of swordsmanship. Just like the immortal grid, it is a symbol of the fusion of realms. I have seen Qianshan Muxue's sword grid Daili.

That is the purest and most original sword style, just like her sword. The most basic and pure sword, the purest sword intention and sword energy. Only the power of the sword has such sword style.

This Doulanqiu sword style is not the original sword style. But it is the Rain Sword Pattern.

One sword is like a thousand swords, and the rain falling from the black sky is all swords!

In the eyes of others, it is an extremely terrifying sword, and there is no way to escape it.

A steady drizzle of rain falls on the sword.

The entire sea area below was splashed with dense water thorns, which was the rebound of the sea area after the Drizzle Sword was shot into the water.

"It's all a real sword, not a phantom"

When Ye Ziqing and others looked at it like this, the starlight was annihilated and Dai Li did not retreat, but the statue of the pure-blood king and the Six Paths of Samsara Eye appeared instantly behind them!

The king’s rule or the sweeping sweep of the samsara eye



That Doulanqiu's body turned into countless bodies of water, disappeared without a trace, and then appeared behind Dai Li again. With a slash of his wrist, clatter!

The drizzle turned into a heavy rain!

The attack suddenly triples!

It’s also five times faster!

A heavy rain that overturned the world!

Every drop of rain is like the killing sword of an immortal.

Ye Ziqing and others were shocked. Such a terrifying swordsman could actually avoid Daili's pupil attack. This shows that this person's soul

"It's not the soul, but his instinct. In fact, when a person has enough combat experience, sometimes his reaction does not need the soul to support his reaction. His body can help him make the wisest and fastest choice."

If so, this person's lethality would be extremely terrifying.

Dai Li raised his hand, a sea of ​​blood!

The sea of ​​blood, in the eyes of those who have participated in Jiuxiao, is probably a steady stream of energy.

Indeed, as soon as the sea of ​​blood appeared, Dai Li's attacks increased dramatically!

With a wave of his hand, a huge amount of blood condensed into his hand, and he swept it over the top of her head, puff puff puff!

All the Storm Swords were swallowed into the sea of ​​blood, and the blood evaporated and surged, as if digesting such an attack.

No matter what, she blocked it, but

Doulan Qiu pointed at the sea of ​​blood with his fingertips: "Explode!"

Boom boom boom!

At least tens of thousands of explosion points!

It can be said that how many Storm Swords were swallowed before, how many explosions there are now!

Blood holes burst into the blood sea, and a large amount of blood energy evaporated. Everyone clearly felt that at least two-thirds of the energy represented by the blood sea evaporated after the explosion!

No, it’s dangerous to leave!

This Doulanqiu is too strong!

Someone subconsciously looked at Samsara, but saw that this person just put down the book, pressed the scroll with one hand, and raised his brows lightly

Still not taking action?

Qin Zhige glanced at her, but the other party also glanced at him with cool eyes.

Qin Zhige smiled back.

No matter how different they are, they are actually clones, and they are the same person as the main body. Does that mean that there is actually such an aspect within the body?

Calm, elegant, mysterious, like the most poisonous poison, the most charming and mellow wine. The most useless poppy~

Qin Zhige turned around and saw Dai Li holding Qianji in his right hand, Demon Sha in his left hand, and a thunder dragon coiled around his body.

There are still three Dharma images entrenched in the sky

The sea of ​​blood is the true form of the body, which means the origin is endless.

Lightning is the symbol of thunder, which means destruction.

The sickle is the evil sign, which means killing.

An endless stream of the most devastating killings.

Or the hegemonic body after combining. How strong would that be?

The scythe stabbed him in the back. Qianji wipes his throat!

That extremely fits the posture of the strongest assassin, the most ferocious kill.

Right in front of Doulanqiu.

There is only one sword and only one person. When a sickle and a long sword lock your vital points respectively.

So how should he react?

His choice is

The sword stabs the chest!

Daili’s chest!

The sword wiped the neck, the sword stabbed in the back, the sword stabbed in the heart

A moment of light and shadow.

A moment of murderous intent.

After one breath.

Doulanqiu and Daili ejected backward, with three intersecting and huge space ravines in the middle. This ravine connects the sky and the sea, and there are three rivers in the sea that are hollowed out by water.

Dai Li looked down at his chest. Very good, the effect of the Qianbao Glazed Body and the Demonic Armor was good. The sword did not touch her body, but there were still traces on it.

Still a little worse. It would be great if it could be perfectly integrated~

Dai Li raised his eyebrows as soon as this idea came to him. It was a good idea, but it seemed a bit whimsical. Just maybe give it a try?

She quickly turned her thoughts back and smiled softly at the person opposite: "Senior Dou's defense is not as powerful as your speed."

Doulan Qiuzheng touched his neck with his thick calloused fingers. There is a thin blood line, just a little bit~

"You are much stronger than I thought~ It seems that the people on the Protoss side are either deliberately trying to trick me, or they are just too stupid and not sensitive enough."

"So Senior Dou is angry?"

"On the contrary, it has some meaning." Dou Lanqiu's attitude has always been dull, and his tone can be cold. Now this sentence has some meaning, but it is filled with a bit of madness.

A madman with abnormal fighting ability!

The downpour seemed distorted and had the rhythm of a storm.

The rain poured down on Dai Li's body, making her clothes wet and her skin whiter, making her even more charming.

Unfortunately, it was of no use to Doulan Qiu. He buckled the sword and the sword transformed.

The sword is placed outside.

The strongest fighting force finally appeared.

Dai Li took a shallow breath. Before reincarnation joined the battle, she had actually reached her strongest limit.


It's great that Samsara's hand has finally moved, she's going to take action!


She turned a page of the book.

Everyone: ""

When everyone was shocked that she didn't take action, as soon as the page of the book was turned, it was~~

The page-turning waves~

From the soul!

It was a huge page with countless soul runes engraved on it. Even someone as knowledgeable as Luan Qingyi could not understand what the runes on it meant, and his soul ached after just two glances.


The soul page pressed on Dou Lanqiu.


Gentle and delicate soul binding.

Countless soul words weaken the confusion!

Dou Lanqiu frowned, but he also sent out a sword.

His movements were too fast - his body was too fast to be controlled by his soul, and that sword was too strong.

The overwhelming force that bound him with Dai Li's soul directly defeated the double defense with one sword~

Stabbed into Dai Li's chest


But the next second.

Hiss, hiss~ The blood hole in his chest healed perfectly, not a drop of blood came out.

Daili's expression is natural, Doulanqiu's expression is expressionless, and his eyebrows are still clear.

other people:""

Are these two monsters?

Dai Li held the sword and said more seriously and seriously: "You are the most terrifying person I have met so far and have the will to be my enemy."

The soul is obviously weakened and confused, but it can still remain clear, which can only show that this person's restraint is ridiculously strong.

It can be said that this is an extremely calm madman.

Unless it was an overwhelming blow that killed him, this person could come back at any time.

Dou Lanqiu glanced at her and said, "You are also the strange person I have met in my life."


Is it a strange talent? Or is this kind of resilience too weird?

Without saying much, he slowly thrust the sword into his back and stretched out his left hand. The bamboo hat that flew out floated back.

After putting it on his head, he added: "But I don't like fighting with people like you" (To be continued)

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